The Gaza death toll has been inflated to defame Israel and support claims of genocide, a UK-based think tank argued in a newly released report. The study, published by the Henry Jackson Society, analyzed figures provided by Gaza’s Hamas-run Health Ministry, which claim over 44,000 Palestinians have been killed since Oct. 7 of last year, and found that the numbers are not only unreliable but also deliberately misleading.
This is the worst kind of disingenuous activism in the guise of journalism. It's disguised as "both sides." But your sources are of course telling: Norman Finkelstein, author of the “Holocaust Industry” and banned from most universities because of his antisemitic vitriol. I'd say your work is an anomaly in its litany of distortions and accusations but sadly it's now typical of the CBC. Shame.
Suppose the Censorship Industrial Complex wanted to break up the coalition that formed during the lockdowns - the coalition of people who were beginning to recognise propaganda for what it is.
To do this the CIC would want to exploit an issue which splits that coalition by forcing everyone to take a side.
Ideally an issue where both sides are behaving equally badly. An issue replete with "Whataboutery".
Trish, what a great podcast on the 11th and l can"t wait to listen again on Sunday.
Now, l heard you say you don't want sympathy over what was said by "Ruby" but, what l will say instead is you did absolutely the right thing for yourself and for us, your audience. Thank you.
"...the civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and now Lebanon should not fair game..." - the heart of your article, among many important points. The lack of proportion in Israel's response leaves me speechless.
War is not about proportionality. So should Israel find a music festival in Gaza and murder 1,200 kids, then rape hundreds of Gazan women and kidnap 200 folks? You speak like it's a sporting event where scores are kept.
Thanks for your work and advocacy on this issue Trish. It has been a shocking and hugely disappointing year watching so many great people whom I formerly admired turning their back on basic principles of liberalism and humanity and advocating instead for blatant genocide and censorship. I know you lost followers and got shadow banned for your position but it is the morally correct and courageous one. Bless you 🙏🏼
Lots of people think that the holocaust is fake due to the almost total lack of evidence for it, and the obvious neccessity of atrocity propaganda to justify WW2. Especially given the firebombing of every city in Japan and Germany. 6 million Jews plus 7 million other undesirables would takes lakes of fuel to cremate in a war that the Axis was losing primarily due to lack of fuel. There would also be actual mountains of ash and bone. There is none.
Its an enormous claim. It would require lots of evidence to prove. Where is the evidence?
It is you who are ignorant. I just insist on evidence for huge claims.
Isn't it entirely likely that there was demonization of the enemy done after the war, to justify the multitudes of war crimes committed by the Allies, as well as the fact that another World War had occurred? The OSS lied about lampshades and soap, why not crematoriums? Why not six million? Where are the bodies?
Do you really think its was just a battle of good versus evil? Have you seen what Jews are up to today, in Gaza? And what, they were just innocent victims before that, with a totally passive mentality?
Share-worthy article as the history of this conflict is complex and the propaganda so strong. The linked documentaries imbedded are a definite must watch! Enlightening but so so sad on many levels. I’m actually taking break from the second linked documentary to write this comment and to say thank for your balance, insight and bravery on all topics Trish Wood!
When it comes to War, truth, truly is the first casualty and always has been. Worst of all, War is like the plot to most Hollywood movies, ALL the same with different locations. Very unoriginal but the the plot appeals to something in the human condition so there's no need to change what works. I find it interesting that you can get more/some truth out of some Israeli newspapers where it's 100% industrial strength indoctrination/propaganda. BTW, most of the people killed on the 7th were killed by Israeli Apache gunships. Named after an American first nation the US tried to exterminate. After 75+ years of everything from ethnic cleansing to Mass murder I find it understandable that the Palestinians might fight back; I'd like to think I would. One good thing about the COVID-19 84 scamdemic is that it closed the very small credibility Gap I still had. NOW, I believe NOTHING other than looking at everything through the eyes of Que Bono. The only reason that the sick in every way ruling classes can keep the vast scam going is that Homo Sapiens can and do believe anything. The pre frontal cortex shuts down allowing the believe in absurdities and as Voltaire said "Who can convince you to believe an absurdity, can convince you to commit an atrocity"! North of 80% of Israelis are fully committed to the ongoing genocide and the leadership seems committed to the pogrom and if it fails, to blow up the world. Remember the words of Moische Dayan " we won't go down alone, we'll take Europe with us"! NOW, it's not just Europe. Trump might get us out of the Ukraine but, if anything, he's more committed to the Zionist project than anyone. The more I see of the western countries, the more I like China!
