I still think this is the greatest troll of all time. And even if he truly thinks he's trans, he has completely outed the ridiculousness of schools, society, and the trans movement.

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I just don’t understand how they can completely disrespect students like this. Both the male and female students are transitioning through puberty and young adulthood, a period where there can be many questions and sometimes discomfort.... how are they going to find their way in a healthy manner?

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I'm glad some students went on the news to tell how they were offended by this display. The fact that the school board is defending this is absurd. Parents are the new revolutionaries.

The other aspect that makes this difficult is the gay and lesbian community that needs support are being overlooked and overshadowed by all of this. I agree the teacher us just daring for someone to take a move. That offends our democracy, if you ask me.

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If anthropologist, J.D. Unwin is correct in his study "Sex & Culture" about the relationship between sexual attitudes and the flourishing or death of a culture, the west is about 40 years from cultural collapse if we remain on this present trajectory. According to Unwin, once a culture abandons pre-marital chastity and lifetime marital monogamy, it takes about 3 generations (100 years) for the society to become culturally inert.

If anyone wishes to read the whole study, there's a pdf version for free online. https://archive.org/details/b20442580/page/n7/mode/2up

Also, an excellent summation of the study. https://www.kirkdurston.com/blog/unwin

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That blue square with the white squiggle in the back of the teachers class in one of the photos is a secret pedophile sex symbol

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That blue square with the white squiggle in the background of the teacher shop is a secret pedophile sex symbol

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Any sagacious person would bet that his garb is fetishistic. The question to put to the school is, does unfeasibly large prosthetic breasts with grotesquely exaggerated nipples count as gender expression?

Would a female teacher sporting a 4-foot rubber dong bulge in her pants also count as gender expression?

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It’s demoralizing & disgusting.

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Highly disturbing Trish. Thank you for writing this piece. Our society is spiraling down this rabbit hole of lunacy. Keep the front line stories coming from the Nation’s classrooms. We’ve got problems in small town Manitoba too. We need to fight back for our kid’s future!

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"...So in a school, a place that should be encouraging critical thinking, kids are being taught to not see the truth — to lie to themselves, their friends, and the school about what is right in front of their faces. This is abuse..." ---> Thank you, for putting this in plain language.

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Fight. If we don't fight it and call it out, this will become normalised. It is uncomfortable to confront these people but we must. There is a silent majority - if you don't fight it, you will become the silent minority. Thank you Trish, I am so very grateful for all that you do to push back against the decimation of our once great culture.

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This man is an obscenity. He is either mentally ill or he’s trying to get fired/disciplined so he can bring the school/board to the human rights tribunal... or likely both. The drag thing has never interested me and I don’t find it particularly entertaining but if people want to see it go right ahead. It belongs behind closed doors and for adults only. But this?? KIDS ffs should not be abused and forced to engage with this.

I find as a woman, also of a certain age, that this costuming is insulting to and makes mockery of all women. And it should be called out for the garbage that it is by everyone. Trish you are so right that the authorities are so spineless they continue to sacrifice our children to prevent “offending” the perverts. The next thing that will be on the agenda is lowering the age of consent to go along with the normalization of pedophiles and reframing them as

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It is offensive to all women. A cartoon. I'm not playing along anymore.

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This should be offensive to EVERYONE! If he was dressing up like a prostitute on steroids on his own time, parading around like that in gay bars….fine. But parading around like that in his clown outfit (which I can’t even call dressing as a ‘woman’) in a high school is beyond unacceptable. What the he‼️ will they allow next?!

I remember maybe 10 years or so ago, when wearing pyjamas pants was all the rage, and schools disallowed them because they wanted kids to show self respect. We have sunk a looooong way down since then.

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Reframing them as MAP (minor attracted persons)

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Hhhmm how to get these kids to respect their teachers???!!!

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It's a shame the saw didn't get stuck on those massive bags that man is wearing.

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Society swerving and over correcting. From hyper competitiveness/assertiveness, facts over feelings and risk taking to hyper empathy/acceptance and feelings over facts & safety . We've empowered new tyrants (and perverts)

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Speechless...I am.

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