Fascinating and terrifying piece about something from before my time that I'd never even heard about. Thanks, Trish.

By the way, for some reason, all your podcast episodes are not appearing in your Substack, though I have a paid subscription. Kyle Kemper's interview doesn’t appear here, nor does Mia Hughes'.

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Thanks for your work, and you're are right about DID: there is an entire ecosystem now on TikTok and other social media that is creating newer forms of this disorder which involves systems and alters, and are now identities instead of a form of illness. For some very interesting reading, I suggest you take a look at "The online community: DID and plurality" by Emily M. Christensen for an overview and then review "Revisiting False-Positive and Imitated Dissociative Identity Disorder" for an idea of what clinicians are currently dealing with.

Most tellingly, patients now are demanding a diagnosis for validation and react with anger when refused; there was a dust up in the first quarter of 2023 with some DID influencers and a medical hospital as well over what constitutes a false diagnosis of DID (and this is also controversial; there are currently reviews and commentaries refuting the existence of DID entirely, but the simple fact of the matter is that the general populace and the clinical population have in many ways made it real by force of belief and behaviour).

In other words, the trends we see in the Trans craze at the moment is not unique at all; there's been a shift in the culture regarding how mental illnesses are handled and this is impacting all other areas of the field using essentially the same playbook.

What I find really interesting is that Tara Dineen apparently wrote about this way back in the '90s with "Manufacturing Victims*", so this issue has been germinating and fomenting beneath the surface for a very long time. (And most notably, I think some of the Satanic Panic clinicians actually are on the trans bandwagon now--grifters gotta grift, and all that.)

*I am currently not finished this book so my opinion may change over time. Take my statement with a grain of salt, if you will.

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"When people get emotionally involved in an issue, common sense and reason go out the window. People believe what they want and need to believe." Once again, we're reminded of the old lesson, 'The only thing we learn from history, is that we NEVER learn from history.'

After reading this, I do remember the satanic scandal of the 90's. But, you know what I don't remember, is how those perpetuating the lies were never held to account. The stories just kind of....went away. I'm concerned the same will happen to the covid scandals and the 'trans kid' narrative. Corporate and gov't media will just stop reporting on it, and people will move on.

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Yes, this is likely going to get memory holed too. Maddening.

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So true. C-63 has all our names on it.

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Mar 14Liked by Trish Wood

Before my time but think of the "War of the Worlds" panic from a radio program. The more things change, the more things remain the same! Every rational person "very rare" knows that the first casualty of war is truth." Now think of the buy in to the lies of the Ukraine war, almost 100%. I came very close to loosing one of the best friends I ever had because he bought into the propaganda. He has a master's degree. More proof if I needed it that education=indoctrination, more education=more indoctrination. Explains a large part of the buy in to the scamdemic by the Physicians as their indoctrination is essentially by Big pharmas control of the medical industrial complexes, especially the medical schools and journals and associations. The fear of being ostracized is as great in the MD industry as the most religious Amish being shunned. High school never ends, almost all need to "fit in"! As to the Trans industrial complexes, All of the above apply along with Que Bono and follow the money. Of course it's off the wall fantastical rubbish absurdity but that's what sells best to Homo Sapiens. You would think that "children" would be a bridge too far and MEN would take up arms before allowing the abuse of their children. You would be wrong, Men in the western countries are essentially emasculated en masse. I once worked with a "London social worker" who dropped out of the business because he felt it was mostly a scam and spent another five years learning a trade so he could make a living doing "honest work". While "wet backing" in Michigan he kept his work clearance in his glove compartment. Needless to say, CBP nailed him after he crossed the border one too many times. Smart, charming Guy but those years in university took away his common sense as they do with most. We in the western countries are now paying the price for listening to the intelligentsia academics as they've screwed up childhood and just about everything else in society. I'd hoped that after COVID 1984 exposed and people saw how flawed, venal and mendacious our institutions and the ruling classes were we might get in the streets and overthrow the globalist rentier extraction rotten to the core systems but it appears that the indoctrination industrial complexes have done their job too good. The rest of the world has had it with the " Golden billion" and we're in for a very rude awakening over the next few years. The "Free lunch" is on the way out. Can we make it in the new multi polar world? I have my doubts. If Canada and Germany are examples, definitely not!

