Do these fuddy duddies realize why we had a Nuremberg Code followed by UN Declarations on Bioethics and Human Rights and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It was to stop the evilness of Nazi Germany and an assault on the freedom and democratic rights of all humans. It was to be adhered to and not be just a piece of paper and all legislation is to focus on it.

The National Security Act is to protect Canadians and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and it is by the Rule of Law being followed that this is accomplished.

Majority of politicians are ignorant to this very principle and have a real ack of respect for Canadians and humanity.

Pretty sad when the people whose job it is to uphold the Charter fail to do so.

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Well, snap. I can't find a way to view the documentary. Yt thinks I'm underage.

What a tragedy any war is. Let's get our kids home. Let the ollies or their kids fight for all the power and wealth they are seeking.

Actually, let's het back to seeking peace first.

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Jun 15Liked by Trish Wood

I admire Regina Wattel for her courage to write this book and stand up to the system. However I was a bit disappointed in the lack of data in the book. I would have liked to have seen a lot more graphs and charts/tables showing the differences between unvaccinated and vaccinated rates, etc. There was a lot of focus on her efforts to discredit Dr Fismans study via all the official channels.

She has a graph in her book which shows the vaccinated having higher incident rates but its only over a 1 month period which is tiny. I would have liked to see that data over a 1 year or longer period. Also I have seen charts showing that death and hospitalization rates were still quite a bit higher for the unvaccinated versus the vaccinated. But I have also seen charts showing little difference so its still not that clear cut to me.

Just to be clear, I think what Trudeau and most provinces did was abhorrent and I totally disagreed with the mandates. But one of the main worries was the over crowding of the hospitals and it seems many of the charts I have seen seem to support the idea that there was a disproportionate number of unvaccinated in the hospitals. If you can lead me to some sources to check this data out then please do. On the other hand I also know that 90+ percent of the deaths from COVID were in people with comorbidities already..often older people. But then these people were the most likely to be vaccinated wheras the younger and healthy were the most likely to be unvaccinated. So that also needs to be take into account when interpreting the results...ie the vaccine was shown not to be as effective as it was advertised hence many of these sickly older vaccinated people were still more likelty to die, etc.

I am still waiting for a book that really dissects all the data from many countries (not just Canada or Ontario) versus vaccination status, age, comorbidities, etc and I havent found one yet. If you do please let me know.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

Edward Dowd on twitter. He has graphs showing adverse events such as neurological and deaths in charts and shows a rise after the vaccines came out compares years prior to COVID . He shows how age group 15 to 45 were hit hardest and that would be the working class or athletes or college students who had vaccine mandates.

The fact that there is an increase in deaths and disability after the vaccines came out and no real increase during COVID 2020 which you would expect if COVID was causing adverse events helps to see what the real danger was and it wasn't a virus.

The fact that the vaccines supposedly stopped hospitalizations and death yet deaths and hospitalizations increased after the vaccines came once again pretty much shows it wasn't the virus hospitalizing the vaccinated. In the documents COVID is an adverse event to the COVID vaccine as well. Inquiring minds ask questions so it's great to see people interested in real data and graphs and not just taking one side or the other.

It's also important to walk through the timeline of COVID. Research where contract tracing was given to Bill Gates in and around Aug 2019 Gates gave Biontek Pfizer $600 mil in Sept. 2019. Event 201 was done Oct 2019 coinciding with Wuhan military games. Read investigative journalists blogs. Covid was in America Canada and the Western world in Oct 2019 so everything done in March 2020 made no sense as it was already here circulating and infecting with no quaratine no PCR tests no lockdowns and no surge in deaths.

The COVID vaccine prototypes were given in Dec. 2019 before this virus was called a Wuhan pneumonia of unknown origin. How was that possible by Pfizer and Moderna? The PCR test was never to be used to detect illness as per the inventor so why was it used then? If you have no symptoms then how could it detect an illness? If you have no symptoms how do you infect someone else as per Anthony Fauci on Ebola and no need to quarantine if have no symptoms and Fauci said it was counter productive to force quarantine especially on healthcare.

