Chillie is so beautiful, Trish. Those soulful eyes! Your show is something I long for all week. It makes my weekend days even brighter. Maybe it’s time you moved to a more peaceful environment. Being away from so much noise, so much crime, so much disarray and destruction and traffic is very good for the spirit, the heart, the brain. Much love to you. Mel

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I don't think anyone would complain about more dog pictures in Trish's posts.

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She is a winner. From Puebla in Mexico. Spent four years in a shelter there after being found tied to a fence with several other dogs who had died of starvation. She was the only survivor. She is still a little pensive but gaining confidence every day. She loves the snow and had a great time at our rented cottage this summer. I'll find some shots and do a post so we can all cheer up. Maybe have some of you post your dog photos on the comments if that is possible.

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We have destroyed Canada. The left wing carbuncle of our education system guarantees no way out. Our children are fully indoctrinated. Are you aware of an NS Lyons and his (her?) seminal work, China Convergence?

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The NS Lyon piece posted above is seminal, a work of genius, essential if you wish to understand, nothing less than an explication our zeitgeist: our moment in the historical process. It will change you.

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Wow....I'm just working my way through it. But it is terribly smart. I will get back to it after I post Part Two of this week's show later today. Thank you.

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You’re an early riser!

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Apropos of your coming documentary here is his take on the Canadian truckers.


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Hello Trish, Please spare us from Colonel MacGregor! He's the most offensive commentator of them all, when it comes to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. I suggest you visit the site of who might be termed his "Alter Ego": Jake Broe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qDKTfaynJ8

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nasty comment...sadly he has been proven correct

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I remember when the conflict started, McGregor was predicting an early victory for the Russians. Did that happen? No.

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I don't recall every victory but perhaps I'm wrong. I do recall that Ukraine couldn't win and that talks were necessary.

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The stated goals of Russia's SMO have no specificity. "De-Nazi-ify & demiliterize" are like the wests "war on terror". There is no end game.

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Wouldn't it be reasonable to say the end game is to defeat the Ukrainians and take all or some of the Ukraine back into Russia?

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War is never reasonable. War is the opposite. It will end when they grow tired of fighting. For now Russia is 'winning', and so they will continue.

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Indeed it was a nasty comment. Much of a piece with Mr. Drown's usual Israeli hasbara.

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Thanks for commenting. Now isn't there some place where you could go and eat your peanuts quietly? :)

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Request denied.

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Rod - be at least nice-ish on here. You are a guest. I'm not interested in random toxicity. It hurts us all. You are welcome but tone down the snark.

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I thought the fact that I "liked" Jim's comment would have gotten me off the hook! :) You run a very tight ship, Ms Wood.

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I don't want to put you to time-consuming effort but you might check out a couple of Jake Broe's podcasts. It vexes me greatly to see that people appear not to notice that Putin's Russia has 20,000 political prisoners -- source the Raoul Wallenburg Centre for Human Rights (via Terry Glavin). Zelensky is not perfect but I'm fairly sure he is loved and admired by his people to a greater degree than those in Putin's Russia. Putting it as politely as I can, I consider MacGregor a Russian intelligence asset.

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Do you have any evidence for that? Or is this another version of Russiagate?

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Zelensky is a shitty comedic actor. People voted for him for the same reason most ellections are won; to get rid of the previous gòof ball.

No, the don't love him. Most feel trapped by the war.

When the war started, more Ukranians fled to Russia than to 'western' nations.

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Hi Trish. Your story about the coyote was interesting and provides a comparison with my existence since I abandoned city living in 2016.

Soon after we I moved from Thornhill to our rural, forested spot in the Kawartha Lakes north of Cameron Lake, I was treated one winter morning to two beautiful foxes sunbathing for ~thirty minutes about 20 feet from my basement office window. They didn’t know I was watching. It was a sight to behold.

Since then, we have had many visits from local critters. A moose visits every year or two to feed on the leaves and small branches of an 15 foot acacia tree situated along the edge of my driveway. A family of young foxes and their parents kept the members of our local golf club entertained for the entire season with their presence and antics.