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Great thoughts as usual. I just watched a Netflix doc on the COLD WAR -- some of it propaganda but the story of the first nuclear bomb -- which I know so well having done multiple documentaries on it and interviewed Hiroshima survivors always gets me. How stupid the world was to unleash such terrible power. That now sits in the hand of the people who are flexing their might over the horror unfolding in the ME. Air dropping food on starving Gazans while arming their tormentors to keep on going. Protestors at the Northern Gate held barbeques with their kids to make sure food trucks didn't make it in and when they did, the people were shot like animals as they begged for a sack of flour. If this is possible and supported by the West -- is a nuclear catastrophe far off?

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Come to think of it Trish, can self-induced extinction be that far off? I ask this only half in jest, because we are in seriously fucked up and consequential times. I lose sleep and myself am 'bent out of shape' over the macabre de-lamination of reality, and the presence of my 'fellow citizens' all around me who are bereft of concern or alarm. I think Orwell himself would have been at a loss for words in describing the heinous calamity we are undergoing. Much respect to you for being such a straight arrow through all the deceit, skullduggery and shitfuckery.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Trish Wood

For your information: Institutional Capture with Dr Dianna T Kenny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmozKWVMC1I

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As for the Q-Anon "Pizza Gate" delusion, there remains the mystery of what happened on that Caribbean Island once owned by the late Jeffrey Epstein. Is the use of paedophile honey pots not a plausible means of establishing powerful control files on important members of the "elite"?

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As far as I am aware, one of the few things that every culture and religion around the world shared up until 2015 was that there are two genders, "male" and "female". This shared belief was so ubiquitous that mechanical fasteners, plumbing hardware and electrical fittings that "mate" together used these terms to distinguish one half of the connection from the other (a bolt has a "male" thread while a nut has a "female" thread, or a "male" plug that is inserted into a "female" socket).

What better way to divide and demoralize the world than to turn this widely accepted foundational truth upside down?

Add to this the emergence of "Queer Theory" as an academic field taught in universities, in which, from what I understand, all manner of sexual deviance is explored in the quest for rejecting societal norms.

If people want to reject societal norms, let them do it. But why should society foot the bill for it, while also bending over backwards to accept ideology whose purpose is to overthrow said society?

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Yes. I don't care what people do as long as they don't go around forcing the rest of us to go along with it. Your last point is...on point, lol.

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Martin - that is a brilliant observation, and funny in a immensely tragic kind of way. I can just see myself walking in to the plumbing or electrical section Home Depot in a couple of years only to encounter a welter of gender labels, 'chest feeding' water valves or 'birthing person' heat pumps or whatever. And nobody will bat an eye. It will be a sure sign that the proverbial Zombie Apocalypse has indeed arrived. Is this absurd conjecture or an astute prediction? I don't know. Only time will tell; but I fear for the worst given the trajectory we're currently on.

Anyhow, your humorous insight is just yearning for some comedian or comedy troupe to come out of retirement (I say come out of retirement because contemporary comedy is essentially boot licking 'regime comedy' nowadays). Where are the George Carlin's and their ilk? Gone, gone to the Gulags of Thoughtcrime and double-plus-good graveyards.

Maybe Cathy Jones (she did testify at the NCI after all) has the moral courage to reveal the nakedness of the Emperor? There is so much fodder now for satire and parody.

Here is one such 'Court Jester' worthy of attention (and a damned good ragtime piano player to boot!)

The Pandemic Dance (Do The 'Rona) | Foundring - written/performed September 2020


Foil (2014)


In mere jest,


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"Chest feeding' water valves" :-). My comment was not meant to be satirical, so it had not occurred to me as to what is yet to come until reading your comment. Thank you for expanding my thinking to the next frontier!

