CBC has a lot to do with the giving the greed light for persecution of the Freedom Convoy movement.


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What do I say to my friends who think the convoy was a “con”.

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In George Orwell's 1984 book he stated 'obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering how can you be sure f he is obeying your will not his own.. Power is inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is tearing human brains to pieces. COVID pandemic with vaccine mandates just about sums up this iconic statement. I believe bioethics and human rights declarations were necessary so this book would remain fiction. The Nazi era pretty much was highlighted in this book 1984. So to answer your friends who think the convoy was a con I think if you had a trucker convoy in Nazi Germany you would have destroyed the evil mentality. The Enabling Act removed the democratic process of Parliament in Germany giving the Chancellor full reign. The people allowed it without any real fight. The capitalists and doctors and unions and Catholic Church aided Hitler into power on the promise of power and wealth. The truckers are still making an impact because of the Court cases across the country. The people spoke and what a peaceful display of action against human rights abuses. The cowards hid while the regular folks partied and played hockey unleashing all their anxiety and stress and turmoil that was heaped upon them during the COVID debacle. It is the citizens launching lawsuits not politicians of any party. Hitler 2.0 is here. Will the lawsuits help to combat it. The digital UD is somewhat dead because the Privacy Commish of Canada has ruled biometrics and facial recognition is a privacy violation. They wanted to put that into the Arrive can app. Lawyers better get well informed and governmental agencies better get researching AI and it's dangers. Think 1984 is a scary book. There is a pill you can swallow which is a microchip and its purpose is for compliance of whether you took medication or not. Think of the implications of that. Think it's a conspiracy think again. So maybe your friends want to rethink on why human rights abuses was the main theme of the trucker convoy not politics. The ethical issues of new technologies is real. The vaccine mandates were total abuse of human rights and bodily autonomy and the United Nations has emphatically stated human rights requires bodily autonomy for all at all times.. That means unvaccinated citizens. Our own ambassador to the UN is an ignorant fool. He is a violator of human rights. What a con of an ambassador.

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The words of Lawrence Greenspan in his closing comments at the trial are correct.

Let's go a step further on the argument of trading freedom for security that many politicians and people who are like the Queen in snow white who believed she was the fairest of them all. An ego so big they lack common sense.

As comments show from people who clearly possess common sense and great legal minds for true justice we do not have to trade freedom for security. The National Security act clearly proves that security of Canadians is accomplished by protecting the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms They go hand and hand. Human Rights forms part of the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms and the right to speak and have personal opinions is a fundamental foundation of national security. So is the right to choose and body autonomy. Without those freedoms national security fails and your National Security advisor at the time of the trucker convoy destroyed national security mandate and violated their oath of office. As people say it's not rocket science. It's very simple to understand and when you violate the Charter we have criminal breach of trust and abuse of power and now a complete waste of tax payers money to cover up this criminal abuse of power. Money that can better the lives of Canadians. Time for holding the abusers accountable. Any abuse of a online harms bill would be construed as criminal abuse of power and breach of trust being done in the UK and Germany.

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This court case being criminal in nature really puts the evil at play in Canada in the spotlight and the unprecedented nature of human rights abuses which includes freedom of speech and expression and never trading off our freedom or in better words human rights for a supposed security because there is no security in a totalitarian world where bodily autonomy and ethics are thrown to the wayside. They abused the word security. They subverted the truth about safety. They literally inflicted pain and suffering to control us and make us obey them.

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Didn't Bob Rae the Ambassador to the UN for Canada state Canadians have a right to free speech and opinions. Seems he was pushing a trade off of freedom for security rant for vaccine mandates and passports on Twitter. In fact Bob Rae as Ambassador attacked the freedom convoy as not being about vaccine mandates. I think millions of Canadians proved otherwise and people across the world also realized the massive human rights abuses. Perhaps Bob Rae can be hauled in to answer for his abuse of power as an ambassador who should remain neutral and uphold the UN Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. People in positions of trust have to be held to a higher standard and to actually violate the principles and articles in these Declarations of Human Rights and including Bioethics which encompasses new technologies in health and ethical issues such as experimental mRNA really raises this level of breach of trust and abuse of power. Who will uphold medical ethics bioethics and human rights if those in positions of trust abuse it? In Nazi Germany cowards refused to stop Hitler and the doctors and capitalists who put him into power. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has now admitted he feels sorry for aiding Biden and Harris in censoring COVID 19 information. Remember Facebook got rid of a group of 125000 discussing vaccine injuries early on in the vaccine campaign.