I walk my two English Cream Golden Retrievers daily at 9 PM along our country road: they are always on leash because they would otherwise dart after any rustle in the forest or unseen scent which can be a skunk, porcupine, fox, deer or some other furry, four-legged critter. My walk always involves passing Whisky and Saucy - two ponies fenced in a neighbour’s yard, and I hear the barking of a half dozen canines renting a “suite” in the local dog kennel - it is owned by my brother- and sister-in-law who are also breeders of purebred Saint Bernard dogs.

In the morning I hear the call of a rooster announcing his day from a small hobby farm 400 meters to the west of me which I can’t see due to the dense forest between us.

Summer brings baby osprey to a nest about 100 meters from our second story deck. It thrills my wife to hear and watch the beautiful adult birds fly to and fro the nest to feed their young.

The joys of nature are endless when there are more animals than people living in your neighbourhood.

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I love this. And I agree. But our coyote friends in Midtown are clearly struggling, Skinny. Not afraid of humans and large dogs. Trouble brewing I fear. More close calls reported in the last 48 hours. I wish I was your neighbour. I can't move but a weekend rental in the country sounds nice. I'd love to see your dogs.

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Hi Trish,

If you are serious about a weekend visit, there are a few options we can discuss including the local

Eganridge Resort, Golf Club & Spa if this is your preference regarding accommodations rather than staying here. Cynthia, Dorothy and I would love to meet you.

I think you will find that you and I have much in common about how we understand the mess in which we find ourselves. If you are willing, I can also introduce you to the 5 members of the Advocates for Civil Society to whom I referred in today’s Substack post


My iPhone is 647 309-7817. Feel free to call. Gene

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Let's not fear monger about coyotes... I think there's only ever been two people killed by them -- one in 1981 and here in NS in 2009. Look up how dangerous dogs are compared to that! And don't get me wrong, I love dogs... and have had several over the years, and still do. The attack on Taylor Mitchell in Cape Breton, NS was incredibly tragic, but also VERY rare. People were feeding them and they got used to engaging with humans. Being attacked would be a scary encounter, but again, the risk needs to be put in perspective. Also, if coyotes are coming into Toronto looking for food, one might want to ask why? Is their habitat being destroyed? What is going on outside the city limits to create pressure on them?

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Not fear mongering...I am with you....they are different this year....as I said....following people in packs....and killing dogs

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As someone who has lived with Coyotes for generations, they are supposed to be afraid of humans. As long as they afraid, they do not cause problems. (Maybe the odd chicken, but not dogs, cats, ....)

The problems occur when they cross breed with dogs, and loose their natural fear of humans. Alternately, when the most aggressive coyotes are not culled. This is true of all wild predators. They know that the humans are the highest predator, and leave humans alone. You see the same thing with bears. As long as the bear knows that the human is dangerous to bears, there are no issues. It is when the bear looses its fear that problems occur.

For me, when ever I run into a year old bear cub (just booted from the den by momma, and stupid / curious) I make a point of grabbing whatever is at hand (pots, pans, sticks) and charge the yearling while making a lot of noise. By doing this, I teach it to leave humans alone and it will live a long life. Same is true for coyotes, they need to be afraid of humans.

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Coyotes, once unique to western North America, have in the past 100 years, expanded their range across the continent, including PEI. They are intelligent, highly adaptable and have, thus far, defeated any measures to eradicate them. Like the common tick, they are here to stay. In the north, they are now interbreeding with wolves to create a new hybrid species.

The system of ravines in Toronto, that supports the largest density of raccoons in the world, is also an ideal habitat for coyotes. As unsettling and inconvenient as it might be, the only rational response is to accept their presence and take suitable precautions. Particularly with small children and pets.

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I agree, Tim. But it is getting ridiculous. People are afraid to go for walks. This is a first and something is wrong this year. Too many? No food?

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What's the solution? If you kill the coyotes (trap them etc.) the result is usually more coyotes in the long run. There is no simple solution... but it would be nice if humans for once thought about how human activity impacts other species. That's the place to start.

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Not kill....just relocate. They can't possibly be happy trotting up and down Avenue Road.

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They have very strong social bonds... relocating individuals is not the best idea, IMHO.

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There are many potential explanations. Changed behaviour due to repeated human contact, food supply or simply the natural cycles of nature. The numbers of every species rise and fall in a predictable cycle. We have them in numbers here too. The threat is more imagined than real. City people really do tend to freak out far more over wildlife than rural folks.