Thanks for the links. Those are brilliant, particularly The Pandemic Dance. I'm surprised that that one hasn't gone "Viral" yet, as it is really well done. As for as tinfoil hats, I am currently looking for one made of stainless steel, as it promises to be more durable and maintenance free.


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That explains doors and landing gear falling off of airplanes! Confusion over female and male fittings lead to many debacles.

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Well said.

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The fact that nobody in the media or psychiatric world--perhaps with the exception of Jordan Peterson, who first called out the dangers of the trans agenda in 2016, can connect the dots on this like you have Trish, demonstrates just how bereft these professions have become of their original purposes. Nobody, it would appear, seems to think it is odd how many kids are coming out trans at school these days. Yet,

say 20 years ago when my daughter was in the primary grades none of this was occurring. I don't ever remember her coming home thinking she was in wrong body, or that some kid at school at had changed their name, pronouns and gender, and now they had to call Jake, Janet. She never came home concerned because 'Janet' was now using the girls washroom at school. I knew virtually every kid in her class and most parents due to play dates, birthday parties and sporting activities and not a single parent ever expressed concern about their child being confused about their sexual identity. But now it is a daily occurrence, but no journalists seem to think this is odd, except Abigail Shrier, who, from what I understand has paid a heavy price by being one of the most hated woman around these days. And now with Trudeau's on-line harms bill, will even independent journalists like Ms. Hughes be able to further expose this, without being accused of spreading on-line hate and face heavy fines or being brought before a Human Rights Tribunal, which we all know is nothing more than a kangaroo court. Will you be able to Trish?

In the last month or so more and more evidence has come out demonstrating just how dangerous and reckless this gender affirming care model has become, but again media silence. First we have a report released by the American College of Pediatricians that after reviewing of some 60 studies, opposes gender affirming care, for minors. Now given that the South Poverty Law Centre thinks they are the spawn of Satan (excuse the pawn) because they are anti-trans, of course, calls their whole report into question. https://acpeds.org/position-statements/mental-health-in-adolescents-with-incongruence-of-gender-identity-and-biological-sex. Then you have the American Academy of Pediatrics, who embrace the gender affirming care model, facing lawsuits from patients of their affiliated doctors who fast tracked them on hormone therapy. One of those doctors is none other than the flake who Matt Walsh interviewed for his film What is a Woman, Dr.Michelle Forcier. There is also a brand new study from Finland that offers some pretty definitive proof that gender affirming care does not have any impact on the suicides of 'trans kids'.https://segm.org/Suicide-Gender-Dysphoric-Adolescent-Young-Adult-Finland-2024#:~:text=The%20study%20reported%20that%20youth,a%20higher%20risk%20(adjusted%20hazard

There are also some recently leaked video of a WPATH conference where a Canadian doctor from Montreal reveals the gory details of sex change operations, which would certainly give one pause as to how anyone could think of putting an minor through any of this. Than almost by providence, coinciding with the release of Ms. Hughes report comes a documentary from Radio Canada, entitled Trans Express which demonstrates just how easy it is for youths in Quebec to get cross-sex hormones and proceed with mastectomies, without parental consent. https://www.google.com/search?q=transexpress+english+subtitles&sca_esv=7928bf8df49ca757&rlz=1CATRIY_enCA1022&biw=1536&bih=788&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ACQVn0_raM0-tI3chtSeArL_19j_sN0W7A%3A1709750977743&ei=wbroZfr-LPOU5OMPov2_wAg&ved=0ahUKEwi647rdpuCEAxVzCnkGHaL-D4gQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=transexpress+english+subtitles&gs_lp=Eg1nd3Mtd2l6LXZpZGVvIh50cmFuc2V4cHJlc3MgZW5nbGlzaCBzdWJ0aXRsZXNIy2RQgApYw19wA3gAkAEAmAGRAqABjhWqAQYwLjIxLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgAuoCwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAgYQABgWGB7CAgsQABiABBiKBRiGA5gDAIgGAZIHAzAuM6AHkhI&sclient=gws-wiz-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:441eb8b1,vid:eT6Rv6yKL5w,st:0

