So grateful for your work, Trish! The soundtrack to my life was awash in iconic CBC voices (Gzowski and the like) and themes (I still prefer the old tune for As it happens). But 2019 I had questions, 2020 I was worried, 2021 I screamed and argued to deaf broadcasters and their shilling guests, and in 2022, I turned my radios off and they have not been back on since. It was such a pleasure to find a former member of the tribe on the outside speaking (or hunting for) truths.

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I'm so glad there's a new genre of Covidian Comedy to finally lift our spirits. LMFAO


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Aug 6Liked by Trish Wood

The antipathy and rabidity with which the Canadian government turned on its own people during this time is frightening. We're seeing the same thing in the UK with anyone questioning governmental policies being branded "far right racists" and this label being used to justify its violent reaction.

Truly scary stuff.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by Trish Wood

Awaiting your latest podcast with bated breath & hoping I haven't somehow missed it!

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Yahoo for your production.

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Trudeau Jr will barely be remembered. His ilk are everywhere being seen for what they are — paid, bribed and blackmailed fools. These people are no longer trusted.

The propaganda machine is a type of black Magic designed to enslave the will of the West. These men and women made a Faustian bargain in order to create it, and now the bill has come due. It’s not our job to interfere with this process, just keep telling the truth and let whatever happens happen.

Trudeau is a practiced liar. His deceptions are so many nothing he ever says can be believed.

“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained.”

Mahatma Gandhi

His mis-handling of legitimate protest is a blight on Canada. He calculated that by ignoring them he was only ignoring the truckers. He was wrong. He ignored you and me and millions of others, proving the COVID was and continues to be a scam. I have no idea where his loyalties lie but most certainly he is a disloyal Canadian.

There was a time when he would have been shot. Millions of lives were disrupted while he did the bidding of the Globalist scum.

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That WEF idea of turning us all into good little, obedient "Global Citizens" and following the WHO guidelines during Covid awakened a lot of people.

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Great news Trish. Shame more Canadians don’t follow the horrors imposed on fellow citizens more closely. Can’t wait to see the finished film!!

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Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

Looking forward to your documentary. I was wondering too, do you or anyone know what happened to the millions of dollars donated to the Truckers Convoy? Was it even released to the cause? I remember funds were frozen and I lost track of the story.

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Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

I am pleased to donate again. Best of luck with this project.

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Thanks most kindly....

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Aug 4·edited Aug 5Liked by Trish Wood

Wow. I shed a tear watching that trailer. And I can't wait to see the film. Great news about the two verdicts, too.

I was just speaking with a friend last night about the toll extracted from us all during the Covid event at the hands of Trudeau and other Western leaders. I was lucky here in Florida - no state mandates, self-employed, and with no social pressures to get the shots that I couldn't withstand... Resisting the tyranny and doing what my own conscience told me was right was easier for me than most, I would imagine. Still, tyranny WAS imposed - and deliberate, as there is simply no other explanation. My soul recoiled then at the darkness in it all, knowing our globalist leaders and their Western puppets in governments and media wanted it. We were shock-and-awed into a PTSD that, for me, has now hardened into a refusal of all authority until such time as I'm shown they wish to earn back our trust, which I'm not seeing.

That evil, however, is 180-degrees from the joyful humanity I witnessing during the truckers' convoy in Canada and in the faces of the people cheering it on, which felt to me like the best humanity has to offer, larger than any one of us. Our humanity must win out.

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In the 'lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,' too many Canadians will miss this important news story of the NOT GUILTY verdict for Chris Carbert and 'Tony' Olieinck regarding the charge of "conspiracy to commit murder." I fear that for many Canadians who are die-hard Liberal and NDP supporters the response will basically be "don't confuse me with the facts." This seemed to be the response to the ruling of a federal court in January 2023 that the invocation of the Emergencies Act on the occasion of FEB 14/22 by PM Trudeau was "unconstitutional" and "illegal." Those soaked in alarmist mainstream news stories find it very hard to accept that they were fed propaganda. For example, "it was the Russians" who inspired Canadian truck drivers to head to Ottawa, as the CBC insisted early into their Convoy coverage.

Thanks for paying attention to these stories as the fallout of the federal government's EA invocation continues to infect the lives of too many; and for your documentary.