Everyone aware of the mess to healthcare with testing and quarantine of healthy people with no symptoms. Exactly what Fauci said would happen. Not only did healthcare suffer but children did too. Traumatized and abused because of quarantine and there are cases of kids put in closets to quarantine for 2 weeks or cold basements. Laughable at such disgusting behavior in the name of health.

All of the mess created to healthcare through testing and quarantine caused any hospital overwhelm. In 2020 as people state hospitals were empty. No overwhelm there because people were scared away from hospitals. So all the rhetoric on flatten the curve to stop hospital overwhelm was a blatant lie. In fact in Sept 2020 one Ontario hospital laid off 95 nurses. Deadly pandemic not.

The facts speak for themselves in real time and cases that had false positives fuelled many outbreaks. Again a pandemic that wasn't. Did they change course. Nope. They ramped up the fear to push a experimental gene therapy vaccine and used vaccine mandates and passports to push uptake which is a human rights abuse and falls under criminal code violations. But they did it anyways. Can't be about health if you use consequences to take a vaccine that is killing and harming and having to add more to the cookie pot of vaccine injury compensation. Stopping doctors from giving health exemptions and firing people even if they had an exemption was the ultimate crime and so ethically and morally wrong. They added warnings of myocarditis and pericarditis to the vaccines while making vaccine mandates and passports to those within the age group most affected. The vaccine clinics never told anyone of the warnings including blood clots myocarditis bells palsy neurological and auto immune. Frightening to have watched such blatant disregard for human life and ethical violations and demonizing those who refused to be guinea pigs to a rushed new vaccine gene therapy platform. They played on people's psyche to feel important that they were saving the world. All horrid behavior by those in charge. Mental and emotional abuse.

The lies are being exposed. We were confident it would. The truth was known long before any mandates and fraud in the vaccine study trials was hidden by the very people tasked with justice.

Anyone who is honest looks at everything and it's too hard to look the other way at what was done to humanity. Regina Watteel is essentially outing common sense data and exposing the fraud of the said Dr. Fishman who himself has stated over a decade ago with H1N1 that the models are inflated and so are the cases and deaths. They used this to justify lockdowns. He also stated that deaths can only be ruled by COVID with serological testing so swabbing a suicide victim or a person who died by a gun shot and calling it a COVID death was a mockery of science and human intelligence. Fishman should be reminded of his past comments in journals prior to COVID. Then ask him how much they fudged the models for COVID. If the unvaccinated had COVID they have natural antibodies and as all medical journals pre COVID state those are robust and better then a vaccine. After 2 years unvaccinated obviously came across COVID and it did nothing to them so why need a vaccine if their immune systems work fine as protection. People on average can get 2 to 3 colds a year and never die so the unvaccinated proved this with COVID coronavirus. If your vaccine protects you from COVID exactly why would an unvaccinated be of danger to you the vaccinated if the vaccine works. Nonsense and they are backed into the corner trying to push a fraud study and insult our intelligence. Political fraud by many.

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Dr John Campbell, among so many others, has been documenting and sharing from the beginning. There were a lot of deaths. I worked Long Term Care and hospital during the crazy time. The sh*ts came out, we lost employees and residents to those things.

After the mass vexxing clinic at the stadium, I went to manage a department at a different LTC facility- 3 small houses. We had death after death in residents. Admission after admission that lived a day, a couple days, a week and in one case that I am familiar w, 2 months. Families reported sudden change in conditions. From cognition to anger to worsening of Parkinsons where the suddenly just couldn't really even remember to walk. We only saw a couple of the cases of the bug, but nothing significant. Nobody died from it.

Staff who were vexxed were rewarded w extra vacation days (except my dept- we never had enough staff). These most vexxed came back from traveling our state or one traveling the world. And they were ALL ill! Not those of us who refused though, so we again carried the load.

