Your article caused me to finally watch Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. As I did read Helter Skelter and watch the TV mini-series, the evil of Manson and his minions was so perverse and macbre, I truly enjoyed the re-imagning of the Manson murderers fate by Tarantino. We can only hope that some kind of reckoning (nothing near the Tarantino version) will come for those who tried to save themsevles from their own incompetence and misconduct throughout the pandemic. While you focus primarily on the US, we need this same reckoning in Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada was no better than the CDC and the NIH in how they lied, gaslit and decieved Canadians about masks, lockdowns and worst of all the vaccines, and they continue to do this still. Many Canadian doctors are still under threat of losing their licenses for speaking 'truth to power' by the various provicial Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and that is a travesty. in of itself as I have outlined in my own substack article https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/doctors-who-challenged-covid-dogmatism

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Glad you watched it. I was so revelived when Sharon Stone -- was not murdered.

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I think you meant Sharon Tate. Poor lady, who was pregnant. Killed both her and her child. So disgusting.

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Amazing read. Thank you so much for expressing my thoughts, fears, despair and sometimes hope so eloquently. Love and appreciate your words.

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Thanks, Bev....sorry this is so late but I'm grateful for readers who take the time to acknowledge the work and the thinking.

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I'm fashionably late to the comment party here but here goes...

Trish: thanks for mustering the wherewithal to give us this piece. I can empathize that these twisted, sinister times don't make it easy to collect one's thoughts in an effort to take even a small piece of this ongoing calamity and try and make sense of it. It is, after all inherently nonsensical.

"...The words fill my brain...and they fall to the floor..."

I don't know why, but I found myself lingering on that photo of Joan Didion. Her face and body posture betray an embodied sense of existential terror. The kind of terror one must feel after witnessing unspeakable and unimaginable atrocities; in having just come out of a war zone. She looks defeated. The kind of defeat one must feel when one realizes that one's optimism and "faith" in humanity has been utterly shattered by some heinous and unexpected punctuation of history.

And then I think it is the perfect choice of photo. We are all Joan Didions now. I say this as a strapping lad of six foot three who can wield a chainsaw in the woods like one of those bygone bucherons. I can be boorish and coarse, crass and insensitive. In short - I am not your garden variety snowflake.

But these last three years - all the seduction, cajoling, coercion, psychological trauma, deceit, bald-faced lies and their "collateral damage" (what a dry and juiceless term!) and cruel injury have made ME feel like poor, crumpled Joan Didion in that photo.

Let's face it - the experience has been one long and never-ending blunt force trauma wielded upon the population. Canada, in its innocence and credulity, its smug sense of "it-could-never-happen-here-ness", has been transformed, penguin step by penguin step, into Orwell's proverbial "Room 101" for many of us (so far). Ultimately, unless a whole lot more people get wise to the situation, it's going to be "Room 101" for everyone. The trajectory is clear. We are in an ongoing crime scene.

Here in La Belle Province - especially in its rural hinterland precincts - the situation is pretty dire. If I were to terminate this comment here, press the "Post" button, pull away from the backlit "user interface", and go out into my environs and ask the first 100 people who Trish Wood is, I am certain I would be greeted with blank, vacuous, bovine and perhaps malevolent stares right up to the 99th person and beyond. Ditto if the questions were to revolve around any knowledge of The Great Barrington Declaration, EUA, natural immunity, Bhattacharya, changing definitions of "pandemic" or "vaccine", Malone, 8 mice, McCullough, Phillips, ADE, Trozzi and so on and so on.

Where have people been? Where is the "informed citizenry"? Where is the citizenry who hasn't become dissociated from actual reality? Where is the citizenry that has not retreated into the realm of utter indifference? Surely we're better than this.

I am beside myself. Am I the one who should be "taking his meds", or has the whole world gone bat-shit insane? (Francis Christian might have something to say about this, huh? Tut, tut Francis - we're here to "help" you!)

I try to rationalize what I witness with the most convoluted explanations and rationalizations, which end up amounting to apologies for the intolerable state of ignorance or apathy. For instance, one does have to realize that In this province - certainly in the far-flung "regions" at least- perhaps only 8% of the population even has access to the English language. Bilingualism is discouraged by decree (see recent Bill 96). So all those names, ideas, concepts I listed above might as well come from the part of the map that says "Here Be Dragons" - somewhere beyond the hermetically-sealed "Castle Walls".

