Tony Fauci can drop the fake tears. When people understand that Fauci with eco health alliance and a Nathan Wolfe who was an associate of Ghislaine Maxwell a convicted pedoohile and sex slave ring owner were involved with gain of research attached to the covid vaccines and covid virus and paid by the CiA and Pentagon they should want answers.

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Hello Trish, your quote re: "Spare me the tears" was selected for the front page of issue 12 of Canadian Shareable News https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/csn-week-12-vol-1-issue-12. Keep up the great work!

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The honour is ours... you have such a long track record of responsible journalism. We are just getting started. FYI here is the list we refer to of Can journalism ethics codes. https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/are-our-canadian-media-living-up. Do you know of any others to add here?

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Maybe do a write up on connection of Fauci and Ghislaine Maxwell through a Nathan Wolfe and Ecohealth Alliance . Ghislaine Maxwell the comvicted pedophile with underage girls in sex slave rings. Jeffrey Epstein connected to the CIA. Its fascinating.

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Lighting a candle tonight for Kai

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Even more bizzare is the first director general of the WHO Canadian psychiatrist Brock Chisholm. He believed the need to eradicate right and wrong. Psychiatrists early on were the ones to destroy family values and personal responsibility. Free people from family coercion. The woke ideology in schools is coming from this same mindset that education is not to learn what you dont know but to behave in a way your not behaving. This WHO director general even stated they needed to infiltrate the law.

One world government Chisholm stated can only happen after you remove from the minds of men individualism loyalty to family traditions religious dogma and national patriotism.

Have you seen all this happening. Of course we have and became more noticeable during covid.

This is a far cry from the American President Roosevelt who focused on families. On human rights of citizens and stated the government should be concerned about the poor not the company making profits. The job is very important to the nations stability and the President should be questioned and put under public scrutiny to make sure he performs his job properly Appears firing the unvaccinated from their jobs is a far cry from what the President of the USA stated as necessary for a stable economy. Roosevelt talked of special interests undermining America and those connected to slavery of the past and these special interests threaten the families and the american people. They are essentially the criminals who hurt mankind.

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Thats an amazing find.

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Is it true Fauci was friends with the Jeshuit priest who founded the Nyumbani Aids Orphanage connected to a child experimentation in NY. They call it guinea pig kids. He was such good friends this priest presided over Faucis wedding. Was Fauci connected to this child experimentation for aids research? Fact checkers tries to say he wasnt. They try to pretend it was called clinical trials. Do you believe them?

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Trish can you try and interview Bill Majcher arrested in August and charged with treason by aiding China. Judy Trinh the journalist who painted the trucker protest as racist and other language which was a fraud because everyone saw the truth interviewed Bill.

Domenic LeBlanc ethics breaching Public Minister of Safety refuses to name names of MPs committing treason with foreign entities but they had no problem arresting Bill Majcher. Seems odd eh. The warrant came from a Quebec judge,

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Bill Majcher arrested Simon Rosenfeld a crooked lawyer money laundering for drug cartels. Majcher made an affidavit in the SCC for the Jack English famiky who had their resort stolen in Tofino BC and crooked lawyer involved. He spoke of crooked lawyers and judges in the affidavit. No doubt thats why he was arrested. A good guy to set up and take heat from the real criminals now covered up by crooks in Parliament.

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Read Celia Farber's Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS (foreword by Mark Crispin Miller) which underscores what Trish has reported about her interview in person with Dr. Anthony Fauci back in the height of the AIDS crisis. With people like Fauci, Tam in Canada, and others, we've been in the hands of wolves.

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Nathan Wolfe wrote a book The Viral Storm..The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age. The man made pandemics with the vaccines being the actual killers.

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Have you researched the connection of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein to Eco Health and gain of function research. It is a Nathan Wolfe who was an associate of Ghislsane Maxwell so people should be demanding answers how pedoohile connected people are given massive amounts of money from the CIA and Pentagon for foreign biolabs doing gain of function on these pandemic viruses and their savior vaccines that are killing and harming.

