
The whole thing has been a lie. I've been following JJ Couey for sometime. He, Denis Rancourt and Mike Yeadon are spot on: there was no novel pathogen. Discussing the merits of this or that early treatment distracts from the fact there was nothing new at all. Where are the bodies from the "deaths" in NYC? Why isn't anyone talking about the murderous hospital protocols? https://odysee.com/@MaajidNawaz:d/Ep6-Radical:9?src=earn_unauth

Yes it's good to get some vindication about masks but my God, that's such a small drop in the bucket of truth-telling that needs to be done. Please watch JJ's presentation.

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Also finally started looking at Housatonic... he's an IT guy who has been looking into all sorts of stuff re Covid bs but I had never taken the time to watch anything of his (only so many hours). Watched this yesterday, from March of 2024. Trish, I know you'll feel for him and will be interested in the Purdue connection.


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Hi Trish, have you met Anita Krishna? If not l think you two would have a lot to talk about.


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The doctors who owned tele health businesses pushing lockdowns. Doctors owing mask companies pushing masks. It's great news that Kansas and 4 US States are suing Pfizer. They are saying what many smart people said from day 1 regarding these experimental vaccines and stay tuned as the politicians and doctors try to weasel out but to no avail. Millions of screenshots press conferences twitter posts are saved. Collages of these crooks outing themselves.

The freedom convoy should ask Trudeau in Court why Alexandre Trudeau could engage in public advocacy trying to keep alleged terrorists or sleeper agents in Canada but Canadians advocating for bodily autonomy were attacked vilified and charged and why our so called media doesn't remember what Justin Trudeau said. It's all there online everyone.

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Thank you, Trish.

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Isn’t it obvious? Money and power were the drivers behind the Covid crimes against humanity.

Pick any issues and dissect it…

Vaccine mandates — $ for the suppliers

__ a power boost for all of the corrupt politicians and public officials

Masks, social distancing, fear mongering —> a power boost over susceptible citizens who roll over like Pavlov’s dogs and play “goody-good” like the Stepford Wives.

—>a power boost to all medical personnel to “play back” or “go on wavers”

—> $ for the mask suppliers and for public health departments to pad their budgets in the name of public health during an alleged crisis

Media mischief —> $ in subsidies and increased government advertising. Never accept government money without expecting strings attached. (And you thought loan sharks were bad actors. Governments are expert shake down artists.

Censorship, etcetera — > if your business model for running profitable monopolies was threatened, would you sit back and let it happen or take serious defensive action?

Liability management —> there are $Trillions at stake from revenues from seriously flawed and dangerous Pharma products. They only sold them under conditions of liability protection, public cover from government agencies, media compliance to push the mass formation psychosis, and more.

The plan was perfect … until it wasn’t.

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Great comment

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From the start I was, (and still am), mystified as to how all the health authorities in the 5 Eyes nations and Europe simultaneously announced Covid pandemic restrictions and mandates. The timing was too coincidental to be anything other than a pre-planned universal diktat. I understand that certain international trade treaties, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership emanating from the US, include a Mutual Recognition Agreement clause, whereby regulators in Australia, NZ, Canada, the EU, and other participating countries are relieved of all regulatory obligations they would otherwise have, and are authorized to accept as true, the assertions of the US-FDA regulators regarding the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. I also believe that there is an international association of medical licensing boards (I'm not certain of the exact title) that provides a means of instant communication that enables uniform control and censoring of "non-compliant" medical and other health professionals. Such mechanisms in the hands of psychopathic politicians and bureaucrats ensured the catastrophe that followed and persists today. The question remains: who initiated the activities of these mechanisms? Who said "go"?

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They are in on the scam. Ask why 50 to 60 human trafficked people from China come every 2 weeks where Canadians Americans and Russians are the perpetrators shipping these people in shipping containers to Canada and why it is allowed as RCMP were told to stand down and did these trafficked Chinese people end up working in sweat shop factories in Canada assembling unsanitary RAT for COVID .