Yes, I mention the Hannibal directive. Unclear how many killed and we won't know because Bibi won't allow an investigation while the war is ongoing which is one of the reasons it keeps it going.
You write: The story that Saddam Hussein was harbouring Al Qaeda and that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction was completely false but did the trick." The contention that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq when the US invaded has been repeated so often, including by you just now, it is taken as fact, but surely it is a contentious claim. Read Yossef Bodansky's book "The Secret History of the Iraq War" before making up your mind about this. Also, surely the issue is not whether Iraq actually had a lot of weapons of mass destructruction within the country itself. It would be a major threat if it was the paymaster for a broader Arab Islamist alliance with weapons of mass destruction, which it was. That's why Libya and Sudan climbed down so quickly when the Americans invaded.
I know we are the same generation, so you probably have vague memories of Nasser's United Arab Republic, a union between Egypt and Syria, sort of an Arab East and West Pakistan. It disappeared after three years. I wager that you don't miss it. Neither does anyone else. The Palestinian proto-state disappeared in June 2007, the 21st century version of the UAR. No-one seemed to be keen on reviving the corpse of the UAR, so why are so many people, including you, so keen to revive the corpse of a united Palestine? Or, to use a different metaphor, why are you so attached to the idea of a dog that just won't hunt, just like the last dog wouldn't hunt?
Canadians that witnessed our governments propagandization of the media and their suppression of the truth-seekers in order to brand the Truckers Convoy as "Nazis" and anti-vaxers as "Terrorists", etc.
must surely realize they are using the same play book when it comes to the Middle East conflict.
The only difference is that instead of being called a Racist for opposing a gen0side they've upped the anti to Anti-Semite.
Atrocity Inc. is a must watch. This from Al Jazeera is also eye-opening.
The Hamas PR Director couldn't have composed a better summary. "Israel was responsible for most of the October 7th casualties". The outright contradictions in that preposterous diatribe are too numerous to mention.
thank you. Inlakesh's article mentions many sources, clarifying actions perpetrated by Isr*el as well as H*mas. it does not state that "Israel was responsible for most of the October 7th casualties", which is a remark originating from one of those sources: "Using this military logic and assuming Hamas was responsible for every Israeli death on Oct. 7, Israel achieved a more favorable civilian-to-combatant kill ratio than the U.S. did in Mosul....". your remark is out of context and refers to arguments and calculations put forward by pro-Isr*el sources. as presented by the author, many reports, (even Isr*eli ones) mention civilian casualties not as a result of H*mas, but Isr*eli violence. so while the overall picture of Oct. 7 has become clearer, " independent investigation is necessary to fully understand the events. Israel has blocked such an inquiry and destroyed evidence, likely fearing it would reveal inconvenient truths that could undermine what little public support remains for its ongoing military operations in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon....".
I absolutely hate this "take a side" world we are living in. I feel confused and hopeless in attempting to figure out what is truth and what is propaganda. We've been fed so many different narratives for so long. I appreciate your critical reporting. I continue to pray for peace.
I am curious though, as to why you would support the burning of the Canadian flag? I don't understand how anyone born in or choosing to live in this country would choose to desecrate our country's flag regardless of the protest. Our Canadian flag was of great importance to those in the Freedom Convoy and those of us cheering them on. On that one point, I respectfully disagree with you.
As for the flag burning, l was also upset to hear this. It's so sad that we've come to this point and there's so much division but, l think some people are frustrated with our current government and our foreign policy and perhaps have no other way to get attention or make themselves heard. IDK
I don't support the burning itself but their right to do offensive things. Free speech is hard work and if we don't accept things we hate and demand a referee, then that same referee will be ruling on what we can say and do. Listen to our show on Skokie.
Thank you. I appreciate your response and thought it might have something to do with free speech. It is hard work and I'm not quite there yet. Progress not perfection...