Under medical ethics and this bioethics of a new vaccine technology platform MRNA vaccine injuries are a necessary part of collecting data. In fact under investment laws it is also required and the same for any approval and or authorization. A $2 billion lawsuit by Brook Jackson for vaccine study trials fraud including vaccine injuries covered up by Pfizer was launched in Jan 2021 and it was covered up by the DOJ of the USA. Pretty sad. They attacked doctors who reported vaccine injuries. They threatened their licenses. All violations of medical ethics and bioethics and investment laws. They censored just like Facebook did in cover up of data necessary for a new product especially a new vaccine technology whereby it was a third phase study trial in the works. You would fail science in University of you didn't keep proper data in science tests. Well this happened for the COVID 19 vaccine and no one did anything about it. Instead they went on to commit further crimes against humanity with vaccine mandates. I see you mention security of the person which includes being free of torture and the COVID mandates and consequences like being fired or put on unpaid leave was torturous to many who were stuck with this decision. People literally crying as they were forced to get vaccinated or lose their livelihood. Disgusting behavior. No excuses. They violated every medical ethics there is and articles on human rights.

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So the convoy wasn’t Opposition Control?

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If you keep the politicians out of it because most of the politicians are mindless cowards as seen by the votes in Parliament for vaccine mandates then you can see what the convoy was regardless of opposition control trying to take advantage of it for election prospects. The people across Canada who came out to protest and who were on the overpasses across the country and who gave five ten twenty dollars to the convoy proved it far surpassed any election manipulation. It was much bigger then any politician who cannot control the people entirely. They controlled with lots of brainwashing during COVID make no mistake about that and people took two vaccines to get their lives back not because they believed it was needed but because the opening of life was tied to vaccine uptake including work. So the will of the people became stronger as they saw the vast support of the convoy by regular people and they had the veil of threats lifted because there is strength in numbers so even if there was some election opposition at play it became bigger then them and the lies of the politicians and media became quite obvious thereby adding more strength to every day Canadians and human rights abuse. Why do you think they had to do such a display of brutality to end it? Think on that.

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I’m not disagreeing. I have friends who see the convoy as a CONvoy.

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Yes I figured that. So I gave you a few talking points of common sense. I also write to say hi to our mindless cowards out there reading this. The ones who committed human rights abuses and never seen before brutality on Canadian soil. I hear CSIS has snipers in South America taking out drug cartels. How about we get courageous men including in CSIS to go after the snipers against our human rights here in Canada. They are just as dangerous as drug cartels so can we have all honorable police stand together to make the abusers accountable in our courts and that includes removing bought paid judges and politicians and cops.

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You summed it up nicely. A wake up call for sure on how people steal human rights using fear.

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So what happened to all the money from the convoy?

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That's Lawrence Greenspon the lawyer. Spell check changes the spelling for some reason. Strange.

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Hard to know what to say to people who refuse to listen.

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Did I say that they refused to listen?

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So what were you getting at about the con of the truckers protest. Do people think the protest was a con or was the government's mandates a con? Of course there were people trying to subvert the real reason of the convoy. They tried to paint it as violent and hate filled. Laughable. They used racism in the media. Again laughable. They tried to put politics into the convoy protest. That again was utter rubbish. If politicians cared about the people and did research there never would have been a trucker protest. If mass polls proving majority of Canadians did not support vaccine passports and the media lied and politicians lied about this but the proof was all there online and if people had courage in the media to expose it then we would not have had a truckers protest. If people in government and media called out the insanity of polls asking if the unvaccinated should be jailed but we let out criminals from jail due to COVID which they knew then how could subversion of the truth be accomplished and truths manipulated to such an extent as to cause such chaos. The truckers followed instructions as we were told so the only legal thing to be done was to issue tickets to those who were not parked properly. Not an Emergency Act with freezing of bank accounts and then a display of brutality and brainless cowards abusing power and breaching trust

Every cop there should be fired who participated in North Korea brutality. They do not deserve a badge or gun and citizens of Canada should sue everyone of them. Not just those whose accounts were frozen. Every Canadian should demand criminal breach of trust and abuse of power to mindless idiots who are a threat to our National Security Act that clearly shows protection of our Charter and human rights is necessary for National Security. Security of the person under our Charter is the foundation of what is called democracy. It is there to protect Canadians and humanity from abuses by tyrants dictators and corrupted individuals.

