I was just remembering when Biden was threatening people who did not vax. Haha..jokes on...us...

“And by the way,” Biden admonished. “Show some respect!”

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When the vaccine mandates were first being talked about by politicians I went to a (clandestine) meeting to discuss what we might be able to do to keep ourselves out of harm’s way.

75% of the people there were immigrants from former Soviet countries. They were SHOCKED this was possible in CANADA. They lamented the sacrifices they’d made to get to Canada, only to see the same totalitarianism rearing it’s ugly head here.

[Irony: Putin did not put in vaccine mandates]

[One of the families at that meeting returned to the country they’d come from]

I work in healthcare. Fortunately for me, I work in Saskatchewan where we were able to pay $430/month to not take the vaccine versus other provinces that fired staff. I could afford it, but I had colleagues with families who could not (2 parents from one household...$900/month). The justification of us paying was to pay for the testing we had to do 3 times per week...it was the same testing vaccinated staff were offered for free.

I was shocked our unions were doing nothing.

The testing (and cost) was stopped at the end of the truckers convoy. Moe was the first to announce he’d be lifting mandates; I assume because he SAW the public support for the convoy (but the bugger did put them in place to begin with...after saying publicly he would not). Of note, in October of that year all healthcare staff were refunded what we paid. Our unions FINALLY stood up for us. A little late but...🤷‍♀️

So, YES, the Truckers’ Convoy was SUCH a relief to see happen. Our little tiny enclave of resistors discovered we were not alone! And, I’ll never be able to think of it without getting a bit teary.

I wish I’d found your podcast earlier.

But Bret and Joe and the Triggernometry fellas helped to keep us sane!

People keep talking about ‘when they first realized’.... For me, it was at the end of the first ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’. When i heard they were keeping us locked down, I shouted out loud, in my house, with no one to hear, “SOMEBODY’s got a vaccine to sell!!😤”

I was a DIEHARD CBC listener for decades. But I cannot even listen to them now.

I miss ‘the sound’ though ...I know you know what I mean!

Thank you for giving us the essence of what the CBC once was and still should be !

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Thanks for your kind words. What I do here is not unlike what I did at CBC for decades. They changed. I didn't. :)

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I'm not really sure why that guy moved to Germany I would have just moved to Baja California Sur. Something like La Paz or Los Borrillas (sp)

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Wow. Beautifully written. He is one of the greats.

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CJ, along with our lady in the Big Smoke, Trish Wood are two of the good ones. A few days ago, when Tucker Carlson interviewed a great liberal American, Bret Weinstein, who was also one of the first to stand up to this propaganda, Bret stated that the West has already collapsed. Why you may ask? He stated that we have become an amoral society not understanding nor commenting on how we no longer see nor feel the difference between right and wrong. Clare Daly, the fiery Irish EU member can be seen many times on YT with her moniker for yet 'nother suit cut in the mould of Herbert walker Bush, yeah, that joe: Butcher Biden. andsoitgoes...

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Wonderfully said, CJ is well thought, well written and an amazing human being.

Thank you for your mission of bringing critical thought to the population!

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CJ Hopkins excellent "hallmarks of totalitarian systems" is a highly uncomfortable chronology of the decline in our basic freedoms. They occurred with hardly a whimper. I think back to my grade 8 history/civics teacher who emphasized that it was our right and, in fact, obligation to be critical and demanding of our government. Before most us even knew there was a war on, we lost the battle in the classroom. A generation that is historically illiterate and completely ignorant as to the essence of democracy, is an easy target for autocratic governments. Unless and until the population fully appreciates that our inalienable human rights are not granted by the whim of government, we will desperately need the likes of CJ Hopkins to continually remind us.

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Wow. I didn't know about this. Great article. Great speech.

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Wow! An opportunity to ask a question!

I was one who was threatened with unemployment by a Canadian employer for failure to divulge my jab status. I delayed as much as possible and looked for another job but could not secure one in time. So I took one jab and then quit when I got the other job. My situation is that I am the only bread winner in my family and am the caretaker to my wife. I don't make a lot of money so I felt that putting her at risk for my principles was unwise. But I also realize that this is not over and that I will be put in this sort of predicament again. What steps do you suggest I take to prepare?

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I tried to answer your question on-air with @Trish Wood yesterday. Millions of people were put into the same position you were, people with families, kids to support, etc. I might have gotten injected myself, if I had children to support and no other means of income. It sounds like you’ve already done what you could, i.e., dumping the job that forced you into that position. All we can do now is speak out and work, together, with whatever tools we each have, to prevent it from happening again. That, and become as independent from The Machine as possible.