A good piece but the line "The story that Saddam Hussein was harbouring Al Qaeda and that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction was completely false but did the trick. American troops were bogged down there for 11 years." sits very uncomfortably with me. Half a million people were killed by the Americans and the British, yet you seem to be lamenting the occupation of Iraq by foreign powers ("American troops were bogged down there for 11 years"), invaders that had no right to be there, came under false pretenses and proceeded to loot the country.
Not at all. I wrote a book about the war. The point is neocons wanted it, regardless of truth. IOIF as it was known, is widely decried as a war crime and a birthing place of more than one terrorist group. Not exactly and win for foreign policy.
More knowledgeable people than me will weigh in on the sordid history of the Middle East and evaluate the competing narratives from the various factions involved. I am focused on the deplorable changes here, in Canada. In decades of on and off war in Gaza, Lebanon and Israel, Canadian Jews were not afflicted with virulent anti-Semitism, until now. The degree of intimidation, assault, vandalism and abuse they have been subjected to has left me profoundly shocked. The fabric of our country is being torn apart by allowing the overt persecution of our Jewish minority. It is a dangerous precedent, for all of us. While my Jewish friends, neighbours and colleagues live in justified fear, I have no tolerance for the mobs, regardless of their affiliations or justification.
I feel helpless. Helpless because the people who believe the propaganda, absolutely believe the propaganda. There is nothing I can say, or do to impact what they believe, and what they will support in Israel or Ukraine. They absolutely believe in the righteousness of their cause.
I wrote a letter to my MP expressing that he has Ukrainian constituents and Russian constituents, and that he is to represent both of them by seeking to be an Honest Broker for peace. He wrote back to tell me that his daughter was in Ukraine supporting the war. How do I respond to someone who does not even understand the concept of "Honest Broker" that can be trusted by both sides to end a conflict.
The Gaza death toll has been inflated to defame Israel and support claims of genocide, a UK-based think tank argued in a newly released report. The study, published by the Henry Jackson Society, analyzed figures provided by Gaza’s Hamas-run Health Ministry, which claim over 44,000 Palestinians have been killed since Oct. 7 of last year, and found that the numbers are not only unreliable but also deliberately misleading.
This is the worst kind of disingenuous activism in the guise of journalism. It's disguised as "both sides." But your sources are of course telling: Norman Finkelstein, author of the “Holocaust Industry” and banned from most universities because of his antisemitic vitriol. I'd say your work is an anomaly in its litany of distortions and accusations but sadly it's now typical of the CBC. Shame.
Suppose the Censorship Industrial Complex wanted to break up the coalition that formed during the lockdowns - the coalition of people who were beginning to recognise propaganda for what it is.
To do this the CIC would want to exploit an issue which splits that coalition by forcing everyone to take a side.
Ideally an issue where both sides are behaving equally badly. An issue replete with "Whataboutery".
I think we are being played.
Trish, what a great podcast on the 11th and l can"t wait to listen again on Sunday.
Now, l heard you say you don't want sympathy over what was said by "Ruby" but, what l will say instead is you did absolutely the right thing for yourself and for us, your audience. Thank you.
"...the civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and now Lebanon should not fair game..." - the heart of your article, among many important points. The lack of proportion in Israel's response leaves me speechless.
War is not about proportionality. So should Israel find a music festival in Gaza and murder 1,200 kids, then rape hundreds of Gazan women and kidnap 200 folks? You speak like it's a sporting event where scores are kept.
Thanks for your work and advocacy on this issue Trish. It has been a shocking and hugely disappointing year watching so many great people whom I formerly admired turning their back on basic principles of liberalism and humanity and advocating instead for blatant genocide and censorship. I know you lost followers and got shadow banned for your position but it is the morally correct and courageous one. Bless you 🙏🏼
Lots of people think that the holocaust is fake due to the almost total lack of evidence for it, and the obvious neccessity of atrocity propaganda to justify WW2. Especially given the firebombing of every city in Japan and Germany. 6 million Jews plus 7 million other undesirables would takes lakes of fuel to cremate in a war that the Axis was losing primarily due to lack of fuel. There would also be actual mountains of ash and bone. There is none.
This is the kind of antisemitic hate that poor articles like this tease out. Thanks for illustrating your ignorance and hate
Show me evidence of the Holocaust.
Its an enormous claim. It would require lots of evidence to prove. Where is the evidence?