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Am I the only Canadian who thinks the “ Zexi Li inspired law suit” is a communist Chinese backed shenanigan?

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Cover up of foreign interference. The RCMP complained of Shared Services Canada and their blackberries being compromised and Zexi Li works there. She worked at Revenue Canada . Anyone see a connection. Revenue Canada lied their offices were ransacked by the convoy.

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Wow, the immigration in the UK sounds crazy.


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Listen to this week's show and I've got a new Substack tomorrow on it.

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Yes, l listened to your convo with Simon Elmer on Friday night on Spotify. His stats are out of this world. It's so sad he had to start the interview with a disclaimer to avoid liabiity. What next? A land acknowledgement LOL?

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And this is the truth as I see it. Political persecution of disgraceful proportions. Trudeau must call an election and will be defeated. His legacy ? Trudeau likes to fancy himself as being worthy, he will instead be remembered as a snivelling sycophant of his father’s memory. Who himself was no Churchill.

Trudeau is a corrupt, bad actor.

This is the worst case of political persecution in Canada’s history, with a bought and paid for legacy media supporting it, and influencing public sentiment with lies and deception.

I will forever remember sharing the overpasses with Canadian men,women and children , exhorting the freedom convoy forward.

Oh Canada !

The true north , strong and free!

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Blows my mind someone didn’t put an end to someone following her to her car. She’s a bloody hero for crying out loud! This inverse reality bs has got to stop. What lunacy.

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I believe she was looked after .....:)

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I appreciate you and your writing more than I can say. Such a voice of reason and integrity you are. I, too, "swing from optimism and faith to anger and sadness" on almost a daily basis.

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Thanks Tami... I keep thinking we will go back to the old ways but I think that is impossible now.

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"So I swing from optimism and faith to anger and sadness." (Quote Trish Wood" I appreciate very much your dedication to making Canada at least sensible again. As you may recall I am a Physician, very retired, which made it easy for me to "protest". I do live in Downtown Ottawa and was ashamed of our city and our leadership. I am disappointed in the Medical Profession of Canada and its Leadership. Paul Alexander I believe was one of the few Doctors that openly supported the Convoy and if our leadership had told the truth on mass the Pandemic would have evolved very differently and more successfully. Much of the profession just kept their heads down.

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When you research bioethics you can appreciate the extent of the violation done by our medical professionals and how they abused COVID for their own agendas.

The courageous Docs like Dr Paul Alexander Dr. Byram Bridle Dr Roger Hodkinson Dr. William Makis Dr. Hoffe Dr Caroline Turek Dr. Benoit to name a few who spoke up and maintained medical ethics regardless of the smear campaign and being hauled in before the medical boards shows the need to support these doctors who actually followed the UN Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. They are under moral and legal obligation to expose doctors who commit medical violations

The 4 principles of bioethics which is the cornerstone of ethics are beneficence non maleficence autonomy and justice. Non maleficence is to do no harm. Do not kill do not subject people to pain and suffering do not incapacitate and do not deprive people of the goods of life.

I think we saw this done by health professionals on a grandiose level during COVID especially with the COVID vaccines. Doctor after doctor demanding the firing of the unvaccinated thereby depriving them of the goods of life. The politicians followed suit in medical ethics violations.

Following the science spewed by Trudeau and others was in direct violation of bioethics because life sciences involves these medical ethics and any decisions made.. First and foremost is body autonomy. The COVID vaccines carried risk as seen by a list of adverse events including death and well before these vaccine mandates the adverse events were being seen. Covered up of course by threatening the doctors who did report them or doctors denying any link to the vaccine and the adverse events the patient had.

The justice system committed violation of medical ethics including the bioethics of a new experimental technology and ignored what Pfizer had stated that they could not be sure they were using the right vaccine technology for the COVID vaccine. Thus experimental. They need to be held to account for this. They upheld human rights violations. Justice forms part of the cornerstone principles of bioethics.

Lastly bioethics includes body autonomy. That is a person's right to govern their bodies free of external influence or coercion.

These amazing doctors who showed true medical ethics in the face of abominable threats and legal troubles provided a solid foundation of medical ethics and human rights for anyone that values humanity . They are the personification of any Declaration of Human Rights.

You appear to be one of the courageous doctors as well and it's sad you are retired. We need more doctors like you. Beneficence which is a principle of bioethics is showing kindness and mercy and that was desecrated by doctors and any in the medical profession who called for firing of the unvaccinated.

