This post is very moving as it taps into the soul of how many of us, Canadians feel. Though I am not born here (born in Poland), it was my Dad's lifelong dream to bring us here, and I have been here since I was a small 10 year old child and tragically, I buried my entire family here from age 11 onwards. Since the invocation of the Emergencies Act, I feel nothing for this country, it has betrayed me to my core. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not worth the paper it is written on to me. It means nothing. I no longer feel any pride nor patriotism being here though for years I would proudly wear Canada on my back everywhere I travelled. Now all we have as a Canadian keepsake is an Olympic uniform resembling women's periods. No thanks! Canada no longer matters to me - at all. What matters to me are economic prosperity and property rights - if merging with US achieves that, great, I am all in. Global security against threats from Russia and China - bring, it on. Public health with the sacrosanct principle upholding informed consent and against environmental pollution (like flame retardants being sprayed on California's population, which will slowly kill them). And above all - First Amendment protections, not a re-enactment of Bill C-63, Bill C-47 or worse. Freedom of choice. So by all means, bring on the 51st State, I am no longer "Canadian proud" and nobody will force feed it down my throat telling me that I am.

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I agree with you completely. This country called Canada has allowed itself to be destroyed and pillaged morally, intellectually, and financially. I say bring on amalgamation with the USA.

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Justin Trudeau has made it hard to be Canadian, particularly because when he became Prime Minister he declared that Canada was the first post national state with no core identity that was mainstream Canadian. Yet, following on his resignation the idiot had the nerve to go on CNN and tell Jake Tapper first how proud we are to be Canadian -- and then lamely says it because we are not American. But Trudeau's shallowness and tone deafness on any issue he discusses is no surprise. What Trudeau also doesn't seem to get, when he tells Tapper that Canada will never become the 51st state, is the reason some Canadians are actually thinking it might not be a bad idea, given what his woke inflationary over spending policies and economically crippling climate change policies have done to Canadians. That said, I think there has been a lot of pearl clutching over this by the media. I think Trump is still trolling Trudeau, whom it is clear he dislikes, likely quite intensely. If anyone saw the picture of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith with Trump and Kevin O'Leary at Mar-a-Lago, you might figure that out. It would appear she receive much better treatment than Trudeau.

But on the topic of being Canadian, I think, honestly the Freedom Convoy and the truckers showed what being Canadian was all about probably better than anything. Does everyone not remember how they made headlines as international news media marvelled at the gritty spunk of what they always envisioned as mild mannered Canadians trekking across the Great White North in the middle January, to take on the government over COVID mandates, saying Canadians had had enough. With Canadian flags flying and people on overpasses and along the windswept and snow highways welcoming them and cheering them on -- that was being Canadian. And if one had the privilege of being able to spend anytime with the Convoy when they travelled through their towns or came to Ottawa, as I did, you would not help but feel more Canadian in that environment. It might have been minus 30, but the warmth was palpable. That's what it was Canadians of all shapes, colours, faiths and everything else gathering for a shared cause, and shared experience, entertaining, sharing and comforting each other. Canadians showing that they did know how to stand up for freedom. Then there were the many veterans who came in support reminding us of how are troops have always stood up for freedom in far away lands and some paying a heavy price. The Convoy surprised and inspired people around the world at a time when the world really needed inspiration -- and showed everyone what it was to be Canadian. Because Canada in someway is an inspiration unto itself. It's a big country with people from different provinces have big differences. But as Tamara Lich said in her testimony at the POEC, all those differences melted away during the Convoy even between Quebecers and Albertans. We are a big country of immigrants that has somehow managed to make it work for over 150 years, so that says something too. The Convoy was a defining moment for Canada. The invocation of the Emergencies Act, won't change that, except to demonstrate the authoritarian nature of our government at the time. That is a stain on the government, not the country and not the Convoy -- who even then still showed what is was to be Canadian.

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I totally agree with you. They are the best of us, those people who went to Ottawa in the snow. We owe them so much.

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All this bullshit precedes Trudeau. I tried to leave Canada in 2000. I failed.

