Critical thinking also here, if one can deal with it . . . https://les7eb.substack.com

Expressed further under the Decline of The West, vectored via that failed, longest of the long LongShots, this engineered US-NATO-UK Ukrainian Proxy War over the lives of the poor Ukrainian people to weaken Russia, tip out its government and possess its considerable resources.

Judgment shall be by outcomes. Thus far, it is the EU and NATO that will disintegrate. Paradoxically, the present winners are simultaneously the United States and Russia. Those in the way of superpower aspirations invariably are ground up in the geo-political machinery.

Discussed here in lengthy, abstruse and eclectic prose across several essays that will leave the reader visibly aged, yet possibly far wiser although admittedly that is entirely speculative.

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Hi Trish...I'm not sure how many will see or read this...everything seems so wrong, and what can I do...Legacy Media...they are all tied to the narrative of the day, everything else is mis & disinformation... Matt...how dare he be a true journalist...of course he's going to be vilified. What I'd like to provide you and your followers with is some hope with a link to SG Anon, who is very connected to the Military Alliance who have been working in the background for the past 2 years Internationally, who know everything that is going on with the World Elite, our governments, child trafficking, money laundering and on and on. He is only available on Rumble and Truth Social. You want to check him out as a potential guest. He only appears as a guest on Alternative Media. (he does not expose his face...he is audio only). I have viewed 3 + hour videos with him and Derek Johnson...between the two of them, the details of what they know...this is a solo video "Vital Intel".


Like yourself, I am a huge believer in Daniel Bulford. Thank You for your interview with him. I first knew of Danny when I viewed his video that he did with his family in his hometown setting advising he was quitting the RCMP, the emotions that specific parts of his message set off, how he humbly held them back, the integrity, the honesty, the humility, I knew he was as genuine as they come, and I said out loud "We need him to be the the RCMP Commissioner who is not appointed by the Prime Minister, but by Governor General, who should be Jodi Wilson-Raybould...another honourable, honest, humble, person with integrity compatible with Mr Bulford...Lucki and current GG both need to go. I know Daniel and Jodi are no brainer for head positions in top positions. Give Daniel the authority to shake up and clean up the RCMP and we'd have a national police force to reckon with...Spread the word. Mounties for Freedom and Police on Guard would fully support that...Now...Trish you covered the Fauci, the AZT days of HIV/AIDS...Robert Kennedy Jr., who is legal counsel to CHD TV did a extensive investigation & research into Fauci, and wrote a book on it. Not one brick and mortar Bookstore and or online seller including Amazon would carry the book. Having said that over 1 million copies have been sold...available through CHD.org Children's Health Defense. Someone else that might be of interest to you as a guest is Judy Mikovits, who Fauci virtually destroyed as she and another scientist are the ones who, is it neutralized(?) the HIV virus, when Fauci found out he wanted to publish and take credit for the paper, and Judy would not give it to him, and he ruined her career.


This a link to an appearance she made on CHDTV Good Morning CHD. She discusses Fauci in this video, she is so honest, and humble, and has been involved with so many diseases and knows how to make stop this madness as they've known the cures for ages...she'd love to teach on diseases and cures...I think she should be Canada's Head Doctor to replace Tam...$352,000/yr and some 3rd party tells her whether to approve these vaccines, she's not even accountable...If you and Judy did a podcast...it would be two professionals from different prospectives reinforcing who Fauci really is today. Thank you for your consideration. Cheers

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I was not aware of you, Trish, until the Covid debacle and the media’s infantile coverage. No digging, overt propaganda. When I discovered your brilliance in asking the right questions and conducting the old school journalism, I subscribed to your podcast and Substack. I wish you were in America and getting at the core of the evil. You are doing God’s work, whether you realize it or not.

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A little saying that I hang onto when feeling totally despondent (sorry, don't know who to credit it to):

"Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place"

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Trish Wood

Full debate...... https://gettr.com/post/p20l29uf68d

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Trish Wood

Bravo to Matt Taibbi. The wokerati's "I know better, therefore everything I do is for good" mentality is what is ruining this country and much of the Western world. They're basically justifying cheating on all levels to serve themselves - an epic cope session since 2016 to deal with the fact that one Donald J Trump became president.

The good news is that reality is breaking through on many fronts, and people are seeing that what Twitter/Western governments/legacy media have been screaming about for 6+ years is proving not only to be largely false but self-serving for the folks doing the screaming.

Western nations are falling apart under these folks' "leadership," and there is no one leader - can be no leaders - willing to course-correct while unelected globalists/shadow governments/intelligence agencies/armies call the shots. We're at a place now where these people can mandate medical treatments, deny national sovereignty, corrupt justice systems/governments/regulatory agencies, lie with impunity and trample on our human rights and human dignity.

Will reality prove a large enough driving force in our societies to put these Bond villains out of the "democracy" business? I pray so.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022Liked by Trish Wood

The Great Reset is over. It's all been reset. The corporations won; we, the peasants lost. The Yin/yang of existence. Reagan broke up AT&T. With our data flowing freely from big tech to guv servants, it's highly unlikely that there will be a concerted effort to break up the tech giants.

Diesel is 95 cents more than regular gas here/L in NS. Diesel costs less to refine as it's a cruder fuel. There's no good reason for this. Ooops, I forgot greed. No guv will stop the oil companies.

Analysis is great and much needed; however, our best tactic at this stage, Trish, is to entertain [yikes hahaha] a conversation, a dialogue, not through these infernal machines, but face too face, where we live - - - in person, about what kind of world we wish to see. If we do not speak to the central issue of the accumulation of private property and personal profit...well the 6th mass extinction marches onward. Gaia IS the final arbiter.

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I’m guessing Beschloss throws like a little girl and watches hgtv instead of hockey. Change my mind.

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Thank you!

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Trish Wood

Well said.

Is it possible to ‘Drain the swamp’?

Or will the vile swamp inundate and eventually engulf all?

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