violent, mentally ill activists are now a revered and protected class
Warning: language and suggestive pictures.
I’ve been researching this piece for a while in an effort to fully understand the grotesque tragedy that has befallen our society, encapsulated in the screenshot above. I ask the question — who are some of these clearly unwell, socially maladapted and homicidally angry trans activists? Why are they allowed to assault, without fear of prosecution, anyone who challenges their deluded fantasy? We opened the door by acceding to their demand that anyone who wants can self-identify as trans. This allows all manner of unstable outliers to take advantage of the protective trans umbrella and includes rapists who slap on blonde wigs to demand incarceration with women, their intended prey.
I truly feel sorry for the very few suffering from actual gender dysphoria but are now lumped in with the screeching fourth circle of hell.
The male person above in lipstick and eyeshadow is about to attack Billboard Chris Elston who is standing in peaceful protest against “transing” kids. In an interview on my podcast, Chris talked about how he has been beaten before, including in Montreal by ANTIFA who support trans extremism and act as door security for even the most raunchy drag queen “kids” events. I recently read that ANTIFA itself is populated by a disproportionately high number of trans people and their menacing behaviour and mugshots do resemble the mobs out in force at events like the one in Vancouver.
As is the norm these days, Vancouver PD stood nearby, watched the assault happen and then, it would appear — lied when confronted by citizen journalists. You can see them paying no mind in the corner of the above screenshot. I wasn’t there but this seems to be what the video shows.
Watch this all the way through if you can stomach it. The rage of the screamer is terrifying but Chris holds his own.

Then a female police officer badly misrepresents what actually happened — with an unfortunate smirk.

Sadly — like the story of the massive-breasted “trans” shop teacher in Oakville (more on him later) the attack on Chris made international news , exposing Canada’s absurd far-left institutions, including police. The New York Post reported the story and published stills of the laughing police officer who refused to intervene.
Of course once the story went viral, Deputy Chief Chow responded by accusing his critics of ….wait for it….“vile and abusive” behaviour. Hey — media relations officers — this gambit is getting old.
Why didn’t his officers intervene to protect Chris Elston instead of standing around laughing and watching the situation escalate. Chow is embarrassed and appalled but seemingly not about what happened to Elston.
And on this week’s show Kellie-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker describes the horror that befell her in Auckland when police stood down. She told me that in fear for her life, as she was being bundled away by volunteer security, someone said: The Police Are Not Coming.
Captured police departments are indoctrinated into the gender cult by ambitious chiefs too cowardly to call it out. High-ups in western governments take advice from our university’s “sexual diversity and gender studies ” departments spreading their tentacles outward and facilitated with funding from trans billionaires like Martine Rothblatt and Jennifer Pritzker. — both formerly identifying as men. Jennifer Bilek has this story down. Her 11th Hour blog is a must read.
Even the august Financial Times is censoring its own journos on the say-so of gender activist advisors who review stories and then demand and get changes to points they don’t like, even if the points are true.