It is you who are ignorant. I just insist on evidence for huge claims.
Isn't it entirely likely that there was demonization of the enemy done after the war, to justify the multitudes of war crimes committed by the Allies, as well as the fact that another World War had occurred? The OSS lied about lampshades and soap, why not crematoriums? Why not six million? Where are the bodies?
Do you really think its was just a battle of good versus evil? Have you seen what Jews are up to today, in Gaza? And what, they were just innocent victims before that, with a totally passive mentality?
Think. Just think.
Well done Trish!
Don’t let them get in your head. Keep giving us fair and balanced reporting.
Share-worthy article as the history of this conflict is complex and the propaganda so strong. The linked documentaries imbedded are a definite must watch! Enlightening but so so sad on many levels. I’m actually taking break from the second linked documentary to write this comment and to say thank for your balance, insight and bravery on all topics Trish Wood!
Thanks Lisa. This SS has been under a major troll attack with threats and accusations from
people who reject my take on Israel Gaza. I have blocked them and will be talking about it on the show today. Your kind words mean a great deal.
When it comes to War, truth, truly is the first casualty and always has been. Worst of all, War is like the plot to most Hollywood movies, ALL the same with different locations. Very unoriginal but the the plot appeals to something in the human condition so there's no need to change what works. I find it interesting that you can get more/some truth out of some Israeli newspapers where it's 100% industrial strength indoctrination/propaganda. BTW, most of the people killed on the 7th were killed by Israeli Apache gunships. Named after an American first nation the US tried to exterminate. After 75+ years of everything from ethnic cleansing to Mass murder I find it understandable that the Palestinians might fight back; I'd like to think I would. One good thing about the COVID-19 84 scamdemic is that it closed the very small credibility Gap I still had. NOW, I believe NOTHING other than looking at everything through the eyes of Que Bono. The only reason that the sick in every way ruling classes can keep the vast scam going is that Homo Sapiens can and do believe anything. The pre frontal cortex shuts down allowing the believe in absurdities and as Voltaire said "Who can convince you to believe an absurdity, can convince you to commit an atrocity"! North of 80% of Israelis are fully committed to the ongoing genocide and the leadership seems committed to the pogrom and if it fails, to blow up the world. Remember the words of Moische Dayan " we won't go down alone, we'll take Europe with us"! NOW, it's not just Europe. Trump might get us out of the Ukraine but, if anything, he's more committed to the Zionist project than anyone. The more I see of the western countries, the more I like China!
Yes, I mention the Hannibal directive. Unclear how many killed and we won't know because Bibi won't allow an investigation while the war is ongoing which is one of the reasons it keeps it going.
You write: The story that Saddam Hussein was harbouring Al Qaeda and that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction was completely false but did the trick." The contention that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq when the US invaded has been repeated so often, including by you just now, it is taken as fact, but surely it is a contentious claim. Read Yossef Bodansky's book "The Secret History of the Iraq War" before making up your mind about this. Also, surely the issue is not whether Iraq actually had a lot of weapons of mass destructruction within the country itself. It would be a major threat if it was the paymaster for a broader Arab Islamist alliance with weapons of mass destruction, which it was. That's why Libya and Sudan climbed down so quickly when the Americans invaded.
I know we are the same generation, so you probably have vague memories of Nasser's United Arab Republic, a union between Egypt and Syria, sort of an Arab East and West Pakistan. It disappeared after three years. I wager that you don't miss it. Neither does anyone else. The Palestinian proto-state disappeared in June 2007, the 21st century version of the UAR. No-one seemed to be keen on reviving the corpse of the UAR, so why are so many people, including you, so keen to revive the corpse of a united Palestine? Or, to use a different metaphor, why are you so attached to the idea of a dog that just won't hunt, just like the last dog wouldn't hunt?
Canadians that witnessed our governments propagandization of the media and their suppression of the truth-seekers in order to brand the Truckers Convoy as "Nazis" and anti-vaxers as "Terrorists", etc.
must surely realize they are using the same play book when it comes to the Middle East conflict.
The only difference is that instead of being called a Racist for opposing a gen0side they've upped the anti to Anti-Semite.