It never helped that those pcr tests often read positive results, even w no symptoms, and if it did, the person had to take 14 days out (later reduced to 10, then a week). So we didn't have staff, but it was bc of all the new procedure and protocol. Of course, many grew weary and quit after a few months. Heck, people were getting paid to stay home!

Looking back, I think we have more questions to ask.

Then, after me falling from exhaustion and needing a long recovery, I went to work in a less taxing place. Was supposed to be at home but ended up in facility, where they harrased me to no end to get that thing. Of course, they administer them and are paid for every one. Reported no declination signed when I told them to look for it in my record. Told them I'll sign another then. Then they suddenly found those missing dox. Literally came after me w the vexx. I told them I'll walk, and I meant it.

Anyone who worked med records also saw the historic rise in requests for records. From attorneys to life insurance companies, to health insurers to government trackers to family of those w illness, which cases of some kidney but mostly heart abnormalities. Many of my own group of friends/acquaintances had death in the family. My best friend had to retire early as her heart suffered electrical abnormalities. She has had two surgeries tobrestore rhythm so far.

Another was our long time and only reliable charge nurse. She had a sudden inflammatory response and while we were told it went quickly and she died soon after. However, according to her med records that had to be released to her insurance company 3 times (that it came to me). She had 9 months of a devastating response. Acute systolic and diastoilc heart failure.

What a shame. One of the best nurses I've known. Always looking after her patients best interests. About to retire w her hubby after buying their dream home.

One client in her 80s just reported that her husband suddenly died (age seems to help people ignore this trend, as I suppose they think their age may dictate, but look at the numbers. Talk to the older generation- every single one I know lost at least one close to then suddenly, w/o explanation.

So, this 80 something yr old woman, healthy lifestyle all her life. She told me that she called her good friend to tell her that her husband suddenly died. Hadn't been ill at all. Interestingly, her frien said it just happened to her husband too!


There is much too much evidence to shoe it was these vexxines that were killing people, and the protocol in the hospitals.

There are reports also that are revealing that those who came to the hospitals and died were mislabeled as unvexxed. I hope someone can share that link.

They were paid for each covidian death, so incentivized

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They also pushed unvaxxed onto ventilators and there are stories of refusing unvaccinated a representative in the hospital. Essentially jailed them and killed them.

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Jun 20Liked by Trish Wood

Many thanks to real time data. Factual accounts of what really went on as those who tell all add credibility to the others as their stories are similar and the adverse events are similar including death.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Trish Wood

David Dickson twitter He has many graphs. He is from Alberta. Former British police officer data specialist . You will enjoy his work.

As for nospitals overwhelming that was a big lie. They were never overwhelmed in 2020 and the national citizens inquiry testimony outs it and so do many whistle blowing healthcare and regular everyday citizens. After the vaccines came thats when hospitals started filling up and it was the vaccinated. Unvaccinated in for routine stuff were swabbed and called covid positive but they were in for their co morbidities. The vaccinated were in for a host of identifiable adverse events to these vaccines.

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Jun 17Liked by Trish Wood

Ok thanks. I wll check that out. There are many stories and anecdotes from both sides but hard data is not that easy to find. I suspect part of the proble in the hospitals was that they were sending home staff that tested positive for COVID hence they were understaffed. Ventilators also seemed to be proved to harm people more than help them.

I have seen a lot of people looking simply at the number of cases and then saying there were way more vaccinated than unvaccinated in the hospitals without also notiing that there were way more vaccinated people in the population than unvaccinated. I find on both sides there has been sloppy presentation of data and facts. I would like to see a truly objective person just interpret the facts without trying to make the data fit their thesis and I have seen this on both side.

