I can't even watch those snippets of Trudeau you posted on this podcast. It just makes my blood boil just to hear his voice. These guys are Canadian heros -- or British heros, for taking our government to task on it ridiculous vaccine travel mandates. We must remember that the government only 'suspended' the travel mandates -- they didn't terminate them permanently, so they can bring them back. So, it isn't moot -- it still hangs over our heads.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16Liked by Trish Wood

What is there to say? The rule of law derives its interpretation from Canada’s constitution. The rules based order derives its interpretation from the, novel rules based order, promulgated by a small cadre of those who control debt, taxation, and policies and are internationalists.

These are the people who denigrate nationalism, community, family, while promulgating the most vile form of state control Fascism — which ultimately devolves and then becomes Totalitarian.

The Totalitarians then make all the rules! The rule of law is then subverted and made meaningless. There is then no countervailing body of evidentiary presentation and logic.

If the state declares anyone in breach of the rules — which become more arbitrary and increasingly deterministic as time goes on — those who do so may not even know that they have breached some new rule or new interpretation of an existing rule. Paradoxically this sort of chameleon like state, is stressful and chaotic. Liars like Trudeau exemplify chaos and arbitrariness.

Think here his abusive misuse of the truckers — whom I am certain came to Ottawa in good faith, used them for his own political purposes. Even Kings heard their constituents.

Prime Minister Trudeau is an internationalist serving internationalist conformity enforced by the novel rules based order.

There remains only a remnant of those who know the difference between the rule of law and the novel rules based order. …And so millions of people readily give up their individual sovereignty to the Trudeaus’ of the world.

What we are witnessing in Israel is a manifestation of the novel rules based order at work. The Israelis are simply ignoring the rule of law. Netanyahu will not be curbed by a process which goes back to the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is considered to be the first declaration in Western history to impose the rule of law. By signing this document King John conceded that he as King of England was subject to the laws of the realm like every other citizen.

What we are experiencing is the breakdown of a civilizational concurrence about what constitutes a universal understanding and is rapidly becoming arbitrary.

The Canadian Prime Minister is a man who considers himself above the law. Tyrants like Trudeau, Netanyahu, Macron, Biden are underwritten by powerful interests few people know exist. And these few are least interested in subordinating themselves to the rule of law.

For them it is simple — might makes right! The average person is seduced by carefully and artfully crafted public communiques they have no armour to deflect.

Their words in fact have no meaning other than to convey to the audience their ineptitude and magnify their presumed superiority — all the while pretending to some inside knowledge ordinary people cannot possibly be told .

This of course is intended to defenestrate the people’s objectivity and amplify their subjective fears and anxieties. We are what Hilary Clinton dubbed us — deplorables.

We are deplorable because we object to the arbitrary power she wields. No rule of law for her!

It must be noted and will not be appreciated — women are far more easily seduced by men like Trudeau — even when delivered with the least convincing sincerity. He uses words to seduce. The same old time tested drivel pouring out of the mouths of the same kind of men since time began.

Women, you surely know this. Some men are particularly vile swine. Politics attract these men like flies to the barnyard. C’mon women lead the way! Demand your menfolk get out their pitchforks.

Of course Trudeau references children while he offers his beguiling sentiments. His type have been know as wolfs’ in sheep’s clothing for a long, long time.

Trudeau has been working on his delivery for years, wanting to seem sincere. His delivery is as oleaginous as a bad carnival huxter.

No matter how often they fool women the women are continually fooled, i.e. seduced.

Trudeau is a confection, he with his calculated longish hair, rolled up sleeves, cosmetically altered false chin, and faked sincerity.

Remember though he is a proxy for powerful interests. Otherwise know as a puppet.

Is he Punch or is he Judy?

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I believe I have received ongoing harassment from Canadian Federal government agencies since donating to convoy, including :

-CTSA harassment and groping at airport security

- undue hardship in passport renewal

- unwarranted review of CPP payments

- CRA audits

It’s far from over IMO.

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I am Canadian -- pioneer family came here in 1822.

Grew up on the farm.

As both an investigative reporter and publisher my Toronto newspaper 1999-2017 survived six terror attacks wherein my three workers and informants were EACH burnt out of their homes, my new car was blown up and two attempts were made on my life.

RCMP, CSIS & metro Toronto police are afraid to investigate as the evil ones that did this -- we know who - are so powerful. I am not telling stories -- I have photos, witnesses, etc.

vpflet17@gmail.com / 416-568-0246

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Feb 16Liked by Trish Wood

Great interview by and with truly exceptional people In terms of grit, calmness and rationality. However, I propose it's a blind spot to make it all about Canada and the management team in place at the time. That's how normies operate. It would have been nice to pull back and reflect that the tyranny is/was global and in lockstep.

