Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

Might a lot of this social craziness possibly be a result of a culture that has put materialism and worship of the self at the front for so long, and a poisonous media landscape that amplifies this narcissism and craziness?

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Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

blaming one's parents is one of the oldest tricks in the book for not taking responsibiliy for the choices one makes.

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Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

Yes, we ourselves are experiencing it at this moment. Out of three children we have two from whom we are estranged presently. Though just recently, after five long years, there’s been a crack in the facade with our middle son (and grandson who has been almost entirely isolated from us). We are holding out hope that that relationship will reopen again 🤞

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Severing family ties was a major fad in the years following Russian revolution. People even posted notes in local newspaper declaring their bold act. For some it was a matter of survival -- you could not expect to achieve anything in Soviet Russia with "wrong" class family background. For many it was purely ideological. "To Hell with you old ways, tradition and religion -- we are going to tear down the old world and build a new equitable society under the banned or Communist party". Well, they thought so.

Whatever reason, family cut-off is as dysfunctional as enmeshment and ego-blending. And mother-blaming is so outdated in psychology I doubt people using it to explain family problems are really psychologists.

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

Trish, I can’t resist, this topic is a hobby horse of mine and I am going to comment even before listening to the interview.

Here is my take, which I have been posting all over Substack :

“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no distinction between military and civilian participation” Marshall McLuhan.

Notice, he used (50 years ago) the present tense: “is”.

If you want to test the practical implication of this McLuhan quote, have your children read some of CJ Hopkins , or your own Substack posts which talk about woke ideology, and the increasingly totalitarian nature of liberalism. Be prepared to be disowned. World War III is active within your own family. You’ve lost your children. They spent over a decade being proselytized into a perverse religion.

“ For wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the human soul to external reality and the solution was knowledge, self-discipline and virtue. For today’s applied science the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of men: the solution is a technique and in the application of this technique they are prepared to do things hitherto regarded as disgusting and impious.” Sinclair Lewis.

Have your kids been turned into idiots by education:

“The university has been to the nation as the Wooden-horse was to the Trojans.” Thomas Hobbes, 1588- 1679. Maybe it’s not a new phenomenon.

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

I will have to disagree. There really are families that are so destructive to the whole unit. My 'family' moved from Northern Ireland in 1966 when I was age 7, due to the impending 'Troubles.' Within two years of being in our Toronto apartment, my mother sliced her wrists twice. She returned to Ireland for a while to be with her parents, leaving me and my two older sibllings with our workaholic father and his girlfriend, who moved into our apartment with her three-year-old son. My mother eventually returned to Toronto; although, I have no memory of her leaving or returning. We then moved to Cambridge, Ontario and my parents divorced. My sister left with my father. My mother, brother and I moved two more times to smaller and smaller rental units. So, my mother had to raise my brother and me working at two jobs. No communication ever happened. Just yelling and screaming. I finally disconnected from my mother in my twenties soon after a Professor said, "you have a lot of cobwebs in your head." due to my lack of confidence in my own learning. I couldn't think, process information, write about it, etc. My mother took every opportunity to say, "why don't you just admit you can't do it." This always shattered me further. It took me six years to complete a three-year degree (1987-1993) which I finally did at age 34. I kept dropping out of university and working at low-wage jobs, thereby, reinforcing my worthless low-economic-class status through an inability to strive for more. This belief about my lack of capacity was instilled at a very early age. My former father-in-law said to me, "The Irish are piss-poor protoplasm poorly put together." There I was in another family being treated like the loser I had been raised to be. I now live on government assistance in a province that hates English-speakers, as I try to avoid destitution. When my mother finally died at age 94, I felt nothing and I still feel nothing years later.

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Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

When my parents couldn’t come up with anything that was wrong and shouldn’t have happened circa 2020 to 2022 that was the end of it for me. Should have been easy, pick something, the masking of their grandchildren, the cancellation of their extra curricular activities and school, that their son couldn’t travel by plane to his employment as sole income, that businesses were mandated closed by the government.

On some level you have to admire their commitment on their position that there was nothing wrong with what happened, you’d think they could at least lie so that they could see their grandchildren.

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Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

I hate what's happened, but am having difficulty figuring out how to relate to someone who is never wrong (and that's not just MY observation), and who is brilliant, by their own admission. The brilliance is used, often, to set up "no-win" situations for other family members

I am a grandmother. I didn't go to university. I attend church. I am not "woke".

I have real-life, "today" challenges. I have not the time or the energy for drama.

I've attempted a middle line by mailing pretty notes with neutral commentary. These have been deemed "insincere".

How in Hell do you maintain a relationship with someone who won't let you love him or her?

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Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

My daughter did not speak to me for over a year Trish. She was 27 at the time. She did finally come around once she realized she had abandoned her real support system. She is now 34 and things are much better between us. I learned about boundaries and she learned that a Mother's love is unconditional and unending.

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Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

Living their truth? Seriously. Kids aren't smart enough to be making big decisions-that's why they have parents. That's another reason kids (16) shouldn't be able to vote. And forget making medical decisions. And just exactly are the parents here? The Kids or the Government?

In 2020 the democrats voted to take GOD out of their party platform. And now, look at what a Godless country looks like. Glad the adults are back in the room. Trump was just treating us to a better life by making america great again. I can't understand why the Donkeycrats hate that so much. Don't they want us to have a better life too?

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It's just another Marxist tactic brought to us by the educators of our children. I had every reason to cut off ties with my family, but didn't. I learned to be tolerant although it was at my expense. My mother had mental problems and deserting her would just be cruel. I also didn't want to influence my children in how they felt about her. They came to understand her mental disorder all on their own. My mother worked hard on me to hate her mother and all her many brothers and sisters. I refused. So, when my daughter started falling in line behind 'Mao's cultural revolution' principles, and ghosting me and accusing me of things I was not - I lost my mind. Things are slowly improving, but I fear she is in line to reap what she sowed from her own children.

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Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood

I wonder if some of this estrangement phenomenon has to do with the divorces which skyrocketed in the 70’s. Two reasons. First, there were a lot of men that either walked away or were pushed away from their kids. Second, a child who sees their parents give up on their relationship may be more likely to see all relationships as temporary

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1:44:00 If it had been a real pandemic people would have isolated themselves. First month long term care home deaths was an example of this - low paid, part time workers stayed home en masse (rightly -> from the 'information' they had <-) - resulting in a mass death event across the Province (that if you dig in to the Canadian forces report, was undoubtedly horrific on the wards - a massacre).

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Children raised by the state, like battery chickens, are unlikely to be capable adults.

Today schooling focuses on ends not means. It is not working. Children are not educated. They are brainwashed and consequently never grow up. Always looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow — they are not grateful or ever gratified. Narcissism manifests in people who know no boundaries … and those with a distorted sense of their importance.

Furthermore, some of the most disturbed are by societies lights, the most successful. One example from my own experience: A woman among my acquaintances is a partner in a law firm. She most certainly is a psychopath. And a narcissist. She has no friends, only associates. For her everything is transactional rather than relational. Everything this woman does is calculated, measured, added, subtracted. She has to be right! She seeks approval and fears disapproval. And, she is proud, so proud. She is like a machine. She is physically stiff. Her laughter is forced and canned. Her children hate her. She is divorced. …And estranged from her entire family. Why?

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Feb 4·edited Feb 5Liked by Trish Wood

Hey, if you do your best to instill proper values into your child and give them a healthy upbringing and they want to turn around and disown you, so be it. Like most kids, they will realize later just how good they had it and will come to their senses.

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Feb 4Liked by Trish Wood


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