How quickly the attempted assassination of a former president leaves the spotlight. Just as fast as the body of Thomas Crooks was cremated without CSI and others involved in the criminal murder and attempted murder investigation being at the autopsy and FBI literally cleaned up the evidence.

Many important questions from listening to videos eye witnesses and sound experts. Allowing law enforcement to leave 2 hours later without confiscation of their weapons for analysis is disturbing. One of the murder weapons could have walked out with a cop as seen in video. We're ballistic tests done on all weapons and were police snipers checked for any signs they shot a gun? Apparently law enforcement in this area are known to work with organized crime. Not very trustworthy it appears.

An eye witness states they saw 8 muzzle flashes yet a AR 15 with a muzzle hider would hide the flash in the daylight and someone says it was on Crooks gun shown on the roof and secret service snipers would easily have spotted Crooks location and so would people in the stands if the muzzle flash was visible. Also listen to the first 4 law enforcement on the roof first who found only 5 shell casing or cartridge not 8. This is consistent with Crooks shooting the 4 to 8 shots and the first 3 coming from a vent or second floor window. . The sound tests show this and the eye witness video sounds indicate this and the vent seems very plausible. Someone says the first 3 shots sound like a chain link fence sound in the background. How come an irate man was pushing people away from in front of the building with the windows and the vent and where Crooks on top shot from. Secret Service seen making people standing move from behind Trump on the podium just before shots fired? Everyone focuses on the windows but the vent just under Crooks location would be perfect. It lines up with the shots at Trump and hitting 2 innocent bystanders. Did the shooter of the first 3 shots get cut on the vent and was bleeding in the

washroom as per police on the radio regarding a second shooter and blood Did K 9 dogs find the blood trail to a white van with Arizona license plates registered to Robert Yearick. Maxwell Yearick who is Antifa and the son of Roger Yearick is on the terrorist watch list. His family called in a missing persons report a couple days later. That would be interesting as then they knew where their terrorist son was therefore harboring a terrorist on the terrorist watch list would be a criminal charge. Yearick Armory does explosives from Arizona. The fact the white van supposedly had explosives and Crooks Hyundai had explosives is odd as it's kind of difficult for Crooks to drive the van and car to the site by himself. He was rather busy that day according to law enforcement and others. . These lies add up. 15 police would have videotaped the white van with Arizona license plate and mainstream media had the tip of Maxwell Yearick These 15 police would no doubt check out the license plate for the owner wouldn't they?

NO one asks the right questions other than amazing people in comments and independent journalists. Even the politician representatives do not focus on all the events. Why not? Senator Ron Johnson confirms the pings of Thomas Crooks phone to Clairaton Shooting Range where he visited it 38x in nearly a year . They had his picture on their phone chats. DHS trains there and that Greg Nichol supposedly was training there. These people need subpoena to answer under oath. Appears FBI is covering up. Do you trust law enforcement who state cops in this area are in bed with organized crime?

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

Who do you think attempted to assassinate Trump. Well lets see. Over the police radio which would be picked up by the security cameras in the lights it was stated second shooter had left blood in the washroom. Hey wait everyone. That destroys the lone gunman theory but they stick to it still . All 8 shots came from Crooks. Promise. We told you that so believe it. The shooter bleeding went into the bathroom of the building filled with snipers and police? Anyone want to ask the police snipers if they were shooting from a window in the building at Trump where blood of Maxwell Yearick an antifa snipers blood was found. The white van was registered to a Roger Yearick the father of Maxwell Yearick who is deceased and it had Arizona license plates where the 20 year okd Thomas Crooks was seen going back and forth to during the day and news reported Thomas Crooks owned the white van but they are misleading as the Butler county ran the plates and it was Yearick the owner not Crooks and with the blood found that was Maxwell Yearick then you know Yearick was the owner of the explosives which no doubt came from Yearick Armory in Arizona.