FBI caught a Chinese scientist in an airport with a suitcase of vials of viruses in the fall of 2018 and why these 2 expelled Chinese scientists from the Winnipeg Lab 4 were covered up and allowed to leave Canada and not arrested.

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Great questions! I asked myself the same things at the time.

And then there was the fact that they all took up the "Build Back Better" phrase. Creepy.

Getting back to your question of who initiated the mechanisms... I like the way Brett Weinstein thinks about this question. Because he doesn't know the answer either, but he extrapolates information about who they are from the decisions that are made.

For example, the fact that they left the low hanging fruit that is Vitamin D supplements untouched tells us that—whoever they are, and whatever their motives are—their true aspirations had little to do with preventing severe illness in the general public from Covid.

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It has been said that for those manipulating events in the background, Covid was a dress rehearsal. They have learned and will do better the next time.

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Jewish mobsters behind all of this apparently. Kansas and 4 US States suing Pfizer for fraud and vaccine injuries. No doubt many more US States will follow. They use Hollywood to divert attention like Steven Spielberg is being used to pump up Joe Biden Jeffrey Epstein connected to Neil Ferguson who did those outrageous models for COVID cases and deaths. So we have a human trafficker sex slave ring criminal connected to health and lockdowns.

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Loved the episode with Paul Thacker….. Revelations are rocking Germany right now. What is clear from the court ordered evidence released from German Health agencies is that they were told by some outside entity to ramp up fear around Covid and impose lockdowns masks even though privately the health experts said risk was low and that flu caused more damage. They said also masks were useless. Then they reverse engineered the science to justify the measures. This reveals a pattern that occurred in all countries that were allied with the same powerful influences. The outside entity was surly the Gates Foundation. I specifically recall early on that leaders and health agencies were saying sane things. Then all around the world our allies suddenly all did the same inexplicably drastic actions and ramped up fear. The German revelations reveal that the public was manipulated and lied to. Just as we thought.

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Gates paid off lobbyists. Head of GAVI went to be at top of NATO. Does that mix well. Nope

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Wow! Amazing revelations.

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If you follow the Detective Grus police services act tribunal fiasco please let them know that a baby died in their parents arms on an aircraft in Ontario last year. Not normal that a healthy baby just dies. Jason Lavigne interviewed the lawyer for Det Grus and Dr. James Thorpe and please let them know that the Ontario Ministry of Health stated that pregnant females were not recommended to take the vaccine on their Telehealth hotline as it was never tested on pregnant females and days later the ob/gyn of Ontario called it safe and said pregnant females can get it. Hmm. Dr. Thorp has evidence the American Ob/gyn were paid $13 million to push the shots. My guess same for Ontario ob/gyn who sold their souls for money. Please get the lawyer to FOI in Ontario Ministry of health for the timeline because I heard it with my own ears and watched it change in a couple of days. I also heard Pfizer state the same thing. I guess money changes the meaning of the word safe. Baby from Port Perry died on the aircraft so maybe push Ontario government to investigate babies who died in Port Perry Ontario.

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Saha Latypova. COVID was masterminded by a DOD cabal. TF is their frontman, who has to sit in the hot seat periodically to make us feel vindicated. He is the highest paid civil servant because he has this very nasty job. We were locked down so we would not see them build thousands and thousands of 5G towers that are now interacting with the “construction sites” being built in our blood. See Dr Ana, Humanity United Now. It’s eye opening to google where there are 5G towers.

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DARPA started testing MRNA in Feb 2019 as per their tweets online.

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

I recall, through the mists of time, that Tam co-authored a study about 20 years ago that concluded masks didn’t work.

JT pre-ordered something like 400,000 million shots for 40,000 million people. What was he thinking? How much money was actually involved.

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Money laundering

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And who received it?

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Thank you for the shout-out, Trish.

I assume my high regard for the people in the gallery at the Coutts trial (beautiful, free-thinking misfits who sat at the back of the class) probably extends to most of your audience.

My people!

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It has become apparent that misfits are society's canary in the coal mine.