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Yes that's how they manipulated the data. We know 80% give or take a percentage or 2 were vaccinated. Therefore the piece of the pie will be bigger for the vaccinated. However the common sense bottom line was if your vaccine works why are they in hospital or dying? Shouldn't the piece of the pie be smaller then the unvaccinated 20% if they are in for a true COVID respiratory virus illness. Remember adults get 2 to 3 colds per year and do not die. Cancer patients and other very sick can die from any cold due to very weak immune systems.

Also they started grouping unvaccinated and one dose together and then two three or four dosed separately in a graph. Well if you take the line of 2 add it to the 3 and then 4 the line becomes very high. True manipulation because it was supposedly a 2 dosed regiment to be fully vaccinated so if the 2 3 or 4 dosed were in hospital or dying what does it say about the vaccines and the vaccine mandates. The truth outed again. They stated one dose not enough. But according to the vaccine makers antibodies were produced on one dose so exactly what happened to these antibodies along with ones healthy immune systems. Makes no sense. Then they scammed on natural immunity not being acceptable thereby destroying all vaccines as the premise of a vaccine is using a weakened virus to solicit an immune response and produce antibodies just like through natural.infection.

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Then, after running hard during that time, I fell and broke both ankles. After some recovery time, wrnt to med records. What I was seeing was overwhelmingly heart issues.

New requests from attorneys to life insurance companies to health insurance companies to physicians from multiple clinics for the same patient. Families and patients of. They department suddenly exploded w requests and they were also working terribly long hours.

I did not see a lot of requests for c o v i d records, but deaths, lots of heart issues, some kidney and C m s and DHHS and c I o X X were collecting data on lost pregnancies.

Dig deep there

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Yes, and new regs and protocol. Family used to be able to come sit w resident/patient also, but now not able. Fearful residents/patients and staff. It was an incredibly crazy time.

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Thank you for not being afraid to work and giving us a true picture of what went on. Crazy times of course and crazier for you in healthcare.

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Research Chrystia Freelands book Plutocrats..,The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the fall of evrryone else. Seems right about whats happening now as 1.3 trillion was gained in wealth by the elites during covid.

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Seems it was a marine set to suck all the wealth from the people, right straight into their own pockets.

Isnt it strange that they pushed us hard to take their snake oil, to their mega profits

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Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy and aristocracy is rule by a select group of elites. They no doubt want to go back to an aristocratic society and majority the peasants.

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That "Marine" was a babel bot..meant to confuse. I hate how it changes your words!

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Just like Chrystia Freeland is incapable of finding solutions in the real world in Canada her book doesnt provide much solutions to the problems presented in the book either. It appears in Canada hard work isnt what produces wealth but rather stealing from the tax payers is profitable as being seen in the house of commons commitees overseeing massive corruption.

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The US also. Creating ways to create contracts that pay out billions of our money, right into their own coffers. That and insider trading

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I found your latest sub stack post to as always be on point, and quite insightful. To see the

leaders of the West attending the

commemoration of the D-Day Landings,

should make all of us ashamed and outraged!

What these Western leaders represent , has

absolutely nothing in common with the heroes

of any of the conflicts from the 1940’s to

present day. Thank you for so eloquently

bringing this to our attention. It is

disgraceful to see the dysfunctional souls

masquerading as leaders of the West these

days, my country’s leaders especially. In my

more than 60 years , I never thought I would

witness what has gone on since 2001, in the

alleged democracies of the West. I suspect

everything in the West will have to hit rock

bottom, before things can begin to improve?

I don’t think we are far from that point, in

the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, New

Zealand, as of now. I hope we don’t have

much further to fall, things are already quite

disgraceful, and challenging for far too many

of us. U.S. and Western hegemony has brought

far too much misery, suffering, hardship, death

and destruction to the world, to enrich the

pockets of an increasingly small group at

the top. The world and its people have

earned a break from this tyranny, once and

for all. Let’s hope enough of us wake up to

make that possible, and sooner than later.