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Wonderful interview, Trish! I was unaware until I watched it that Regina Watteel had published a book exposing the so-called science behind the vaccine mandates. She was the People's Party of Canada candidate in Ottawa Centre in the 2021 federal election. She put her statistical expertise to work in her campaign, making a powerful case against the vaccine mandates. She and her her husband are also very nice people and it was an honour to work on her campaign. I plan to order a copy of her book and I hope many of your viewers do likewise, if they have not already done so.

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Feb 18Liked by Trish Wood

Amazing interview. Anyone look at the photo of the guy yelling at the freedom convoy and think he resembles the guy with the mask and confederate flag? A plant. The nazi flag bearer had no gloves in cold weather indicating he was a photo op and out only to take a pic to use in the media to frame the convoy because thats what government and media did...FRAME THE PROTESTORS. Change the theme of what it was about..,vaccine mandates that were a human rights abuuse. In fact days before the canada and us border mandate was implemented the WHO who they lied they listen to told countries not to have vaccine mandates at borders. THE WHO already knew.

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Feb 17Liked by Trish Wood

I am still listening to the podcast but I just heard them say that he (Trudeau) was planning the wedge while publicly saying the opposite. Which makes me wonder what wedge issue they are planning for the next year to 18 months?

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Feb 17Liked by Trish Wood


I'm not on Twitter but look what is trending today....keep this up! ❤🍁

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Liked by Trish Wood


An interview with Regina Watteel regarding her book Fisman's Fraud.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18Liked by Trish Wood

Trish at the end of this podcast you talked about Coutts and predicting a constitutional crisis if we ever get to the bottom of what happened at Coutts. I hope that you are right, but I have doubts. As you said, the whole Coutts narrative seems to be peeling off with the release of the Morin and Lysak, but I am sure you have noted, as have I, that again, once the media covered their release, that was it. No more coverage, no more questions, no editorials, nothing -- and that includes the alternative or conservative media like True North. You mentioned someone getting those documents under a Freedom of Information request -- Rupa for instance. Well where is Rupa on this, I haven't heard a peep out of her. Rebel News -- the coverage Ezra Levant has been giving the Coutts Four thus far, still seems to imply he thinks they might be guilty. The Toronto Sun has been mum, as has the National Post. Where is Rex Murphy calling this out?

As well, no one in the Conservative Party seems to be interested in grilling Trudeau et al on this gross miscarriage of justice. Even Danielle Smith and her AG -- are quiet as church mice. So it will have to be earth shaking, something the mainstream media can't possibly ignore to get a full account of what really went on at Coutts. The conspiracy of silence around this whole affair is disconcerting, because it it coming from all sides.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/coutts-4-conspiracy-of-silence-continues

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Feb 17Liked by Trish Wood

Excellent & disturbing information below 😲

Unexploded Bomb: Where the #COVID19 #VaccineDeaths Are Really Hiding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhNRv4stWgM

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Prior to creating Toronto Street News my graphics business performed election materials for Bill Davis, Bob Rae and Jack Layton and saw these operations up close. In the paper I also predicted 911 within 30 days, predicted exact day Putin got serious about Ukraine and put his first 300,000 into uniform, predicted twice the exact days when OPEC reduced the flow of oil.

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Canada and the USA are a lot alike. We both elected idiots to run our countries. We can do better in the future. 2024 for the USA. 2025 or sooner for Canada.

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Jim Watson, Cheif Stoly and Anthony Rota will be in an Ottawa courthouse 23 April 24 for their role in the EA con.

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Hey Trish, still love your stuff, you are my go to on every long car ride.

I caught up on a couple episodes on the road to Ottawa this past family day weekend, and you mentioned the Boeing 737 Max fiasco in both episodes.

Although your main points were bang on both times, you got several details wrong both times as well. I suppose it's minor, but I think it would be better if you got it right.

First, there were only two fatal crashes due to the design flaw. I think you stated there were three.

Second, you implied that the company was too cheap to update the platform and improperly put newer engines on an outdated plane. I think it's important to clarify this point from an engineering perspective. It is certainly true that the 737 platform was never originally designed to handle the newer (and much larger) high bypass Jet engines, it is not accurate to say that they did poor engineering to make it happen. The cost of bringing a new platform to market today is almost completely prohibitive for airlines.

