Hey Trish .... If folks are upset at you for telling the truth, it's because they were never interested in the truth. The radical zionist folks that believe Israel can do no wrong will find themselves on the wrong side of history and should be deeply ashamed. This is why there will never be a Palestinian state. Israel won't allow it, ever, ever, ever ! Their ongoing genocide proves without any doubt that they have no intention of living peacefully with anyone in the region. It's war and slaughter with the USA backing every crime they commit.
You have to admit that the COVID-19 84 scam demic exposed the rot in western neoliberalism like nothing before in my long life time. Unfortunately it didn't and the horror of the Gaza atrocities hasn't either. I don't know what would cause the majority of western populations to see the rot, omnipresent in the system. It appears that once "they" have you indoctrinated, it's for life. Harari was never more right than when he exposed the flaw in Homo sapiens causing us to believe stories. Those who control the stories control the population. It's no different now than when the Pharoe or the Pope ran their parts of the world. We do the work, build the wealth and the parasitic dreck ruling classes get the money and we accept it as perfectly normal because we can't think outside the boxes we're in.The scary thing for the small minority of us able to think rationally is that the ruling classes seem to have lost their fear of Nuclear War.
I'm sorry, but I agree with you. I'm not a fan of atrocities/genocides and am amazed by the number of people who seem to be OK with an entire country of people having had it incrementally stolen from under their feet by force by those blatantly seeking to exterminate them.
Although I would, instead, refer to the physical removal of Sam Husseini to avoid answering questions as a telling symbol of the gross anti-democratic corruption personified by such as Biden that has been eating away at the founding principles of America for far too long.
May all of the world's countries somehow act on warnings and refuse to accept in government ANY of those who fail to respect human/civil rights, with all equal under law in an actual 'self-ruled, of/by/for the people' democracy.
Anyone unsubscribing from you due to the truthful statements you’ve made on Israel/Gaza, needs to have their head examined. Tantrums aside, let them live inside their delusional minds. Thank you for your honest reporting. That’s all anyone should ever ask of a fine journalist such as yourself. Here for the longterm, me!
This is a hugely important topic. Indie journalism only seems to work financially if the journalist creates an echo chamber. There's no market for balanced reporting with thoughtful discussion in the comments. We are condemned to partisan reporting whether it's by "legacy" or "Indie" outlets.
The Israel/Hamas thing is the penultimate wedge issue of our day.
I was barely 8 years old when the bombing of the 1972 Olympics took place. I had no idea what it meant, other then only bad people would do such a thing. Having some German in my background did not help, although I was not fully immersed in that guilt trip.
As I have been sympathetic towards the Israeli state, it took a bit of soul searching to get past the fact that the reaction to the October 7 attack went beyond what was called for.
Today, I heard an interview with Scott Ritter. Apparently, Donald Trump has used his influence with Bibi Netanyahu to force the ceasefire in Gaza, in exchange for some of the Israeli hostages. Let's hope that the leaders of these two groups leave their egos at the door, and the steps toward a permanent solution to this endless carnage can begin.
I'm still figuring this out, though I admit I'm skeptical about where you get your news (I really should ask, where do you get it from, and how do you trust it?). At least with Covid, I know the sources I trust, and I know which sources the sources I trust talk to, so I know I can trust that what I am hearing and seeing is the truth. I don't think it's you, or the message. I think it's this grand lack of trust that anything we see or hear 'out there' is the real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Getting caught up in the news when there's such broad media deception feels wrong to me personally after the psyop we just went through with COVID. I think there's still trauma there. I can't get myself to watch any of it and trust that what I am hearing and seeing is not trying to manipulate my mind or my emotions in any way, and not telling the whole story.
It's not that I don't care. It's tragic. But there's also the broader understanding that all wars are by greater design and more or less put there to distract and divide us while they work to pull the rug out from under our feet (Bill C-293). Just a few short years ago, Netanyahu was offering up his own people as first guinea pigs of the world for the genetic shots, despite knowing he would maim and kill thousands of them. Truth is, it seems he doesn't really care, whether it's the Palestinians or his own people. It's a sick game for these people - a means to an end, a game of chess, a smoke screen to hide a greater scheme. And in Canada, we have our own democide: nearly 40,000 excess deaths since the shots, and rising. It's a crime against humanity of enormous proportions, right here at home. Maybe getting caught up in the details of this middle east war feels --I don't know. (sorry)
Where do I get my news. It's a long, long list. And I will post it separately.But an early trip to Israel/The West Bank for CBC helped inform my views.
