Trish, your dispatch from the "fallen city" reminds me more than just tangentially of a verse from a now long-forgotten song of the late sixties: "Stories of the Street". It was immensely bleak but prescient, so don't bother listening if you're having anything less than a stellar day.

Here is the verse:

"I know you've heard it's over now and war must surely come

The cities they are broke in half and the middle men are gone

But let me ask you one more time, o children of the dusk

All these hunters who are shrieking now oh do they speak for us?"


So much for...Canada?

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Hey Trish,

just listened to your interview with Andrew Huff... I don't know about this guy. He was also interviewed by Del Bigtree and JJ Couey (whom I think is onto something with his ideas regarding infections clones...) reviewed the interview. It's a bit long and rambly in parts but he does a pretty good analysis of what he thinks is true about what Huff says and what he thinks is not... think it's really worth watching. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1727033554 also Whitney Webb on WHO treaty also really good. Happy weekend

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Happy Valley was recommended to me by a female Sgt. I worked with at the RCMP. What an amazing show! As you say women love, as do men, my husband included. I really look forward to seeing the third season wrap it all up. But I will have to watch the second season all over again, it's been so long.

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Hebden Bridge, is the next valley (Yorkshire) over from my home town Trawden, (Lancashire) I love it. Sarah Lancashire, is Lancashire, through and through. Thank God. We also, love Yorkshire, although, there is healthy rivalry.

Those scenes, with Sarah's Land Rover outside her house, those houses exist, walk down the canal from the Park and you will see them.

If you visit, the Bronte's are nearby, with Japanese literary signposts everywhere. Go to May's in Colden, a lovely woman who welcomes travellers on the Pennine way and sells wine and food! https://heptonstall.org/mays-shop-2/


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I am shocked! Someone so clued on to important issues has only just discovered Happy Valley. It’s a great show!

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I loved Happy Valley!

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Finding a great series can be a wonderful balm for everything that has been going on .

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Very saddened to hear of the violence Toronto has been going through. I moved to B.C. 20 years ago, but come back every year to see family and friends. I too noticed the increase in the amount of homeless around the Danforth.

On a happier note I love Sarah Lancashire and the little comedy Last Tango In Halifax. Highly recommend! We need some comic relief to counter the negativity of todays culture. Check it out if you haven’t already.

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The documentary you are working on...we need it...yesterday!

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Yes, you are critical to our attempts of understanding this unholy mess we find ourselves mired in. Thanks for the memory of the old CBC building where I spoke with Peter Gzowski, another thinking journalist... gone. I am sorry for the loss of your friend, Michael. Sending appreciation for the work that you do.

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Thanks, Anuk1. Very much appreciated. I loved that old building -- mice and all. HATED the new modern building.

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Your Substack today mentioned Bob Moran and showcased some of his inspiring art. I would like to draw your attention to artist BC Luke Ramsey particularly image #10: Journalists in masks scrubbing the CBC logo inside the brain of a complier...<www.lukeramseystudio.com/personal/sorry> On that same page, #7 Mass Formation , truckers and more.

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Totally agree with you about Happy Valley. I watched the earlier season on Netflix years ago - didn't know there's a new season. I promised myself no entertainment, but .... On a more serious note, it is time for people to consider the level of poisoning in our direct surroundings. The new towers and antenna, the lines in the sky. RFK, Jr interviewed Dane Wigington from geoengineeringwatch.org and I suggest everybody watch it. The dystopia is not looming - it is here. Total control of our skies make war with guns tanks and missiles look like child's play. The frequencies to which we are exposed are non-ancestral and a century of research demonstrates how they can be used to control humans (therefore, populations.) Whistleblower scientists tell us the weather is no longer natural. That feels and sounds right. I'm on the east coast -- there is no wind and the particulate masses form from aerosol spray and move slowly or not at all -- as if I am in a snow globe that cannot be shaken. I watch this treasonous activity daily as the aluminum hangs, descends from the now ionized sky with a push of a button (location of which is unknown to me,) and releases (once called 'rain') and collects in my favorite tidal creek, the waterways and in my children's lungs. More people are beginning to lift the covid veil -- but they are not acknowledging what they are truly witnessing-- mass poisoning on multiple fronts. The microwave radiation required to control the haze of particulate metals -- more poison. The wifi and devices we purchase and love-- more radiation. These levels of interacting metals and frequencies are not survivable in the long term, especially in folks with fillings and other metal implants. Even tattoos contain metal. Can anybody else out there step back far enough to connect all the dots--beyond 'virus' ? If one can 'get covid' three times in a year, then 'natural immunity' is a myth. The only explanation is poisoning. Shots are the most effective way to increase the metallic burden in a human, but only one way. Metal, metal everywhere. Radiation, radiation everywhere. The medical freedom movement is not yet awake to the full extent of poisoning. If this is a war, then we should take the time to list the weapon systems being used against us. Contaminated with metal and radiation, which interact in known ways, we will continue to sicken and our bodies will create more and more particles in an attempt to detoxify poisons and foreign material. More particles? More fear of particles, while ignoring the true cause, which is always environmental. As we wither in the cities we love, we will eventually be unable to fight for any freedom. - Poisoned Epidemiologist

