I had an "aha" moment at the end of your podcast as I listened Saturday morning.

It was when you spoke of the lawyer who was questioned by police in her home about what she had said on LinkedIn regarding her support of Palestinians. How what was happening to her was also happening to those in the UK whom she had complained about publicly and didn't agree with. I understood then why we must support the right of everyone to say what they want regardless of whether or not we agree or even hate what they say, lest we're next on their list! I watched her video earlier this week and found it very unsettling.

I hope you get the opportunity to interview her.

A light bulb turned on for me. Supporting free speech is definitely hard work!

You did not deserve the hateful and threatening words from "Ruby" whoever. You have helped me greatly in how to think beyond my bias and to be willing and open to other points of view. Thank you.

It was a great podcast, all of it. I'm going to pick up Marty's book.

Happy Thanksgiving! 🧡🍂

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Critical thinking is what we are all about...thanks for the note.

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Hey Trish, concerning your invite to be part of The Fifth Estate's anniversary show that would include your very important interviews/shows from years past, I think you should reconsider. Back then they weren't what they are now, and that's not your doing. Your exposure would be huge and would drive some people to your podcast when they googled your name to see what you're up to these days. Might bring a whole host of new guests/listeners to your show. Please do it, you did quality shows back then and you deserve to be publicly recognized along with your peers.

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Thanks for this. I have thought long and hard about it. My initial feeling was get-level and involved nausea... so that affects my choice. Also Maryann Klowak had to leave to tell the truth which she did on our podcast and this is also a solidarity move about her. Plus they will have final editing on anything I say -- don't trust that. I agree with your points but I just can't do it -- nor I can offer them the credibility of platforming a dissident when I have no confidence in how it will be used. I will write longer, later this week.

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I also agree with your decision. It's a trap.

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Always go with your gut, and yours apparently was warning you loud and clear...they cannot be trusted. I was wrongly thinking they just might (as so-called 'journalists') respect and even mention your current dissident opinion of how far they've fallen in the years since you were there. Sadly (for them), I now realize that's just magical thinking on my part. For now, anyway, the journalistic integrity of yesteryear is MIA (just look how far CBS 60 Minutes here in the U.S. has fallen). I see now you followed your conscience (along with your gut) and made the right choice, the only choice you could. Good for you!

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Dear Ms Wood, thank you for declining the CBC/5th Estate documentary. Really, at this point, how can 'they' be trusted? And also for your other very valid reasons. I admire you for making this decision, it is clear that it was not made lightly. Also, thank you for your thoughts on accepting people as they are and how that increases our serenity. And I celebrate your anniversary with you, thank you for sharing.

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I agree Trish. Please reconsider. It might be an opportunity to highlight the work you are doing now. I thought you were going to share that you decided to accept and why.

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I thought that also (that she was going to accept) and was disappointed at the reasoning. That gives them the last word and no recognition of her important contribution during the days when the show was at its best. I hope very much that she reconsiders and proudly joins her colleagues for the show. She deserves the spotlight this will provide.

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All in all very interesting podcast! I am going to reserve a grain of salt regarding HRT. I'm 10 years in anyway, so too late, and I didn't have "symptoms".

I hate the way the Medical Industrial Complex talks about menopause, as if it was a disease that we had to vanquish.

In nature, life is about reproduction (I didn't, I had my tubes cauterised after 14 years on the pill). Animals in nature don't do menopause, because life is for the living, not the dying.

Humans are loopy.

Instead of being thankful for every year of life past menopause, we DEMAND that the Medical Industrial Complex give us eternal life. It's creepy honestly.

On the one hand we claim to distrust the MIC, on the other hand, we demand ridiculousness from the MIC.

My grandma was menopaused at 37. That's a bit too early. She ended up needing hip replacement by age 50. She died in her 80s, 15 years ago. My mom menopaused at a normal age, took HRT for a few years, and then quit. What's the point of swallowing a daily medication for a non illness????

I do NOT want to live to 80 90 100, that's a silly concept. There are individuals who are forces of nature who'll get there naturally. Good for them. But for the rest of us, we should be thankful for every year past 55. I'll be kicking the bucket at 69, in 10 years, BEFORE my mind and body age reduce my quality of life, which is already decreasing past what I am willing to accept. I don't have retirement money, and there is no way I want to have my ass wiped by foreigners in some nasty old age home. Because THAT is the reality for most Canadians.

Doctor Vinay Prasad, a friend of Doc Makary, has a better outlook on life. DO NOT MEDICATE if it's not necessary. That's my philosophy.

I DID order Doc Makary's book, because I appreciate his takes on other stuff, and these days, I rarely read books, so that's a feat.