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I respectfully disagree. The damage the Trudeau did to this country is almost irreparable. In additional to turning it into a third world tin pot dictatorship economically, where we have record numbers of people lined up at food banks and tents cities springing everywhere do to a homeless crisis. Beyond this he has in many other ways broken Canadian spirit. He worked very hard to tell us we were all racists, bigots, homophobes, transphobes and misogynists and of, course, climate change deniers if we disagreed with any of virtue signalling policies in the slightest. He told us and the world that the word Canadian meant nothing with his post national state crap. His damaging woke policies have infiltrated every aspect of the country from our elementary schools to our military. By erasing a proud history of exploration, and honouring our military and our heros and heroine's he made us, instead ashamed to Canadian, from supporting the 'mass grave' residential school hoax and church arsons to agreeing that Canada is a genocidal country and replacing the symbols of this country of our passports to bloody squirrels and some kid swimming. His open immigration policies have brought too many newcomers into this country, who only want a Canadian passport and Canadian welfare, but actually hate everything about the country, so much so, that many of us who were born here feel strangers in our own land. Canada had its faults before Trudeau, but his far left policies together with the profound and deep corruption within the ranks of what the Liberal Party has become today, have taken us to a place I never thought I would see Canada, and it is not a good place.

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I know all that. What I'm saying is that's the culmination, the end, not the start. Canada has been broke for a LOT longer than that. Some would say since Trudeau Sr. I say since our Monarchist founding.

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Yes, I understand where you are coming from. I am finding in talking to a number of people that Canada would be much better off as republic rather than still part of the Commonwealth. And the more I think about it the more I think they might be right. As for Trudeau senior, you are right about that he was very destructive as well.

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I used to believe that my Canadian identity was different from the U.S. because Canada fostered a social conscience. I still have a social conscience, but our federal government has gotten so far removed from anything that looks like fiscal responsibility, that I'm more concerned about that than social responsibility. I agree that we have forever been in a cycle of switching "saviors". We vote Conservative or Liberal in the same pattern as we have for my 63 year old lifetime and likely longer. The Liberals piss Canadians off, we vote Conservative and vice versa. I agree completely that our parliamentary system sucks and we must change it or we are doomed to continue to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I wish more Canadians would see that we must be fiscally responsible to maintain the social programs we hold near and dear. We must rely on hydrocarbon energy until we have the infrastructure in place and a RELIABLE, CHEAP, energy source to replace it. We all must realize that a tax on carbon is seriously hurting all Canadians and not reducing the ever elusive emissions. We are being taxed to death. We pay taxes on the money we make, on the money we spend and on the things that we own that we already paid taxes on with already taxed money. I'm so sick of this insanity and hate that I don't seem to have much choice in the matter. I'm Canadian, but not a proud one anymore.

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Having grown up a separatist in Quebec, I always despised "Canadiana". I've been away from Quebec since 1996. We used to have grand philosophical debates about which was more like the US, Quebec or ROC (Rest of Canada).

Quebec USED to be much more leftist than ROC, which I liked.

Quebec was way more individualist than the ROC, which I liked. When I moved to the RoC, I found people dressed so *same*, it was so boring.

30 years later, away from Quebec, I see the mass of sheeple Quebec has become, and I feel despair, because Quebec has become Canada.

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CBC abandoned Canadians for $.

Broke my heart.

They need to be defunded.

Whatever they are now is not serving us Canadians who paid soooo much $ to keep them operating. We had no choice. We are merely hard working tax payers who have become minions.

They had the choice and chose $ over integrity.

They need to go.

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I think they were captured by social justice lunatics and post modern crazy. Cynically, that helped with their Liberal paymasters but most of them likely signed on because they believe the lies they tell.

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Fair enough and … they have done harm.

At some point-given all the info that has been revealed over the last years-it would have taken a great deal of effort to remain in Wokeville.

I have not done a deep dive into the individuals and specifics of those who signed and remained on-so I speak from ignorance when I say this: “Big bonuses, big lies, and many highly informed fact- and truth-speakers turning on the lights” and CBC still remaining asleep is hard for me to embrace.