So who are these increasingly violent “activists”? The Nashville shooter already had mental problems and was likely jacked up on testosterone. But there is an undercurrent of depravity here that no one is talking about and mental health experts ignore for fear of censure and professional shunning by their colleagues who make money enabling delusional behaviour.
Part of the emerging picture involves bizarre fetishes, born of incessant personal debasement from addictive porn watching. Most of the fetishes are either infantilizing or emasculating and suggest a growing cohort who use bizarre sexual fantasies to feed a debauched Peter Pan Syndrome.
A generation has been hiding in the basement, getting fat, weak and pornified. The Nashville shooter developed an attraction for furry porn, a net-driven fantasy involving sexualized cartoon animals. Here is a screenshot of her now deleted fan page.
Here’s one more, not from her page. This is not normal.
Diaper fetishists are now coming out the closet and if they also claim a trans identity they join the protected class. This particular grotesquerie was unknown to me until a few months ago and after researching I felt ill and so I will spare you the images - grown men wearing and sexualizing adult diapers. Even woke Wikipedia says it is akin to cross-dressing which is covered by the trans get-out-of-jail-free card.
Infantilists, usually male, may also engage in cross-dressing and wear clothes stereotypically associated with young girls. This type of behavior is referred to as being a "sissy baby". Masochistic infantilists may wish to be forcibly cross-dressed.[11][41]
Canadian trans Antifa activist with diaper fetish speaks to children on tour event
According to the Post Millennial, a library in England was about to expose children to a trans/diaper enthusiast in yet another stunning and brave moment we all must celebrate.
A city council in England is coming under fire after it was discovered that a Canadian transgender cartoonist who has a diaper fetish has been invited to speak at a family event hosted by a local library.
Turns out he is diaper-lover and a furry — and trans which, culturally speaking, makes him an IPP — an internationally, protected person. Look at his response to being outed. Any attack on his “kink” is an attack on trans.
These are the people we are remaking our society for. In a recent article, a wife, defeated by her husband’s propensity for diapers, was accused of sexual extortion by a fetish-friendly psychologist.
“Given the apparent strength and persistence of her husband’s interest, I think it unlikely that suppression could ever be successful,” said Ley. “In this case, I think MADDL’s desire for her husband to have sexual desires she agrees with in order for her to be married to him is a form of sexual extortion, i.e., ‘If you love me and want to be with me, you’ll give up this sexual interest that I find disgusting.’ Without empathy, mutual respect, communication, unconditional love, and willingness to negotiate and accommodate compromises and win-win solutions, this couple is doomed, regardless of diapers under the bed.”
Speaking of trans fetishists, let’s not forget our old friend teaching a high-school shop class in Oakville while wearing a double-xx breasts prosthetic. After months of controversy he is no longer teaching. His removal may have been precipitated by photos of him in normal street clothes wandering around his neighborhood. This of course raises questions about the legitimacy of his protective trans claim and moves him into fetish-world, which the school board should have figured out by calling a psychiatrist, like I did, six months ago.
I located his old Facebook page which suggests a lonely young man, obsessed with muscle cars, with a small friend-group and seemingly no social life. (I had originally posted here a photo of him in his former life but I removed it for sympathetic reasons I can’t explain.)
Kellie-Jay described to me that many of the angry protestors at her events are not the kind of men who can “move a fridge or attract women”. And I thought immediately of the hidden world of incels (involuntarily celibate) — loathed by legacy media and involved in some terrifying shootings. Reporting never focuses on how our society might be failing young men.
As attacks linked to the misogynist “incel” movement mounted in recent years, authorities around the world have begun to treat the ideology as a more serious terrorism threat.
Since 2014, men who call themselves “involuntary celibates” and blame women for their own lack of sexual and social status have carried out mass killings in California, Florida, and Toronto.
On the podcast, I wondered if there is a psycho-social connection between certain trans identities and incels — a listener wrote with a link to tell me I am on the right track.
For some men, the solution to the despair of living as an isolated, unhappy male is straightforward: become a woman. They call themselves “transmaxxers” and they believe gender transition can be an effective tool for escaping the misery of involuntary celibacy, social isolation, and professional mediocrity. More broadly, they see transition as a potentially revolutionary response to a world where the combination of industrialization and biomedical technologies such as in vitro fertilization and sperm donation have eroded the financial and reproductive opportunities previously available to most men. Like many revolutionary movements, they operate semi-clandestinely, preferring Discord to Twitter and YouTube, and express their beliefs primarily in the form of manifestos.
Some young women become trans because being female these days is tough. Some young men feel that being male means they will have a rotten life. And as a mother who has lived many decades, I wonder — what have we done?
Teenagers live in a hook-up culture driven by extreme porn, ignored by the tuned-out adults in their lives and indoctrinated by Tik Tok teachers with purple hair who include sex toys in their curricula. All manner of fetishists and sexual extremists have conned the government, police and media into believing they are victims, while throwing children and activists like Kellie-Jay and Chris Elston right under the bus. And the few, authentic body-dysphoria sufferers are left out of the mix.
I want to thank my female listeners and the one man, who left messages. Kellie-Jay and I were moved beyond words. I was emotional listening but kept talking lest I fall apart.
Stay critical.
See you on the pod.
I was absolutely horrified at what happened to Chris. I cannot imagine the strength it took to stand there and continue speaking with that freak shrieking at him.
One other contributor to the problem of weak young men has to be the estrogen-like substances found in plastics and soy products that are at least partially responsible for girls getting their periods at such much younger ages. They will definitely have a negative effect on developing boys.
I do think that the extreme feminism that speaks of "toxic masculinity" and includes EVERYTHING masculine contributes to the problem. I have a daughter and a son and saw first hand how differently they were treated in school. The education system is stacked against boys, and heaven forbid they have any learning issues on top of that.
This trans crap is the worst misogyny ever. These people are not women and never will be.
You got it right in a previous post... This is the Fall of Rome and it is so hard not to despair. I've mentioned before (if not on this substack, then on others) that a friend of my daughter had a double mastectomy last summer. This girl more than likely has borderline personality disorder. My daughter says she is happier now than ever. I find it hard to believe. Let's see in 5 years if she's still happy as years of hormone imbalance destroy her. So sad.
And all this started as "we have to be nice and kind" to the trans people. No. We should have fought harder for them to get the psychological help they need. Clearly Abigail Shrier was 100% correct in her book that at least for teen girls, trans is a social contagion and likely is for boys as well. And as Jennifer Bilek has shown, it's being perpetrated by rich men with sexual fetishes.
Thank you for posting this Trish. I have to go and do something normal now or my head will explode.
Great piece Trish, with some very astute observations. There is of course a deep state push and funding for these “activists” akin to that provided to Antifa and BLM.
Major divisive tactics to monopolise the news cycle and keep the public’s attention away from the control measures being put in place and the stripping of our democratic freedoms hard-won over centuries.