I'm far more concerned over human predators. Those numbers are also up sharply.

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I agree we city folk are awful on this stuff. At some point in the future I will relay my story of making "friends" with a very rabid raccoon that I thought was just being friendly. City girl in the country.

But we are seeing dogs being killed. They are moving in packs around houses at night. I promise I am not being melodramatic nor do I want to them harmed in any way.

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I think it would be interesting if you'd interview a wildlife biologist and see what they think. Maybe the population has increased, or maybe there is pressure pushing them into cities. I think without that kind of analysis, it tends towards making people fearful. Not saying you're doing it intentionally Trish -- I'm sure you're not -- but just that it might have that effect.

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What a great idea. I'm on it. Will report back.

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I used to live in the Beach... we had major problems with Coyotes starting back about 15 years ago with a small dog being snatched from it's backyard... walked my dog carrying a hockey stick at night just in case. We had some ladies on our street feeding them if you can believe it. Eventually they moved on.

No issues with Coyotes out here now, although i too keep my dog on a leash or he'd be after the squirrels/rabbits in no time

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I stand corrected, it was closer to 11 years ago

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San Francisco's human population is approximately 18,500 per square mile. Their canine population is roughly 3,500 per square mile. Can you imagine? People got them for companionship during the Pandemic--and new dog owners don't have a clue how to care for them or train them or why you would keep them on a leash, etc. The incidence of dog bites is very high. They even have "dog parks" on designated floors of residential high rise buildings. That's nuts.

I wonder if the fires Canada allows to burn year-round don't have something to do with your over-population of coyotes now. And, yes, interbreeding with dogs is a problem. I actually like coyotes. Never lost a goat or sheep or dog to them. I think bobcats are more lethal to cats.

I did have to be careful when I lived in the Himalayas in the winter. Panthers would pick off individual dogs (why the wild dogs there live in packs) and then small children and then women. In the winter. So don't let dogs run loose or unaccompanied in the city. You shouldn't anyway. Untrained larger dogs often have a prey instinct that will endanger small dogs. How do you know these are coyotes? How do you know they are not dogs whose owners dumped them?

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Totally coyotes. No question about that. I do wonder if the proliferation of dogs during covid meaning more dog pee around generally is a factor. There are lots of dogs peeing around here. They are attracted to the smell.

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And yes their habitat is being destroyed. New condo projects right on their ravine. Loud, hogging land and construction generally traumatising us all. Toronto seems to have no limits on construction or concern for nature. They have handed it all over to developers and homeless encampments. I feel terribly sorry for the coyotes and other animals dealing with this. But I am tired of being afraid on my daily walks. That might be perceived as a luxury belief but I do need to be outside my with dog. Bought an air-horn from Amazon and always carry a flashlight at night.

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"..humanely trapped and removed..." To become someone else's problem? Urbanites have no clue as to the damage these predators can do. Just ask a cow whose calf she is busy trying to birth is eaten by coyotes as it comes out of the birthing canal. Wanna save those ones? Coyotes have a huge birthing rate and will not go extinct, trust me. Cities have a food source and that is why the coyotes are there. Just be glad that you don't have wolves, yet.

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I appreciate Colonel Macgregor. Peter Mearsheimer has spoken very clearly about the Russian/Ukraine situation in alignment with Colonel Macgregor. https://munkdebates.com/debates/russia-ukraine-war/

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I truly love your show/program. That being said you talk about destabilization of the US - doesn't anyone beleive this is all deliberate? There is no way in hell crime deliberately goes unabated and boarders are intentionally thrown open. Nor is there any way Israel self destructs which is what they are in the process of doing.

We all know there is much more at stake here - you're looking at the robust gas fields off the coast of Gaza the new canal and of course world wide trade and shipping.

I can't possibly be the only one who see's the complete and total current imbalance of power. Russia and China have never been stronger while the US and Europe have never been weaker. I still beleive Putin deliberately invaded Ukraine knowing everyone else would get involved and wind up depleting everything - which has happened.

Therefore there is no greater time than the present to start a war in the Middle East - it was written Turkey has already amassed two million "trained" troops - once you antagonize Iran Russia gets involved and it's buh-bye everyone else.

