Finally we have JUSTICE (not Justin)! I listened to your interview with John and Vincent last night. I was following the convoy two years ago and even joined it in my part of Ontario. I remember feeling so disheartened the beginning of 2022 as we were in yet another lockdown. Many of my like minded friends joked about the ‘internment camps’…I mean camp is fun, right? We can do crafts and yoga and tattoos! That was our dark humour…Then came the convoy! Only Canadians would have outdoor protest in the middle of winter!! 🥶 So much hope, joy, displays of unity, camaraderie! This was my Canada! The country I love! I joined the convoy in Flesherton and followed it through Shelbourne and Orangeville! It was a sunny and brutally cold day (-25°) and the streets of those three towns plus the lane ways of all the farms between the towns were full of cheering, flag waving citizens! Many friends of mine went to Ottawa and exclaimed it was a fun, loving party there! The irony is that friends of mine who live in Ottawa were afraid to go downtown because of the propaganda.

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I do not feel sorry for anyone . I agree that after this decision Mr. Trudeau owes these men an apology. But I found the actions of these protesters most offensive, juvenile, and harmful to many who lived in the area. And I do t hear anyone apologizing for the distress they caused to the citizen of Ottawa and thru out the country . I am not into this show of manly power.

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You have made a great statement illustrating why tyranny exists. The trucker's actions roughly approximate the actions MLK took in the face of racism. You obviously don't value your own liberty, but also want to prevent those who do from exercising their efforts to recover some of their liberty. Rulers want to keep the people complacent, compliant, and unarmed. Stalin/Hitler would love you.

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At the centre of this phenomenon is bigotry.

Our Prime Minister is self-serving but also a true believer. Like all progressives he views his policies in moral terms and sees those who disagree as degenerate and ignorant. As such, the truckers actions and motives were evil, thereby justifying the draconian legal measures.

Progressives will still believe they are and were in the right. This judgement will do nothing to dissuade them in the future. You don’t believe me: go speak to your children they’re fully indoctrinated.

Progressives are very dangerous people, fanatics who fight dirty. How is this different than Kristallnacht ? Yeah I know, no extermination, okay, a stretch, but it comes from the same place, it is the same phenomenon and what does it portend!

Our author’s former employer is festooned with these selfsame bigots. They consider themselves superior, better educated, (which they are) and nothing less than the custodians of truth. They use our public broadcaster as a cudgel against us the unwashed, it is bigotry, pure, and simple. The CBC needs to go.

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That’s great! Proud of Canada. Maybe there is hope after all. (Nail Trudeau’s ass to the wall!!!!!)

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Great news!!! Thanks, i needed that😊

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Is there any news about C.J. Hopkins' trial yesterday? I can't find anything using public search engines.

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I'm recording a special to drop today. Will post it here. Stay tuned.

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Do you believe in Santa Claus?

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Castros son needs to resign NOW. Better yet, a fast track to hell in a burning hand basket!

I gave money to support Truckers on gofund, submitted refund after Satan's son forced them to freeze the account. I never received the refund.

Am sure a tonne of people in same boat. Now the Truckers have won, what else can we now do now, to Satan's son in order to be refunded?

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Like you I never received the refund either. It very depressing to see a organization like Go Fund Me to cave in from the bulling the Trudeau henchmen threat of litigation.

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Absolutely, want to see how it plays out, because if he's impeached, resigns etc, wonder if there's a way to hold him accountable for the gofund me cave. I would still give money to those Truckers and families if success. There must be legal entities out there who know if its possible or not.....

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It seems a highly appropriate time for another convoy. Just add farmers, oil workers, military personnel and stir.

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It would be awesome to see everyone grow a set and stand up to Trudeau's dictatorship.

What they have done to this country is almost I feel to the point of no repair.

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Don’t you just love how PM Blackface sends out his deputy to respond to media? What a bloody coward. This has been the absolute best news I’ve had in a long time! God Bless the truckers and all the rest of the Canadian Patriots who fought back against our horrible corrupt useless government. The hell they put us through two years ago... it can still make me cry remembering the utter despair I felt in January ‘22.

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I feel just the slightest hint of being able to breathe in this country again.

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Great news! I am from the states and supported the trucker freedom movement. Unfortunately, my GiveSendGo donation (at the time) was blocked by Trudeau's goon squad, but I still supported the cause/movement.

This is global event and we are all in this together. We need to continue to band together to win over the globalists/elites.

Remember, there are more of us lions than them. Most of them are cowardly sheep and weak by nature. They hide behind their money, power, and status.

Tamara, and all the others affected by this blatant govt overreach, paid a dear price for their bravery, commitment, and courage. Thank you! My heros! Go Canada!

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I am curious, Greg, if you ever received a refund from GiveSendGo. I donated $110 US and did not. I was told the Canadian govt had frozen the funds. I can live without $110, but it angers me that my own govt stole from me because I contributed to an “unacceptable” cause. I assume others are in my position. I wonder if this ruling will force those funds to be released.

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Wouldn’t it be nice if this was an impeachable offence? For the harm and aggression Trudeau inflicted on millions of Canadians, is treason still available as a viable charge? Or “crimes against humanity” whatever that means legally?

Someone on Facebook referred to Justin as “Teflon Man” because nothing can touch him legally for all of his many “sins” against Canadians. If there is a God, allowing Justin to take Confession, recite 3 Hail Marys and 1 Our Father doesn’t cut it for THIS Canadian as forgiveness for his sins. Temporal punishment is sorely missing to make Justin account for his narcissistic and dictatorial treatment towards literally millions of Canadians.

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It 100% should be. At the very least he must resign.

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Resignation would be the very least he could do, but the man is an egomaniac. He will need to be ousted. If his party or the RCMP won't do it, then perhaps pitchforks and torches are our last resort.

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Ooh I love the pitchfork idea. .. As with Jabcinda Ardern, my feeling is stoning her to .....Yep, barbaric, but that's exactly what she, Satan's son and the rest of them have put us all through.

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So happy to hear this amazing news! I live in the U.S. but am a Canadian citizen. I was glued to the streaming of videos daily and so proud of the truckers convoy. I would relay all the details to my elderly mother in Vancouver because she was reliant on mainstream media for news. My mother has been an active protestor for human rights for decades. She is no longer able to participate actively, she is too frail. To see this piece of justice come down moves me to tears as well as my mother. There is so much coming to a head right now all around the world. I believe we will be hearing a lot more good news in the days to come. The Canadian truckers convoy really was the start of a peaceful revolution globally. Thank you to all the brave men, women and children that participated.

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Promising. Fingers crossed this turns out well for all the truckers and Coutts.

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