Then on the Coutts 4 debacle how the RCMP refused to use body wiretaps and other methods to record. I think anyone even Forest Gump would know the reason. They set these guys up and the vaccines are central to the set up and conspiracy against the coutts 4 and the wrong people are in the court. The rcmp should face trial and the filth connected tontge vaccines.

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Anthony Fauci was friends with the Jeshuit Priest who founded Nyumbani Aids Orphanage in Kenya. Such good friends with Father Angelo Dagostino who officiated at Faucis wedding.

Seems this orphanage connects to a guinea pig kids experimentation in NY scandal and Bill Gates and his small pox threat seems linked here with British Airways scandal.

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Wolves. Great depiction. Its a nagional security act violation by our government. Traitors to humanity. Theresa scam Tam needs jail . She could be a chinese operative. CSIS would know. Tell them to stop surveilling citizens and do the real man jobs. Protecting woman and children.

The next real psycho stuff is microchips. We have a national security violation by traitors putting microchips in citizens especially whistleblowers. Those who cover it up in Canada are traitors. We have scamdemic H5N2 to start revving up.

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The wolves are in plain sight. Anyone hear of Brain Canada Foundation connected to The Womans Brain Health iniative with a Stacey Bronfman and Ghislaine Maxwell connection. The rot runs deep on experimentation and sex rings and elites and .is this Stacey Bronfman connected to the NXIVM sex cult that Clara Bronfman was charged for? Harbourjng illegal immigrants for financial gain and sentenced to 6 yrs 9 months in jail.

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Samantha Boardman wife of billionaire Aby Rosen is connected to the Womans Brain Health Iniative and she is in Epsteins Little black book. Ghislaine Maxwell stated they videotaped everyone on the Lolita Express and at the island and all the homes.

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Italy was using HCQ successfully in March 2020 so our governments lied. They knew. They threatened Ontario doctors license removal if they used HCQ. All political. Used to attack Donald Trump. They use lying fact checkers who need to face the music.

They killed people from the health protocols . It was not the virus. In Nov 2021 they knew of myocarditis especially in 15 to 30 and Pfizer had it written in documents yet Canada and provinces had mandates for 12 to 17 year olds and everyone older including our up to 30 included in the document warnings. Brook Jaclson has the evidence. Its online. 2 billion lawsuit ongoing..

They injured and killed our children 12 to 17 with these vaccine passports and mandates. They are criminally negligent. A wanton disregard for our safety and health. Myocarditis has stated 56% to 86% survival rate from 3 to 5 years They called it mild. Is a survival rate after getting myocarditis is as low as 56% for 3 to 5 years acceptable and not worth mentioning to parents or citizens? Shout out to scumbag silent lawyers and doctors.

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Yes HCQ they knew worked. Fraud study used to discredit HCQ.. The study had ties to a doctor linked to Gilead. The fraud forced to be retracted by The Lancet. WHO refused to retract.

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Stay tuned for the new scamdemic. H5N2 . New PCR Test. The first case of death trumpeted as a man from Mexico.

Wait..,breaking news.,.mexico says its not avian flu that killed the man.

Avian flu doesnt even make the birds particularly sick. Its rare in humans. They have made it in a lab. Use fear and then a new MRnA vaccine which is the real harmer. Learn from 2009 2010 from the same scam they tried to pull then with Neil Ferguson and massive deaths. People ignored them. Poof its gone in a year across the world as a scary pandemic. Learn from watching scammers in action. Save all write ups on avian flu.

The same clowns crooked politicians and doctors.

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H1N1 was said to come from Mexico in 2009. Same playbook but this time Mexico isnt playing..

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National Security Act was violated by the same people who cover up Chimese espionage in our government. The citizens are the ones to be protected and they need protection from the violators of the Canadian Charter of Rights anx Freedoms. The goverment violates the National Security Act with their ethics breaching lying Ministers and MPs.and those who cover them up like our lying RCMP charter violating misfits.

