Thank you for this interview. I almost didn't listen because I was avoiding the topic as it is such a moral catastrophe. I'm glad I changed my mind - I very much appreciated the good Rabbi's take on the situation, judaism and Zionism. Your conversation was enlightening and contributed much food for thought.

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May 23Liked by Trish Wood

Trish, what's going on with our MSM?


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May 22Liked by Trish Wood

If anyone is on TicToc and is interested in reading history books, you might like this Jewish influencer.


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Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, might be an anti-zionist, but he only pretends to be a humanist, here is why:

-Did he reveal that it is a sin a again Hashem - Satan to save the Non-Jew from death, but only only if the Jew can get away with it?

The top rabbi David Bar Chaim explains the theological foundations and how to best LIE about it, in the following censored videoclip:


Full lecture:


He is referencing the Babylonian Talmud -Judaism's and rabbi Shapiros holiest book, which in only one chapter 5 times gives various advice on how to LIE about it, see



He also alludes to Sanhedring 57A, which also concludes that the murder of a Non-Jew by a Jew does not count as murder, and that stealing from the Non-Jew is permitted:


Great Jewish whistleblowers, censored and smeared, have exposed this "antisemitic lie" as truth!

-The great Jewish humanist and whistleblower Prof. Israel Shahak explains how the leadership of Judaism always lied about Judaism and still lie, see chapter 2, see the laws against Non-Jews in chapter 5


-See also the whistleblower and former rabbi Shmarya Rosenberg


-The name of the mitzvah/commandment which forbids the Jew to save the Non-Jew from death is referenced as "Lo Sichonaym" לֹא תְחָנֵּם, It mean "No gratious acts of kindness"


Judaism's greates rabbi, Maimonides (also called the RAMBAM) derives it from 5th book of Moses 7:2

See Mishney Torah, Avodath Kochavim 10:1, you'll see לֹא תְחָנֵּם there, find it as an exercise!


The "drowning Non-Jew who is crying for help" seems to be a classic

-See the israeli former rabbi Yaron Yadan


-See also Leon Silberstein


Do you need more links from Jews, former rabbis as well as humanist rabbis who have been exposing the mindblowing criminality of Judaism? Let's go!

-Prof. Noah Feldman of Harvard:


-Israel Shamir, a friend of mine:


-Rabbi Yehiel Jacob Weinberg, pages 112, 118


-Rabbi Luzato, the one that he had done research on is quite explicit on Judaism's thesis that the Jew is a completely different and higher species compared to the Non-Jew:


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May 22Liked by Trish Wood

I really appreciated your interview with Rabbi Schroeder, Trish. I’ve been doing a lot of digging since Oct 7. This helped put the pieces I’ve found together.

For a different take on the British monarchy listen to Sasha Latypov’s interview with James Delingpole, about half-way through. “Due diligence and Art” just a mention, but startling. Though the entire interview is exceptional, in my opinion.

I’ve become quite curious over the months as to what holds the monarchy together. There appears to be so little of substance. However, they do relentlessly fill the News vacuum day after day, and many benefit from that. I conclude that Kate has been the one holding things together in a very real way. Meanwhile, Megan and Harry are providing fodder for the media, as are the Queen and King of Denmark. Queen Mary is also lovely to look at and intelligent. As long as they keep moving around and wearing gorgeous outfits they may hold our attention a while longer.

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May 22Liked by Trish Wood

I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to upgrade my free subscription, Trish. I have read that writers can encourage paid subscriptions by adding a subscribe now button on their posts. Manage subscription does not get me anywhere.

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Upgrade to paid should appear. Let me check and thanks!

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Sure enjoyed your conversation with the rabbi, & learned a lot! (As for the royals, I have less than zero interest - but to each her own!)

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

Another great show, Trish.

Bit of a side note, but here goes: I respect you immensely as a journalist and I generally think you're on the money on just about everything. Never had an interest in the royals before, and always found this a very frivolous topic. I probably still do. The recent Kate Middleton saga did pique my interest a bit, however, and now that I have seen a bit of how this family operates, I cannot understand why you would continue to find fault with Harry and Meghan. They are living their lives as they want to and on their own terms, away from the toxicity of the royal charade. Surely that is unobjectionable. I know you like the institution of the monarchy, but maybe you are letting your personal attachments get in the way here? Objectively speaking, is this Harry and Meghan thing really the clearest or most consequential example of "rage farming" we are being subjected to? Does their decision to visit any country at all or wear anything they want really matter?

Sorry to give you a bit of a hard time, but you are a top notch journalist. Not sure this topic is worthy of your time or skills.

Thanks for all you do! I wait for your show every week and never miss an episode. 😊🙏

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

For me personally l couldn't care less about the Royal Family. I loved and respected the Queen and she did a good job keeping the family in line. I had the good fortune to meet Princess Anne at the Bramham Horse Trials when she was still competing and admired her down to earthiness.

Charles on the other hand has always been a dumbkoff in my opinion. He's been a WEF supporter/member since 1971 and always timed his yearly ski trip to Davos to coincide with the WEF's annual conference.

It wasn't long before he was calling modern architecture a carbuncle, then started talking to his plants! His treatment of Princess Diana was appaulling then, to force the Queen to make Camilla "queen" after Elizabeth passed was despicable. His great Uncle David had to abdicate in order to marry divorcee Wallis Simpson and then they were promtly exiled to France.

I would have preferred to skip over Charles and plant William on the throne. My only complaint was that Harry and Meghan didn't stay in Canada. We pay over $80 million a year to the monarchy and have to pick up the tab everytime a senior royal and his/her entourage come over the pond. A ridiclous waste of money IMO.