Very simple question to ask tons of police and snipers there. Would a would be assassin go into a washroom in a building with snipers and police. I think we know the answer. Chris Martensen on twitter is doing a superb job with investigating and the video of the shooting and police actions by a Dave Stewart brings lots of questions. This guy Dave and his video has the shooting heard clearly and police were running away from the side where Thomas Crooks was seen and people were yelling he has a gun before the shooting. Strange behavior. Unless Thomas Crooks was a patsy and was a spotter for the real shooter Maxwell Yearick and how come a counter sniper changed his clothes. The same sniper who saw Thomas Crooks at the picnic table at 435 but there was no drone or scope or gun with him at the time? The same sniper who conveniently sent texts saying he spotted a strange guy at the picnic table but he was leaving yet he was the guy in charge as other police stated and he is seen in a window but he supposedly left and came out 5 minutes after the shooting .FBI director is willing to speak freely on Crooks using a drone around 4 pm or so but Crooks is seen at the picnic table and very suspicious but no drone with him. Is it possible this sniper was actually a shooter at Trump from a window or aided the shooter Maxwell Yearick who was bleeding so this counter sniper got blood on his clothes and changed. The texts are just an elaborate scheme to divert attention. How come Maxwell Yearick was bleeding? Was he on the roof and got cut escaping or was he hit by a bullet which they say a cop shot at Crooks but it was really Yearick. All common sense questions. This sniper has lots of explaining including 2 snipers in the building second floor who left their command post and guns with the most ridicuulous lame excuse you could imagine. Too much incompetence to be incompetence? It appears they were guarding the building not Trump. Why? Because the shooters were being protected? Interesting observations.

When you see lying and perjury by people who are supposed to be law enforcement it raises red flags and Chris Martensen when analyzing the shots states the first 3 came from in a building and there were open windows seen in photos at the time of the shooting with line of sight to Trump. There is a photo of a flash in a window but that needs verifying as to authenticity. The Dave Stewart video is credible and he is seen filming by another person filming. His phone was confiscated for 6 days by the police. I think the FBI had it. He was handcuffed by one law enforcement. What a joke. No excuses for that.

In fact Dave Stewart has shots of a drone flying while the shooting is happening. The secret service said they did not use a drone . Kimberley Cheatle the disgraced secret service supported by disgraced lying FBI wanted to destroy evidence of the cocaine found in the White House last summer. Secret service has revealed this. I think honest Secret Service are putting 2 and 2 together as to who was behind this assassination attempt.

Christopher Wray in testimony lied regarding Crooks and a scope. On the roof top 12 minutes after Crooks was killed they discuss does he have a scope and they say its in his pocket. Where were the brain matter of Crooks. They did shoot at his head wuth a sniper rifle. . How come they were hosing down the roof so quickly? It was a crime scene and a high profile one at that. Many questions because of weird behavior by supposed honest law enforcement trying to find the truth especially when its stated there was a second shooter and his blood was found in a bathroom. Why the cover up.

Why are there redacted documents since Crooks is dead. Strange behavior by those who are caught lying and perjurying themselves and caught trying to destroy cocaine evidence in the White House which is a criminal offence.?

They are insulting Americans with their criminal behavior and possible assassination plot against Trump.

REMEMBER security cameras at the American Glass buildings will be in lights and hidden everywhere as this company does bullet proof glass for the Dept of Defence so those cameras will film everyuthing inside and out and not be seen by the average person and it will have picked up the police talk outside and on the radio regarding the blood found in a bathroom indicating a second shooter but covered up. Why is it covered up. Maxwell Yearick is on a terror watchlist as an Antifa sniper but word is he went to Ukraine to fight with the Ukrainian army and works for the CIA. But he is on a terror watch list. How can that be? Anyone seeing naughty stuff being done. They can take control of a phone and do searches you did not do remotely. They can hide it from your view. So when they say we opened a phone and found this dont automaticallly believe those caught perjurying themselves or dont recall or dont know at the moment when its their job to know. Narratives are easy by those with access to lots of money,

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Why is name/identity of the poster blacked out, but the others are not? If anything I would expect the reverse.

