thank you Trish. and this week the National Citizens Inquiry put out their final report. wonderful timing. go to @nationalcitizensinquiry.ca to download the document. i look forward to your interviews on this report as it is calling for “criminal investigation” on several of the “health measures” used to manipulate and harm Canadians over the past few years! praying always for the brave men and women who stood for all Canadians during this harsh and disturbing time but specially for the Coutt’s four and their loved ones... We cannot have RECONCILIATION until we have TRUTH!

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Yes, we do need change in Canada. Yet, I see a deeper rooted problem. Many politicians are attuned to the ideologies embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations that Canada is reflected. I also fear that policies are becoming entrenched in corrupted ideas that harm the sovereignty of Canadians. I have different people and sources that have directed me to documents that our federal government has signed off on that will not benefit Canadians. I am tired of the federal government partnering with the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum, without any public consultation and using their guidelines to influence policy. I am troubled by the censoring of information and the discrediting of people with different views to the government.

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70,000+ Canadians call on House of Commons to invoke vote of no confidence against Trudeau

'We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to call for a vote of no confidence and a federal election 45 days following the vote,' reads the petition. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/70000-canadians-call-on-house-of-commons-to-invoke-vote-of-no-confidence-against-trudeau/?utm_source=digest-canadian-2023-11-29&utm_medium=email

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Can anyone out there tell me what happened to the money donated via the crowd funding in GiveSendGo??

I gladly gave to the cause, but I'd like to know that the monies got to the right people.

I'am just really curious, and can not seem to get answers...

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I hope they do respond soon. It matters.

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Trish, I just finished listening to your interview (behind a week or so I know). I am so mad I can barely stand it! I have known our government was corrupt for a very long time and the system is so very flawed in so many ways, however I cannot believe these men are in prison going thru what they are going thru and NOTHING can be done? Honestly, I am madder at JT than any person ever in my life!

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A Message of Hope and Guidance from the Wisdom of the Past

Dear Seekers of Freedom and Truth,

In your journey through the complex labyrinth of global governance, where the rule of law seems compromised and the voices of dissent are often stifled, remember the lessons from those who came before us. The wisdom of Szasz, Hoffer, Le Bon, de la Boetie, Hellyer, Ortega y Gasset, Lifton, and Milosz offers a lantern in the dark, illuminating paths less traveled but rich with the potential for liberation and change.

From the Inquisition to the Mental Health Movement (Szasz): Understand that the tools of control and oppression often wear the mask of benevolence. Question the narratives that are too neatly packaged as being for the 'greater good.' Your critical thinking is your shield.

The Power of the True Believer (Hoffer): Recognize the allure of mass movements and the seduction of easy answers. Stand firm in your individuality and question the ideologies that demand absolute conformity.

The Crowd Psychology (Le Bon): Be aware of the hypnotic influence of the crowd. Maintain your distinct perspective, even when the tide of public opinion seems overwhelming.

Voluntary Servitude (de la Boetie): Remember that the power of any system rests on the consent, often unspoken, of the governed. Withdraw your consent thoughtfully and strategically.

The Global Machinations (Hellyer): Stay vigilant against the agendas of powerful entities that operate beyond the immediate reach of democratic control. Seek transparency and hold them accountable.

The Mass-Man Phenomenon (Ortega y Gasset): Cultivate your intellectual and spiritual independence. Refuse to be a 'mass-man' swayed by trends and propaganda.

Ethical Crossroads (Lifton): In the face of ethical dilemmas, let your moral compass guide you. Do not compromise your core values for temporary safety or comfort.

The Captive Mind (Milosz): Free your mind from the captivity of dominant narratives. Embrace diverse perspectives and speak your truth, even when it goes against the grain.

Innovative Actions for Liberation

Foster Decentralized Networks: Build communities and networks that operate independently of the central control. Utilize technology, but also engage in face-to-face community building.

Educational Initiatives: Educate yourselves and others. Knowledge is power. Create platforms for free exchange of ideas and critical discussions.

Nonviolent Resistance: Look to the power of nonviolent movements throughout history. Use creativity and peaceful means to make your voice heard.

Legal Innovations: Seek out legal experts who are willing to challenge the status quo. Use the law creatively to defend rights and freedoms.

Economic Alternatives: Support alternative economic models that promote fairness and sustainability, challenging the dominance of corrupt systems.

Artistic Expression: Use art, literature, and music to convey your message. Art has the power to move hearts and change minds.

Spiritual Resilience: Find strength in spiritual or philosophical beliefs that affirm human dignity and freedom.

International Solidarity: Connect with like-minded individuals and groups globally. There is strength in numbers and in shared experiences.

Remember, the path to liberation is not a well-trodden road but a trail that you blaze with your courage, creativity, and conviction. The wisdom of the past is your guide, but the actions of the present are your responsibility.