If they can be bought and paid for propaganda leaders by the Liberals - then they can be bought and paid for propaganda leaders for whoever comes into power.

Regardless of naiveté and innocence (which I understand) it is still my thought that they need to be shut down. They let themselves be used as a weapon to harm us Canadians.

My thought: that can never be allowed to happen again.

Canadians grew up with CBC, trusted CBC implicitly and any words CBC spoke was given weight and believed. Canadians made decisions to act based on the information repeatedly provided by CBC.

Canadians were betrayed.

CBC taught Canadians many things-one important learning is “question everything”.

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Well said..

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Well. this was timely. I was interviewed by Rupa Supramanya on this very topic! She subsequently wrote an article in the Free Press. Covid really showed Canadians who they really are! Our gov’t, all three parties were aligned against people. I was horrified and was so completely stressed all the time, gained unwanted pounds etc etc etc. The Convoy, bless them, broke the spell all over the world. What a sacrifice, for us! Did we deserve it? The word mean crosses my mind a lot these days. Vilification continues to this day of people who are not socialist or progressive in their views. I am an artist but moderate in my politics as I loathe big government.

Although I sympathize with your sentiments I must side with Juilius on this one. I am third generation Canadian so don’t say it lightly. My family and community is all I now care about. We have no serious voice in this country. We lived in the states 4 years. The difference between them and us IMO is they feel they have a voice. Anyway, my two cents.

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I don't disagree with you about loyalty to community first but let's say Cape Breton Island was attacked and people were dying. Would you send your sons to defend them? I hate war more than anything, but there are some things I would die for - besides my family -- not sure what that is but it might be for the lovely people of Nova Scotia.

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no, but my son might chose to go as that would be his choice. My Grandfather was in WWI and both parents in WWII and my husband searched for Soviet subs. Of course its hypothetical so I don’t know. We lived in the Maritimes for 8 years, they are tougher than us in Ontario btw. Excellent timely pod. Your Trucker doc will be released I think at a very good time I think. I have a good feeling about it. ❤️

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ALL the parties!

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My parents and I came to Canada as refugees from communist Hungary with the hope of freedom and a better life. The irony is that over the last eight years Canada has morphed into a communist style totalitarian regime very similar to the one my parents risked their lives to escape from. I think Canada no longer qualifies as a democracy... in any sense of the word, It has become a joke, and an unfunny one at that. I say yes to becoming the 51st state.

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One of the beaten truckers is from a communist country. Imagine how he feels. Awful. Sadly, I don't think America is all that successful right now, either. Yes, Trump won but I have grave concerns about where he is headed. I'm old now and I would hate to see it all go......

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Not even the last 8 years. I tried leaving here in 2000. Failed. I'd choose the US over Canada in a heartbeat.

and I am an older Canada, soon 60.

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What is a Country? Set of ideas? Lets go with that.

What ideas define Canada? Freedom, nope. Choice, nope. Truth, nope. Courage, nope.

At this time the opposites of these ideas define Chinada.

Fuck this country and all who are arrogantly proud of it. Its a communist shithole of retard ideas. Whats worse is most dont like the bad ideas but they wont stand up and speak against these horrible ideas. A country is defined by its people and chinadians are arrogant jerk-offs. Swayed by a haircut and nepotism. No one takes responsibility and will fight like hell to ensure they are not called out. So long as home equity stays on the upswing. Then its all castros fault. They all wanted the un-vaxxed in concentration camps but now its his fault. Go along to get along clown is your average chinadian.

Exceptions abound yet, still many are asleep.

So what is Chinada? Dead. And good riddance. Fuck the king and all the bureau rats and lieticians.

Centralized power is a joke but I’ll take the Constitution over this British resource colony any day. Socialism is theft, at least one lie will cease to exist if we turn into States. I cant say fuck Chinada enough.

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I feel your pain, Matt.

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That's because at its core, Canada is Yellow.

Americans had the balls to say fuk the monarchy, and have a revolution.