All of this and yet, we still have idiots like Trudeau, and his minions, Rachel Notely and all the lefty politicians, not to mention our mainstream media who are totally all in for the trans movement, attacking Danielle Smith because she was brave enough to demonstrate some true perspective and sanity on dealing with minors who are gender confused. How much more proof do these people need to recognize the dangers of permanently altering a child's physical being when that children cannot reasonably grasp what this will mean for their futures. But these are not rational people, they are idealogues who will cling to their beliefs no matter what type of proof is thrown at them to demonstrate just how flawed it is.

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Drawing/recognizing analogies between the tactics and propaganda of the nazi cult/ideology. Institutional Capture with Dr Dianna T Kenny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmozKWVMC1I

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Spot on Roxanne. The professional that wrought the satanic panic is the same one now pushing trans -- and there was never a reckoning. They just moved on. Media is always all-in too. They don't question until others have done the heavy lifting.

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Unlike the satanic panic, which mercifully occurred before social media, today there are malevolent predators actively advocating the trans madness. Both pedophiles and autogynepheliacs, lurking behind the pseudo science, can more easily prey on children already abused by corrupted physicians.

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Mar 13Liked by Trish Wood

I'm going to read this at length later. The nasty little henchman of Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari wrote the Bible on the belief system. "Sapiens" explains that Homo Sapiens can and do believe what he calls "stories". The stories need no basis in reality and the use of this flaw/strength allows us to build very large societies, nation states even. It's the real reason that a miniscule ruling class can rule and exploit the masses. Now, he's a lot smarter than me but watching him at Oxford? the host mentioned that the reason this works is because the pre frontal cortex shuts down when exposed to a charismatic individual, proven by fMRI. Now he poo pooed the information but I checked and it's a fact. Of course pharoe knew it worked five millenia ago. We're All subject to the effect to some degree and most to a great degree. Few will admit to their susceptibility but it's a fact! The natural cowardice and fear of social exclusion explains a lot too. That and the indoctrination industrial complexes, parents, friends, schools, church, media explains a lot too. Mathias Desmond wrote a great book on "Mass formation" which explains it in more detail. The only thing you can do is expect to be influenced and guard against it. Turn the old Regan saying around, trust but verify into "Verify and only then, trust but never completely". Que Bono! I'm looking forward to reading the piece in depth, great work as always Trish!

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Mar 13Liked by Trish Wood

Glad you shared the vid clips, aside from the relevance, WOW, I remember you now, thought you were grand! Helluva good reporter, then and now. Thank God we have you...

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Mar 14Liked by Trish Wood

Well, I guess you can be grateful that you can say this (and that it's true). How many in "media" now will be able to reflect back and feel this way about their contribution? Nil to very few, unless they're satisfied with reporting from gov't approved news releases.

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Humbly -- Michelle the producer and I were pretty hot stuff. Really good at our game. Not too many like this anymore. Sadly. I did love the work.

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Mar 13Liked by Trish Wood

Now today, our Supreme Court has decided that from this day forward you can no longer be called a “woman” and instead will be called, a “person with a vagina”. So folks if you think this dystopian crazy world could not get any worse, it’s now completely overtaken even those sitting on our already greatly untrustworthy Supreme Court of Canuckstan. Pack your bags folks and head to Mexico before this Government removes all of your ability to do so!

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Mexico? They know what a woman is alright there! Femicide is very popular there, and thousands of women/girls are missing....

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Mar 14Liked by Trish Wood

Where would you suggest as Canada is a failed state. Portugal or Costa Rica then. I just know Canada is no longer a viable alternative. By the way, Haiti is exactly where Canada will be if this Liberal Government is allowed to continue governing.