Free speech absolutism is my guiding light. I wish Americans lived up to their FIRST Amendment, they don't, because THAT is the first principle of democracy. But as many youth today, I don't know if I believe much in democracy anymore, it's so fukin corrupt, and Canada is definitely no longer a democracy. I despise the multi-party "coalitions", I do not want Canada to move to "proportional representation". Other countries' democracy are much worse than the US.

Free speech and decentralisation is the way to go. I'll support any party that wants to end government bloat and government woke.

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Love your last statement, “…government bloat and government woke.”

Take care.

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LOL "humans are loopy....", couldn't agree more ;-))

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Great interview with Dr Makary, Trish. I happened to listen to him on another podcast just recently and borrowed his book from the library. He is a wise man….a breath of fresh air in this day and age. Love your podcast Trish. Keep on keeping on!

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Thanks for the informative interview with Dr Makary! I'm looking forward to reading his book.. and also plan to give a few copies to some physician friends who are starting to wake up. Hoping his wise words will resonate with them! And I'm sorry about the troll situation. My Norwegian grandmother would tell us that trolls are said to go crazy when they hear church bells...maybe a solution to rid yourself of this particular one? If that doesn't work, my Mormor would likely say that lightning scares them (& kills them), but ultimately light turns trolls to stone (thus lots of stony crags in Norway). And trolls, are, as the legends say, stupid. I'm certain this particular one is no different. #truthovertribe

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Thoroughly enjoyed the interview with Dr. Makary, thanks so much, Trish. And was sorry to hear about your troubles with "Ruby," likely one of the many trolls employed by US and foreign governments to shout down dissident voices on a whole range of topics. Please do be careful.

More importantly, though, let me extend heartfelt congrats on your 25 years of sobriety! Quite the achievement and milestone.

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Thanks for the congrats. I will survive the "Rubys" of the world but honestly I am always shocked when people get so angry over making the case for peace and a solution to the ME crises. Who are they?

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Paid trolls, me thinks.

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I also want to say how awful it is that you received that horrible message. I hope you can find a way to let it go and not let it get to you. ❤️

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So sorry some people are such doorknobs & give you such grief. Ugh. Enjoyed the conversation with Dr. Makary. I'm not 100% convinced about the peanut better thing - I'm aware of a very good book on the topic by Canadian Heather Fraser that goes pretty deeply into the topic It's called THE PEANUT ALLERGY EPIDEMIC WHAT'S CAUSING IT AND HOW TO STOP IT (sorry about the caps; I'm not mad- just copying & pasting!). The 3rd edition has a foreword by RFK Jr. If you look up the book, the Amazon site (I personally do not buy from Amazon but did find the book info on the site helpful) you'll see you can check out the many impressive testimonials, & also look over the chapter headings in the book. Dr. M. might well want to consider having a look at it. https://www.amazon.ca/Peanut-Allergy-Epidemic-Third-Causing/dp/1510726314/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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Hi Trish. Great show as always. Don’t 💯 agree with Marty but great to hear from many perspectives. I wonder if you can shed some light on bill c293. https://preventgenocide2030.org/canada/. What are the ramifications of this bill? I see many MPs voted against however it passed and is currently in the senate. Seems to pave a road for govt massive government over reach in the name of “pandemic preparedness.”

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Will review your link......thanks.

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Bill C-293 is a private members bill that wants to dictate what you eat. I don't get the "genocide" connection you refer to.

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The stop bill c293 refer to it as genocide. I’m trying to figure out what it’s about and how concerned we should be.

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Whatever you may have found out, here is the perspective from livestock groups:


I hope this helps. :)

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Totally agree with your stance on the mess in the Middle East. The behaviour on both sides has shown pure evil. Many smart commentators share your insights into this issue. Truth over Tribe.

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Hi Trish!

I enjoyed the discussion with Marty for the most part, but I have to say he has a blind spot himself regarding vaccinations and allergies. And, while I wasn't a helicopter mom, I'm miffed at your comments regarding steps to protect kids with peanut allergies. You have no idea how hard it is to deal with life threatening allergies in your children. I consider myself lucky that it was not so extreme with my son, but it was difficult enough.

My son is anaphylactic to peanuts, sesame seeds, cashews and hazelnuts. He had eczema as a little boy which has mostly settled down. My daughter has hayfever but no obvious food allergies. My son was born in 2000, my daughter in 1997.

My parents came from Germany and peanut butter was not ever in our house growing up. I think I maybe had it for the first time when I was 10 when I went to summer camp. Personally, I'm not a fan and the only thing I actually enjoy with peanuts is Satay or Pad Thai.

