Just a response to your audio podcast… CDN James Corbett has been doing OUTSTANDING journalism for years. And his calling card is that he backs it all up with sources & gives the reader the sources. His analysis & reporting is excellent & he does not get the recognition that he deserves. He is someone you should read & consider having on.

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Oh I wish I had faith.. not sure in answers to these questions will make any difference. Seems as though anyone that should be accountable never will be.

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In response to your podcast from Friday (Time for a Critical Review), keep doing what you do best - investigative journalism. I especially appreciate the Canadian focus. The only option left is for a full court press!

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Trish, you’re the best. Truth will out. The lawlessness and crime-family nature of current western governance will end in part because of you.

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This does sound like the Canadian version of Jan 6. But don't say that too loud. It's really sad when you can't count on the justice system. Lady justice is supposed to wear a blindfold. It seems in the USA and Canada that she took it off and sold us out after being wined and dined by those in power.

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I struggle to find the right word when I want to tell you how much I appreciate you. I often want to say: I’m “proud” of you. It’s not quite right, “proud”. But when I read your words, or listen to your podcast… I am beaming with gratitude and… pride. I’m so proud of you for pressing on when the world was so dark. I’m proud of you for speaking the truth when it is exhausting and uncomfortable.

Furthermore, I just listened to your most recent episode. I wanted to say that, up until now, your podcast has been one of the only places I could turn to for comfort, sanity, truth. However, do accept that it is comfortable because it’s usually echoing- and exploring- my beliefs, more than challenging them. I really do think that many of us needed that over the past few years. Thank you for that.

I will continue to tune into your podcast with delight, regardless of the topics. And, I want to believe that most of us are ready to be challenged. We know that we can only make change, meet in the middle, and work together, if we see things through each other‘s eyes/lens. Personally, I trust you. I am unafraid of doing my own legwork and research. But I do trust you and believe in your journalistic methods and fair, critical thinking mind.

I hope to speak for many of us when I say, let’s go! Bring on more truth! Looking forward to everything you put out. ♥️

With deep gratitude,


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Thanks so much. Means a lot!

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I believe that I have been preparing my whole life for this moment - mostly doing things that would teach me to think critically and in doing so, I have seen through this whole charade when in started in March 2020. When I read this piece "QUESTIONS FOR INDY JOURNOS THAT COULD BRING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT" it stuck me that I believe that you have been preparing your whole life for this too! Especially when you had the gig with the Fifth Estate and did all of those pieces on the wrongly convicted. I believe you, and others that you are working with, are going to expose this treason of our government and the bastard Trudeau. He can't escape the likes of you.

Thanks Trish for all that you do - you are the creme de la creme of investigative journalists.

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I fear for this country and what it's become. I'm so happy there are people like you out there fighting the good fight

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If the people represented on Canada's banknotes past and present (Wilfrid Laurier, John A. Macdonald, Queen Elizabeth II, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Robert Borden and Viola Desmond) could speak out-they would all be appalled at what Canada has become now that they're all dead.

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Singh + the rank and file NDP are the stumbling block here

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Not much is going to happen 'til someone in a high position of government spills the beans. Even then, it may be doubtful 'til folks spill onto the streets the ole-fashioned way and chant BASTA...No MORE.

Publicly on screen, as the German Finance Minister recently told Yanis Varoufakis and I paraphrase: 'WE cannot allow voting to change the economic system'.

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It appears that the guns were planted at Coutts by the police, because the government was informed of their existence before the police reported that they had found them.

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It's the glaring lack of questions that should be so obvious to those who still trust legacy media. This is a great list of ones that are so obviously missing. Keep up the great work!

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The most unnerving thing to me now is that Matt Gurney and Jen Gerson of The Line made the statement that the Coutts 4 stuff isn't newsworthy. Like, what? Only the entire narrative around the biggest event to happen in this generation in Canada, the declaration of the emergencies act, has fallen apart completely. And it isn't newsworthy? This is a scandal bigger than any scandal to come out of the government in our generation.

Truly amazing stuff. This country is toast...

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I agree The Line is junk. I read their articles during Covid and Jen Gerson was aggressive in her attitude about getting a jab. She should be ashamed of what she wrote. Their reporting on the convey was even worse. It was at that point I ended my subscription, half was through, I was so disgusted. Keep up the good work Trish!

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This further enhances my view that they are ultimately grifters. News grifters who just want to make a buck and ultimately only view politics as entertainment rather than real things that have long term consequences

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Is Matt still hiding out in his basement?

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No, he's hiding on Canada Talks on Sirius radio every morning for 2 hours!

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Feb 25, 2024
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Yeah apologies for name dropping. Gord (autonomous trucker) had talked briefly with Matt about the Coutts 4 and that's how I discovered this. But yes, totally not surprising one bit.

I have my suspicions that the MSM and their off-branches like the Line are either a) can't see the forest for the trees or b) don't care about the forest for the trees.

Both scenarios are horrifying.

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Forgot to say, thank you, Trish, for your truth seeking passion, determination and wisdom.

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It's a burden sometimes but I love this country, especially the idea that blue collar people can protest. My first out of town story was in NS, 1978, near Glace Bay and Colliery number 26 if I recall where the Pinkerton guards attacked working men for demanding a better life.They were so happy I was there to talk about the anniversary. On the day I was to leave one of the old miners arrived at my hotel with a lovely parting gift -- a decorative wooden lobster trap so I would never forget them. I cried like a baby. A year later ten miners were killed in an explosion there.

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New Waterford, actually.

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I'm shocked and appalled at what has happened to Canada. Why can't the people see what Trudeau is? I grew up in Vancouver, now reside in Oregon but come to see family regularly. I love Canada, it needs to be saved from the travesty of despicable Trudeau. Canadians need to take their power back and stop being so darn nice all the time.

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We are working on it. Good things are coming and Trudeau can't escape this. One whistleblower and he is toast.

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Music to my ears, I look forward to seeing this all unfold.

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The battle for our institutions was lost before most of us knew there was even a war on. The same evolving, foundational institutions that underpin all western democracies were insidiously co-opted. However, we demolish or abandon those institutions at our own great peril. What might come next is too terrifying to contemplate.

So, as I see it, the only option is to reclaim them and root out the ideologically obsessed conspirators. We can expect a long difficult fight and it will be resolute people like Trish who will lead that charge.

We are definitely at a decisive crossroads and I don’t believe it is hyperbole to suggest that the Coutts Four represent only a few degrees of separation from Navalny.

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Hi Tim. You might take a couple of minutes and read this article on Navalny https://fvdinternational.com/article/alexei-navalny-1976-2024

Somehow, I don‘t think any of the Coutts Four were CIA.

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Of course not. The point was about political imprisonment.

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