I will offer up as evidence, the Bombardier CSeries was one of the last companies worldwide to bring a brand new platform to market, and they went bankrupt -- and not only because of Boeing's dirty tricks.

Airbus -- who ultimately purchased the CSeries that the Canadian taxpayers paid for -- kept updating their older platforms with newer engines and Boeing needed to bring a competitive offering to the market. The challenge for Boeing was their 737 platform -- the competitor to the A320 platform -- was older and the plane didn't sit high enough to simply fit the new engines underneath. So they got creative and mounted the engines ahead and a bit higher than they typically would on a plane.

Although it was not ideal, technically there was absolutely nothing wrong from an engineering perspective with doing that. The problem though begins because of the effects of the change.

For financial reasons, Boeing wanted the plane to behave identically to prior versions of the 737. This was very important, because if it deviated in any way, it would require airlines to force any pilots who were already certified to fly an older version of the 737 -- and a lot of airlines were using those planes -- to undergo training to understand the changes and recertification. Obviously this would incur a cost to the airline purchasing the new planes and so it would make the newer planes slightly less competitive. UNLESS it behaved exactly the same. Then the pilots just had to do some quick little simulator training (almost nothing) and they could fly the new planes with little to no cost to the airline.

This fact was critical, because by moving the engines they changed the balance of the plane and under heavy thrust, it did not behave like the old 737 and would pitch up.

This is where the design started to go wrong. The engines and their placements, did not have any fundamental flaw or safety problem, but now in order to hide the new behaviour, they added an autopilot function to make an adjustment in the controls to make the plane behave like the old 737.

This was the safety and design flaw and it relates to a fundamental choice Boeing made with respect to how all their autopilots functions were designed. Boeing always designed their autopilot functions in a way that the pilot controls would always move the control surfaces of the plane, and any autopilot functions would mechanically move those pilot controls so the pilot knew what was happening and could decide to physically override anything with many movement of controls. The functions of all the autopilot features were also very explicit and the pilots were trained to know what they did.

This differed fundamentally from Airbus designs where the pilot give input to electronic controls and which talks to a computer, and the computer decides how to move the plane controls depending on the "mode" it is in. This meant that a plane could completely override what a pilot was telling the plane to do.

These were fundamental philosophies that any pilot trained on the relevant planes knew and relied on.

Now in this case, Boeing needed to use an implicit autopilot function -- that the pilot couldn't turn on or off, and in fact was never even told existed -- in order to make the new plane "feel" and behave like the old one.

They might have even gotten away with this EXCEPT they made a fundamental safety flaw next. The new "hidden" autopilot (MCAS) system was designed with a confusing interface, and even worse it relied on a pair of sensors (you always have two sensors in case one breaks) but it was only attached to one of the two, so if one happened to fail, it gave the autopilot function bad data. It gets even worse. The indicator light that would have told a pilot that the two sensors were not agreeing (meaning one of them was malfunctioning) was sold as an upgrade option which lower cost airlines (like the ones that crashed) never purchased. So in other words, they implemented a confusing autopilot function, without explaining to the pilots how it fully worked, that relied on a single point of failure of a part that will eventually fail, AND they sold planes without the option to tell the pilot that the part was malfunctioning.

This was the horrific sequence of poor design, engineering, and pricing features that led to two crashes before the FAA suspended the planes from flights.

The engines and the platform engineering was fine. Yes, the engine design and platform led to the poor choices that were made down the road and led to the crashes.

It is important to note that the North American carriers who purchased the 737 Max like WestJet etc all purchased the upgrades that would have indicated to the pilots that the sensor wasn't working. The two jets that crashed did not have that option on and so the pilots had no clue as to what was wrong and the plane basically flew them into the ground on it's own.

All of the signs of the design flaw were readily known after the first crash, and the plane should have been suspended immediately. I remember seeing the telemetry of it before the second crash and it certainly merited a close investigation, but this is where the politics and industry capture of the regulatory agencies reared it's head. It wasn't until the second crash when the FAAs (and Canada CTSB) were forced to ground the planes until the problem was fixed.

The fix was not complicated. Hook the MCAS to both sensors. Make the sensor fault indicator light mandatory on all versions. Fix the override MCAS interface, and train the pilots on it's operation. After that, there is nothing wrong with the plane or it's design.

So it wasn't the engines or them being cheap about the platform that caused the crashes. They cut safety corners in how they designed the MCAS systems and they violated pilot trust by hiding the function in order to save the airlines money in training and certification.

And there were only two crashes.

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