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Misfits all, even if some of us are hiding it. I loved your note and the big open-hearted way you approached a tough situation.

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Why did the RCMP not wear body cameras at Coutts or have modern listening devices. Acset up.

Didn't police attend homes of people on quarantine with body cameras attached to them. Conspiracy to commit murder doesn't get body cameras on cops but healthy Canadians who dares travel did? Anyone with any form of intelligence knows the truth of a set up. The same crooked RCMP playbook used to try and frame a farmer in Alberta with the RCMP bombing an oilfield and blaming the outspoken farmer but they got caught. There is supposed footage by regular people of RCMP in Nova Scotia shooting at slain RCMP Heidi Stephenson in the Nova Scotia massacre. Heidi Stephenson was investigating the money trail of guns and no doubt drugs from Maine. Hmm. I saw the footage online. It was stated Gabriel Wortman was an informant. Did you know they move drugs on witness protection. Great fronts to move drugs. So maybe Gabriel Wortman was involved in a scheme to move drugs but pretend they were fighting drug trafficking and Heidi Stephenson was in the way. Getting too close. A great story to investigate.

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Coming from you that means a lot, Trish.

You are that person who has the uncanny ability to express many of my own thoughts, albeit with a higher degree of research and eloquence than I can usually muster.

Thus you occupy a very special role in my intellectual life, such as it is.

But during the collective Covid psychosis your voice became a touchstone or a waymarker I could use to confirm to myself that I was still sane.

You will never know how much that meant to me at the time. 🙏

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Thanks, friend. It means a lot.

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Whew! Glad we got THAT out of the way! 😂

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Wonderful pod cast Trish . Thank you for introducing me to Paul Thacker and am I every liking those who dared to question the narrative on so many levels . As for the letter from the trial person in Lethbridge - how I adore those with sweetness in the belly and also all my fellow students and friends who lived at the back of the classrooms having the best of times.

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I was a backrow kid, too.

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Jun 19Liked by Trish Wood

Ditto Trish. In later years I became a front row attendee so I would see exactly what was being told and to be able to interpret it with more attention. :)

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Imagine being a backrow kid like me at the over-educated CBC.....it was terrifying and my success there was always a threat to the McGill crowd. LOL.

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You stand apart from the many corrupted misfits. Jeffrey Epstein funded Neil Ferguson of Imperial College with his fraud models of deaths from COVID. If you follow Farr's Law of epidemiology which Neil Ferguson is supposed to follow if he had any credibility you have found the most ridiculous blatant theft of science.

Omar Algebra former Minister of Transportation who gave us the criminal vaccine mandates to travel on planes sits with Stephen Bronfman on the Liberal Party of Canada and remember Clare and Sara Bronfman were tied to the sex cult NXIM. Since you have sex ring criminal Epstein connected to Neil Ferguson it certainly looks bad for all the COVID pushers. in fact someone should ask Omar Algebra if he got his job as Minister of Transportation because it was payoff to bribe him into silence for the massive cover up of crooked lawyer William Gilmour and the drug plane seized in Saskatchewan connected to the Bushes and Clinton's and a man called Bruce Gorcyca with crooked FBI Terry Nelson and crooked RCMP.

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I have no doubt you were a threat. Most likely you still are. :)

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Have you figured out or do you have any opinion as to why we ,in canada, were the worst with the mandates etc .? I think I've read somewhere that there is no appetite here to look into the response to covid, unlike other areas . I do think, however, the National Citizens Inquiry is trying to tell people what actually happened. Then again , I think we are in the pockets of those who are well known for their regimes that don't consider human rights. I do appreciate how AI sees the nefarious opportunities between the WEF's agenda ( think this government and the coalition with the NDP ) and its alliance with the WHO , a group Tam has been with until 2018 .

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I think Trudeau was trying to impress those who were dictating the measures, much like Jacinda Arden. I’m sure they hope for advancement and promotion among their elite peer group after leaving politics. Arden has already been rewarded. Trudeau will be too just wait and see. If you’re in the club you get rewarded no matter how bad a job you do as leader of a country, or how unpopular.