Atrocity Inc. is a must watch. This from Al Jazeera is also eye-opening.
political analyst, journalist and documentary filmmaker Robert Inlakesh dismantles some of the fog of war surrounding Hamas' oct. 7 assault -
The Hamas PR Director couldn't have composed a better summary. "Israel was responsible for most of the October 7th casualties". The outright contradictions in that preposterous diatribe are too numerous to mention.
thank you. Inlakesh's article mentions many sources, clarifying actions perpetrated by Isr*el as well as H*mas. it does not state that "Israel was responsible for most of the October 7th casualties", which is a remark originating from one of those sources: "Using this military logic and assuming Hamas was responsible for every Israeli death on Oct. 7, Israel achieved a more favorable civilian-to-combatant kill ratio than the U.S. did in Mosul....". your remark is out of context and refers to arguments and calculations put forward by pro-Isr*el sources. as presented by the author, many reports, (even Isr*eli ones) mention civilian casualties not as a result of H*mas, but Isr*eli violence. so while the overall picture of Oct. 7 has become clearer, " independent investigation is necessary to fully understand the events. Israel has blocked such an inquiry and destroyed evidence, likely fearing it would reveal inconvenient truths that could undermine what little public support remains for its ongoing military operations in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon....".
Wow..thanks for this. Consortium is great.
I absolutely hate this "take a side" world we are living in. I feel confused and hopeless in attempting to figure out what is truth and what is propaganda. We've been fed so many different narratives for so long. I appreciate your critical reporting. I continue to pray for peace.
I am curious though, as to why you would support the burning of the Canadian flag? I don't understand how anyone born in or choosing to live in this country would choose to desecrate our country's flag regardless of the protest. Our Canadian flag was of great importance to those in the Freedom Convoy and those of us cheering them on. On that one point, I respectfully disagree with you.
As for the flag burning, l was also upset to hear this. It's so sad that we've come to this point and there's so much division but, l think some people are frustrated with our current government and our foreign policy and perhaps have no other way to get attention or make themselves heard. IDK
I don't support the burning itself but their right to do offensive things. Free speech is hard work and if we don't accept things we hate and demand a referee, then that same referee will be ruling on what we can say and do. Listen to our show on Skokie.
Thank you. I appreciate your response and thought it might have something to do with free speech. It is hard work and I'm not quite there yet. Progress not perfection...
So good that you are pushing yourself. I admire that.
You are my inspiration Trish! Hope you are feeling better. Happy Thanksgiving! 🧡
A good piece but the line "The story that Saddam Hussein was harbouring Al Qaeda and that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction was completely false but did the trick. American troops were bogged down there for 11 years." sits very uncomfortably with me. Half a million people were killed by the Americans and the British, yet you seem to be lamenting the occupation of Iraq by foreign powers ("American troops were bogged down there for 11 years"), invaders that had no right to be there, came under false pretenses and proceeded to loot the country.
Not at all. I wrote a book about the war. The point is neocons wanted it, regardless of truth. IOIF as it was known, is widely decried as a war crime and a birthing place of more than one terrorist group. Not exactly and win for foreign policy.
More knowledgeable people than me will weigh in on the sordid history of the Middle East and evaluate the competing narratives from the various factions involved. I am focused on the deplorable changes here, in Canada. In decades of on and off war in Gaza, Lebanon and Israel, Canadian Jews were not afflicted with virulent anti-Semitism, until now. The degree of intimidation, assault, vandalism and abuse they have been subjected to has left me profoundly shocked. The fabric of our country is being torn apart by allowing the overt persecution of our Jewish minority. It is a dangerous precedent, for all of us. While my Jewish friends, neighbours and colleagues live in justified fear, I have no tolerance for the mobs, regardless of their affiliations or justification.
Trish Wood seems intent on inciting the mobs. She is doing her part, anyway.
I feel helpless. Helpless because the people who believe the propaganda, absolutely believe the propaganda. There is nothing I can say, or do to impact what they believe, and what they will support in Israel or Ukraine. They absolutely believe in the righteousness of their cause.
I wrote a letter to my MP expressing that he has Ukrainian constituents and Russian constituents, and that he is to represent both of them by seeking to be an Honest Broker for peace. He wrote back to tell me that his daughter was in Ukraine supporting the war. How do I respond to someone who does not even understand the concept of "Honest Broker" that can be trusted by both sides to end a conflict.