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I hear that there is little in the way of authoritarianism or Totalitarianism out on the Pacific Garbage Patch, and fugitive free-thinkers are setting up communities of like-minded people seeking to avoid the likes of Justin Trudeau! /s.

(This "Liberal Government" is not "governing". At best, they are farming their citizens - and badly at that - at the behest of Globalists and Globalist Organizations*)

* But that's "conspiracy theory"!!! Perish the thought my pretties.

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Mar 13Liked by Trish Wood

Screw the unelected, unaccountable SCOC; the whole idea of the "rule of law" is a throwback to the middle ages and needs to go tout suite along with the upper house and the monarchies. Wanna rule? Stand for election! Everything else is dictatorships by another name. "Engineering consent"/democracy ain't perfect but at least a case can be made for it..

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It is dangerous to comment without thoroughly informing oneself before commenting. The “rule of law” and the *rules based order* are not the same thing.

The “rule of law” comes to us recognizing equality before the law — that no one is above the law — and that law must not be arbitrarily conceived.

The *rules based order* is a recent concoction — in fact a return to the notion that power possessing individuals or prime ministers, or presidents, or dictators — are free to make up laws as they gain hold of power which they refuse to relinquish to courts or parliaments or congresses.

Mixing up these two concepts without first understanding them conceptually is exactly what those who would make the rules intend. Establishing the so called Globalist Agenda is intended to deprive every person of the protection against arbitrary arrest and confinement.

Establishing the “rule of law” took hundreds of years to establish while the proponents of the Globalist Agenda are establishing every means at their disposal and every dollar at their disposal to dispossess you and me of the rule of law’s protections and establish instead their *rules based order.*

May I suggest depriving you of the laws protections is working. You have already been misled or you would not have written as you did.

Defeating those who would establish the means of depriving you of the laws established protections and replacing those protections with the *rules based order* cannot be done unless you arm yourself with understanding their aims.

Justin Trudeau is a fool! He is everything the “rule of law” was establish to protect you from. He is an agent of the New World order.

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I guess that the "rule of law" failed with JT! Just where do you think laws come from? Brought down from the mountain on stone tablets carved by god? No; they're made by the courtiers of the ruling classes and supported by the indoctrination industrial complexes and the armed agents of the state for those who violate them. The judiciary is made up of unelected and unaccountable elites; you think that's okay? Might as well have a king, oh wait, we do!

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English common law was established by precedent. Yes its foundation was the Magna Charter but over almost 1000 years English Common Law was built case by case. The judiciary was subject to precedent. And well argued case law was referential. Among other things the right to be tried in a court where the jury was made up of your peers is abrogated every day in Canada.

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Mar 14Liked by Trish Wood

I agree. If we are to decolonize they should be the first to go.

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Mar 13Liked by Trish Wood

Isn't it interesting that after the DEMOCRAT party in the US decided to remove GOD from their party platform that so much of the things that are going on began.

They are Godless!

If your kid, a boy, thinks he's a girl you don't run out and get him a cutadictomy. You kid can't walk into a hospital (without telling his parents) and say he wants a kidney removed. So how can we allow children to be genitally mutilated?

If someone REALLY wants to change their gender, when they're 18, and old enough to make a decision that is their business. If a guy wants to wear a dress that is his business.

But leave the kids out of it, they can't make life altering decisions and parents that mutilate their children are just plain SICK!

Don't try to play sports with women pretending you're a woman.

And don't pretend your a chick and call yourself HHS secretary.

What you do in your spare time is your business but don't expect everyone to cater to you calling you a certain pronoun.

Parents that are assisting their kids in getting operations under the guise of gender dysphoria are NOT helping them at all. They're warped in their thinking and ruining their kids' lives. And when governments get involved to play the warped game, you've elected the WRONG people.

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Thank you for reminding me, I recall very well the blaze of nonsense that gripped the world then, with the false memory syndrome. It truly did grip the world AND I highly suspect the same situation is a play today.

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