I don't recall ever giving my daughter peanut butter as a toddler, yet she didn't "develop" anaphylaxis. My pediatrician suggested avoiding peanuts and other nuts for my son as he already had eczema, and in the early 2000s as Marty said, that was the medical "best practice" at the time. For numerous personal reasons we had our son allergy tested when he was very little and that's when we discovered his food allergies.

So, how would Marty explain this? I never had peanuts as a kid and am not allergic. My daughter didn't have peanuts as a baby or a toddler and is not allergic but my son is. At the time of his diagnosis, his allergist blamed me for his allergy for eating Pad Thai while I was pregnant. So is my son's allergies my fault because of what I ate when I was pregnant or was it my fault for not exposing him to peanuts etc. when he was a toddler? Nice deflection either way to direct the blame on Mom when the Docs likely had no clue as to what was happening.

I have suggest you read/interview Sasha Latapova re: covid/virus lies etc. Here is a link to her substack where she presents the work of Nobel Prize winner Charles Richet and his discovery of anaphylaxis induced by innoculation. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-second-shot-or-what-do-vaccinators. Here is a discussion with Jane Ruby regarding this article https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/anaphylaxis-by-vaccines-discussion Here is a discussion regarding the vaccine induced gelatin allergy in Japan. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/anaphylaxis-alpha-gal-pasteur-richet

Here Vinu Arumugham describes how vaccine contamination from air (containing pollens) can cause allergy. https://open.substack.com/pub/vinuarumugham/p/aeroallergens-prevalent-in-september?r=8ztdu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Here he discusses how various food proteins are in vaccines. https://substack.com/@vinua/p-110297390

I asked him on this very issue regarding my kid and he said that the allergies are due to proteins in vaccines. He also said that if on the day of vaccination you are exposed to a foreign protein, the adjuvants can present in the vaccine can cause allergies to those foreign proteins.

As for myself, I had no allergies until I hit adolescence. I have no idea whether or not I had any vaccinations at that time but it seems very strange to all of a sudden have hayfever, cat and dog allergies when I had none as a child.

This coupled with studies like this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7709050/ (and yes it was retracted... TPTB couldn't let it go) that show kids who are unvaccinated have no chronic health problems tell me that toxic environments are being used to deflect the real problem with our health: Vaccinations.

And if you haven't read it already, please read Dissolving Illusions. Roman Bystrianyk https://romanbystrianyk.substack.com/p/dissolving-the-vaccine-illusion

Likely the combination of toxins in the food and environment are making everything worse, but the initial damage is vaccination. Kids in Ontario now get 72 jabs. SEVENTY-TWO.

I'll save my comments on vaccination and autism for another day.

Thank you for the work you do. Listening to your podcast got me through a lot of dark days during Covid. I think though, in the spirit of "Truth Over Tribe", you should consider doing a little more digging into vaccine induced anaphylaxis as the cause of our chronic health problems.

And think about the reasons why the Israeli's allowed the Palestinian kids to get vaccinated with polio.

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Why don't you pick up his book and see if that answers your questions. It must be awful to have to deal with. I said and apologized in the intro that I was harsh in my response to the banning of peanuts everywhere -- but I what meant to say was that I was frustrated at this phenomenon that made no sense. The newness of it -- the inability of medicine to get it right. Anyway -- thanks for the note. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and effort. As ever.

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Perhaps I will, I’ve got a stack of books a mile high and it’s not a high priority for me at this point. My kid has learned to deal with his food allergies and we’ve all accepted that this is how life is.

I do think Sasha Latypova’s work is worth reading regarding anaphylaxis. I’m sure your list of reading is even bigger than mine! 😁 Sorry if I came across angry… I do think I am dealing with some PTSD as well after the past few years and it doesn’t seem to take much to get me worked up. It’s incredibly frustrating to have your kid afflicted with something like this and then be blamed for it when it’s likely do to completely avoidable vaccines and lack of informed consent and lack of doctors knowing what they are injecting. All the best!

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So, part 2. My cousin - back in England - had problems shortly after she went through menopause fatigue mostly. Her NHS doctor diagnosed her with severe anemia and prescribed high doses of iron. Rather than get better, she got worse. She began having really bad joint pain and swelling and her hands got so bad she could hardly hold a pen to write. Her doctor put her on iron infusions and things got worse and finally she was referred to a specialist.

She was finally diagnosed with haemachromotosis, aka iron overload. This is a hereditory disease and is usually occurs after menopause. HC is what caused her fatigue and arthritic symptoms but, the extra iron had already caused organ damage. She had/has to attend clinic every week and have dialysis. Free healthcare is not all it's cracked up to be especially if you don't know the right questions to ask.