The ship of state is about to be run into the

rocks, by people who are completely inept,

ignorant, arrogant, full of hubris, have callous

disregard for people and have become

increasingly cruel and inhumane towards

their fellow man! One has to wonder if any

of the West’s leaders have even a shred of

humanity or human decency left. From what

I have seen of their reckless actions and

bellicose and highly inflammatory rhetoric,

it would appear that our leaders have gone

completely off the rails! If you can find

examples to refute any of this, by all means

please show me.

I hope your doing flu is of short duration, and

you are feeling better soon, Trish! By the way,

how has the recuperation with your leg

progressed? Smoothly and without any

setbacks , I hope, You are doing a terrific

job keeping us all well informed about the

current events, unfolding all around us. I

commend you for your tireless efforts in our

behalf! Feel better soon, and keep up the

good work. The world needs voices of reason

and common sense like yours, to keep our

attention focused on things that really matter!

Thank you Trish for all you do.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

Read Chrystia Freelands book...the Plutocrats..,Thr rise of the new global super rich and the fall of everyone else.

Ask how come money was given to gain of function research with a Nathan Wolfe who is friends with Ghislaine Maxwell a convicted pedophile with sex rings and why Jeffrey Epstein went to the CIA headquarters and why these guys are given CIA and Pentagon funds to do this gain of function research in foreign biolabs . The pro vaccine crowd might like to research and family and friends who laugh at the mention of the vaccines not being safe might like to ask why sexual predators are friends with those who have connection to these covid vaccines. That should be enough to put Anthony Fauci in the bad books of the american public and what he did during covid. If the scam of social distancing and masks doesnt fizzle on people about Tony Fauci then the attachment of sexual predators including children in sex rings to those doing gain of function research attached to covid vaccines might.

Its very sad what we experienced during covid and the vaccine mandates and when you realize the super rich gained 1.3 trillion dollar in wealth during covid it makes sense.

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I guess these people are being exposed through many means.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

My stepdad, David, was a war buff. He died at 80 about 6 years ago but, while alive, he read about war voraciously and watched every war movie and documentary that he could find. David was clearly a product of his era - a boy who lived through WW2 when the “fighting man” was revered and honoured by all.

I was born in 1951 and am lucky to have never been called to war. In December 1969, I was an 18 yo “hippie” travelling Europe who shared a cave with an American draft dodger. Our cave, located in a cliff that rose up from the sandy shores of Matala Beach situated on the south shore of Crete. (Joni Mitchell sang of her stay in Matala in 1970).

My cave-mate became very ill with dysentery soon after I moved in and he was rushed to the hospital in Heraklion, the capital of Crete. As a draft dodger, I was sympathetic to reason for escaping the USA when public authorities expected to put his “life and limb” on the line for a war in which he did not believe.

My own father was a WW2 bomber in Europe. He suffered “nerves” at the end of the war and spent nearly a year in a Scottish “rest home” before returning home. He lost the opportunity, at federal government expense, to study Architecture at U of T as a “thank you from a grateful nation” for his service. Dad had unfortunately come home one year too late to qualify. I guess the “grateful nation” was not as grateful as they claimed if they so cavalierly denied dad something he has rightfully earned. (Dad eventually earned a B.Sc. from part time studies at age 42 while raising five children.)

Trish. While I share your sadness for the “fighting man” who returns home with physical and psychological injuries, I feel even greater disdain for the political class of humanity that make wars possible through their greed, lust for power and other forms of sadistic narcissism. The most dominant theme throughout human history is war, usually fought over religious zealotry or power lust. If there is a God, I can’t understand why he would created such a flawed species.

I hope you recover from the flu soon. It’s a nasty way to spend your days. Get some sunshine if you can - the vitamin D will do you good.


Gene Balfour

Fenelon Falls

A real Libertarian

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Thanks for this. I loathe the war mongers but always love the warriors. Your dad sounds like an interesting guy....

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Yes war isn't the answer. War brings alot of money to those who invoke it and enrich their pockets with all contracts attached to war.