Second, there is a tragic paucity of "alt" media here that would otherwise offer up a credible counter narrative, so who can blame the people? If the "outside world" is not packaged up and translated into something accessible and coherent for the french-speaking audience, then where are they to find information that would undermine the Kingly benevolence of Papa Legault and his cronies like Luc Boileau? Hence, after knowingly and wantonly killing off the "superfluously" infirm and elderly in the CIUSSS's, (LTC's in your world), Papa Legault is re-elected in a "landslide" majority. This is the epicentre of the epicentre of "negative outcomes". I suppose those $500 dollar cheques to each and every adult in the province didn't hurt either.

The last convoluted rationalization (though not the least) I can come up with as to why people here haven't a clue what has transpired these last three years in any detail is that they do not, or cannot read. I looked in to illiteracy rates here in Quebec ( e.g.: https://en.notrelangue.quebec/la-litteratie) and sure enough, they hover around 50%!

"Quebec ranks 10th among Canadian provinces in terms of literacy. We believe that the proportion of Quebecers who experience difficulties reaching a literacy level that would allow them to fully comprehend a text oscillates around 50%."

Now I understand why even a dumb f*ck like myself feels like a megaton-level intellect. I can read! Reflect upon actual evidence. Peruse the facts. Sift through the catacombs of propaganda. Surely, any minute now MIT or CalTech is gonna be knocking at my door! Cough!

Seriously though - I, like any other concerned citizen - want to see this all end sooner rather than later because I fear where it leads. I really don't want the vindication of forlornly looking back at this time as "the good old days" and telling those around me who happen to survive "I tol' ya so! I don't want to be "signing on" to the internet with my state-issued Digital ID. Or getting fragments of cricket carapace stuck between my teeth. Or drinking Chrystia Freeland branded Treblinka soup and being happy that there are at least identifiable chunkies in it today. And the only way to accomplish that is to raise awareness, light a spark, rustle people out of their torpor and complacency here and now. For that, we need to somehow resuscitate enlightened solidarity and social cohesion. We need to be informed; to be on the same (or at least similar) pages. It's far too easy to seek solace in an "online" community (which doesn't exist, unless you accept unconditionally Newspeak). We need to be having Town Hall meetings. Promoting in-person gatherings like those "teach-in's" in the 60's. And common people and nobodies like myself need to do this.

But where are the takers? There isn't even a problem, is there?

Any suggestions?

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This is such a thoughtful response and sums up exactly how many of us feel. What makes it worse is that people we know and love don't see what we see. Thanks for this contribution.

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Thanks Trish. I don't mean to project a "whininess", especially at such length. But I just had to get it out...somewhere. I've been a basket case since witnessing what they did to decent people in Ottawa last year. I don't think most people understand the implications of what happened going forward. We're not in Kansas anymore, folks. The indifference and lack of concern or engagement with the uncomfortable reality of our situation just kills me. Maybe I'm wrong? After all, I find myself censoring my own fucking thoughts these days for fear of being 'inappropriate'. Is this what the new totalitarianism is partly about?

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Hello, fellow Quebecer. I live out in the Pontiac where the people are lovely. It’s a year ago that I made the trek to Ottawa and I parked my truck in Hull and walked across the bridge, which was closed to traffic. Never will I forget walking among 100’s of Quebecers shouting freedom/liberte in solidarity. There was an amazing spirit in that group and I feel there are many among us, but have no idea how we find each other. I have a feeling the mass complacency, compliance and perma stupor may have started wearing off a bit. Wait until their fear turns into anger….

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I miss those happy Trucker days. They should form a political party.

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Hi Connie...fellow Quebecer! Thanks for reaching out. I don't really consider myself a fellow Quebecer though (much as I would like to), after Bill 96, despite living here for 25 years. The Bill is comparable to a certain regime's "Racial Hygiene" Law in our historical record.


and do check out this:


I'm glad for you that in the Pontiac the people around you are 'lovely'. That is reassuring. Here in the landlocked heartland - Estrie - not so much, as far as I can tell. Maybe I run with the wrong crowd - just 'common folk', rather than doctors, lawyers or deans of university departments or other 'high status' folks - but I can attest that most I know are willfully ignorant and indifferent to the complex shitshow going on around us. I want to be as 'positive' and optimistic as the next person, but not at the expense of deluding or deceiving myself.