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Trump was literally an ex-WWE star. It's not difficult when there is chaos created from flying bullets. No bullets had to fly towards Trump to fake an assassination attempt. Yes, real bullets were fired and people were injured with one man killed, but no shots were fired at Trump.

Do you know what the odds are for all of this to happen on live television? What are the odds of a bullet grazing your ear but not having a chunk of it taken off while having a famous photographer catch it on camera? This combined with the supposed idea that federal agents didn't do their job while people were screaming about a gunman on the roof.

There was a ton of misdirection right before Trump was supposedly hit. He had the audience's attention to the right of him looking at a giant chart. There is no pictures or videos of Trump's right side. Watch it again. He has everyone look at the right so no cameras could capture his right side. The first shot is heard, he grabs his ear and turns, then ducks before the SS agent's swarm him and then allow him to stand up for the most epic presidential picture ever. How does any of this make sense if it wasn't staged?

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I agree. The suggestion Trump was staging an event that resulted in the actual deaths of Corey Comperatore and Thomas Crooks (the latter in this scenario just playing a role and not actually shooting, if it was fake), makes no sense. No one is doubting that either Comperatore or Crooks are dead. People died. If it were the case it could be proved Trump was staging an assassination which resulted in two deaths, he'd be charged in connection to those deaths.

But we live in a world where biologically born males can box biologically born women in Olympic competitions for medals. Gaslighting is now the norm.

But our North American culture has been on the receiving end of purportedly plausible explanations for decades. On November 27, 1978, city district supervisor, Dan White assassinated San Fransisco supervisor (city councillor) Harvey Milk. The defense was that White ate Twinkies and was therefore not responsible, and the charges were dropped.

In the constantly changing story offered by Secret Service, FBI etc., maybe they'll explain that Thomas Crooks was on the roof with a rifle because he ate too many Coffee Crisp, Snickers or Milky Way, before the assassination attempt. How many in the general public would fall for that explanation in our gaslit world?

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

did anyone do any research on the two people who were shot as well (and died)? what, if any, is their connection to either T, the SS/FBI or the shooter(s)? "oh, what a tangled web 'they' weave...."

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

James Copenhaver who was injured was a friend and roomie of Roger Yearick at Warren AFB Wyoming and this Roger Yearick designed a tactical collapsable rifle involved in some scandal and Roger Yearick son Maxwell Yearick is an antifa sniper on the terror watchlist and he is being covered up as a second shooter who left his blood in a building washroom there in Butler PA occupied by snipers and other law enforcement. People say the shot hitting Copenhaver and then David Dutch was aimed at James Copenhaver not Trump so huge investigation needed.

Hands on investigation by credible journalists who post lay out all of this. Common sense questions by anyone aid those journalists.

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the Yearick connection's creepy and as you say, common sense questions need to be asked & answered. thnx!

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

Why would Trump be in shackles if this was staged? If anything, he wouldn't be because he's part of the evil system that protects all the perpetrators. This has always been the case.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

Because if it was staged Trump would need to be in on it with the fake ear wound. Being a leading part in a conspiracy that killed a person and critically wounded others is a pretty serious crime. Do you think it was staged without his knowledge and that they have snipers that shoot so accurately that they can nick Trumps ear from a distance while his head is moving?

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

I think it was staged with his knowledge and that he played the key role. This entire thing was a show. Do you think there is ever any accountability for any real conspiracies involving the government? JFK, 9/11, Covid, etc.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

I wonder too about this.Would like to think that he is too nice to do that but look how the sympathy money poured in to his coffers after the event.Even the polls showed that the next day undecided voters were now Trump voters.Would not be the 1st time in history that innocent bystanders are killed for the good of the cause.These "rich" people think of us as pawns to be used a lot of the time.I am not accusing anyone here but there certainly are a lot of unanswered questions.Might know the truth in 100 years when all the players are gone.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

Hahaha, "...political twerking."

Not sure the gaslighting - on so many fronts - has been turned up so high before. And I feel it's a sign of desperation. Keeping my eye peeled in this precarious and dangerous moment.