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Dad died at age 66 in 1992 from bowel cancer. My mother married her beau, Gordie Boulton, from age 16 who had also gone to war. They married after dad died and were very happy for 16 years when mom died of a stroke at 84. Gordie passed a few years later at age 88 from emphysema after years of heavy smoking which was a habit he picked up as a WW2 scout. My uncle Harry was a WW2 army officer who subsequently became a dairy farmer and guard at the Kingston penitentiary ( a tough SOB). Mom’s dad, Jack Watson, was a WW1 fighter pilot with the second most kills by a Canadian in that war.

I grew up with the shadow of WW2 looming over my understanding of what it means “to be a man” in Canada. It was an odd ethos, looking back on it. My two daughters were untouched by it, thank goodness and I hope my grandson, Rhodes, never faces the prospect of war.

While my oldest daughter, Paris, an America citizen living in Ohio, is married to a war vet who is financially assisted for the PTSD that he has suffered from several “tours of duty” in the mid East, he never burdens Paris with those scars and is a great husband to my daughter. They are very happy and she doesn’t miss Canada especially after Trudeau came to power.

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When you think back at the reason for war was to secure freedoms from oppressors and yet the oppressors today were the very ones oppressing the people through lockdowns fear mental abuse and then hatred and division with vaccine mandates which included the military who had these vaccine mandates then they destroyed what the military is supposed to accomplish and desicrated the actions of those who served in the past who fought to secure freedom and protect democracy. If you take action to fight communism but allow communist countries free access to your country in the name of money then exactly what did you accomplish in the past fighting this so called communism and what success do you think you gain when these individuals move freely in your country giving out secrets to the supposed enemy communist country and do not hold them accountable for espionage or being traitors. We have clearly frauds protecting the enemy because of money and power.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood


I had mostly just ignored these preening idiots talking about fascism while imposing fascism, but your description of them hit home. What an absolute travesty on the poor soldiers that died for their governments.

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Yes ever see stories of military families who had their eyes opened after what was done to their sons and daughters and how they realized how manipulated the soldiers are and turned against the government because of it.

Great depiction of preening idiots who also talk against hate but are the ones pushing hate.

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Am wondering whether you're familiar with Elizabeth Nickson Trish. (Fellow Canuckistanian.)

She pens some pretty wild, and then some pretty enlightening stuff.

This is one article which I read, by happenstance, this morning.

Chilled me.


Because... well many reasons. This is just one of them:


Actually, 2 reasons why I took the article to heart.


(Might not already be a fait accompli in Canuckistan. But we're well on the way.)

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Yes, I do read her stuff from time to time. It's a bit out there for me but she is a terrific writer and has obviously lead an exotic life. I can relate. I think she lives on Salt Spring......

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She is correct on the fact the bad can put stuff on your computer and then raid you. A real set up of sorts.

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She might be "a bit out there", for some, but from where I'm sitting in the BC woods:

"The Epic Bullshit of Catastrophic Climate Change" is a tour de force.


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We had heat waves 40 years ago in summer. We had rain at Christmas and above normal temperatures 50 years ago. Research the weather and it reveals the truth.

Do you make life uncomfortable for the majority while a select few enjoy all the comforts that they say they need to deny and Canada shares North America with the USA and Mexico and they do not have a carbon tax. In fact the present King and Macron of France and Klaus🧐Schwab and other elites were all enjoying Kobe Beef from Japan flown in to the party. No bugs anywhere there to feast on. The motorcades of these elites speaks volumes of their hypocrisy and their private planes leaving huge carbon footprints but worry about you taking a cross country car ride because of climate change. All BOGUS claims by these elites vying for full control.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

Thanks Trish for finally having Regina on your show. I watched a few other interviews with her and immediately ordered her book.

If l may suggest LUBOMIN ARSOV for a future interview. He's a Canadian animator that moved to the States during Covid. His latest film is "Kingdom". He talks about his previous work with Joe Martin (Collective Evolution) and at about 60 mins in explains

hishttps://open.spotify.com/episode/69jL0WQAcuryFELtqxNbo2?si=60RqLw4uS3StLht8eni13A journey. So enlightening.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

Thousand Day War- excellent.