I did not attend the convoy per se, but followed it closely and indeed there was a contingent of Quebecers, which was so nice to see. But we have to remember that Quebec has a population of over 8 million. What was everyone else doing? Watching Radio-Canada or TVA Nouvelles?

I like your phrase 'perma-stupor', and I too hope that it is wearing off. How in God's green earth could it continue to persist what with the galaxies of evidence pouring in everywhere?

Keep yer chin up!

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We do and will find each other. I'm working on some small versions - some digital ways to interact.

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It is so interesting to read how you are processing everything that is happening to us Trish. It is also a privilege to listen to you as well. You have been a safe harbor in a very dark storm for me these past couple of years. We are of similar minds...as I came of age with Joni, CSNY, and the writings of Joan Didion too. It is fascinating to see you weave them into your essay. I do hope you are on the mend. Feel better...know you are appreciated here in the states.

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Wow -- that's so nice of you to say. One of the great gifts of old age is having a lot cultural touchstones to write about. And I am feeling better. Working out a little. Off the poison, sugar and walking my dog. Plus managing healthy acceptance with the feeling of being really pissed off. Tricky balance needed for self preservation.

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Truman was "Our man in Sing Sing"

These guys felt safe with him.

Please read Music for Chameleons

One of my Faves..I will look for Truman Capote in heaven after I hug my mom and my dad..Love him. He was so brave

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Thanks Tiffany..... some rest, yes.

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CJ is a smart cat and I'm open to what he says for sure. I will watch Sasha!

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Here's the original News link from yesterday, where CBC graciously allowed folks to comment. I type this because not all articles solicit comments from readers. I read CBC daily as it pertains to NS.


Statistics Canada has released 10 months of death data for N.S. Here's why it matters | CBC News

The recent release of almost 10 months of death data for Nova Scotia covering October 2021 to August 2022 is shedding light on COVID-19 deaths in the province, says an infectious diseases researcher.


The 3 submission scenario. They cannot hide this censorship in a democracy. Soon enough people will get the picture that something is seriously wrong in the land of OZ​ .

John Otvos

1 day ago

content deactivated –...{Your comment appears to violate our community guidelines and has been deactivated.} See below for a very broad description of the only community guideline I may have infringed upon. We are not allowed to even ask​ if the jabs are responsible for this rise in extra deaths. Some democracy by the "people's" news forum.

JO - Ask this question please: is the excess mortality happening in our province a direct cause of the vaccinations as has been shown in other countries like the US with their VAERS system or the UK with their Yellow Card System?

Tom Campbell

1 day ago

TC - False info.

The rise in cardiac problems has been pointed to by some online as evidence that Covid vaccines are driving the rise in deaths, but this conclusion is not supported by the data.

One type of Covid vaccine has been linked to a small rise in cases of heart inflammation and scarring (pericarditis and myocarditis). But this particular vaccine side-effect was mainly seen in boys and young men, while the excess deaths are highest in older men - aged 50 or more.

And these cases are too rare - and mostly not fatal - to account for the excess in deaths.

22 hrs ago

John Otvos

content deactivated – Your comment appears to violate our community guidelines and has been deactivated.

JO -​ I see my original statement has been erased as per CBC's "community guidelines". With a surname like Campbell, perhaps you'd like to take up this issue with Dr, John Campbell from the UK who only uses guv stats.


2:00 PM (3 hours ago)

CBC, like many NEWS organizations filters and screens its commenters using algorithms for selecting comments they deem inappropriate. I have zero issue with this. The full list is available at the submissions link below. The one they might employ for censoring my two submissions is the following:

h.Content or reasoning based on demonstrably false statements and/or inauthentic content or activity

CBC does not have to supply the "demonstrably false statements and/or inauthentic content or activity" by me. Dr. John Campbell's latest YT video, [from last evening] was a government study done in Taiwan that stated there are 1/1000 myocarditis cases on their soil.



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Excellent article Trish. I heard your recent podcast with CJ Hopkins and I understand how you could feel disheartened by how the govt was able to treat the truckers. But in political terms, I still think the protest was a massive success. If I recall, within two weeks the 'conservative' Erin O'Toole was forced to step down as leader, and within a month (or less), all the provincial indoor / dining restrictions had been lifted. I think the trucker protest represented the high watermark of covid tyranny; I don't think their sacrifices were in vain. As a fellow Christian and fellow unvaxxed, stay strong and may God bless you Trish!