The courageous nurses who spoke up and have been subjected to tribunals as well they can use the principles of bioethics and human rights in their defence and I believe the medical college stated how would they have known the harms of lockdowns to their patients. They have medical ethics and attached bioethics to have known.

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Yes justice in bioethics is the right to receive medical treatment free of bias and polls by the media and doctors and politicians pushing should the unvaccinated be denied health care is complete destruction of medical ethics. The Justice system in Canada in many cases allowed this abuse and violation of medical ethics. They were ignorant and devoid of common sense and research. They shredded the rule of law. If I can research this and understand and others can then they can too.

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Be in touch through email when you can. info@trishwoodpodcast.com

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For those who had their bank accounts frozen using bioethics principles is a great way to expose the violations done against our Canadian citizens. Many medical professionals applauded it as well. I hope people save all of their tweets or posts pertaining to medical ethics violations.

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Yes great line for court. I would use it. Perhaps citizens can launch their own lawsuits using this and don't use any coward lawyers. Sue the government for human rights abuses. They have to pay up according to Trudeau. So time to make a new branch of government entitled human rights compensation.

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In the original post I misspelled Magas.......apologies to an admirable lawyer.

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"This is where we are!" Well put. Shortages of affordable housing. Shortages of medical professionals. Millions spent on the legal industrial complexes in this show trial with people charged with indictible offenses on what could have been and should have been summary conviction ticket offenses. A government that wouldn't speak to working people. NOW we have ten's of billions for modified 737s to support the empire refueling it's death machines and chasing submarines for it. The same Boeing that pressured trump to slap 300% duties on the best airplane of it's type while the toady governments in Ottawa and Quebec did nothing. NOW we're going spend ten's of billions on submarines and more ten's of billions on the US F35 flying turkey plane. I don't know which is worse, the empire or the vassals of the globalist rentier extraction class. As always, thanks for your work.

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Yes they took licenses from doctors who spoke out thereby creating more doctor shortages. Not about health. The human rights issues astronomical and medical ethics violations unprecedented. Shocking.

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Well put. Show trials of stupidity. Massive human rights abuse and people with inflated egos who won't admit their wrong.

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I would have thought at some point the government lawyers would have realized that they too were being played for fools in this charade, now they seem complicit. I would like to think Hanlon’s Razor applies but unfortunately this seems way too malicious🤔

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Thanks Trish, for bearing witness.

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“Yesterday the Crown mentioned Zexi Li’s complaints about how her ability to work from home was badly affected by noise from the convoy. I am biased — but given what was at stake for the country, this feels oddly self-centred.” OMG self-centred is putting it way too mildly.

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Well maybe she should have gone to the office to work and Winterlude festivities that brings economic benefits to Ottawa should have been held which usually is when the truckers protested and I hear drunk people are very loud in Ottawa at all the festivities so then exactly how was she inconvenienced? Did the counter protests against the truckers that the unions asked the government workers to attend with squeaky toys used disrupt her. Has the Courts forgotten the counter protestors which could include those trying to sue for being inconvenienced. It was government workers in Ottawa who were asked to protest against the convoy. So it was too dangerous or too noisy they alleged. I think the dirty rotten scoundrels are caught. Subpoena the union leaders regarding the counter protests. Rebel news recorded them and those squeaky toys were annoying by grown adults acting like a bunch of babies. The government workers have the email. What say them then?

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The self centred whiner needs to buy noise-cancelling headphones. Then she can offer them to anyone who is in earshot of her whining.

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The Crown should research before embarassing the Courts.

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I think it was more that Li knew how to play them game. Become a victim and you get sympathy. She also gets some status from that. Most people know how to play that game that the far left is good at so I don't think it was self centeredness as much as it was narcissism/entitlement. LOL, which is the same as self centeredness. Anyway, I guess I am trying to get a more detailed picture.

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Trying to play it cool.

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Trish can you check with Rebel News for footage of the counter protestors on Feb 12 th I believe who were asked to go and protest by their union against the truckers. The email was online for all to read. Was it used in Court to expose those who whined of inconvenience.

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Yes it was noisy downtown but the people complaining can't in my view see the forest for the trees.They either can't comprehend or refuse to see the big picture here and don't realize the magnitude of what was and still is at stake.......our standard of living,our right to free speech and self determination,our free choice for health care and much more.Noise temporary as it was ,seems like a small price to pay in exchange for a life of freedom.

