The anonymous tips could be 6 million canadians who Trudeau attacked with hate speech because they refused the covid vaccines therefore this online harms bill can be used effectively as the tribunal will be forced to deal with Trudeaus hate rants and illegal mandates.

In the lawsuits for freezing bank accounts all the citizens suing Trudeau can highlight this online harms bill as another way that Trudeau is trying to cover up corruption and the real hate speech and propaganda used by government abusing power.

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Great interview Trish but John failed to discuss how this could affect the social media platforms with fines etc.

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"Jackboots," well said.

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I cannot speak to the legality of this legislative abomination as eloquently as those much more learned than I such as Mr. John Carpay - thank you Sir, for all that you do for Canada and Canadians.

The immorality of the Online Harms Act is obvious...as is the deceit: do not think for one second that this Act is about protecting children as it is so very transparently in the service of crushing political dissent. Hence I will leave those aspects to the dissertations of those more capable as well.

But I do have a very simple question for the MP's and Senators tasked with voting on it, that being, do they honestly believe that this weapon of mass destruction does not have the ability to be aimed equally lethally upon themselves?

Consider that the Liberal and NDP benches have divisions amongst themselves with respect to the Israel/Hamas war. Each side can bring claims of harm against the other evidenced by the tragic slaughter of innocents motivated by rage and hate, and perpetrated by both parties to the conflict. What were to happen if one MP, or a staffer, or a disgruntled constituent disagrees with the position that an MP has taken on this, or any other issue? Can that person file a complaint against an MP with whom they disagree, alleging harm due to hate under the Act?

Or consider further, that everyone has skeletons in their closets. Could there conceivably be those persons in a member of the government's past who might seek to benefit, or worse, revenge past wrongs, given such tools? Do Parliamentarians really wish to give those skeletons a financial incentive of $20,000, plus the added incredible bonuses of no consequences for the accuser, ease of filing, and anonymity, to come back to haunt them?

John 8:7 King James Version. 7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

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Ironically, I came across the iconic transcript today from Edward R. Murrow, related to the destructive activities of Senator Joseph McCarthy. There are haunting parallels to the current assault on freedom and due process in our own country. The glaring distinction, however, is the complete absence of anyone of stature in our MSM who is capable of eloquently speaking truth to power.

"This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.

The actions of the junior Senator from Wisconsin have caused alarm and dismay amongst our allies abroad, and given considerable comfort to our enemies. And whose fault is that? Not really his. He didn't create this situation of fear; he merely exploited it -- and rather successfully. Cassius was right. "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

I love John Carpay.

I will love Pierre too if he fulfills these promises. Speech at Vancouver Board of Trade


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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

Thanks Trish, I wrote my MP this morning. He is a Conservative, which gives me some hope, although on most issues the conservatives vote with their donors, and do very little thinking on what is actually good for the citizens of Canada. Our monitory policies are an example of this. It was Stephen Harper who changed the banking regulations to make it "easier to get a mortgage" with the end result that people got approval for bigger & bigger mortgages inflating house prices. (Just think all those bidding wars over houses)

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I thought I knew how bad this bill to criminalize dissent was, but then I learned in the excellent interview that there is a provision to collect your blood and urine if you are arrested under its provisions.

That can't be accounted for under normal "ha ha quash the opposition" motivations, it points in directions that are dark and frightening.

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

Tell your MP to stop Bill C-63!

The Bill would create a new process for Canadians to report instances of online speech directed at them is discriminatory, with a quasi-judicial tribunal ordering fines up to $50,000, and up to $20,000 paid to complainants, who in some cases would remain anonymous. Findings would be based on a mere “balance of probabilities” standard rather than the criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt;

The Bill would increase the maximum sentence for “advocating genocide” from five years in prison to life in prison. That means words alone could lead to life imprisonment;

The Bill would allow judges to put prior restraints on people who they believe on reasonable grounds may commit speech crimes in the future;

The Bill would require social media companies to “minimize the risk that users of the service will be exposed to harmful content” with the threat of massive fines if they don’t properly mitigate the risk; &

The mere threat of human rights complaints and fines for Canadians and social media companies will chill large amounts of otherwise protected speech.

This Monday we launched a new campaign that allows visitors to our site to use a form to tell their MP to stop this bill.

You can do so here: https://theccf.ca/fix-c-63/

Please note that if you're in a riding with a vacancy you might not be able to contact your Member of Parliament. I'd encourage you to reach out to party leaders (including the PM) if you live in one of these ridings.

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

As with covid, the legal system will the fail the common people again. It is not a justice system. John Carpay is operating inside a rigged game with arbitrary rules and loaded dice.

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

Always disconcerting when the legal minds sound disconcerted. What on earth to do if this Orwellian totalitarian legislation passes? Will be taking course to learn to use HAM radio. Maybe you should consider? Can one do podcasts over HAM?

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

Trish, you mentioned the role of Legacy media in allowing this government to walk so far toward tyranny. Definitely true, but how can these news outlets bite the hand that feeds it? They all take payola from Justin.

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

Regarding Germany. Can we agree to at least try to put ourselves in their shoes? They’ve been overrun with radical extremists to the point their country is no longer a safe place to live. Immigration has been weaponized there.

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

You DO know that as soon as we sign off the WHO Health Regs schtick, censorship will become internationally-binding, right? All this is to ‘prepare us’…or rather ‘condition’ us.

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

Ultimately, if you hate being oppressed by the state, if you hate being enslaved, then you get punished. You must "enjoy your servitude", to quote the author of Brave New World. The Orwellian analogies get brought up for good reason. Men can become pregnant, is the Woke version of 2+2=5. The more ridiculous the concept the better, to break down the mind of the citizen.

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Mar 8Liked by Trish Wood

At least East Germany had the Trabant. Which showed that humour can flourish in even the most humourless places. Woke is the new religion tailored to destroy western societies. As James Lindsay describes, Woke is Maoism for the West.

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