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I agree with you 100%! The truckers paid a heavy price and we should be very grateful to them. They were among the first in the world to push back.

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Thanks for the lovely note and encouragement. My view changes depending on how tired I am. LOL. I am just glad that people like CJ are in the world and that we are now friends. And that our community here is full of such good people like you.

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Excellent essay. The one point I quibble with: I don’t believe it was a public health “mistake”. It was deliberate, carefully planned and well executed. They told us their plans decades ago.

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Great piece, Trish. Hope you're getting some rest.

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"the silencing of decent people who argued back": absolutely.

A difficult read, as it took me right back to the sixties, memories of the Manson slaughter (as relayed by the news), peace and love, Sanfrancisco, a fellow student incarcerated in the local loony bin, as we called it, due a very bad LSD trip, who asked another friend to please go buy him a car with the quarter he had just given him.

I really appreciate that you are willing to jump into the fray, which I find very hard to do, and to write so beautifuly.

I don't know that Twitter file releases atomizes our understanding. It might be that that process is different for everyone, as some from the get go did not swalow the propaganda and gaslighting, as it just smelled way too bad, which then led to our own investigations. Perhaps as CJ Hopkins has described the "limited hangout," and as John Botica states here, we could be distracted from the big picture, grateful for the tidbits that fall our way.

Information flow we know is limited from the top down but not everyone is aware of The Trusted News Inniative, the world-wide orchestrated control of the narrative, so truths could not accidentally slip out, started by the BBC. Basically, news organizations, including the CBC (no surprise) in tune with governments, were and are just going along happily with the lockstep government protocols and mandates leading to our shut downs and societal collapse.

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Trusted News Initiative is very scary. The name is like something out of Orwell.

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Yes!! Very Scary. They formed in 2019, which in itself tells us the kind of organizing behind the scenes. The Expose has been publishing some articles about them.

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In Truman Capote's book Music for Chameleons..he interviews Robert Beausoleil. He's a lifer at San Quentin (saved by the California no death penalty) He had a big role with CM and what led up to the Tate murders.

"Who says they are innocent? They burned people on dope deals..they picked up kids on the Strip.Took them home and whipped them. Made movies of it. Ask the cops; they found the movies."..so he tells TC

I keep hearing how vile and sick Hollywood is..and always has been. Just saying..

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I must revisit old Truman. It is amazing how much we forget. Another recent book says the whole event was traceable to CIA drug experiments. The guy was on Joe Rogan. Really interesting.

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Trish, I think it's even worse than Big tech and the alphabet gang colluding. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/reviewing-the-dod-contracts-for-covid

I also agree with what CJ Hopkins said in your podcast last week. I don't trust Elon. I'm happy for what has happened but this is as CJ says a limited hangout.

If you haven't already watched Sasha, please do so. And when you accept what she says, that the DoD IS pharma, it all makes sense.

Hope you're recovering well from your latest bout with 'Rona. Love your work. You've helped keep me a float these past 3 years.

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Glad to have pulled people along.....it worked both ways. So grateful for everyone's kind words.

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You deserve every ounce of praise. I'm so disappointed in Canadian media and in those citizens who can't see that a bought and paid for media is not the hallmark of an open democratic country.

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Well said. Sadly, the revelations are carefully orchestrated because we are now conveniently put into our echo chambers and no one outside of this chamber will ever take anything said inside of it seriously. The JP Morgan conference in San Francisco where all the Big Pharma CEOs, especially MODERNA, touted their new mRNA vaccines went on without a hitch. No one protested. No one has been arrested. Everyone had eyes on the WEF Davos extravaganza. The agenda continues unabated.

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The most shocking thing is that Moderna, a company whose only product so far is the mRNA Covid therapeutic, has recently been permitted to construct a new factory in Canada.

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Mentions Moderna factories

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And Australia and UK? John Campbell discussed this with an Australian scientist this week. Hundreds of millions of new mRNA injections planned.

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They are developing MRNA shots for everything-- measles, mumps, whatever...

Best to avoid further injection for anything...

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Yes, they are constructing factories all over the world. mRNA Madness--it's only just begun: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/mrna-madness-its-only-just-begun

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Up until recently, I had no reason to question the potential benefits of genetic therapies targeted to specific illnesses like cancers.

Now that I have witnessed the deception of the past three years, I no longer feel very charitable towards the medical and pharmaceutical industry.

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