"...including Zexi Li, a young federal civil servant who has become famous in the media for being the face of a massive class action suit against Barber, Lich and others."

The young and beautiful Zexi Li never missed a pay cheque during the pandemic, while the rest of Canada was economically squished to bits. What about that inconvenience? According to her testimony at the Rouleau hearing, she was asked to be the face of the class action suit, it wasn't her idea. No one thought to inquire about who asked her. Finally, she mentioned that she was born in China. Does she hold a CCP issued passport? If so, the optics of all this are horrible.

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Disgraceful what is happening there in Canada, I skiied there years ago and was thinking I would like to return, then Covid hit and the communist takeover began and now I will never enjoy the hospitality of the Canadian people I enjoyed so much of the last time again. The one good laugh I have gotten out of Trudeaux is watching his ridiculous racial virtue signalling when he made his kids dress in traditional Indian outfits and had dots painted on their faces. That was a hoot. Why am I not surprised after all he the hypocritical little Leftist muppet black faced himself for fun. I guess he was expressing his diversity.

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I went back to watch the Lich-Barber trial on the yesterday the 13th, for the afternoon. At the time the court was in the midst of a voir dire. Because the defence had objected to efforts on the part of the Crown to have a bunch of Freedom Convoy FB pages entered as evidence. So, as part of the voir dire the Crown with the judge was painstakingly going over page by page. First the Crown had to make it clear that while it wanted to enter posts by Tamara and Chris, did not intend to rely on any of the comments generated by the posts. However, it still wanted to enter as circumstantial evidence posts on the Freedom Convoy page that were anonymous, which the defence had issues with. It was all very tedious to say the least. And time consuming, if the Crown goes on like this, the trial will never be over. It is bordering on the ridiculous. Ultimately that ended and the judge was essentially urging the defence to cross-examine the police sergeant who was there to enter all this social media stuff into evidence. On her cross by Chris co-counsel, not sure of her number the one with the curly curly hair, the defence entered into evidence four tiktok videos of Chris. Two were posted prior to the Convoy's arrival in Ottawa, the first on January 20th was Chris making it clear that this had to be peaceful, that any bad behaviour would not be tolerated, that there was a code of conduct that needed to be followed. The second was there arrival in Thunder Bay, and he is pumped because he is seeing the support, but he is also again reminding every to be peaceful. Then there is one of there arrival in Ottawa, and the final one, is from his hotel, a few days after the arrival and he is completely tuckered out. And things are starting to happen, like cutting off fuel supplies etc. But again, he says again, stay peaceful. It was determined in the cross that the first three tiktoks shown, were not ones that the sergeant had been told to download by the superior. She clarified that she was given a list of specific tiktok videos to download and the first three shown were not on that list. The last one was. She also said she didn't necessarily watch all the videos she was told to download. It seems that the bulk of videos she did download, were all compiled her her on February 9th by orders from superiors. Now that was just five days before they invoked the order and Chris and Tamara were arrested. Do ya think that maybe her 'superiors' got their marching orders from somewhere else on high to start making a case against these two. hmmmmm.

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Remember when we were a country that was internationally respected? How do you begin to draw the outline around that dead body, to discern the edges of that loss? Thank God for the individuals that still stand.

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If you haven't seen this yet. It's glorious.https://twitter.com/i/status/1701006992670957680

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That clip is great. Wish more Canadians would pay attention to how JT 'represents' us on the world stage.

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Sep 13, 2023Edited
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You're welcome, Robbin.

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Trish, I had no idea I was not subscribed to your stack until I began reading and saw an icon that encouraged me to do so.

Mea Culpa.

Subbed, STAT, and paid this forward, which is all I can do at this time.

Back to reading now.

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I hope his plane is not repairable. They can keep him. We don't want him back.

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It's not his plane though...

It's ours.


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Once again look at the way CBC and CTV news lead the story about trial on Day 5. CBC says “Defence calls resident testimony in Freedom Trial unnecessary. The lawyer for Tamara Lich looks to block Crown witnesses who lived through it”. CTV news almost identical with “Freedom convoy lawyers attempt to stop Ottawa residents from testifying”.

Do you see how biased these statements are. Its not telling the whole story. Its trying to trigger moral outrage against the defendants by implying they arent listening to Ottawa residents or are muffling their voices. But this is not a trial for the Freedom Convoy but a trial about whether or not Lich and Barber committed mischief,etc. As well, as Lawrence Greenspon pointed out, the defence also could call many Ottawa residents and businesses who would testify that they had no problem with the convoy and several businesses actually made lots of money.

A fairer leading statement by the legacy media would be

“Judge Perkins weighing which testimony and or evidence is relevant to be heard” or “Defence and crown spar on which witnesses should testify and the relevance of such testimony”.

We need more prominent voices to pick apart these heavily biased reports regularly that consistently attempt to paint the freedom convoy in a bad light. Because at the end of the day its these reports that most Canadians listen too and hence form their opinion on. Hence polls showing that 70 percent of Canadians are against the convoy are likely accurate since the news they watch continually reinforces this belief.

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The peoples of the world are disgusted watching what is going on in Canada and pleading with us to "flush the Turd".

We should accommodate.

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Trudeau's ability to behave and speak in contradiction with himself goes beyond his theatrical training. I think a personality disorder is at play here.