I truly beleive this is what this is all about! The USA was already in it's final throws, there has never been a time were our military was weaker than it is today Recruitment is at it's lowest (they have a 70% obesity rate) our inventory is at it lowest and - war ships are antiquated and rust or simply can't operate in salt water - we have half the combat aircrafts we did and even worse we don't have the trained staff to operate them. How much have we and everyone else sent to Ukraine?

I'm sorry but I believe we were deliberately goaded into all of this - it was a trap - I also believe those in certain positions of power (remember there are factions within both parties) absolutely, positively sold us out to Russia and or China You cannot possibly tell me this total desecration of the US was not deliberate - it's just to blindingly obvious - crime is off the Richter Scale and you then advertise - if you steal up to $1000 in merchandise you will not be arrested? What? . . . . the National Guard could not be brought in? People were arrested for surfing and going to parks during covid!!!!

Russia is about to become the world next super power - say what you want about Putin but there is no denying he is brilliant (strategist) but especially in comparison to the heads of the USA - combined. I believe they also deliberately want Israel to self destruct - whether Netanyahu was bought and paid for to destroy Israel (can he seek political asylum in Russia) or the US is behind it - but that too is blindingly obvious. And of course Israel is also prime real-estate in the middle east - hence it's destruction. How many Russian Jews reside in Israel?

Lastly loved, loved, loved your comments about Bobby Kennedy my exact same sentiments verbatim!!! I hope the Colonel is right that he comes around to his senses - the other side of that coin is, he greatest fault is his weakness - he is so craven

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I am open to any ideas on this. I am stumped, shocked and upset by the escalation. The corruption and stupidity of the American Neocons is breathtaking. We just need to stick together and keep talking. I talk in the current show about how much I miss Tucker's monologues.

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Trish, a scholar I am not, just blatant common sense. You cannot possibly tell me this makes a modicum of sense. For decades Israel was able to exploit the Holocaust card - antisemitism my ass. I live 10 minutes outside of NYC - tell me one person who does not deliberately seek out a Jewish doctor, surgeon or lawyer because of their stellar education!

Patients fly in from all over the world to pursue medical care at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in NYC, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in NJ, Beth Israel Medical Center in NYC, The Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. Tell me again how we're all supposed antisemites?

I live in Bergen County NJ where there's a Yeshiva and or synagogue almost every mile. Teaneck NJ has the largest population of Jews in NJ and yet how is it since October 7th not only has there never been one incident (nor ever mind you) there is not one police car or beefed up security. In the past, if a car so much as backfires you will see a police car parked for days.

I was listening to my local college radio station several weeks ago and a Jewish female student called in to say for the first time ever she was afraid to be at her school. NOT because she was Jewish mind you but rather, petrified of the increased pro-Israel security and the fact she supported the Palestinians.

It was reported from almost day one Israel has invested one billion dollars on this egregious propaganda campaign. You see it on billboards all over out highways in NJ. Pictures of the hostages. I use AOL and you see it on ad's - and the NY Post has clearly been a benefactor - every headline and story is more atrocious and totally outrageous than the previous. Ironically the NY Post had been a rag at one time and has now reverted right back to it's former reputation of being pure garbage.

I noticed your head shaking when the Colonel brought up or perhaps simply used the term antisemite, hence my post. The blacks play and exploit the race card - the gays then jumped on the same bandwagon (mind you the AIDS crisis catapulted them to fame and fortune) and now the Jews are doing the same. I say this to all, no one hates you because of the color of your skin, who you prefer affection from or your effing religion! I am so sick and tired of all of it! What these leaders are doing in the name of Israel is an abomination.

The best protest sign I saw read: "Who knew the Jews would become the new Nazi's" -

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Question Trish:

During this show you mentioned Dennis Kucinich - I believe an interview or perhaps at least a piece written regarding his conflict with RFK Jr and Israel. Where did you see or read it because I can't find it. You of all people know how close he was with Gore Vidal who I adored.

BTW did you see John Kerry has now joined his re-election campaign? Is he going to pull another VP-C? Brought in to find a running mate and choose himself or is he just going to replace Biden? You know Hillary has risen from the dead and also joined his campaign.

Is this the ticket against Trump but especially in war time? Better yet how will RFK Jr. fair in all of this? He clearly was pulling from both equally but if the ticket switches to these two instead - he would only pull from Trump giving them the win.

