It was John Carpay of the JCCF whose email analysis I included in the previous Substack report on the Online Harms Act travesty. He is steadfast in his belief our freedoms are at dire risk and pulls no punches in this interview. Smart, thoughtful people are shocked by what Trudeau’s Liberals are trying to pull off. John also has some advice on what we can do about it.
Stay critical.
Our JCCF lawn sign 'Defund Globalist Propaganda' has been viewed by thousands upon thousands of motorists every week for the last three years. In fact, 10+ people have stopped and gotten out to personally thank our family for putting it up when they see us outside.
The push to criminalize speech is not due to short sightedness or government incompetence. It’s a planned and calculated attack on the basic foundation of our current civilization. Once a person can be jailed before even uttering a word based on an anonymous complaint, it’s the end of civilization as we know it. This is not woke progressive ideology!! The rebels in black lives matters, Antifa, and the medical freedom community must unite and fight the global cabal.