Excellent work. I had just posted this substack article in Information Warfare https://followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/information-warfare-when-what-we when I found your conversation with Jacob Siegel. This was the first time I had the "technocrat" mindset explained to me. So thanks to Jacob for that. He and you might like to see these posts - one that shares the public health definition of INFORMATION, FACTS, DATA etc. and one addressed to the academics who put together the "Faultlines" document on Misinformation. You can check them out here: https://followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/data-information-evidence-and-knowledge and https://followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/when-the-misinformation-gurus-promote

As well here is what I have long been meaning to send to the Can Assoc of Journalists... re their code of ethics. I am sure you would have written them too.... https://followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/who-is-accountable-for-the-blockage For an easy way to show when the evidence based Covid INFO should no longer have been called Misinfo, see: https://followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/flipping-the-switch-on-information

Thank you for your refreshing honesty and all that you do!

Hannah Luise

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The West is lost Trish.

There are much grander forces at work.

Examined thus . . . https://les7eb.substack.com

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"....toe the narrative..."


Personally I'd rather finger it.

Makes me happy.

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Yes, dear lady we are indeed outta time. Also out of our time, i.e, epoch. We are devolving not evolving as a species, alas. Trust seems to be an enormous virtue that has developed Lemming characteristics after the past 3 years.

So many excellent analytical journalists and yes, those damn experts who have sided with an alternative 'storeyline'...well, I only wish they had stuck to their core competence of Covid. Take the Scot, Neil Oliver who has now spoken out against the human induced climate casino. Joining him is Dr. Robert Malone and John Leake from the Dr. Peter McCullough team on SubStack. The latest folly is my former favourite UK journalist George Monbiot of Guardian fame and YT's GB News. He was one of us having suffered through the snipping procedure with his doughnut; thence seeing the diet lightbulb and adopting a vegan eating regimen. He absolutely slashed Russell Brand also a plant eater in an opinion piece in the past 10 days. Is there envy of Brand's 6.3 M subscribers?

What are we all to make of these betrayals? Has any of them taken money? Or are they seemingly ignorant of the larger monetary card being played by those will do *anything* to uphold the American Empire with its unipolar geopolitics and concomitant toxic prevailing economic system? Alongside these people are the doctors, lawyers, country health system operatives and so many more who went along to go along. Our culture willingly bestowed upon these medical system practitioners gawde status. Yeah they gotta eat too. But where's their spine, huh? Trish spoke of an act of cowardice in a prior article here.

Will common folk ever trust any aspect of hierarchical officialdom again?

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We gray heads have a lot of life left in us! I look to all kinds of media in the wee hours- can’t sleep anyway. There’s so much good reporting being done and really not that hard to find-one thing leads to another. Listening to a lot of reports from many countries it’s not too hard to find the balance. I was heartened by a recent Steve Bannon podcast where so much more is being uncovered about J6. Let the armchair reporters loose and they’ll find stuff no one figured could be uncovered. Living in Minnesota it’s impossible to get the truth from local sources so I listen and then I talk! Hard for these default democrats to argue when I have so much ammunition-ha! I recently was talking to my kids about Zelenskyy’s speech where he said American youth are going to have to fight and die for Ukraine. Everyone’s attitude was ‘Oh Hell no!’ The sad part, I said, is we can’t escape to Canada anymore. Seems they’re worse off than we are. Sigh....Love your work Trish! I’m a most devoted fan always watching for you’re latest post.

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Are you really out of time though Trish? Is this truly the nadir point of a decaying civilization? Has enough of the poisonous corruption finally found its way into your reality space? Has the last 3 years and counting, not including your legacy career of uncovering corruption, been enough to show you that your executions within the same level

Of consciousness are not solving the problem? Are you ready to evolve your game yet? Or do we need more suffering and corruption to be exposed first? You need to engage rare genetic outliers that work outside the very corrupt system that holds you a prisoner. We need to meet, in person, I’m not far from you. But if time isn’t running out, then, continue on and ignore We The Screamers holding fast within the thickets.

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>>...kept the wheels of democracy turning

Yes; however, the wheels have been turned backwards. We no longer live within a democracy. I too used to look forward to the goodness in ordinary people, both within the journalistic estate and the government. It's why I became heavily involved in the NDY in the early '70s. The idea was to bring about useful, [I dislike the word progressive] compassionate, social change for the betterment *of all*. Today, the corporations are in charge of media and all else. Want proof? The luggage fiasco at Pearson for one.

Then there's the travel industry related airlines going defunct. If guvs actually cared about their citizens, they would have forced these very same airlines to ante up *before* they were handed licenses to bus snowbirds back and forth. They didn't and they won't. We will never vote our way outta this kerfuffle! Today, I see collapse as the only viable citizen supported community build, that is practicable. There are good people everywhere, who know how to build a new heaven and E-air-th, right here, right NOW.

Ono & Lennon had it correct: IMAGINE?! Can you?

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I’m blown away...Thanks Trish.

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You're my hero! I worry, too, what will happen when we are gone. We have to work really hard to ensure the great stories aren't forgotten. Watching that grilling of Taibbi and Schellenberger was chilling. Sit a small-minded person in a chair slightly higher than everyone else, give them a wee bit of power, and watch them turn into authoritarian monsters. I recently checked out the website of the creative writing nonprofit I founded for incarcerated youth in 1996 and was kicked out of in 2006 by the Hollywood elite. They now use words like inclusion, equity, trans rights. It gives me some peace in an odd sort of way, knowing I never would have lasted there anyway.

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Thanks for your kind words, Karen. J-schools now spend huge amounts of time virtue signalling and teaching critical race theory and diversity garbage and turning out students who can't think critically or for themselves. It is a disaster and will take a generation if we start now, to end this.

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It is so very depressing to see where journalism has gone. My husband and I often watch the CBC Power and Politics and CTV's Power Play, alternating channels. What we find is two sides of the same coin. It is almost as if they checked with each other on which issues to discuss. They have same old tired pundits, with the same bits. Where our legacy media here really showed their true colours was with the Freedom Convoy, and I truly wonder how they can sleep at night knowing what they did to those people with the way they lied in their reporting. At least the US has Fox News and Tucker Carlson, the most watched news show in the country. He can counter things like the Jan 6th lies and the truth about the Nordstream pipeline. Here we have small organizations like Rebel News, True North and The Western Standard, but you have to be devotee, to know where to find them. My career as a journalist was short, only five years and it was mainly government, feature items and police beat that I did, but it was always clear to me even in that work that objectivity was at the heart of it. It was truly disgusting to see how the Dems treated Matt and Michael, and how they reacted to Tucker's reporting on Jan 6th. You would have to be a complete idiot not to know that they cherrypicked their version of Jan 6th, but are angry because they think Carlson cherrypicked his. But the truth is that there are innocent people who have beeing rotting in jail for over two years because of the corporate media's dishonesty and neither the Democrats nor the media seem to care, and that is a crime, far beyond what happened on Jan 6th. And here in Canada we have people from the Freedom Convoy looking at potential jail time for simply protesting. And let's not forget the pastor in Calgary (which voted in an extremely woke mayor) who is no facing criminal charges for protesting a drag queen story hour. How sad is that? He was assaulted there, but he was the one they went after, coming to his house for him! Yet the legacy media ignore this as well. We are living in very strange times.

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Journalists are losing their credibility

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Billboard Chris is great!

Thanks for placing your finger on the pulse of a dying patient.


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I’m not terribly worried about these SJW journalist as they have no future as they will be replaced by AI which is much more terrifying. It’s the people we need to wake up to the deception.

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Thanks Trish for all you have done

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