Just heard your Scott Atlas podcast and your take on the debate. You asked who is demanding Biden step down? Glenn Beck is! You’re correct; it’s not about party affiliation or if Biden can win, it’s about elder abuse and the shame that he is the leader of the free world. He is putting our country at grave risk. Listen to today’s Glenn Beck podcast. On point!

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🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 finally, and it makes me so angry that he had to go through this.

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Mike Pompeo is not a good man. According to a recent interview with Tucker Carlson in Australia, Pompeo plotted to have Assange killed when he was stuck in Ecuador. (I haven’t seen the evidence, but no reason to doubt Tucker.) and According to Bongino podcast yesterday (I know you’re not a fan) Pompeo was the one who recommended Gina Haspel to be director of CIA. She was director and KNEW that Hunter’s laptop was real but allowed that letter from 51 “former” intelligence officials to go forward. Which ultimately interfered in the 2020 election. NOW we know at least a couple of the 51 were employed contractors at the time of the letter. So our own CIA interfered to help Biden. What will they do this time?

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Julian Assange paid a heavy price for truth. Bless him and his family.

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Jun 27Liked by Trish Wood

Dang, you were on fire on this one. I just loved the passion in your words.

I think Mr. Assange's wife is a total warrior to add.

💪 💪 ❤️

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Trish, before l rush out for a dental appointment, have you followed the Rory Peck Awards? Still televised on the UK's Channel 4 l believe.

Rory was a brave cameraman who lost his life in Russia in 1993. The Award is also open to journalists who died in the line of duty. Perhaps you could nominate Nate? IDK

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Great idea. I will check it out.

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Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

Thank you so much for this video, which caused me to break down sobbing. It was wonderful to see Julian looking strong and victorious; I had feared he would die in prison. God bless all of those who worked for his release, including by their prayers.

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Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

@Trish, your ability to communicate so effectively, yet with such humanity is admirable. Your longing for justice and truth emanate from every sentence.

God bless, and don't stop telling your stories.

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So glad Assange is free at last. Given the horrendous treatment he endured maybe it is not too surprising that the current crop of journalists are so afraid of reporting on anything a government doesn’t like. It doesn’t surprise me that Trump did not pardon this man if it is true that Assange wouldn’t pin the “Russian interference” on the Dems. Trump is transactional and, in my opinion, lacks any appreciation of the importance of the 4th Estate as exemplified by Assange. And I agree with your guest that the only reason Biden made this move was a cynical attempt to bolster his flagging campaign. Such is the state of affairs but in the end, I am happy that poor guy gets to go home and try to heal from this ordeal.

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p.s. to my other comment, just to say how much I love your phrase "Truth over tribe." It's a real gem, Trish!!

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I haven't yet listened to the podcast, & will. Just wanted to comment that I love that movie 'Spotlight' so much I've watched it at least 3 times. & will likely watch it again sometime! Such an amazing illustration of the terrific importance of teamwork! (Nice quote about teamwork here, in reference to canoeing, something I love dearly! “Tripping [canoe tripping] teaches you responsibility. ...It gives you fitness and strength. But most of all it teaches you about teamwork. Teamwork is everything in life. People who don’t get that I don’t understand.” – Michael Budman being quoted in 'Canoe Country – The Making of Canada,' by Roy MacGregor)

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I love this.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

great article, those great jounalists need to be honoured and their work remembered. however, as pointed out by others, a plea deal does not create a legal precedent YET (beware of lawfare's incessant dirty tricks)....

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Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

Thanks Trish, i didn’t know much of this. I did grow up in an era of good reporting and i grieve for those days when people like yourself and the Colleagues that you write about here, worked on behalf of the People and Freedom. May you and others like you prevail and bring back to us, the People, integrity and honesty in journalism.

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Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

All true. It is completely irrelevant if his plea deal will be of help to “honest and free” journalists. We are living in a world where rules don’t apply anymore, if they ever have. The power structure makes the rules, damn the Constitution, as they see fit to advance their agenda. I would recommend one additional documentary/ movie. SHOCK AND AWE tells the story of the Knight Ridder journalists who, against all the other mainstream media and their journalists, debunked the Bush administration’s lies of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In 2006 Knight Ridder was bought by the McClatchy organization.

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Oh, thanks for this! I will check it out.

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Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

Trish, are you aware of the journalistic revelations of the late German journalist Udo Ulfkotte? I am following political events in Germany and I am dismayed what has happened to the media of my home country. In 2014 he published an account of his work for the Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ), the German equivalent of the NYT and WP. The book GEKAUFTE JOURNALISTEN: … is available in an English translation PRESSTITUTES, EMBEDDED IN THE PAY OF THE CIA. The Confession from the Profession (2020). He lays bare how corrupt the “western” media establishment is and has been for many years.

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Where can I find this account in English, Karl?

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Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

I got my copy from Amazon.

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Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

When I saw this news yesterday, I went and dug out all the letters I’d written to various people and entities over the years since his imprisonment in Belmarsh particularly… that was it for me. I had to write and I wrote: The Pope. (lol). The Archbishop of Canterbury, and Amnesty International to name three. The only one who replied was Amnesty International and get this: it was an unnamed person who worked there- not official. Just an acknowledgment that this was deeply morally wrong and this person did not sign their name. It was hand-written, too, just a couple sentences. Their conscience must have been bothering them. Obviously, Amnesty International was too chicken shit to come out and defend Julian. I was such an innocent back then… I reread copies of these letters I sent to so many people and I ruefully laugh now… the world is indeed a much crueler place than I thought it to be back then. I’m still glad I did it. Thanks, Trish, for this.

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Mel....you are a hero to put in so much effort. Nex we will start a letter writing campaign against the coming war. Hands off our kids.

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Jun 26Liked by Trish Wood

I’m in.

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