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Thank you CJ, I will go listen to the show. You rest well now!

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Organize a convoy.

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Looking forward to your chat with CJ, he’s my kind of freedom fighter.

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Wow. I didn't realize that all of the Phony Tony-the little Devil in short pants propaganda was that bad all over the world.

What has happened to CJ Hopkins is akin to the what happened to the J6ers.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Constitution is not a spare roll of Charmin to wipe your ass with.

I knew the officials in the United States, especially in blue states, were out of their minds, but I never knew Germany was that bad.

I lost my job at Walmart because I refused to wear the little commie fear mask telling them the covid panic was a hoax. That's how Walmart takes care of their own.

I hope CJ Hopkins prevails in Germany. After all East Germany doesn't exist anymore.

Just be glad you didn't do a meme on Hillary or you'd be in jail.

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there are days where i stand on the edge of the precipice having to convince myself to step back it is to easy at my age to just say I have had enough holding the gun in my hand and them choosing to dispose of that racoon that got in and destroyed a bunch of stuff instead of my self. I know i am not alone in that situation for many the stress gets to the point where indeed we have had enough. Sure we can get out there and try as we will to inform but more often then not it just falls on the ears of those unwilling to or unable to understand and accept the truth.

The Truth is a weapon of the critical thinker but ineffective against the blind faith of the those already indoctrinated to the lies controlled by the Globalist Elites that are so boring in the wealth after have the loss of Epstein island they aim to control the masses to make it easier to once prey upon the innocence of the young among other things. In todays world no child is safe. Be they middle class or poor that matters not the Elite.

I thank God that we were unable to have family no children or grand kids to worry about on what kind of future do have ahead of them. A good neighbor recently made that decision to end his life to which his life insurance paid out for such a tidy sum of $350,000 so that his kids may last a bit longer in the struggle to keep their business and home. I salute him on that. It took allot of courage to make that decision but to stand by helpless and watch your children suffer such in trying to save what they have worked so hard to create would be a toll not so easy to endure. I know many would say that is not the answer I challenge that thought completely since my own life insurance is set up the same way.

The female mind is incapable of understanding this but for the male mind if is no more then a business decision to answer the question how do i protect my family the best way possible.

For us everything we have was paid for a long time ago how ever the fight against cancer that my father took cost me $400,000 a promise i made to my grandmother before she passed. My promise is complete and wavering. Though now in my late 60's still trying to work I sacrificed my own retirement so that my father would enjoy his grand children and great grand children on my brothers side.

Hence why then should my loyal wife of 45 years suffer due to my promise? Answer she should not.

Thus the challenge to keep going to to keep looking for work and try to keep life sustainable. I have to assess with the $350.000 from the life insurance and the sale of the farm she could live a good life into the later years of her life. The trade off seems acceptable to me.

In the early 90's a Hillbilly friend living back in the bush of Northern Albert with out power or running water told me we would see the collapse of society in our life time. How did he know that back in the mid 90's? I should have listened to him then I should have heeded to the warning and prepared better for the future i was heading into. but tell me HOW did a man living back in the bush know this would come to be.

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Please, please think about all the good things still available to us even though things seem dire. And things are looking up. The truckers got a good legal finding. CJ is free and it looks like the Liberals might be on the way out. There is time to turn things around. Please contact me on my email if you are feeling really down ......you might need to seek some kindness and help. info@trishwoodpodcast.com. I will respond if you reach out. .....Trish.

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Jan 25, 2024
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Robbin people like you feel the necessity to tell others how to live similar to how the Liberal Gov't of Canada is trying to tell people how to live. You will own nothing and be happy and they are doing quite well at that.

You miss the point completely and most do who do not have a connection to God. Life is not about self enrichment it is in the enrichment of others. To think any other way is selfish at best.

So in saying living day to day just go down to the many homeless and ask how they live day to day and ask yourself is that the life you would yourself live. I have never been a selfish person nor have I ever suffered from Jealously, Greed or Envy.

You also assume as so many do what some one else may be feeling or understanding. Do you think that after 45 years together my wife does not whom i am and or what my core beliefs are and that anything I do is to ensure she lives a good life. She knows full well that anything I do is for the enrichment of her life.