First of all, I did an investigative report for CBC The Fifth Estate which exposed how the IDF killed and expelled Palestinians from three of their own villages, and then took money from wealthy and trusting Jews in Canada to build a park -- called Canada Park to hide the war crime. As a result of that piece, which was totally fact-checked and true Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin admitted it to us he gave the order to destroy the towns and expell the villagers -- not long before he was assassinated over his commitment to the Oslo Peace Accords.
Soldiers who took part in the atrocity spoke to us and told the truth. This was in about 1990 that we broadcast this story call Park with No Peace. We learned about if from a Palestinian Canadian doctor who lives in Halifax whose own house there was bulldozed and whose family lived in a refugee camp in Jordan. We visited them there.
As a result of that report, I have experienced some unpleasant incidents including from high profile Canadian whom I will not name but who refused to grant me an interview I believe on the basis of that reporting -- which has never been refuted.
Because of in depth journalism I had done on the holocaust, I had developed a friendly relationship with Abe Foxman, the head of the ADL in New York. Whenever he was in town -- we went for a coffee or drink. PRE- CANADA PARK STORY. But after that broadcast I got a call from him saying he was in town to speak to a synagogue that was upset about a terrible Canadian reporter who done a false story on Canada Park, not realizing that this person was his friend, me whom he trusted. I thought for a moment he might be grateful I had exposed a scam being run on honourable Canadian Jews who bought those trees without knowing they were being used to hide a war crime. Not so. He gasped. Slammed down the phone and never spoke to me again.
Recently -- that story came back to haunt me again. A high profile person I needed to interview for a story met my request with huge hostility -- even though the interview was in his interest. It made no sense and I couldn't figure it out. I tried my hardest but got nowhere, even though he was speaking to others with less invested in the story, including legacy media. That's all I will say.
As I write this I realize it would be valuable to do a Substack in full, including the piece for Fifth Estate and a list of my current sources in Israel Gaza West Bank etc. And I will do so.
That would be very helpful. I have a mediocre opinion but listen intently to those, like yourself, with more experience and depth on the subject. Since covid, the main narrative can’t be trusted IMO. Even people on the ground have only their own perspectives. It takes a special intellect to run to the noise of the guns instead of away. I am more likely to listen to them. The deaths of women and children is what horrifies me the most.
Mark Carney is probably the last guy we would want as PM. A Climate hawk, marxist and globalist with no feeling for people. He is cold, wimpy and bookish (don’t mind bookish) but not emotionally robust enough to deal with Canadians. We are an angry lot presently. Many express a desire to leave and that is unusual. His treatment of some indie media types in Edmonton was a very poor start. This will spread like wild fire among the young. My 19 yro grandson sent me the video. Gen Z is watching.
Possibly true, but I don’t think there’s any possibility of any of them acting on US soil. Not their purpose, and nothing to be gained. But it’s very possible, even likely, that a false flag fakeout will be engineered to scare Americans into supporting massive war.
Mark Carney shutting out independent should surprise no one. He is just another Trudeau carbon copy -- carbon taxer, global elite like Trudeau with a much longer resume and likely smarter, which isn't a very high bar. Trudeau constantly barred independent media from new conferences. And in cases where he was unable to bar them if they got a chance to ask him a question, he would essentially refuse to answer it, and try to justify by claiming they weren't legitimate media -- meaning they weren't ones on his payroll. Carney is cut from the same cloth doesn't want any media asking question that aren't already pre-approved by his handlers.
Hey Trish .... If folks are upset at you for telling the truth, it's because they were never interested in the truth. The radical zionist folks that believe Israel can do no wrong will find themselves on the wrong side of history and should be deeply ashamed. This is why there will never be a Palestinian state. Israel won't allow it, ever, ever, ever ! Their ongoing genocide proves without any doubt that they have no intention of living peacefully with anyone in the region. It's war and slaughter with the USA backing every crime they commit.