Canadians are defined by cowardliness and "polite" virtue-signalling, "Canadians are nice" is a lie. I lived in the US for a decade, and they are nicer than Canadians, on average.

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I hung on every word Julius had to offer. His understanding of the sorry state of our country speaks to a sharp and insightful mind. Seven years ago, Canada’s 150th birthday, I sat in a church service and listened to a young associate minister give a sermon on 150 years of shame. I did not understand the woke movement, already well underfoot. I watched an older couple stand up and leave. I remember thinking, Canada may have its issues, but there is no country where I’d rather live. Fast forward through covid and my feelings about my country now align very much with that minister’s, but for very different reasons. In Julius’s words, the social contract has been broken. I can pinpoint the exact moment this became true for me personally. I donated $150 to the truckers through GiveSendGo. My money was never refunded. In essence, my own govt stole from me. I cannot get past this. I have no loyalty to a country who would so royally screw its own citizens. Americans know they have inalienable rights. As a Canadian, my rights are now contingent upon the whims of a govt.

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I hear you, Karen. The contract was broken for me

when they started beating the protestors. But this thinking does not represent Canada. It is elites and the acolytes running amok. And more than anything -- it is representative of a brainwashed citizenry.

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Perhaps that’s what I’m most disappointed with—the citizenry. The idea that Canadians (Canadians!!) could so quickly turn on each other chilled me to the bone. And this thinking represents more of us than I ever could have imagined. Three years ago I retired and began spending 6 mos a year in California. I have met more like-minded people here—a very blue state—than I know back home. And also interesting to note is that the only woke people I know here are Canadians.

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This was my terror, too. Ann Bauer and I talked about it a lot on the show. The snitching, the cruelty, the hating on the unvaccinated...what was revealed was terrifying.

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Bless you Pat for doing that. I felt shell shocked after listening to each day of the hearings. My sister couldn't do it. My husband could only handle bits and pieces. I sent it to my MP and heard nothing back(no surprise). Paul Jaffe was amazing. So many testimonies were amazing. I cried many times after the vaccine injured told their story or when a parent or spouse testified about their deceased child/spouse post vaccine. The Vancouver hearings were especially difficult to listen to as it became even more apparent that children are not safe in Canada. Take good care of yourself. Walk in nature, ground yourself to the earth, or sit against a tree. It really helps.

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Yes Trish, a brainwashed citizenry and all by design. I was so frightened and worried when family, friends and neighbours turned against each other and so quickly! One good friend said it looked like I wouldn't be denied medical treatment as I chose not to take the injections, but that was before the front page of the Toronto Star featured injected Canadians calling for us to be denied care and hoping we would die. Fear is a powerful way to ensure division and all parties and the media had a huge role in stoking this. I was not surprised by the medical community's lack of courage as I woke up to the government and medical corruption during the blood tragedy when I was a very young nurse. Really excellent discussion. Julius is such a thoughtful young man and his response to Andrew Coyne was superb. His frustration in continuing down the same path is palpable and he has some great ideas worth exploring. I am old like you and don't want to be part of the U.S., however as Julius reminds us, the current status quo is the definition of insanity. I would love to attend your talk but I left Tornto(Coxwell and Gerrard) for Nova Scotia 22 years ago. It is very chill here in the country and you would definitely enjoy the rural life. Go for it!

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As a transcription editor for the National Citizens Inquiry, I am stunned by what I read. When I work on one that is heavy on the law and the author keeps pausing his thoughts and running together sentences, I have to really slow it down, replay a lot, and think about the actual argument being made in order to punctuate it properly. That forces me to really drink it in, to think about what is being said - and it's heartbreaking. I strongly recommend the testimony from Paul Jaffe on Day 2 of the Vancouver hearings to understand just how far we have fallen in this country and how legally unprotected we really are.

From what I gather, the US has more constitutional protections, but let's face it, US citizens still have to fight to exercise and keep those rights. So even if we did become American, we could end up being just as bad lame sitting ducks as we are now, because we don't know how to fight for our rights. We have not been trained up for it. We've been conditioned to sit back and trust our paternal leaders, as you often find in Nordic type socialist countries - where the people have become passive and too trusting of their administrators. Heck, we wouldn't even know how to start.

