It's an incredible disaster we are heading into. One can discuss whether the idea of vaccinating half the mankind with an experimental, mRNA/DNA-invasive vaccine was just stupidity, corporate greed or something else. However, but NOW, in the eye of fatal failure, excessive deaths and injuries, to continue with this destruction, is utter criminality and far beyond any humaneness and sanity.

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I have belonged to a quilt group for 25 years - 12 ladies - I am the only one who doesn't get the flu shot - I am also the only one who doesn't get the flu! I no longer belong to this group because I did not get the C19 vaccination - I am the only on of the group who has not gotten C19. At some point it will be apparent to all that the vaccinated are the ones getting sicker and more often hospitalized with each added vaccination... what then - do we have no compassion for the fully vaccinated and keep them off planes, trains, subways, out of restaurants and all the rest? Or do we say we're sorry that they 'believed' those evil money sucking pigs that did this and they all need to be tried in a court, be found guilty and then be vaccinated with anything but the saline they have been using all along. Any of you vaccinated - try dandelion tea - YouTube - Dr Mobeen Syed/dandelion. Stops spike from attaching to your immune cells. Lets back out of this together!!

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There have been so many "explosive revelations" and "bombshells" over the course of the last two years that all of this pandemic shitfuckery should have been stopped in its staggering tracks on multiple occasions.

In a sane world that would have been the case.

Would you like some levity? I know I need some by now. Trust me.

So I had this dream. In the dream Albert Bourla and Stephan Bancel were singing a kind of duet together, just before the trap door of the gallows gave way.

It's a little fuzzy now in recollection, but I think the song was this:

Evil Grows (1971) https://youtu.be/QfeEcCLMtxk

Lyrics : https://genius.com/The-poppy-family-where-evil-grows-lyrics

Evil grows in the dark

Where the sun it never shines

Evil grows in cracks and holes

And lives in people's minds

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Poppy Family, right?

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Indeed! It has a catchy, ear-worm quality to it, which is probably how it surfaced from the catacombs of my aging memory and into a bizarre, macabre dream.

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Great piece. I couldn't agree more. Hope you have a chance to read mine on the same topic. https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/time-to-ask-our-governments-why-did

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I love your podcast, Trish. Your work is important to a lot of listeners and readers.

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Pfizer - Previous Criminal Records should have warned those with a brain? But no, once again, the public believed the 'participating experts' with dodgy stats, falsified records, untruthful safety and efficacy claims. It's almost understandable how this happened again with Media, Politicians and health professionals, all paid to 'Comply' or worse still lie to 'PROMOTE' the DEADLY injections. People are easily lead (misled). LIABILITY MUST BE Re-Introduced for all medicine companies NOW! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.

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LIABILITY MUST BE Re-Introduced for all medicine companies NOW! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots from the day Fauci's plague was released.

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I'm currently reading (listening to) The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It is very informative (and extremely well referenced)... takeaway message I'm getting from it: This has all happened before. I really recommend this book for those who haven't yet read it. I didn't think I could be surprised by this stage, but I am, still.

Thanks for the work you are doing Ms Wood!

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I am with David Icke on this one: the world is run by reptilians, who have no regard for human life.

One attack after another. Covid and the vaccines are a false flag, and it would be wise to embrace for the next round of their diabolical schemes.

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The thing about projection is that is never leaves. The person projecting it just keeps all the hate and violence they tried to force onto some other. for themselves.

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Glad you are standing strong at the forefront of this fight. The big pharma industrial complex willfully breaks the law, pays the fines & carries on business as usual. The fines, in a sense, just become a part of its operating budget. It's overarching power & control of the medical establishment, politicians, regulatory agencies, schools of medicine, media enables it to carry on business as usual. Our task is not to bring it down (it is far too powerful for us to accomplish such a feat) but to do exactly what you do - awaken as many people as possible. Each person awakened weakens incrementally the power of big pharma over us

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That Toronto Star cover is going to haunt me for a long time. Really really hated that.

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When enough parents realize that their kids have been predated upon for child sacrifice by the "vaccine" bioweapon, there will be an uprising the likes of which are beyond imagining.

Remember Justin Trudeau pushing the "vaccine" every day, demonizing the vax free, and encouraging five year olds to be injected? Here he is introducing Sophie to an audience: "...the mother of my oh so convenient props, my children."

As Kyle Kemper says, Justin's choices and actions are "morally repugnant." No kidding, Kyle.

As some have known all along, Trudeau is a conscienceless, irredeemable criminal.

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All so very disheartening with the coordinated efforts to gas light so many people . I watched the televised panel re Dr Meryl Nass and all I can say is the fix is in. Can just image how the narrative will play out with young trudeau in our court systems with those who are paid to repeat a mandated speech in his favour .

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When do the trials start ? #crimesagainsthumanity

I never succumbed to the propaganda but I will never forgive anyone who backed this crap.

That’s just me 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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Do you have a family doctor/GP? I don't anymore. And I will not forgive him for agreeing that the "vaccine" is a bioweapon of genocide - then recommending it to adults and children.

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I have a family doctor who only works from home. He seemed like such a nice young chap. Now, I have grave concerns.

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It boggles the mind. I'm back on Twitter (still permanently banned) just decided to start a new account and we shall see how long it is before they throw me off. But it was discouraging to see how nothing has changed. I have such great respect for the MEPs, like Christine Anderson, Ivan Vilibir Sincic, Rob Roos, Cristian Terhes, who keep on fighting no matter what. They inspire me to keep fighting too. So many David's out there!

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I'm with you on the MEP. They actually say true things! I get the feeling that they haven't sold their souls. Thanks for doing my show BTW! Brilliant as ever!

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