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Being in Ontario, the news on this case is rarely discussed. Was this verdict released on Friday? Perfect timing for it to be memory-holed as people head out for the long weekend, perhaps?

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The jury had been deliberating since later Wednesday afternoon. Typically, they are done for the day (Lethbridge, AB) at 8:30 PM. But on Friday, AUG 2, they extended their deliberations and delivered their verdict on each of the charges for Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick. This would have been around 10 PM (MST) AUG 2nd (just after 12 AM, AUG 3 in Ontario). Proceedings for the trial began in late May, and there were delays due to Crown and defense lawyers motions to the judge. So the start of the trial began June 6, and ended August 2 with the jury verdict. There will be a sentencing/bail hearing on August 12th, unless the judge finds/decides on an earlier date.

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Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

Looking forward to this. Will donate once I've fixed my JEEP's transmission. I'm also hoping that at some point one of these docs releases an educated estimate of how many trucks went to Ottawa.

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They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea 



With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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This looks like it will be a great documentry. Thanks for your link to GSG - $50 of my meagre pension is on it's way.

I hope it comes out and is widely broadcast before our next general election. Trudeau/Singh must go.

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People just don't get it. All this is fine and very nice. However, heads need to roll. LITERALLY. Until then, is all theatre. "They" have lost their healthy fear of us because we've allowed it. We are civil while they steamroll us. ENOUGH.

We order, they OBEY.

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Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

Great post. History will educate people on what needs to be done as unpleasant as it may be.

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Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

I am really looking forward to this documentary Trish. It looks to be a great rendition of truth unlike, that which was pushed by a hateful Liberal Government, and our sad and once trusted Institutions, bent on punishing the protesters and those who funded them. I have never seen so many lies spread by the media with the aide of Trudeau’s paid Canadian Anti Hate Network that was pivotal in producing the very outcome we saw. They are merely an ideologically motivated group with a one sided hate for all Canadian’s that do not bow to the Progressive movement. We now see the outcome of these Progressive’s and their willingness to destroy their own citizen’s and countries as we watch the fall of France, Britain, and Ireland. This is what our coalition government is bringing to Canada. Bankrupting the country, its citizen’s, and destroying all that was built to create a wealthy and democratic country. Their Marxist revolution is in full swing with the aid of the Institutions of this sad and now, pathetic country.

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Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

The problem was it was not just the Liberal government, it was all levels of government and public institutions. Provincial, Municipal, Police forces, Hospitals, Schools, LTC

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

Yes and it continues today with the same actions by most Government's and by Federal and Provincial police and our fully Liberal Communist Judicial system as well. That is why I said the revolution is well on its way. Unfortunately many Canadian's remain uninformed and still watch and read the Corporate Media which is by far the most captured as they came from our deeply infected Universities. This is exactly where it began and why its in every Instituion today. The rot is with in and its now throughout. All one needs to do is lookat Britian, Ireland, and France to see where this is headed under the leadership of the Marxist/Postmodern Liberal/NDP Coalition. Our banks are alsoup to their necks in this as well.

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Thanks Marylou. I have been struggling for 4+ years as to whether Canada had devolved from being a democracy but, l was unsure as to what we had become. Initially l was leaning towards Fascism (especially after to the 2021 election and coalition) but, people told me l was crazy. I toyed with Autocracy, Oligarchy, Communism or some other form of Dictatorship.

Once l learned about Trudeaus various scandels, the Chinese influence, the unlawful use of the EMA and the goals of the WEF, I finally settled on MARXISM. It also explained how the Woke ideologies has infiltrated our society at every single level.

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Sam Cooper is on Substack as well under the Bureau, and he is a wealth of information on the CCP and it’s infiltration into this country, the Liberal Party, and Laurentian elites. He does amazing work, so if you do not follow him now, you should.

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Yah, NO. Not interested. But, thanks anyway.

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Thank you. I got on to substack because l heard about Trish via a FB group and really connected with her work She's the only one l can afford to subscribe to at the moment but, l'll check out Sam Cooper and The Bureau.

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Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

Read the book Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions(and how to crush them) by Jack Posobiek andJoshua Lisec. We need to be proactive or they will swallow us whole.

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Aug 4Liked by Trish Wood

I shall look for the above book you mentioned. I have read the psychology of Totaltarianism by Mattais Desmet which was an eye opener as well.

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