Richard Basehart- just watched La Strada again (Fellini, so fkg deep.) Basehart gives a wonderful performance as The Fool.

Watch it for a break during (boring) KBurns 10 episodes war chronicle.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

So delighted you had Regina Watteel on your show to discuss her excellent book, Fisman's Fraud. I was reading her book when the Academy Awards were on in March. I couldn't help note that the well-deserved Oscar to "Zone of Interest" (about that unique event in Nazi Germany) could spawn new historical dramas in the years to come as more Canadians (and citizens of other Western nations) come to terms with what was happening right under our noses - the demonization of the unvaccinated, the championing of 'vaccines' that didn't prevent infection or stop transmission etc. We have our own "Zone of Interest" unfolding in Canada and elsewhere as vaccine injuries and deaths mount. Thankfully, as you reported, even the British Journal of Medicine and the Telegraph in the UK are acknowledging the needle and the damage done.

Thanks to Regina Watteel for pressing on and not giving up in the face of so much institutional ghosting across the board.

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She is a marvel and what a great analogy. I thought Zone of Interest was a great idea badly wrought. I tried so hard to like it and I'm glad it exists but.....

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

Perhaps it's the apparent obliviousness or the way people try to make meaning of what was happening in Zone of Interest that got my attention. This past week I've had three sets of friends impacted by sudden illnesses of a family member or close friend. One couple have a 40-something daughter who was in hospital for ten days and is diagnosed with Gilliam-Barre Syndrome and hardly has the strength to lift a cup of water to her mouth to drink. But as big boosters of Dr. Bonnie Henry, it would be off the table to suggest the 'vaccine' could be involved. A second longtime friend (who I was nearly done with) some time ago argued with numerous citations from 'fact-checkers' that all the VAERS reports of vaccine injured were fabricated by 'anti-vaxxers.' Over a meal she let me know that a mutual friend's 52-year-old twin brother (very healthy) just dropped dead. She wondered what could have happened. And again, to suggest it could be the vaccine would be viewed as 'conspiracy.' And a third set of friends brought news yesterday of a son-in-law in early 50s who after shortness of breath found he needs bypass surgery for two major arteries to the heart.

All sets of friends were frightened by the propaganda, trusted the prime minister they vote for... Maybe just a film some day about Canadian society and Willful Blindness.

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Every single case I have heard of is white and male, except two very blonde (heritage?) Females.

Anyone else notice trends?

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I've had so many similar reports. Nearly every person I know were too afraid to dig deep. Instead, they took the bait and have suffered a variety of consequences. So many deaths. So many illnesses.

At a baby shower yesterday and the subject came up by a brave soul. She just lost 2 friends unexpectedly.. Not uncommon these days. There was a lovely young nurse at the table and I imagine my sis was trying to get her take. I chined in that I have seen a lot of that lately. The conversation fell flat right there.

An elderly woman whom I care for said if I don't get the sh*t she doesn't think I can work for her (just 2 weeks ago). I told her that sh*t has done more harm then good. She remembers having been in the care facility when it came around. She noted there were lots of deaths and her son couldn't even visit. I asked if they were deaths from the bug.. no answer.

I think many elders are confused as to what happened. They only have mainstream news to listen to.

Another lovely client told me her husband died 3 years ago, suddenly. She called to tell her good friend who reported her own husband had just died suddenly.

I worked LTC & Hospital. I didn't see covid, though we had a few test positive for it. We did see death after death w unexplained sudden declines in health and cognition (why they were brought in to be cared for). Some lasted a day. One lasted a couple months. A slow decline. I had him as a personal client just b4 his admission. Wife reported his quick decline.

Many were terrified.