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I agree with Stevland but let me add that our media is some of the wort in the world. Terrible. Stupid. Captured. Smug.

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Yes our media is the worst. Liars and fraudsters and people like Brian Lilley who try to pass themselves off as a journalist for the people got caught in the COVID vaccine pusher game and now the massive lawsuit against Pfizer by Kansas and 4 other US States should expose all the fools.

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Agree totally .

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When Sam Cooper writes about the saturation of our government on many levels ( he knows his life may be in danger ) I think there is a connection with what is happening due to the wishes of whoever is running our country . I like trying to connect dots so my world has more scaffolding :https://www.thebureau.news/p/chinese-canadian-group-links-two/comments

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Amazing reporter and who needs CSIS. We can whip up a list of foreign interference from MPs and Senators at the snap of a finger. Michael Barrett has put forth a bill to have people who lie in Parliament put in jail and fined. We could throw some crooked cops into the slammer too. That would be great as these cops try to cover up for the crooked politicians and those who pay them lots.

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

The phrase that has always been used to describe the Canadian project is, "Peace, Order and Good Government".

We stand in stark contrast to our neighbors to the south whose nation was born out of a violent revolution. They fought against what they perceived to be the tyrants of Europe.

Meanwhile, Canada was happy to remain loyal to the British Crown. At some point we politely asked to have our sovereignty bestowed upon us. And even then we happily maintained all the trappings of a nation ruled by a monarchy.

So at the core of the Canadian identity is a completely submissive belief that good things will come from being ruled or governed, so long as we behave ourselves.

We are the product of multi-generations of pacificts.

And that hasn't been a bad thing, either. Canadians have lucked out. Aside from the horrendous treatment of Native people, or the inhabitants of Africville, the Japanese during WW2, or the Doukhobors, Canadians have enjoyed uncorrupted courts and (relatively speaking) pretty good government up until recently.

I honestly believe that's why the majority of the country seemed content to be locked down and masked up indefinitely.

I've been saying for the past few years that the whole world is always on the lookout for the next angry little tyrant in a military uniform. What I don't think anyone is prepared for is a passive aggressive tyrant with nice hair and cute socks. Even now, perhaps 20% of the country still doesn't see what we see.

And of course, it doesn't help that the news media have been completely hollowed out into a counterfeit representation of what they once were. As my esteemed friend Gord McGill says, they have become stenographers to the regime.

Covid was a unique experience for those of us with our eyes open, because it revealed that we are stuck in an ocean of bullshit that reaches out as far as one can see in every direction.

I do hold out hope that there is a new era of cynicism emerging. More and more people are realizing that all of the political parties are in on the fix, that almost every news organization is biased and/or corrupt, and no one is coming to save us.

I believe at the root of our societal problems are issues that begin in the human heart. What is required is a cultural revolution that begins with each individual accepting responsibility for creating the type of world they want to live in, and living with integrity.

Until that day, we will have to keep paddling frantically through the bullshit.

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Great comment .

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Nope we have had corrupted courts for far too long

Canadians have worn blindfolds for too long while the thieves of government enriched themselves and it wasn't until COVID woke people up into removing the blindfolds.

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Excellent points. I completely agree. Unfortunately I think that makes Canada easy pickings. Far too many are complacent and basically have the attitude that Canada could never become fertile grounds for tyranny. Canadians have very little recognition of the boundaries have been crossed by our government. They rationalize what happened in Covid. They trust what they are told. A naivety exists here. Almost a childlike naivety that makes Canada vulnerable. .

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Just wrote a long response and it disappeared - challenged like that . It was a pleasure to read your thinking points Stevland. It seems our complacency has gotten us here on so many levels and now I'm thinking the Americans are the masters of the fight and push back . It has been only in my 70's and since the virus debacle , that I've had to become politically aware because right off the bat , I knew something wasn't right , medically , based on my 20 years working in hospital systems - got out in the 80's when they became business models and not about real patient care . I thought the convoy was brilliant trying to wake people up about a lot of issues but now I understand just how captured we are and in lockstep with other countries and the planned agendas . Have a friend who I frequently send articles to and he says we'll have to lock down "even harder" the next time - of course he has had many of the safe and effective shots and thought it was all totally necessary - kills me.