You have to admit that the COVID-19 84 scam demic exposed the rot in western neoliberalism like nothing before in my long life time. Unfortunately it didn't and the horror of the Gaza atrocities hasn't either. I don't know what would cause the majority of western populations to see the rot, omnipresent in the system. It appears that once "they" have you indoctrinated, it's for life. Harari was never more right than when he exposed the flaw in Homo sapiens causing us to believe stories. Those who control the stories control the population. It's no different now than when the Pharoe or the Pope ran their parts of the world. We do the work, build the wealth and the parasitic dreck ruling classes get the money and we accept it as perfectly normal because we can't think outside the boxes we're in.The scary thing for the small minority of us able to think rationally is that the ruling classes seem to have lost their fear of Nuclear War.
Well said sir, well said.
I'll stay subscribed even if you end up hating on Tolkien.
Ha....just working that through now.....So excited.
hear hear! or even on iconic Mary Poppins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pNQSW9n6_g
(sorry, couldn't resist, doesn't 'slapstick makes the world go round'...?)
Compelling stories. Hero’s journey on steroids.
Thanks Trish, one of very few journalists who will actually report on the stranglehold of the Zionists and the state of Palestine.
The video is so disturbing.
Your comment is interesting - there are in fact hundreds of such journalists even in the US, thousands worldwide. Clearly they are being hidden.
I'm sorry, but I agree with you. I'm not a fan of atrocities/genocides and am amazed by the number of people who seem to be OK with an entire country of people having had it incrementally stolen from under their feet by force by those blatantly seeking to exterminate them.
Although I would, instead, refer to the physical removal of Sam Husseini to avoid answering questions as a telling symbol of the gross anti-democratic corruption personified by such as Biden that has been eating away at the founding principles of America for far too long.
May all of the world's countries somehow act on warnings and refuse to accept in government ANY of those who fail to respect human/civil rights, with all equal under law in an actual 'self-ruled, of/by/for the people' democracy.
You haven’t lost me.
Anyone unsubscribing from you due to the truthful statements you’ve made on Israel/Gaza, needs to have their head examined. Tantrums aside, let them live inside their delusional minds. Thank you for your honest reporting. That’s all anyone should ever ask of a fine journalist such as yourself. Here for the longterm, me!
This is a hugely important topic. Indie journalism only seems to work financially if the journalist creates an echo chamber. There's no market for balanced reporting with thoughtful discussion in the comments. We are condemned to partisan reporting whether it's by "legacy" or "Indie" outlets.
The Israel/Hamas thing is the penultimate wedge issue of our day.
I was barely 8 years old when the bombing of the 1972 Olympics took place. I had no idea what it meant, other then only bad people would do such a thing. Having some German in my background did not help, although I was not fully immersed in that guilt trip.
As I have been sympathetic towards the Israeli state, it took a bit of soul searching to get past the fact that the reaction to the October 7 attack went beyond what was called for.
Today, I heard an interview with Scott Ritter. Apparently, Donald Trump has used his influence with Bibi Netanyahu to force the ceasefire in Gaza, in exchange for some of the Israeli hostages. Let's hope that the leaders of these two groups leave their egos at the door, and the steps toward a permanent solution to this endless carnage can begin.
I'm still figuring this out, though I admit I'm skeptical about where you get your news (I really should ask, where do you get it from, and how do you trust it?). At least with Covid, I know the sources I trust, and I know which sources the sources I trust talk to, so I know I can trust that what I am hearing and seeing is the truth. I don't think it's you, or the message. I think it's this grand lack of trust that anything we see or hear 'out there' is the real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Getting caught up in the news when there's such broad media deception feels wrong to me personally after the psyop we just went through with COVID. I think there's still trauma there. I can't get myself to watch any of it and trust that what I am hearing and seeing is not trying to manipulate my mind or my emotions in any way, and not telling the whole story.
It's not that I don't care. It's tragic. But there's also the broader understanding that all wars are by greater design and more or less put there to distract and divide us while they work to pull the rug out from under our feet (Bill C-293). Just a few short years ago, Netanyahu was offering up his own people as first guinea pigs of the world for the genetic shots, despite knowing he would maim and kill thousands of them. Truth is, it seems he doesn't really care, whether it's the Palestinians or his own people. It's a sick game for these people - a means to an end, a game of chess, a smoke screen to hide a greater scheme. And in Canada, we have our own democide: nearly 40,000 excess deaths since the shots, and rising. It's a crime against humanity of enormous proportions, right here at home. Maybe getting caught up in the details of this middle east war feels --I don't know. (sorry)
Where do I get my news. It's a long, long list. And I will post it separately.But an early trip to Israel/The West Bank for CBC helped inform my views.