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Borderline.....me thinks.

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Possibly, or pathalogical lying, narcissism, etc. I'm not a clinician. I just happen to have had at least one long-term encounter with someone like this. Seeing it occur on the world stage is quite an eye-opener.

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The report by Darshan Maharaja “PM Trudeau’s India Disaster 2.0” for which Trish provided a link. Is very good. However, there is one glaring error in it, where he states that India has the fifth largest economy in the world. He is obviously basing his statement on nominal GDP estimates. All international manuals on national accounting practice do not favour such estimates for ranking national economies, instead recommending GDP on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis. Where nominal GDP estimates would rank the top five countries as US, China, Japan, Germany and India, GDP on a PPP basis would rank the top five countries as China, US, India, Japan and Germany. Xavier Moreau of Stratpol claimed that Russia had now overtaken Germany to occupy the fifth place in GDP on a PPP basis estimates, but I haven’t seen that in the most commonly cited IMF estimates yet. I always wondered, say, when H.R. McMaster claimed that the Russian GDP was no bigger than the GDP of Texas if he didn’t know better and was just deliberately trying to grossly underestimate Russia’s economic heft to serve the NATO warmonger agenda. But in Maharaja’s case, it is pretty clear that it is just ignorance to blame; he has no reason to want to deny his ancestral homeland a place on the world economy podium.

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Ah, Trish, we all love you so much for called a spade a feccin' shovel! Keep up this great soul work. It'll be your *own* legacy, no matter if the Greenland ice mass slides in sooner rather than later; alas, which, looks more likely with every passing day.

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Sep 12, 2023
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Yes, Jag-meat is a traitor to everything that T.C. Douglas, M.J. Caldwell, J.S. Woodsworth, David Lewis and many others after them, struggled for. It's never 'bout power; only doing the right thing, whether we win or lose. This time round, there is a strong likelihood is that we all will lose.

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It’s actually amazing he goes along with the bs JT pulled in India, considering he’s sikh.

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My sister has seen images of this man when he did not wear a beard, nor sport long hair under a turban from his early days in the big smoke of ON-Terrible [only expats are permitted]. There is a silent tradition of Sikhs in Canada who do not wish to remain as a fringe power group/cult/...whatever. Awakening is not the same for everyone since as Lalla, the 14C Sufi poetess once quipped:

"There are those sleeping who are awake.

Others are sleeping who will never awaken."

~ from memory as this is my paraphrase.

She is beloved in Kashmir, where there are only two words; Allah and Lalla. 'Nother good line of hers is this one, that may pertain to Mr. Sing: "Fame is like water carried in a basket."

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I had to laugh out loud when I read in the paper that while other dignitaries and world leaders were picked up from the airport in limos, Modi sent an old Toyota Range Rover for Trudeau. Our PM, suffers from severe cognitive dissonance, if he cannot see the hypocrisy in defending the Sikh's right to protest in Canada, after what he did to the Freedom Convoy -- and continues to do as Tamara and Chris's futures remain in limbo. He doesn't seem to remember how members of the Europian Parliament called him out for coming to preach to them about the importance of demoncracy, while he was just fresh off of acting as a tyranical dictator over his own people. And now he gets it double barrelled in India and deservedly so. His plane breaking down and making stay an extra day or to in the country that reviles him, including their own PM - is poetic justice.

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I heard the plane was fine. He was so high he needed time to straighten out .

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I have not been able to find the reference to the Old Toyota Range Rover. Could you please link it?

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It was in a piece in the National Post today.

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What I read was that it was the Embassy vehicle. There was no speculation in the article as to why.

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"From the Indian perspective, there is a veritable chasm between PM Trudeau’s actions and words, as well as between different words that he says at different times. Therefore, when he said that Canada would always defend certain freedoms, the Indians were understandably livid."

Well said Trish, and absolutely LOVE India for calling out the son of Castro.

Am praying every day for a positive outcome in the trial 🙏🏽

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Sep 13, 2023
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Thank you Robbin, am fresh into this sub everything....

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Sep 12, 2023
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It's true, the legal industrial complexes are very much like religion. Fantastical scams, cooked up by the ruling classes and imprinted into the working classes by the indocrination industrial complexes. Elites undemocratically appointed by elite representatives of the ruling classes. Ideology is the secular version of religion which is why you can't question the vaccines, the trans woke agenda or the system. It ALL falls outside of the Overton Window. I remember many moons ago when the CBC was a different animal. They had a show on lawyers. A German business man had bought an apartment building in Vancouver. The deal was made and then shifted to the lawyers and everything went into slow motion. The German made a statement that I'll never forget. "In Germany I have laws to protect me, here I have to hire lawyers"! Anyone who hasn't read and thought seriously about Yuval Noah Harai's works should IMHO really give it a try with an open mind recognizing that they come genetically pre programmed to believe "stories" and the ruling classes have always used that to control the masses. ALL Pharoah had was some priests, our ruling classes are so much more sophisticated than that. The law is much worse than an ASS!

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Oh the beauty of Karma! Imagine PM Blackface wanting to make a hasty exit after this disaster and being stuck on the tarmac with a broken plane!😂😂 Best laugh I've had in weeks. Sophie is divorcing him and so should the rest of the country. (BTW his socks don't match his suit... he must be colour blind). Thank you Trish!

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