How many of us have to live with the MrNA and spike proteins coursing through or veins just because we believed the medical professionals, eh?

Anyway Trish, l'm so glad that you have a doctor that is taking proper care of you. And thank you again.

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These hemo things are so very tricky. I am sorry for your cousin and do send my solidarity. A good doctor is golden.

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Very tricky indeed. Had a vegan family member with low iron and tried the shots that did not work. Her doctor recommended eating liver, as diet is the best way for the body to absorb nutrients. She is much better now and obviously no longer a vegan.

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Sorry to hear you're too late for HRT treatment. I want to share a couple of stories with you. Firstly, my mom had a total hysterectomy in her mid 30's and they put her on HRT. At 50 my parents moved back to England and my mom continued the HRT treatment. After my father passed my mom moved and her new NHS doctor took her off the HRT after 35 years. I literally watched my mother detriorate before my eyes and she went from a vibrant, active senior to a little old lady. She died at age 87.

I later found out that the NHS were trying to reduce costs and, because prescription meds were free for seniors in the UK, and the Estrogen/Progesterone Combo was too expensive (£200+/month) doctors were encouraged to stop prescribing!

Secondly, when l started menopause (age 45) my mom told me to get on the HRT asap I visited my NHS doctor and was told she would only prescribe it for two years. I asked "then what?" and was told l would still go through all the symptoms. I decided to forego HRT and figured, better get over it now than later.

Now l'm back in Canada and learning that l could have started HRT and stayed on it, and probably feel a lot better than l do now.

I'm going add another post (part 2) if you don't mind.

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Feel free to write more. I too, lament missing the boat on HRT.....

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It seemed like another case of decisions being based on NHS cost savings rather than scientific studies.

I actually took a part-time job with a large chain pharmacy and went undercover for a well-known documentary film company. The information l discovered was mind-blowing. We had many (male) Indian doctors in the community and the sexism and racism was becoming obvious. Besides HRT being withdrawn, prescriptions for birth control pills for young women were being reduced.

I should mention this was around the late 90's. Britain, during Queen Victorias reign, made a promise that Indians (and later Pakistanis) would be entitled to dual citizenship. There has always been a shortage of family doctors (GPs) and Indians began filling the gaps.

I was working a shift at the pharmacy an elderly Indian gentleman came in with a prescription for, what amounted to a years worth of Viagra. Remember, seniors got free prescriptions. It was my job to alert the head pharmacist if l came across any unusual prescriptions.

She approved it, we filled it and off the patient went with a carrier bag full. Later l asked my boss why an 85 year old man would need so much Viagra and, she calmly replied that he would take the meds, travel back to India and sell them to the young men in his town! Apparently he wasn't the only one.

Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done about it. Also the synopsis for the documentary was rejected by all the main-stream Commissioning Editors as l heard that they'd get too much blow-back from the Muslim, Sikh, and Hindu communities.

I think we can all see what is currently going on in Britain and the hundreds of citizens being arrested for protesting unfettered immigration and/or the genocide in Gaza. The problem actually started many years ago. Read all 6 pages of Enoch Powells speech to the HOC in 1968 for more.


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He took the jab and pushed them? No thank you.

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Great podcast with Dr Makary. I too question the peanut allergy thing and the HRT perspective. The massive peanut allergy epidemic, which Heather Fraser in her book ‘The Peanut Allergy Epidemic’ links it to additives put in vaccines…go figure…and the recommendation for healthy women ten years before perimenopause go on HRT (in their thirties?) leaves me nonplussed. I’m 67, went through menopause twenty years ago, managed my symptoms with natural remedies and made it through the transition fairly comfortably. Having said all that I have been taking thyroid replacement therapy ie: thyroxine for twenty five years. My understanding is when you go on a hormone replacement therapy, the glands that create that hormone stop producing it so you’re dependent on the hormone pharmaceutical forever. As a naturopathic doctor I’m always suspect of any study that purports certain pharmaceuticals are essential for your best quality of life. And yet I take thyroxine, granted I was clinically hypothyroid however the HRT research and its seeming protection against breast cancer is food for thought.

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Dr. Makary is spot on about the dogmatic groupthink. Remember when butter was demonized? Instead, eat this solidified partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, it's much healthier, and you won't believe it's not butter!

Eggs are another one. "Eggs have cholesterol in them, therefore they raise your cholesterol," they said. Nevermind that cholesterol is an important precursor to hormones, and that every single cell in your body has a cell wall that is made of cholesterol.

I have yet to read it so I can't comment in its quality, but Raw Egg Nationalist has a book about how to avoid the estrogenic compounds that saturate and poison our food supply.

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