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So many videos of the shooting, so many angles, everyone analyzing every microsecond of it. Of course it was an actual shooting. But yeah, the left now just has to say, "not true" and that's all they ever needed to stay in denial. Incredible! But, the right would do the same if they had the same power.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

Hey - I am from the left. It's the dumb-ass libs saying this stuff. They un-ironically sound like Alex Jones during his Sandy Hook phase.

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I have been a liberal all my life, until the last 5 years or so. Now I'm in the middle, or more accurately, not on any team. I just want discussion, honesty and leaders that reflect the same.

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You're last point was spot on, any evidence and Trump would be jail.

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We had to learn to extrapolate a possible truth by applying simple logic. Funny and horrible world.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

62 years after the killing of JFK we still can't get to the truth about what really happened so don't think we will ever know the real story of the Trump assassination attempt.As to your comment that he would be in shackles if he had staged this event I can tell you that many people have been murdered by several US administrations to further their cause and none of them have ever been prosecuted let alone found guilty.Now don't get me wrong I am not saying Trump staged his assasination.we don't have enough evidence to have an opinion either way and probably never will.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

I have enough evidence. I grew up doing theater, including doing stunt work.

Do you know how hard it is to stage a shooting (or stabbing) that looks real when the audience is surrounding you? It takes weeks and weeks of practice, a great stunt coordinator, and an entire cast in on the trick to provide misdirection. Oh - and it requires a rather nimble, skilled performer to take the hit.

Now, let's add one audience member dead, two injured, a hundred cops, the secret service, and scores of journalists, photographers, and videographers, all close up to the event.

One could speculate that Trump, in his spare time, studied stage magic. And that the Secret Service was in on the fake assassination attempt. And that they'd had lots of time (I guess in the middle of the night) to rehearse and rehearse and rehearse the shooting. And that the dead and injured were just actors and they didn't REALLY get shot.

Or one could speculate that someone tried and failed to shoot Trump.

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That Kimberly Cheattle tried to destroy the cocaine evidence found in the White House. She is nothing but a high level criminal. Do you believe she would help Trump and assist a fake assassination to score election points. She is connected to Dick Cheney during 9/11 connected to Roger Yearick who was involved in a stolen gun scanda and his son Maxwell Yearick is a wanted terrorist Antifa sniper but people say works for CIA and friends with CIA sniper in Syria. This guy is said to be a second shooter against Trump but its covered up. Why? So definitely not a Trump staged assassination plot to gain sympathy.

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Real bullets were fired. One hit the hose on a hydraulic lift that was holding a speaker. You can see the speaker drop as the hose sprays hydraulic fluid. Pretty sure that lift wasn't acting.

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Indeed they were, but not at Trump.

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You can't possibly know that.

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Where are the bullets that flew past Trump's head? How come no one in the audience directly behind him was injured by these same bullets? Why didn't the crowd behind him act as if there were bullets flying in their direction? How do you explain the woman in the hat that shows absolutely no fear while she's recording from her phone?

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Do your research and watch credible video. The first shot appears to hit a white sign and could have deflected and its the second shot that hits Trumps ear. It just clips it. That could cause a deflection. Did anyone watch afterwards the police sesrch for bullets in the stand. That would be telling. One of the bullets was aimed at James Copenhaver people say who was injured and his connection is interesting and did some of the bullets at the podium while Trump is down get lodged in the podium . Witnesses say counter snipers behind Trump shot someome at the water tower or trees. That got people to move. Fox Newa ran it then slowly deleted it. Why?

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1. Seems like there was a photograph of a bullet although that could have been fake.

2. Judging by the above photo, it seems that shots were fired from the ground and not the roof. There may have been more than one shooter.

3. People did respond in the exact same way that the people in the bleachers to the left and the right responded until they saw that some people had been hit. The trajectory of the bullet that hit the railing and the one that hit the lift also suggests that those bullets weren't fired from the roof.

4. As for the woman with the phone, who knows why she behaved that way. People react differently to danger, especially when it's unexpected.