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In the middle of a drug reaction to a new inhaler for my lung disease, I drove myself to an ER at 2:00 in the morning during BS-19. According to them it was “THE VIRUS”!!!! Couldn’t possibly be anything else. After refusing to wear a mask and them refusing to see me I walked back to my vehicle asking them to check on me periodically. Next thing I knew, police were surrounding my vehicle ordering me out. I survived, but I also forgive no one involved in the BS-19 scam. Never will.

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Sad to hear your story. The scam outed and doctors and nurses go from hero to zero rather quickly. There were docs and nurses blowing the whistle.

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I still feel as if I can't move on from this, until people pay for what they did.

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Good work Trish!

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I remember the painful story of Kai Matthews all too well. A tragedy that never should have happened, because of the public health obsession with COVID and only COVID, and blind obedience to the ridiculous rules set out by Fauci and our own public health officials like Dr. Theresa Tam and Deena Henshaw, etc, etc. Another story that reminds us of how this blind obedience to public health nonsense is the story of 43 year old Stephanie Warriner who suffered from COPD and died at the Toronto General Hospital after she was mandhandled by hospital security guards because she had taken her mask off to catch her breath as she was making her way to the hospital cafeteria. None of the guards have ever been charged or prosecuted for their treatment of her, despite clear videotape evidence of the incident. I wrote about what happened to her on my substack and included the video, which is quite disturbing. Like Kei Matthews, this mother of five should still be alive had it not been for blind stupidity and absurdity.


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The murder of Stephanie at Toronto General Hospital is an attrocity. The Judge has violated the National Security Act that requires them to protect all of us and our Charter of Rights from murder and bodily harm

Our crooked ethics breaking Mimisters and MPs are traitors to humanity. They need firing and jail for many. Especially the ones aiding and abetting foreign governments.

Justin Trudeau is no doubt on the list of traitors with Chinese foreign interference. Cash for access with Chinese mobsters. Donars from organized crime figures. He should be at the top of the list to be named.

Anyone affiliated with the WEF should be as well.

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That hearing was blatantly scripted and rehearsed. There was one moment where he was caught out near the end but he corrected course very quickly. It was during Counsel's final questioning after 2:54:22 when Fauci's body language started to get very interesting and he got caught out lying about when he was actually aware of the Eco Health grant.... The hearing could also be characterized as an attempt to damage RFK Jr's campaign for presidency with all the democrat adulation. The whole exercise was terrifying because of the power it has to deliver clippable clips in support of Fauci. I thought the Republicans did a good job of trying to catch him out, and characterizing the issue of a system designed to avoid accountability. It will take a fleet of busses to accomodate all the people for whose actions he was responsible but were thrown under anyway. It redefines the concept of teflon. Never mind the tears, where is the accountability? Nobody deserves death threats, but jail time would be appropriate. It is an Alice in Wonderland tale.

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The audio with Fauci stating that we need to make peoples lives difficult and force them into taking the vaccine by shutting them out of schools university and jobs and he said its idealogical bs that people wont take it was classic human rights violation.

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Former CDC cirector Robert Redfield xpeaking out against vaccine and mandatex. So he has changed full circle.

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PLEASE, support this man and his legal fund...he indeed LOST everything, his family, his marriage and his business-ES....take the time to watch and share!

Alberta, Canada lockdowns destroyed 1000s of small businesses - Pizza Man Who "Lost Everything" Sues Gov't After Charges for Feeding Unvaccinated Are Dropped https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-alberta-canada-lockdowns-destroyed

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Yes this guy had his Charter of Rights violated and that fal,s under National Security and it comes from those pzid by big pharma foreign governments.

The government human trafficked our bodies to big pharma to be guinea pigs of experimental MRNA and those who refused they were unlawfully forcibly confimed in Canada against the UN articles

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