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Wow, transcribing all that evidence. Good for you. You must have learned so much.

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Yes, I have. It's bitter sweet. I'm grateful to have engaged with it so closely, but it's taken an emotional toll. Most of the volunteers attest to feeling like that - somewhat shell-shocked after each set of hearings. Hardest for me is that no one in my circle of acquaintances, friends, or family want to hear anything of it. So I sit with all this information in my chest.

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I'm so sorry -- you probably have a touch of PTSD.....look after yourself and go for a walk in nature...that's what I'm doing.

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Great discussion with Julius Trish! Also I'm glad to hear you are enjoying some time in nature. Well, at first I thought this was just a joke, but Trump is here to rattle chains and awaken people, no doubt. I'm afraid if he doesn't, the current powers that be will win and we will go down a pretty dark timeline everywhere in the West. It's about to get more than uncomfortable I think, but it could be exactly what we need. Canadians have been too fearful, complacent and compliant and we have essentially given away our power. I used to think I won the lottery being born here, but now, being Canadian is really only the government control aspect of my life. In other words, it doesn't define me. I have not agreed to many of the changes and politics of the past 10-20 years or so. I hope that the critical thinking tribe will lead the way through this and that we will look back on this time as when we almost let it all slip away.

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Regarding the Poilievre interview on Peterson’s show: I too found it lacking but am heartened by it actually happening. Peterson was a Pariah just a fee years ago. Now he’s interviewing incumbents. There’s got to be something good about that.

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We don’t have Gzowski or Frumm but we have you.

What a great episode that was .

Thank you for making us all a little sharper😂

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I could never be Peter ....but thanks so much.

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At the mention of This Country in the Morning, I immediately recalled the weekly political panel of Dalton Camp, Eric Kierans and Stephan Lewis. I miss that Canadian sensibility very, very much. Trish Wood is as closer to that than any other media I have encountered in the last 30 years.

I would like to reply more substantively to the issues raised in this episode but less publicly. Is info@trishwoodpodcast.com or admin@trishwoodpodcast.com more appropriate ?.

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Info is the best......

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Petition to lock Trish in a room until she has read the Lord of the Rings. Like if you agree.

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I'm in. But does the movie do it instead or must I do the actual work. If so I pledge to read it for an hour a day - every day. Cool?

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I’m joking of course. The ultimate director’s cut of the trilogy is as good an adaptation as you can hope for. If you absolutely must watch the movies, then get those instead of the theatrical cut.

But there really is no substitute for the books.

I’f love to read your thoughts on these stories!

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Will do. And will report.

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Many of the books I've read in my life I was inspired to read from seeing the movie. I saw all the LotR movies and was bored to hell and was not at all inspired to read the books.

Honestly, I quite despise fake animals and HUMANS with pointy ears.

The minds that obsess over such concepts don't create nice societies. It's the reason I don't much like the Harry Potters either, and the kind of people who loved Harry Potters (no more, since JKR got real) are fools

Fantasy can be fun, but not when it's obsessive.

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The country attracts tyrants because we show our weakness all the time. Wether it's all the Marxist type lies about our heritage, silence on our c19 response or all the gender nonsense. People accept it especially this govt's supporters who say yes to everything.

They don't want the 51st state, so what do they want? To me these sorts hate this country anyway.

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Thanks Trish. This was well worth the listen. When the music came on at the end I was reminded of how I sometimes felt at the end of a Gzwoski episode. It gave me a sense of pride in Canada, and of Canadians that I feel a kinship with. That hasn't happened for quite sometime.

Thanks again.

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Oh, Tom. Thanks for the kind words. I felt weepy over the old Gzowski stuff. I can't believe what has happened to CBC and our country.

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It seems to me that the most assured way to cohere out identity as Canadians is through the arts.

I’m halfway through listening to the discussion and really appreciate it.

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Thanks, Ulysses......Julius is a smart guy,

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