First of all, I did an investigative report for CBC The Fifth Estate which exposed how the IDF killed and expelled Palestinians from three of their own villages, and then took money from wealthy and trusting Jews in Canada to build a park -- called Canada Park to hide the war crime. As a result of that piece, which was totally fact-checked and true Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin admitted it to us he gave the order to destroy the towns and expell the villagers -- not long before he was assassinated over his commitment to the Oslo Peace Accords.
Soldiers who took part in the atrocity spoke to us and told the truth. This was in about 1990 that we broadcast this story call Park with No Peace. We learned about if from a Palestinian Canadian doctor who lives in Halifax whose own house there was bulldozed and whose family lived in a refugee camp in Jordan. We visited them there.
As a result of that report, I have experienced some unpleasant incidents including from high profile Canadian whom I will not name but who refused to grant me an interview I believe on the basis of that reporting -- which has never been refuted.
Because of in depth journalism I had done on the holocaust, I had developed a friendly relationship with Abe Foxman, the head of the ADL in New York. Whenever he was in town -- we went for a coffee or drink. PRE- CANADA PARK STORY. But after that broadcast I got a call from him saying he was in town to speak to a synagogue that was upset about a terrible Canadian reporter who done a false story on Canada Park, not realizing that this person was his friend, me whom he trusted. I thought for a moment he might be grateful I had exposed a scam being run on honourable Canadian Jews who bought those trees without knowing they were being used to hide a war crime. Not so. He gasped. Slammed down the phone and never spoke to me again.
Recently -- that story came back to haunt me again. A high profile person I needed to interview for a story met my request with huge hostility -- even though the interview was in his interest. It made no sense and I couldn't figure it out. I tried my hardest but got nowhere, even though he was speaking to others with less invested in the story, including legacy media. That's all I will say.
As I write this I realize it would be valuable to do a Substack in full, including the piece for Fifth Estate and a list of my current sources in Israel Gaza West Bank etc. And I will do so.
That would be very helpful. I have a mediocre opinion but listen intently to those, like yourself, with more experience and depth on the subject. Since covid, the main narrative can’t be trusted IMO. Even people on the ground have only their own perspectives. It takes a special intellect to run to the noise of the guns instead of away. I am more likely to listen to them. The deaths of women and children is what horrifies me the most.
You’re a hero.
I occasionally unsubscribe from people. Not you.
Mark Carney is probably the last guy we would want as PM. A Climate hawk, marxist and globalist with no feeling for people. He is cold, wimpy and bookish (don’t mind bookish) but not emotionally robust enough to deal with Canadians. We are an angry lot presently. Many express a desire to leave and that is unusual. His treatment of some indie media types in Edmonton was a very poor start. This will spread like wild fire among the young. My 19 yro grandson sent me the video. Gen Z is watching.
Trump will push for whatever will benefit Trump and nothing else.
Then it makes sense that we'll avoid war with Iran, because we'd lose badly.
Israel would last about 10 minutes against Iran without US support. So I'm thinking we're all washed up.
If Israel directly strikes Iran, Iran will hit the US base in Oman with unstoppable ballistic missiles which land at hypersonic velocity.
Plus both the Shia Jihadists and some form of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood will be bringing something big here, to US soil.
It's completely insane, having US foreign policy dictated by Netanyahu and Zelensky. Absolutely just mind boggling crazy.
Possibly true, but I don’t think there’s any possibility of any of them acting on US soil. Not their purpose, and nothing to be gained. But it’s very possible, even likely, that a false flag fakeout will be engineered to scare Americans into supporting massive war.
Mark Carney shutting out independent should surprise no one. He is just another Trudeau carbon copy -- carbon taxer, global elite like Trudeau with a much longer resume and likely smarter, which isn't a very high bar. Trudeau constantly barred independent media from new conferences. And in cases where he was unable to bar them if they got a chance to ask him a question, he would essentially refuse to answer it, and try to justify by claiming they weren't legitimate media -- meaning they weren't ones on his payroll. Carney is cut from the same cloth doesn't want any media asking question that aren't already pre-approved by his handlers.
Mark Carney isn't out of touch although he comes across that way. This is his globalist agenda and censorship is essential for its success.
Interesting podcast today. Thank you.
Thanks Trish. Love the honest research. Thought provoking. Keep up the great work. Always a fan of your stories.