Start at the 2:12.00 to watch both the reaction of the crowd and the trajectory to the shot/s that hit two people in the bleachers. The person explaining this evidence speculates that the first shot was to take out the SS snipers that can be seen to Trump's right.


Also, this video has some good informtion on firearms (including the one used by the patsy, who may not have been Crook), ammunition, and the impact of the bullet when grazing an ear.


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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

Are you kidding me? Don’t have enough information as to whether it was staged? Exactly how would you orchestrate the exact moment you turn your head to get shot in the ear? And who would you trust to take that shot? You appear to be promoting doubt about the attempted murder.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

It's simple really. He was coached to grab his ear after hearing the first bullet shot. He doesn't turn his head right before then. Watch it. He hears the first shot, grabs his ear and turns his head, ducks, and the Secret Service cover him up to apply fake blood to his fake wound before they let him stand up to pose for the camera. If real bullets were fired at Trump, then how come no one in the stands behind him react like there are bullets flying towards him? Watch it and watch it again. Then watch it again. This was completely staged.

This wasn't some sort of miracle. The only miracle here is that people actually buy the assassination attempt story. Trump is a con man just like the rest of the political parasites that think they own us. They don't. We own ourselves so don't buy into this left versus right crap. Like George Carlin has said, it's a big club and we ain't in it.

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That is absolute lying bs!

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Which part?

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Why would US intelligence be involved in this plan?

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Because they are involved in almost everything evil that has happened since before the JFK assassination that they were behind.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

There have been no pictures of the wound and no publication of any of the medical reports assessing the wound after the incident.I am NOT promoting doubt or uncertainty but I hate to form an opinion without being given all the facts.I am not taking sides here.Don't like any of the politicians running for office Distrust them all EQUALLY

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That is odd. Why no pictures of Trumps ear and injury?

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I remain open to more evidence as well. What continues to strike me as odd is why was there no blood on his collar and apparently none on his hand?

At the same time, the Dems if they had evidence that it was staged would be on him like a duck on a June bug.

We’ve been lied to so much about so many things I think maintaining a healthy skepticism about everything and requiring real evidence/information is extremely important.

That’s critical thinking and truth over tribe imho.

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Aug 2Liked by Trish Wood

Agree with you.Over the last few years I have discovered that in politics I trust NO one as people will resort to unbelievable means to retain power or make money.And that applies to ALL sides.Voters are blinded by their allegiance to a political party and loose their ability to think critically and be objective.

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Agreed. I think there is only the Billionaire’s Uniparty directing the “elections” in the US. I’m fervently hoping that this isn’t the case here in Canada but after the lies upon lies I’m not going to accept the hopium. All I see here is the deliberate destruction of the Canadian economy, its people and everything that makes us Canadian. I’m focusing my thoughts on optimism for Poillievere, if we can indeed survive another year with the Tyrant. But I’m not naive either.

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What makes nervous is Poillivere is a member of the World Economic Forum just like half of Canada's parliament.

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Have you read the book :Unhumans by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec.? I loved it and think you might also.Every Western world citizen should read this book.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

There’s a photo which shows the vapor trail of the bullet by his head.

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The FBI released an unequivocal statement that indeed a bullet or fragments of said bullet pierced his ear and the hospital has verified it. Seriously- shaking my head!

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

You believe the FBI.??????

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My oh my, aren't you just the world-weary but enlightened cynic. OF COURSE he was shot at and GRAZED by the bullet. Have you not seen the BLOOD?

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If Trump wins he needs to blow the lid off the intelligence community and all their evil shenanigans. I doubt that would happen. He'd throw some bones sweep it under the rug and try to make Americs affordable again.

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Aug 1Liked by Trish Wood

Making America affordable again would be a great accomplishment and I hope he succeeds.Just wish someone would make Canada affordable again.

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Canada is truly lost and I’m sorry for that. The destruction to the US dollar is permanent. Trump would do some good things economically but it wouldn’t go back to how it was in 2019.

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