Given his vociferous stance on Israel only accentuated by his asinine comment about "Pampered Palestinians" might this explain why he's doing what he is?

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It is truly terrible the state that Toronto is in. And I hear property taxes are also going up big time. Well that's what people get for electing a socialist mayor. Of course it wasn't so much the people as the election process that ended up Toronto getting stuck with Olivia Chow. There should have been run off elections like to reduce the number in the playing field before final ballots are cast. Of course it is not just Toronto going to hell in a handbasket, it is the entire country. And now we have police arresting journalists, and yet Menzies, is one, for asking a high ranking politican a valid question, and we have four men who have been behind bars for two years who have yet to be found guilty of anything, or go to trial and two more people who could still be facing long prisons sentences on mischief charges. Tell me we are not living in a police state. So, as there are those of us who saw through the COVID nonsense, there are those of us who have seen there Trudeau has been taking this country from the get go. I certainly did. But there are still so many who don't get it--many in my own neighbourhood and family. Have you seen Neil Oliver's latest installment -- on what's coming and the importance of truth. Kind of scarey, but also very interesting.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFon7p579Ow

PS - about the coyotes, it is truly strange how they are coming into the city. Where I live in Ottawa, which is kind of semi-rural we see coyotes in the open field where people walk there dogs, but they remain shy and elusive. Yet this summer, what we did see coming into our part of the city were foxes. Many posted pictures of them hunting squirrels in town or just cruising through neighbourhoods. So same question, why are the foxes coming into city neighbourhoods rather than staying in the bordering fields and woods?

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Wish I could see Tucker in person. I just watched an incredible interview of his with Bret Weinstein, again discussing what made them different to start questioning, but also incredible insight on what we all just went through, the imperative to not just forget and remain vigilant, and what is at stake in just a few months from now.

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I will be doing whole show on this. Why some were early and others really late in figuring out C-19. It is a big deal on social media right now.

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For the young people in my family, it was being brought up as extremely independent thinkers. Homeschooled independently of the system with a classical curriculum and an emphasis on history and worldviews, they were trained to think deeply and see the patterns of history and how they 'repeat'.

It is also a lived family history of medical tyranny (my grandmother was a sad victim of the Montreal brainwashing experiments and lived the rest of her life with us in a ruined mental state) combined with the early video of Pierre Kory testifying before congress about ivermectin, clearly showing something was amiss with the authorities. It was sent to me by one of these young people.

For me to finally get to that point of complete distrust, not only of the authorities, but of the media, however, it would take me, a year later, writing the CBC ombudsman, challenging them on their horse paste ivm story - 8 pages of my own humble research - that resulted in total run-around.

By then, the mandates were coming, and the public vilification of these young people who could think for themselves had begun. Thank God I was strong enough to stand with them by then. These intelligent young people were smarter and wiser than me, and every day I am thankful for their determination to keep working on me to break away from mainstream media and see another truth. Good luck with your research!

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Being 80 gives me a long personal perspective of recent history. The sixties were a great time in the western world, certainly in Canada. The US working class males were being shipped off to kill people on the far side of the world "now we use others to do it" but for the rest of us things were getting better and it wasn't just technology. Racism "Yes, the kinder gentler Canadian kind too"; sexism/misogyny; homophobia and xenophobia were ALL improving and on the way out. The residential school systems were down or on the way out. The boring WASP Toronto was becoming an international city of cultures and fun. Technology was generating wealth and the working classes were getting a share thanks to strong trade unions. Working classes kids were going to university/college to fill the need of a more advanced country. It was great! What happened? The Empire struck back, the ruling classes weren't willing to share. IT was the Reagan and Thatcher regimes and the indoctrination industrial complexes controlled by the ruling classes that went to work on the population and like Harari says "Homo sapiens believe stories" and when you control the story machine you get what you want. In 90, the socialist alternative ended and the gloves came off completely. Compare PET, the PM with gravitas to the trust fund face of the son with zero gravitas and look around the western world and you see the same feckless sock puppet regimes. My black Caribbean buddies used to tell me "you Canadians are f--king up our kids". I didn't understand then but I do now and the f--king up is on steroids now. Having lived in the US as an immigrant and the Bahamas as an immigrant my feelings tell me it's going to get worse, a lot worse and our regime is a feckless sock puppet tool for the ruling classes who're on the way to Davos in their non CO2 generating private Jets. It's going to be great for the Hoteliers and prostitutes. No doubt they'll have orders for us lumpenproletariat plebes to save the world "for them"! As to the Coyotes, Cywolves, Cydogs; they don't belong in the city and need to be removed by any means necessary. Retired Colonel MacGregor was a real warrior who led from the front in the last tank battle before the Ukraine war which has cost the next generation of the male seed corn of the country. It's just sickening and unnecessary. The same with the slaughter of defenceless civilians in Gaza, sickening and unnecessary. As USMC general Smedley Butler wrote "War is a racket". ALL war's are bankers wars. Everyone needs to read "War is a racket"! As Bismarck said "the first casualty of War is the truth" and the propaganda has never been better or more omnipresent than Now. Thanks Trish, I have it out of my system now!

