and what would a Nuremberg prosecutor say about the good people who went along?
This week the great Paul Thacker (link) unpacks the controversy impugning the important meta analysis by the Cochrane group showing that the masks most people wore didn’t stop the spread of C-19. Cochrane is considered the gold standard but as we learned the hard way — reputation and skill mean nil if you discover something that challenges C-19 public health orthodoxy. Shortly after publication, Cochrane, facing social and legacy media attacks, backtracked, sort of, without ever consulting the esteemed investigators behind the work.
Two weeks ago — Cochrane swerved again.
Paul is doing the kind of work on his Substack that should be mainstream but isn’t. His writing on this is worth reading and in the details, is an expose of how corrupt and absurd C-19 “science” became.
Over a year after social media influencer Zeynep Tufekci pressured Cochrane Editor Karla Soares-Weiser to put out a statement that smeared researchers and undermined Cochrane’s review that found masks have little benefit in stopping the spread of viruses, Soares Weiser released a second statement on Friday that announced she would not be making changes to the mask review.
Soares-Weiser’s reversal comes after Tufekci wrote a misleading March 2023 New York Times essay that disparaged the Cochrane mask review and falsely claimed she had “corrected” it. Bouncing off Tufekci’s spurious Times essay, author Laurie Garrett posted on X that the Cochrane authors were “bozos” who had confessed to “fraud.”
“Despite the fraudulent misrepresentation of their Cochrane review of #masks & #COVID19 protection, & now confession of fraud, these bozos have undermined public faith in [masks] & biz/govt willingness to promote use,” Garrett posted on X.
This was our second show in two weeks that looked at the multitude of climb-downs by Covidians who are delicately admitting the basis for their ideology was garbage. The list will get longer as time from the crisis passes, and the truth-snipers feel it is finally safe to abandon their camouflaged positions. I include Tony Fauci who finally admitted under oath — that he had no data-driven basis for the petty torments he inflicted upon the world.
We are taking names and making lists here as surely as if we were at Nuremberg. It is the only way to fully come to an understanding of what happened to us. Why did otherwise decent people go along with unscientific, inhumane edicts from leaders like Fauci, Trudeau and Ardern — some of whom exhibited personality traits akin to sociopathic behaviours of dictators and warlords who destroy their own people. This is not hyperbole. Many of them did use wartime metaphors to gin up an irrational response in the citizenry — otherwise good people driven by fear to commit acts of grave cruelty. These are the words of Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz when asked about the complexities of the human heart.
Benjamin Ferencz: Do you think the man who dropped the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima was a savage? Now I will tell you something very profound, which I have learned after many years. War makes murderers out of otherwise decent people. All wars, and all decent people.
I am perhaps less cynical than Ferencz in that I know that even in the face of war or plague — there are some whose goodness remains incorruptible. Those who risked their lives to save Jews. Those who risked it all to end deadly public health policies born of collective madness and deception.
Sidenote: Ferencz died recently and I wish I’d known more about him. From a BBC obit:
Ben Ferencz was just 27 when he secured the convictions of Nazi officers for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
He later advocated for the establishment of an international court to prosecute war crimes, a goal realized in 2002.
So we will continue reporting out the details of fake science that wrought a disaster we are still not all the way through. And likely will not be in my lifetime.
I ended this week’s show with a reading pulled from X and written by Stevland Ambrose who has been attending the Coutts trial in Lethbridge. It is lovely in its observational humanity.
I will ask Stevland to drop by here to commiserate about his observations from Lethbridge. He seems a really decent bloke.
Here is the link to the petition I mentioned which asks the government of Canada to reject the dangerous gender medical complex fueled by more bad science.
We, the undersigned, residents and citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:
1. Cease all physical medical procedures for individuals under the age of 18 and gender-affirming care for those under 16 years of age;
2. Adopt evidence-based guidelines that prioritize non-invasive, reversible forms of intervention until individuals reach an age where they can provide informed consent; and
3. Disengage from any association or endorsement of WPATH and its recommendations, as they have been largely discredited and are not conducive to safeguarding the well-being of children and adolescents.
An upcoming premium episode exposes how the world’s biggest internet platforms are deceiving us using the same corporate, monopolistic framework. Your online world of both expanding ripoffs coupled by degraded service will begin to make sense after you hear this report.
Stay critical.
Hi Trish, super pleased you got Paul on the show to talk about the masks.
At one point, you were both expressing surprise that traditionally it was democrats who would hunt down big pharma abuse but recently the tables had turned. I remember feeling something very similar when is started investigating vaccines over two decades ago.
I think you need to adjust your timeline on this though. I observed that very shift you describe happening already in the mid 2000s. It became clear at that time with the rise of Dorit Reiss and other members of that cabal that the democrat party was in cahoots witrh big pharma. Dorit and the others like Paul Offit hailed from left leaning institions and the left leaning states started to remove vaccine exemptions already back then with super left leaning california leading the charge. Over the next decade we saw left and middle states follow suit one by one.
The democrats aligned with the left quite a bit earlier than both you and Paul think and it all started around mandating vaccination. The mandates were predicted by most of us who had been talking about vaccine injusry for a long time.
The whole thing has been a lie. I've been following JJ Couey for sometime. He, Denis Rancourt and Mike Yeadon are spot on: there was no novel pathogen. Discussing the merits of this or that early treatment distracts from the fact there was nothing new at all. Where are the bodies from the "deaths" in NYC? Why isn't anyone talking about the murderous hospital protocols?
Yes it's good to get some vindication about masks but my God, that's such a small drop in the bucket of truth-telling that needs to be done. Please watch JJ's presentation.