Trish, I am grateful for your work, your support of freedom in Canada and eksewhere, and this interview with CJ Hopkins. But I must take exception to your use of the word "genocide" to refer to Israel's actions in Gaza. More than any other country on earth, Israel works to avoid civilian casualties. They set aside and guarded a safe zone along the coast for Gazans, but Hamas and UNRWA wouldn't allow Gazans to go there, funneling them into Rafah instead precisely to serve as human shields for Hamas. Hamas' stated aim in its founding charter is genocide; Israel is defending itself. If Hamas surrendered and released the hostages, the war would be over and no attack on Rafah would be necessary. Please keep this in mind.

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Truth over Tribe! That's a t-shirt, print it!

Great episode 👏

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Great interview, as always - thank you as always for bringing so much to the forefront. My comment is in regards to the video and song at the end. I watched with tears of gratitude flowing down my face for those ordinary people - our glorious truckers and all those that hopped in their vehicles to be part of the convoy - who became Canada's extraordinary heroes, forever and always. So proud to be Canadian watching that video. I need to be reminded of those moments and that spirit when everything feels heavy.

Best wishes as the days ahead unfold. It's hard to believe January isn't over yet and so much has happened and is happening already.

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I could barely watch it.......weepy old me.

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The video brings tears to my eyes, especially all the regular people on the sideroads and overpasses. We felt hope at last, after two depressing years. I want to go, but it was -20C out there and I had a seven-month old puppy. Friends went out: one told me she burst into tears when she saw dozens of people at the overpass. She thought she would be the only one up there. Oh, God, the hope we felt at last. That video brings all the emotion back.

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Me, too sister.

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Nice to hear good news from the week on your podcast. I think what made me laugh the most was from last weekend's UFC event in Toronto. It was the video of the crowd chanting "F*** Trudeau" which was taken and posted--by Xavier Trudeau.

I imagine the conversation afterwards went something like:

"Dad, why does a whole stadium full of people hate you?"

"Because they're racist, sexist, misogynist, anti-science...."

(OMFG, my dad is actually an idiot.)

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OMG Trish, I had to fast forward through Trudeau. He is that nauseating to me. I cannot listen to that breathy phony actor's voice, no matter what he says, he could be quoting Shakespeare and I would still turn him off. I do not understand how anyone cannot see through his hollow emptiness. and Carlson is right, he is a sociopath.

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Trish, this was grrrreat!! I especially love your phrase "Truth before tribe." Brilliant!! I'll be using it plenty in my own thoughts & perplexities & writings (giving you due credit!). I thought the interview w. CJH was great, & I appreciate that he doesn't try to candy-coat the situation we are (all) in. It's awesome he won his case. And "Globo Cap" rolls ever onward with its crushing agenda. Ugh. But again. Thanks so much for that great phrase!! & conversation.

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As long as those who pursue Lawfare pay no price, it will continue.

As usually, they are Civil Servants and being funded by taxpayer dollars (not their own money). Unless they pay high and personal price, lawfare will continue.

Maybe as citizens we need to demand that Lawyers / prosecutors who conduct lawfare have a mandatory review of their status at the Bar, and pay all costs associated personally. If this is done, we would have to be very precise on what is Lawfare, have very clear protections against the miss use of Lawfare Charges. I state this because People who are Sociopathic instinctively seek to weaponize everything, and if this type of legislation is enacted, they will immediately accuse their opponents of Lawfare.

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Great podcast. I just became a subscriber, Trish. Thank you for all you do and bring to light. I enjoyed learning and hearing about CJ Hopkins. I have a long way to go on understanding the Israel Palestine conflict and resonated with CJ's thoughts on the overall purpose of the brutality being done to the Palestinians. I hope you will explore this whole topic more.


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Oh my heart! What an excellent interview; CJ is so authentic and passionate as he speaks even when he's tired! The song/video at the end was very emotional. The Trucker Convoy brought me so much hope and then those hopes were dashed by a government that I believe hates its citizens.

When is your documentary coming out? I can hardly wait for it!! ❤️

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"Truth over Tribe!". I love this Trish. Perfection ❤️

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Great interview and the closing video brought tears to my eyes. The images rekindled the desperate hope of Canadians that the convoy would carry their message to Ottawa. No one else was.

As with Tamara and Chris, CJ was facing charges with no legal legitimacy. It has become apparent that the end game isn't a verdict, it's grinding down the target with the process, for all to see and absorb. Like Jordan Peterson, CJ has the public profile and financial means to defend himself. What was most disturbing was CJ'S reference to the countless, nameless people, with no recourse, who are similarly being crushed by their own governments. That reality screams for some new variation of Amnesty International where their names and stories are published for the world to see.

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I really hope the conservative equals evil trope is losing steam. It's getting so old and rings hollow. Thanks Trish for bring clarity

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Fantastic all way round. Thank you both for your courage and compassion, from the USA.

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What a big boost for the spirit of humanity this past week.

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Those final trucker videos always bring tears to my eyes, as to Tamara's. It was the first sign of Canadian courage, above and beyond our small local protests. I attended protests in Kelowna and Osoyoos. It was bloody amazing!

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