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If the vaccines work why the need for lockdowns. These people are such fools. A Mayor in Durham Region stated the worst health crisis ever in Canada is drug overdoses. Not COVID but drug overdoses and Theresa Tam told everyone that drug overdoses were over 20 a day during COVID surpassing many days with 0 COVID deaths so the folks who are fools and listen to fools like Tam are the real threats to health. Prescription opioids were called a national tragedy in the USA with massive criminal fines but our fools say safe supply injection sites are compassionate and necessary. They are the national crisis these fools. Not any viruses.

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Jun 19Liked by Trish Wood

Despite the fact that most of the original British inhabitants of Australia (convicts) were individually selected by the best of the British judiciary to come here we remained a sub-servient and compliant colony of the monarchy for far too long. The monarchist influence remains in our governance structures but is rapidly declining as our expanding multi-cultural community seeks true sovereignty over this irrelevance.

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Bravo.....we should do a show on this. Wait until you hear my special gift to listeners on Friday. Something special this way comes.

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Of course you were! ❤️

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

More and more often through the dissection of covid and the policies that were inflicted on us I think of the book Ordinary Men by Christopher R. Browning. The description from HarperCollins:

"Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as round-ups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions. Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion: a core of eager killers, a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative, and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever."

I confess that I have yet to read it, but I understand that at its core the book is a study of human behaviour. As I write this, it has just moved to the spot on my reading list marked "next."

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Ordinary Men should be on everyone's reading list. It is a profoundly disturbing portrait of the banality of evil. People imagine that, in the same circumstances, they would be Oscar Schindler. The ugly reality is that most will conform to the accepted brutality. We got a glimpse of that dynamic when the conformists eagerly turned in their neighbours during Covid.

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Jordan Petersen said this too.

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Clay -- I am ordering it now. Thanks!!!

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

I meant to buy this book! Thanks for the reminder!😉

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Hi Trish; it's not just COVID-19 84, Cochrane and Coutts; it's everything. The indoctrination industrial complexes are omnipresent from womb to tomb and only a very small percentage will say NO, I won't do that, fire me or I quit. Indoctrination and career are effective for Way North of 90% of people. The cost of freedom is security. The cost of security is conformity. We're not what we pretend to be and some are much worse, they're called sociopaths, CEOs and politicians.

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I guess they can enjoy security locked up in 15 minute cities or quarantine camps better described as concentration camps. They can get microchips implanted because that seems sooo cool but forget what microchips can really do. NOKIA CEO says we won't need cell phones by 2030 we will use microchips implanted in our bodies. So those complacent fools can enjoy being slaves connected to digital ID with illegal facial recognition and monitored 24 7. Get out of line and your degree vanishes as your social credit score drops or speak out on human rights abuses and you can't work or buy food. It definitely is about health eh!!!! Welcome to Chinada.

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Is there a link to a podcast, I can't find it?

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https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/investigative-journalist-paul-thacker/id1513237951?i=1000659075370 will add to the top...I always assume wrongly that people have heard it by now on their podcast platform......sorry.

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Jun 18Liked by Trish Wood

Thanks. I used to be able to get your podcasts elsewhere, and then the platform I supported stopped hosting it. I am now primarily using Substack

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Who stopped platforming it?

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Luminary. I have located it on podpean

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Glad to hear you are having Stevland on; he is attending the trial, as so many others, in support of his fellow Canadians, on his own dime and his own time.

I am glad to call that group of misfits who are attending the trial, even though I cannot, colleagues and comrades.

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Glad you are there, too -- friend. We should do a big show with all of you!

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I've asked him to comment here when he is able. I may have him on the podcast at some point, too. There are lots of cool people I want to book for shorter blocks to the audience can get to know them.

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