One 70 something yr old was terrified to go outside. She wanted to get the sh*t as soon as she could (I lost track of her, so don't know her status). She double gloved and double masked. She had me sanitize everything that came through the doors (groceries and anything else). She was a living basket case, as were many.

Sasha Lapadova (sp) had another interview that spoke of why these tyrants can't be charged, or how they covered themselves from prosecution. No, no, we will work diligently together to put these tyrants behind bars forever, stripping every asset and title.

They will be brought to justice, God willing.

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Jun 17Liked by Trish Wood

Thank you for your comment. The anecdotal stories keep coming my way, with one or more each week of late. Not that I know that each story of sudden stage 4 cancer, or heart attack etc. is vax related, but the cumulation that is off the charts compared to pre-'pandemic' is noteworthy.

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Absolutely. I fell from pure exhaustion after working the craziness in LTC & Hospital, from regulation changes thrown at us, not the bug itself.

After a bit more than a year in recovery, I worked for a few months in medical records. Their dept was inundated. They had never seen so many requests for records. From attornies to life insurers to health insurers to government trackers to family/patient requests, there were thousands in our healthcare system alone. The data was telling even

w/o the stories of people I knew personally.

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Ask these people who refuse to accept the vaccines as the reason for these health ailments or deaths to read he SEC filijngs where over 20 adverse events are written including death and ask why it couldnt be the vaccine then.

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Wow. No words, friend.

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And this afternoon another friend happened to mention a 50-yr-old son of a couple who lives on the street - "totally fit and healthy" - had a cardiac arrest in the Okanagan and after the ambulance/paramedics picked him up he didn't make it to the hospital and died on route. Reports that people like Edward Dowd detail these past few years about sudden deaths, and unexpected illnesses, is panning out with people in my address book.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

The interview with Regina was amazing. She is articulate and knows her stuff and not afraid to expose the lies. These fraudsters like Fisman get caught every way they turn. David Fisman forgets about natural antibodies through infection which by the time he did this model study it is a moot case denying natural infection antibodies . The whole premise of a vaccine is to produce antibodies obtained through a virus so what a scam show was played out on whether natural infectiion antibodies were robust. Plain silliness. Many things Regima speaks of is so common sense that literally exposes the fraud.

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I cried twice listening to this one. First about D Day and the unfitness of current Western leaders. Again when Regina talked about how the convoy restored her faith in people.

She was a great interviewee: so clear in explaining how these studies didn’t reach wrong conclusions by accident. Wish she were a prof!

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There is a strong emotional connection for us awake people between those dear boys running toward enemy fire in France and our truckers who were just as sure of their rightness and confident in their belief that Canada is free for protest. I think the EA outcome was shocking for many of them.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

Amazing interview with Regina Watteel. She has completely destroyed David Fisman and good to hear no Canadian journals would run Fismans new study.

David Fisman is a fraud. The whole ontario science table was and the key to stopping this happening again is a massive lawsuit by Canadians. They should fight for the money in escrow from the trucker protest donations and use that for a gigantic lawsuit against Fisman and the OST.

Peter Juni was pushing lockdowns in Ontario and the masks and mandates as well in Jan Feb March 2022 but he took a job in Britain who had gotten rid of all mandates. So its so dangerous in Ontario according to Peter Juni but safe in Britain with no mandates. I think the liars are exposed.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood


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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

I named my puppy Bobby after RFK Jr because I’m a huge supporter of his work with Children’s Heath Defence!

Can’t wait for what you have in store for us Trish!

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I got to meet someone that no journalist was ever allowed to spend time with. Had dinner with him in Maine. And we exchanged some really honest and profound ideas. It is a complex and interesting family. I met Bobby on a beach in BC in 1993 and nearly passed out at how handsome he was on those days. And he carried the Kennedy mannerism, voice and confidence -- I could practically see his father sitting behind him there on the beach.

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Jun 11Liked by Trish Wood

biden, 💩, macron et al

Make you sick but makes me p—e .


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