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They complained it was dangerous and unsafe but still went out to party. Anthony Rota the disgraced speaker of the house whined he needed extra security yet he praises a Nazi war criminal Hunka and invites him to Parliament. A war criminal held in Italy after the war and allowed a free pass to Canada to imbed in our political sphere. Anthony Rota scratches backs with Hunka's son up there in Northern Ontario. So what a CON by politicians and citizens alike in Ottawa.

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You are! 😎 hope you didn’t take it as a criticism of you! I watched that young lady’s testimony at the POEC and she struck me as the Epitome of privileged young laptop class 🤢🤢🤢🤢

I am not one to tolerate bullshit or “airs”… those days are long gone.

I feel like we’re living in a parallel dimension… those of us that are what really happened to Canadians and those who have utterly forgotten about Covid (other than the fact they keep getting sick or are getting cancer or dropping dead). Can’t wait to see your film!

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Not at all......didn't take it that way...just a heads up.

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Did you know that Banks froze accounts not on the RCMP list. Why. Because there was a compensation fund they could try and claim on. Bribery and extortion come to mind with the Emergency Act?

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I can’t believe this clown show is still going on. Tamara and Chris don’t deserve this. Our country is a joke.

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Political prosecution is the persecution of choice for the WEF sycophant who presumes to “rule” over Canadians.

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The WEF foreign interference clown that is Hitler 2.0. the one who with his father went and stole Nazi intelligence after the war.

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I feel absolutely no pity for Ottawa residents. The Parliamentary Precinct belongs to all Canadians, not just the people of Ottawa. When our politicians ignore those they are supposed to serve, what choice do we have?

The convoy reminded me of the Canada I grew up in, the Canada my grandfather fought for to make sure we were free. Like so many others, I took that freedom for granted, living with my own complacency and thinking I would never have to fight for it in Canada.

I woke my wife & family up early that historic morning. I wanted them to understand that freedom isn't free. They thought I was nuts, but I forced them out of bed to go show our support for the truckers. We drove with the convoy from their start early that January morning, my kids in the car with my wife holding our giant Canadian flag out the window. Protest songs blaring on our stereo, and overpass after overpass, literally hundreds of people waving their own flags, as we would pass by honking our horn, raising our fists in solidarity, and me, the man leading his family down the road, tears streaming down his face, thinking "could this be the end of the madness?"

We were all numb, realizing we weren't alone. Turning on the TV to hear the legacy media spewing lies about what it was all about. My recently graduated daughter looking at me and saying "Dad! They're lying" a hard lesson for an 18yr old, but it helped her to understand things aren't always what we hear on TV. While that was the beginning of the end of the mandates, this fight is far from over. But at least I know that my country is still there and we won't be pushed around. We are not alone. I was never more proud of our country as I was during those 3 weeks. I am thankful to Tamara, Chris, and the truckers. I hope our captured courts get back to upholding our Charter and begin to right some of the many wrongs so we can begin to discuss what happened, how we can heal, and how we make sure this never happens again. Thanks Trish for being a voice in the darkness. A lot of weeks, listening to you was the highlight that helped get me through.

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Beautiful. Thank you for your comment. It gives me hope.

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I was crying too......we all were.

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And I am crying...

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I echo what you say. I was there too. I have a question though, what do you make of the Simpson's episode previous to the convoy ? The one where Trudeau disappears etc.. you must have seen it. It mimicked real life a little too perfectly. It's obvious that the DS was involved with the convoy ( although it didn't go according to plan :)) , but with whom and how , when ? Not saying that Tamara and Chris were the insiders or anything like that, but used maybe ? By whom ? Because I do not believe in coincidences.

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I don't think so. I know them reasonably well now.

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C Shearer, I echo your pride of those 3 weeks. I was on one of those overpasses in a very cold blustery day as well as being present on parliament hill and I never felt so proud of being there. 🤗

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I still get goosebumps and watery eyes when watching the brave Canadians standing on overpasses in the cold February air waving flags ,supporting the convoy. Our government is hell bent on shaming us for being Canadians so it felt great to be proud of fellow citizens of any race or creed standing up for truth and what's right.

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Thank you for the update 💜

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It is a great privilege to be part of the witnessing. Some days I can't believe it is happening.

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I think of them all the time and sends prayers they were such a light in a very dark time for me

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Quite unbelievable alright the fallout from a corrupt leadership.

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