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Bahamas, Eleuthera is my favourite place. Used to go every year, pre C-19.

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Eleuthera; great choice. For Sailors "I used to be"; Georgetown Exuma was the best place, certainly the most popular. Great people, I could reminisce with the older ones because many worked on Grand Bahama as I did. I could dinghy ashore and the Bahamian kids would run up to me unafraid. Great memories. I'm sure you too!

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Pre-Covid when I was still working as a director and making decent money we would go for a couple of weeks. The beach at Double Bay is perfect and totally deserted and we had a lovely rental there. I'd love to go back but my husband doesn't want to travel anymore -- due to the hassle -- but I might take the grown kids anyway. I love it there.

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Do IT! They're paving paradise and putting up parking lots as fast as they can. On North Bimini "you can walk the length of it, I have" I noticed on Google Earth they've dredged a channel for a cruise ship, docked E/W. On Great Harbour Key/Cay in the Berries which has a great beach and a secure anchorage on the S side; they moor a a couple of small Cruise ships and bring hundreds ashore in glorified WWII landing craft. The "real" cruisers, we'd walk across and mooch on the food. Every little Key Cay is being developed "more people, more scars upon the Land". John, you should have filled your tanks or had the plumbing fixed. For what it's worth, I'd recommend looking at the hassle as a challenge to be overcome with clever planning. Perhaps budget more time to justify the hassle. I miss CBC, PBS, NPR; we've lost a lot, enjoy what you can.

Fair Winds 😉

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American Senator Hiram Johnson (1917) seems to have been the first to coin this phrase as: 'The first casualty when war comes is truth'.

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What a sad state Toronto has become...my parents who are in their 80’s have a condo behind the old big Bay (near the Canadian tire) on Colier St. They used to walk every day and would enjoy strolling through yorkville or even into your area to look at all the beautiful buildings. They don’t go out anymore for fear of random attack plus all the construction and noise never ends. We are currently trying to move them north of the city closer to me (Uxbridge). It is really sad what is happening.

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I'm sorry for them. I live nearby and can attest to the construction trauma. Non stop.

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To answer your question Trish, there is nothing wrong with your complaint on broken windows. It speaks to the degradation of our society.

A rural equivalent I have noticed for a few years now; traveling to the city on secondary highways I used to see these neat, tidy little farmers. A few out buildings, a reasonable number of vehicles neatly parked. I would consider living on a few. They inevitably go up for sale sooner or later and a year or two down the road old vehicles start to pile up, more out buildings get added. Soon the entire yard is filled with junk. They have become an eyesore and a marker of our sick hoarder society. Filling ourselves up with whatever we can to feed our souls. And I wonder who will buy that property when the owner dies because they have to deal with all that crap!

My rant.

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Maybe they're hoarding to sell auto parts to help make ends meet. I suspect we'll all have to start becoming more tolerant in the future of lawns torn up to make gardens for food to eat and so forth.

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Coyotes consume mostly rodents. They won't touch any of my land where I've kept Pyrenees, even if there haven't been Pyrs on that land for a decade.

Look at our leaders' behavior. And who they support. Look at behavior they believe is acceptable. We're lucky it's only windows. Remember: What goes around comes around.

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The 'left wing' destruction of conservative, family-oriented, traditional values and our cities continues on as does the U.S imperialist war machine and what's scary is how many people STILL believe the mainstream narrative when the truth is is now available with minimal effort. This is ALL by design by the elitist, super rich, global powers and its been going on for decades and decades.

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