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Once you accept "you already know" that virtually everything you were programmed/indoctrinated in knowingly or unknowingly by the priesthood, schools, media, parents, friends etc. was and is a "story" as Harari writes or a ruling classes lie as I believe, everything fall's into place and becomes understandable. Think about the movies you saw where you were "taught" to cheer the Cavalry charging in to kill the locals. Now think about the Nakba, it's the same. Any Cop from the old days will tell you that "it's not about justice, it's about process". Actually it's much worse than that, it's about population control through conformity indocrination. It's the same with money, the biggest fraud, even exceeding the invisible man in the sky story. As to the legal industrial complexes at least in the Anglo sphere that I know, ALL you need to know is two words Julian Assange. Anyone who still believes in the system is sadly lacking in critical thinking and the schools did their job well, destroying your ability to think critically. It's good that you Care but the system is the problem and it's not fixable from inside. Career people "fit in"; that's just the way it is. Perhaps that's why you and others walked away from successful careers. Seems ALL the best did!

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May these gates be opened and these four men be freed for their courage to stand up for freedom for their fellow Canadians 🙏🏼

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The situation faced by the Coutts Four is a reflection of the evil that lies at the heart of the covid/ public health situation, and that has infiltrated into the courts as well as our other public institutions.

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James Sowery is another one fighting unjust persecution. A year in prison for driving over a pylon at the Coutts protest.

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I haven’t even finished listening to this and I have cried a few times already. 5 weeks in solitary for political prisoners in .... Canada. It doesn’t seem real. Thank you for this incredible reporting Trish.

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Very informative Trish. I am so happy for you giving this a spot light as it seems that most Canadian’s know little or nothing about this. The more that gets out to the public, the better. I have been listening for news and check all sources in hopes of getting something coming out of the court. Like an apology and release of these men, along with the arrest of Justin Trudeau and the puppets that were behind it. Just my feelings on this after seeing how far they pushed to stop the protesters in Ottawa. There should be a handful of people facing courts, charges, and jail time. That would be, once again, Trudeau, his horrific Ministers, Attorney General, those higher ups in the RCMP (Otis is not alone), and some of those members of the Crown prosecution. The courts actions and continuation of these nonsense charges in both cases should be the ones on trial, not the other way around.

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It was a great show, Trish. The unfortunate parallels to those who oppose the current US regime is frightening.

I hope you will have Mr. Bezirgan On your podcast.

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I knew the "Coutts Four" was a stew of injustice, one that I couldn't stomach. When I saw they were the topic of your podcast, I thought "ok Trish, tell me what this is all about".

Thank you for the introduction to these men through their partners and Mr. Magill. I remember clearly how much the trucker convoy meant to me at the time; it meant hope, when I thought there was none; it meant I was not the only one feeling ignored and abused by our so called leaders. The integrity, strength and belief in what's right that these four men, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber share is humbling.

It's easy to sit back and complain, but these Canadians are paying with their freedom.

The podcast left me even more fed up with the Trudeau Regime, which I didn't think was possible.

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Paige, I'm an American but could have written the exact same comment replacing the "Coutts Four" with "J6 Defendants." I have a very hard time listening to the stories of all these martyrs - and that's what they are in my mind - realizing they are paying the price for daring to expect accountability from the people who are supposed to serve us. I'm fed up with Trudeau on your behalf.

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There should be consequences for this kind of malicious prosecution. Not just firing, but jail time for the people vindictively pursuing meritless charges against innocent citizens.

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I cried while listening to your podcast Trish. I think I felt rage, despair and then the tears came.

How has our democracy fallen to such levels of cruelty in the hands of these narcassitic, sociopaths in charge?

I think I just answered my own question, because we are being led by the insane. You can not call these actions by our government and judicial system towards these four men, and their families, anything less than punitive cruelty.

There is a class war going on in Canada. I first saw it on social media as the convoy was making its way to Ottawa. The laptop sect in all their snobbery, sharing their degrading memes, posting such condescending comments...a lot of these people doing so were old high school friends of mine. I was shocked! Are you forgetting your rural roots, where we all slogged hard on a farm, road school busses for miles and miles to get to our school? What about our father's and mother's who worked at the local factories, and worked crazy shift work just to put your now snobby, flat ass through University!?

The Coutts Four are not important to our mainstream media, or our government officials, and they are ' the great unwashed' in the eyes of our judicial system.

They are the fringe, they are not to be heard, let alone get a fair trial.

They are being made an example of, just like Tamara and Chris by the lunatics running the country.

It's beyond cruel and vindictive, we should all be outraged!

It's wrong, it's not right, it's unjust and it's absolutely cruel what these fellow Canadian Citizens have had to go through.

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Hello Sile -- this will be a focus of the film we are producing now.....how do working class people protest when the government can invoke the most draconian response and get away with it? I think we all knew at the time that something had been irrevocably changed about Canada when the EA happened. A big divide between those who agreed with it and those of us who saw it as the end of something. I can't vouch for their innocence -- but I can say that denying them bail feels scary. And the lack of fair news coverage makes it worse.

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Looking forward to your film Trish, very much. Sounds right up my alley!

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