To assume my wife would be heart broken is another failing you know nothing of her. She would not be heart broken in the least she would however be proud and would voice such knowing that at no time did I ever back away from my own personal convictions and beliefs and that surrendering my earthly life to join God to give her an easier life in the last years of her life, is most unselfish thing I could do for her.

Most of what I learned is from my Grand Father who fought in the first world war my father not so much so who fought in second world war. My Grandfather shared a very important story with me. In a heated battle my grandfathers closest friend who was not married sacrificed his life so that my Grandfather could escape capture and return home to his family. My grand father told me that it takes a very strong man to be able to make the sacrifices necessary to protect the ones they love and you don't have to be behind the front line in battle to do that.

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I'm glad we are in touch. Please let me know if we can help in any way.

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Jan 26, 2024
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Yes, Feisty.

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Hia description of the features of a totalitarian system is brilliant and can be broadly applied to the western world, not just since covid but prior to it as well. The Snowden revelations are but one such example. How far back does CJ think The New Normal goes? Does he see parallels with the establishment of The New Normal and Yuri Besmenov's description of subversion?

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He was acquitted of thought crimes. Justice is done.

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I'm looking forward to CJ as your guest this Friday. He's one of my favorites and why I started supporting your Substack, his Substack and bought his book with the beautiful art work on the cover! His was a brilliant and inspiring speech and I'm happy he was acquitted. Do I dare to hope?!

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I know this is not maybe on topic with your latest piece but I just listened to an interview hosted by Matt Galloway of CBC radio about the recent decision by Judge Mosley rebuking the government about the emergencies act.


Not surprisingly it was nauseating listening to the framing of this interview. The law professor being interviewed essentially implied that the government should be looking at changing the wording in the emergencies act to include economic disruptions, etc There was no mention whatsoever of the fact that the Coutts blockade and the Windsor blockade were already long resolved before the emergency act was invoked. Meanwhile the Covid mandates had shut down businesses for months causing massive economic damage yet somehow a few businesses in Ottawa who voluntarily shut down is a national economic disruption. The host brought up the arms cache in Coutts to show how dangerous this all was and they talked about psychological harm and the usual nonsense. So the reality of the Coutts story and the diagolon bs is completely lost on these supposed journalists.

Then Rosemary Barton came on and it was so obvious she was trying to downplay this and inferred that the Liberals were meeting in Montreal trying so hard to focus on important issues for Canadians like housing etc ad this ruling was a nuisance that reawakened an issue that everyone thought was dead. Both Matt and Rosemary laughed about this being like a zombie rising from the dead as if it was clear that everyone knows that the convoy was deemed bad and that we should all move on. Then they accused Poilievre of using this to fuel his narrative. They don’t even try to be unbiased about which political party they support. It was such condescending arrogant and out of touch elitist talk. It was just another example of how out of touch theses journalists are with real Canadians who actually in large numbers were rejoicing about this decision and who are quite sympathetic to the convoy.

Meanwhile this other guy on cbc Jason Markusoff literally spends his journalistic career smearing Danielle Smith. Literally every article this guy does is to try and make her look bad and of course you are not allowed to leave comments on his articles. I never see similar articles like this about Justin Trudeau no matter what scandal he is involved in. His latest smearing is for her meeting with that evil Tucker Carlson and discussing crazy theories about those very dangerous Coutts 4 men. If this guy was a real journalist he might take an hour or so to actually look into whats going on with the Coutts 4 and realize that there is obviously something rotten with the handling of their case.


Anyway I am sure you all know and are not surprised by this but it really gets my goat as to how biased and unethical the reporting is from the CBC. Unfortunately too many Canadians buy into this left wing wokist state propoganda. It would be interestijg for someone like you, Trish or Rodney Palmer or any other awake journalist to highlight a few of these bs pieces and pick them apart on a weekly basis and try to get as many Canadians as possible to see the lies they are being fed.

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Thanks for sharing this report so that I don’t have to listen and read this absolute trash. I used to love the cbc. Honestly, the issue of our time is freedom of press. I’m extremely afraid for our future because the media is so compromised esp in Canada. Most people, it seems to me, are oblivious to what is happening because they simply don’t hear about it. Can’t wait for the CJ interview. Thanks goodness for Trish Wood!!!

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Shocking terrible stupid reporting from CBC. I can't believe I ever worked there.

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Well it wasn't the same CBC when you worked there. The latest hit piece on Danielle Smith by Jason Markusoff is the number one read piece on CBC news now so its reaching a lot of people of whom most likely approve of his smear job.

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