
Proud to have Ann host the show and post a SS. I've been blessed to meet so many cool women. New friends with new ideas........

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"When my mother is released from the hospital next week, she is returning to their home with no modifications except possibly a shower chair from Target that she has agreed to use if necessary. There are 18 steps between the kitchen and any functional bathroom. Laundry is in the basement. My father moves at the rate of roughly six paces per minute, pausing at doorways and thresholds, gripping the banister hand over hand as he ascends. Oh, and they don’t want ‘outsiders’ in their house. The only person they’ll allow to help—me."

Commiserations Dear Ann.

You and I may or may not have been trapped in the same type of leaky rowboat boat for the past 20 years.

Mine has begun to sink.

I stopped bailing water. (Who knew... Simple eh?)

After 20 years: I passed the empty soup can to my 3 sibs.

Perhaps my mother can be convinced to acquiesce.

Perhaps, NOW, instead of telling me, from afar, that "it's mum's decision not yours if she wants to stay on her property...", my sibs will INSIST that she move into Assisted Living.

Now that their Elf in the Basement is Gone baby, Gone.

PS: Careful with those floors Ann.


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The Democrats and their partners in the shadow government/deep state rigged the 2020 primaries and stole the election in order to install Biden in the White House. They had to know at the time that he was senile. Now their scheming and cheating is biting them on the ass. Personally, I find it rather amusing. The only downside is the other wing of the Uniparty isn't much better.

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Jul 20Liked by Trish Wood

Thank you for your pod Anne :). It's always a pleasure to listen & read from you and Trish.

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Jul 20Liked by Trish Wood

When my dad was still driving, running stop signs, I had his doctor notify DMV and that ended his homicidal driving. It probably depends on what state they live in.

OR take distrib cap off cars?

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Jul 20Liked by Trish Wood

I've spoken to every official I can think of and the response is, "Yeah, we don't like to. take away people's rights." This includes a call during Covid when I did not have the right to have 6 people over to my house. But whatever.

Any 'damage' I did to my parents' cars would be sussed out and fixed immediately. My father has lost not one inch of intellect due to Parkinson's (I'm happy to say). He's a sharp guy who would have my head.

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Yep, this particular generation of oldies is a serious pain in the ass, introspection is not their strong suit!

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I've been warning Sherrod Brown for 12 years that if he did not change his support for Israel he could kiss my vote goodbye. He didn't care so he obviously has some $$ backers who will buy him the votes he needs. F a duck. Being able to speak the English language is pretty basic a threshold for running for US Congress. Don't you think? Okay. I know a lot of them can't meet it. I totally agree with V. Dominique. Been telling the DNC for at least 12 years I would not vote Dem if they kept manipulating the primaries the way they have. No time like the present. It's all a puppet show anyhow. I'm not a billionaire so it doesn't matter what I think. Punch and Judy with plenty of sadism and masochism to keep the little kiddies laughing. Or crying. Or looking for maman and papa (who died awhile ago, hate to remind you of that fact).

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The delegates voted for Biden. To change it now is an affront to our Democracy.

Obama, Pelosi and Schumer need to be arrested for this soft coup against my president.

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As if the primary was legitimate? Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

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Biden, his wife and those closest to him all know that the jig is up, and have for some time. What we are witnessing, in my view, is the execution of a carefully orchestrated drama. The negotiations are complete and Biden, before long, will make a graceful, "reluctant" departure from the race. The Democrats have his replacement in the wings. All this became clear to me when Biden agreed to the debate a full 2 months before they are customarily conducted. His predictably poor performance was the necessary first step and set the stage for the theatre we are seeing now.

My own mother openly stated her intention to die in her own home. She oulived that intention and finally acknowledged reality. She gave up her home and car at age 91.

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The only way that can happen is a brokered convention. That diatribe of horse apples is nothing more than a public admission of political acumen void.

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Many might wish that Hudson E Baldwin II had practiced birth control but we can no more correct the past than we can predict the future. Time will tell.

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No Post, no note, three follower agitprop sock puppet saze what?

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Do you have anything but ad hominem bullshit?

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It’s not about Biden’s health. It’s about Biden the candidate. Just as it was in 2020. Now take your fucking GOP Putin Netanyahu fellation elsewhere

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Agitprop tool says wut?

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Wow. Haven't listened to the podcast yet - but will! Meanwhile, just loved reading this. I'm kind of shocked at your parents' stubborness! It's simply something I've never had to deal with. Your insights about it are very helpful! As the old-style feminists used to say, "The personal is political."

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Sure you didn't mean "poopyhead"?

(Clarification needed. 😉)

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Jul 20Liked by Trish Wood

OMG, you're right! Thank you for catching my ridiculous error.

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Lol! Thought so.

Mr. Poopyhead thanks you.

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intriguing interview!

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Jul 21Liked by Trish Wood

Nominating the wrong candidate, not offering a good governance or a semblance of quality policy has consequences……..

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Jul 21Liked by Trish Wood

I contend “holding the media accountable” as a Petitio Principii.

Bing corporate sponsored carefully constructed narrative having nothing to do with News, they’re only duty is a fiduciary. That to the shareholders.

I’m pretty sure they’re fulfilling it. Swimmingly, even.

We all should be fiercely advocating our fellows stop consuming such trash. There’s a lot of really good news out there by some of the most professional investigative journalist ever. We should be compiling a list. If it’s on TV, it’s not on the list. One exception. I have seen Democracy Now and some channel.

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Very much enjoyed this conversation! As it happened, the so-called "anti-vaxxer" community (most reject what is clearly intended as an epithet, but I'm fine with it!) was kind of onto the whole Covid schmoz from the earliest days. I recall hearing Dr. Toby Rogers (PhD not MD) interviewed on Del Bigtree's Highwire (online) show in March 2020 - he'd had an article entitled Will “Deaths of Despair” Outpace Deaths From Coronavirus?

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/will-deaths-of-despair-outpace-deaths-from-coronavirus/ published just days before. By the start of the Covid mania, I had already lost trust in mainstream media - after having been a huge CBC fan for many years! - once I'd finally realized they basically read press releases from Big Pharma - about why we all need to get our flu shots, for example. The things we vaccine skeptics knew about the public health establishment - & the mainstream media - had already sent our faith in these institutions into the toilet. Sadly, what we knew mostly didn't help most of the friends, colleagues, neighbours, loved ones & even strangers! we tried to warn about what was happening. Many still seem to have the wool pulled over their eyes. And brains. What a time it's been!

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Wut? While not perfect, the mRNA vaccines saved at least 20,000,000 lives on a global level. Sit, be quiet.

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There is no penalty for defaming and smearing the little people. The people who matter get to say what every they want, knowing that what happened 10 minutes ago is no longer remembered.

The lives that are ruined were only the little people who did not matter, so why care about that. It is so yesterday.

I dream of being able to lock these people's social media accounts so that what they said in 2016 that was defamatory and wrong is the first thing that comes up. If you google their name, it is the first result on the search. There must be some way to hold sociopathic behavior to account.

Thank you for bringing Drew Holden to my attention, as he has at least found a tool to highlight the gaslighting that goes on & on.

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