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This time it won't be possible to "clean up the mess the twats leave behind", the twats being the richest and most influential twats in the world. Perhaps Ron DeSantis as President might be able to at least give it a try. The mess of Marxism Leninism has never been cleaned up and its stench now penetrates our nostrils, to say nothing of our economies and our psyche. Massive deprogramming is needed but I am skeptical and unsure it's feasible/possible. Collectivism is like cyanide: the nice fragrance of almonds will kill you pdq.

I watched "Happy Valley" a few years back: excellent show indeed. You're obviously a discerning fan of great TV: "Fauda" on Netflix is a must-watch. I lived in Israel and speak fluent Hebrew (and have personally known characters like Doron on Fauda) - gritty, crazy, true to life and completely apolitical. Everyone suffers, everyone is a victim.

Oops, sorry, went OT on you there

Love ya ❤️

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Thanks, Trish.. have you seen this..... https://gettr.com/post/p27m4sr312f

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I wonder if there is a secret group of sociopaths who take turns to stroll the Danforth between Pape and Broadview and compete for how many times they can randomly assault pedestrians. I lived there for 30 years, before all those surveillance cams that can now help, and walked that stretch very often. I was never knocked over, but four or five times in those years I was shoved off balance, bumped, almost tripped, backpack strap jerked, groceries spilled, coffee knocked out of my hand and spilled on me. It happened SO fast and the offender is always gone by the time you react.

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Check out where the half way houses for both mental health issues and crimes are--way more in the East End

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Lived there in the 90s...crazy shit was happening in my life so my memories of Greektown are clouded by it - but I recall the great food and the loud Greek music on Saturday nights. No shovers and pushers but lots of mad bicyclists. I have a love/hate relationship with Toronto. Such phenomenal potential and so many woke douchebags spoiling it (moved to FL in 2011)

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Happy Valley was my favorite show from a few years ago and then it disappeared after those two seasons and I was crushed. I’d read that the lead, who is stunning, I agree, needed a little break time away from filming. I can’t tell you how HAPPY you made me this morning Trish, to find out that another season has been made and is on its way. One of my favorite shows of all time. All time. Highly recommend. Thank you.

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You can find series three on Daily Motion but you didn't get it from me......wink.

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Thank you, love. You are the best. I hope you are feeling more renewed and happy. Try photobiomodulation with a near-infrared sauna and maybe even a touch of methylene blue, diluted per the FLCCC protocol. Instructions on their website.

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Looks like a great show! Thanks. Sorry for your loss as well.

I come into Toronto weekly to work, and occasionally to see my awake friends. I work downtown and have noticed that the "crazies" have been multiplying for the last couple of years, both walking the streets and on the "better way". Mayor Tory has contributed to this for locking the city down for 200 days straight and then implementing the divisive mandates and vaccine passports. How much money has been wasted on these and the other measures to "fight Covid"? All that has happened is that the majority of residents are poorer financially, mentally and emotionally. Those who were close to breaking have gone over the edge. Get out if you can. It's hard starting over but better than living in the city formerly known as Toronto The Good.

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and btw, you should check out JJ Couey at https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological

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And Marc Giradot.... aspiration and bolus Theory. Fascinating - on twitter and substack. I believe everything should be listened to. If correct, house of cards. What if some things are like someone seeing another apple falling from the tree, but in a different way.

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