Thanks for this. I like remembering.

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Great interview Trish, as always. First, is anyone surprised that this government has hidden this much about the Freedom Convoy from us? I suspect if the public inquiry was mandated by being baked into the legislation for the Emergencies Act, it all would still be hidden. Just a couple of thoughts. First you asked Tom about the Coutts Four situation and again, that just didn't seem to raise a red flag. All Tom pointed out was that the Coutts situation was resolved before the Act was invoked. He didn't seem to twig on to the fact that Commissioner Rouleau used the arrests of the Coutts Four as one of the primary reasons for invoking the Act. Suffice it to say, I think all of communications around the arrests, denial of bail and treatment of these men would be revealed in those secret documents. Trish you also asked Tom why he thought Trudeau or an emmisary didn't agree to have a meeting with the Convoy organizers. He sighted fear, but mostly personal fear. I believe and have mentioned this in a few of my pieces on the Convoy. I think, like Tom said, they were peeing their pants, but not over personal fear, but rather political fear. I think in that Liberal government war room they were watching the Convoy unfold. They were seeing the groundswell of support they were getting from ordinary Canadians and how the were being hailed internationally as an inspiration for other citizens in countries around the world to start challenging their government's on their authoritarian COVID responses. The Liberal government feared how this made them look and it was an embarrassment to them. This combination of fear like that translates into anger and that's what it did here. They also were afraid that a movement like this threatened the COVID narrative that they had worked so hard to maintain through propaganda, Cyops and coercion with the help of the mainstream media. That is why they smeared them, that is why they lied about them and that is why the invoked Emergencies Act on them. I sure the release of the rest of the documents would reveal many things about how this government act towards the Convoy would shock Canadians to their very core. However, as Tom has said, based on the thirteen percent of the documents that were released you get a vibe. And that was of a government that was in over its head, and lacking any type of common sense hit the red button and now is determined to cover up its incompetence, hubris, dishonesty and culpability in one of the greatest examples of abuse of government power in the history of this country. When, if ever, will they be held fully accountable for it?

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Thank you for this! Between Trish and blacklocks, we shall prevail. ❤️

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You see it and I see it, but the majority of the population continues to adhere to the MSM narratives around Covid and the truckers. I have a deep foreboding for this country. An apathetic, ignorant and docile population is doomed to concede their freedoms.

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Same. Thanks for saying it.

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This was really good. Thank you, Trish and Tom. It's aggravating to hear that Freeland and her mob could go through the trucker convoy to record license plates, but they couldn't stop to open a dialogue. Also interesting to hear Tom say he thinks they were genuinely scared of the protestors. We fear that which we don't understand. As politicians, it's their job to understand their citizens. Unfortunately, the appetite for this seems non-existent.

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Thank you so much for this, Trish. I listened with great interest. I fear for this country as we have an out of control government that hates us. If only all journalists were as stalwart as Blacklocks. We would see some hope.

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One of the things I find so frustrating is when they bring up the "economic harm". How can anyone say this about the Freedom Convoy without talking about the MAJOR economic harm caused by 2.5yrs of lockdowns? So many who have lost businesses, so many who have never recovered their business to this day! Sadly, we will not get past this unless and until we can have a real conversation that isn't worried about "feelings." If we can't do this, we are doomed to see a repeat. I for one, will not play along ever again.

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Blacklock's Reporter is my trusted source of news - how can it get any better than information gleaned from the actual records?

My friends, the Trudeau liberals are not liberals. They never have been. Whatever they accuse you of is what they themselves do. They do not represent us. Why would I vote for someone who hates me?

Multi-culturalism has failed. We are now a country of multi-CULTS and radical chicism. They have wrecked our country. Their slogan should be - Welcome to Canada, a refuge for your hate.

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I recently watched a recent JBP interview with Kelsi Sheren. She's Canadian ex-military (artilliary) and served in Afghanistan. The reason l mention her is that both her parents were truckers.


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Great mid-week interview Trish. Back in Jan 2022 some people were warning us that the convoy was coming through Kenora that evening and we should draw the curtains, turn out our lights and lock up our women and children!

Other friends got together and took food and hot beverages down to the Rec Centre where the convoy was over-nighting. The following morning was when l literally and figuratively woke up to MSM propaganda and the towns rumour mill.

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Wow — what a story.

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We are governed by weak, spineless, soft-handed men.

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Trudeau behaves like a spoilt child-king surrounded by minions

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