LOL We could have paid Harry to be our very own King but, we're stuck with Chuckles. We could have also done away with the Govenor General - Mary Simon - and saved another half million at least. I mean what does she even do? The Canadian Taxpayers Federation did a brilliant piece about Rideau Hall (120 rooms, 75 acres of parkland) and the million dollar barn Mary needed.

Sorry. You didn't ask for my opinion so l'll get down off my soapbox now.

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Ha! Well done.

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May 21·edited May 21Author

Not at all on the"hard time" ..glad you raised it. I was a huge fan as I said until the lies from H and M started and remember they started as the Queen and Philip were dying. They have been exposed as liars and grifters-- a word use about them by Bill Simmons who was at Spotify and involved in their "podcast."and who I admire. If they want to live their own lives, then drop the titles and the posing, and live quietly. As I predicted two of them men involved in the phoney Nigeria tour are criminals, one of them wanted in the US. If they had been behaving like adults, perhaps hiring a diplomatic advisor who would have stopped them. But Meghan just pushed forward without thinking it would seem. I would strip their titles shut off the money and be done with it. As I said -- it is topic I usually save for others who care about the royal family and gossip --my comments were about media -- meaning the Daily Mail ...I am so glad you like the show.....it means a lot.

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

Great interview with Rabbi Shapiro. I now understand what Zionism is. When the Rabbi explained “France is to the French as Israel is to the Jews rather than Israelis”, I finally got it! Rabbi Shapiro, as with any non Israeli Jew, has no affiliation with Israel, not withstanding his religion. It’s like a Canadian giving their opinion on Italian politics because they’re Catholic. I also like how he described this dichotomy of the Israeli psyche in that they either defend their country or its Auschwitz. This explains a lot.

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

Kim Iversen also did a great interview with this rabbi if you are interested.

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

Wow, what an interview. He was brilliant.

Trish, I strongly suggest you read this article by Big Serge Thought on current world affairs.


Now what he wrote has a lot more context IMO. I quote a section below:

"It is almost impossible to find a dispassionate analysis of the Israeli-Arab conflict, simply because it sits directly upon a concatenation of ethno-religious fault lines. Palestinians are the object of concern for many of the world’s nearly two billion Muslims, particularly in the Arab world, who tend to view Gaza’s suffering and humiliation as their own. Israel, on the other hand, is a subject of rare agreement between American evangelicals (who believe that the nation state of Israel has relevance to Armageddon and the fate of Christianity) and the more secular American governing blob, which treats Israel as an American outpost in the Levant. To this, we can add the emerging religion of anti-colonialism, which views Palestine as something like the next great liberation project, akin to ending apartheid in South Africa or Ghandi’s campaign for Indian independence.

My goal is not to convince any of the aforementioned people that their views are wrong, per se. Instead, I would like to argue that, despite these many powerful emotional-religious currents, much of the Israeli-Arab conflict can be understood in fairly mundane geopolitical terms. Despite the enormous psychological stakes that billions of people have in the subject matter, it still unfolds itself to a relatively dispassionate analysis.

The root of the problems lay in the peculiar nature of the Israeli state. Israel is not a normal country. By this, I mean neither that it is a special, providential country (as an American evangelical might say), nor that it is a uniquely wicked root of all evil. Rather, it is extraordinary in two important ways that relate to its function and geopolitical calculus, rather than its moral content.

First, Israel is an Eschatological Garrison State."


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The Israel situation is difficult to untangle because the opposing “sides” both follow the same abrahamic god.simply from different angles. It’s hard to be reasonable about territory, or anything, for that matter when peoples are making decisions based off of (often) poorly translated millennia old texts from basically desert Bedouin tribes.

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Are such claims really that different from any territorial battle?

I think the different is more aligned with what the Rabbi said, they are convoluting a nation state with a religion and equating their existence. The holocaust is used as a religious existential card to cease all discussion and debate.

The article I linked uses similar language in noting the combination of state and religion which creates a unique situation.

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Are such claims really that different from any territorial battle?

If I’m understanding correctly you are referring to my claim? If so, I would push a little and say that yes this particular conflict is a perfect case of using religious texts to lay out topographical boundaries. I think that this is extremely rare. Not in the past of course.

Seems like post 19th century conflicts were/are more secular in comparison to the rest of history. But…I’m definitely not an expert on any topic

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Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I think the religious aspect is certainly convoluted by the Israelis as the Rabbi noted.

I think a lot of the recent wars used religious differences as excuses (vs existential like the Israelis). Armenia vs Azerbajan, and even numerous middle eastern conflicts used different religions as excuses to roil the populations. Land disputes often use religious differences to set populations against each other, and they will all claim heritage to the land whether in the bible or not.

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What a thank you.brilliant piece...

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

Third reading. Now l get it. This was interview was recorded on Friday December 22nd 2023 - how did l miss that little nugget?

That was a week before South Africa filed their case with the ICJ against apartheid and 'potential' genocide of Palestinian civilians, before the TicToc info explosion and the Al Jazerras ban. Before the BDS movement got into full swing. The international and university protests,and four months before Israels targetting of Damacus (the Iranian Embassy) on April 1st. and perhaps recorded before Bidens 2nd, 3rd or 4th aid (weapons) package to Netanyahu, and Blinkens numerous 7 trips trips to the Middle East.

Phew, l was really worried l had missed something.

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That was an excellent podcast. I didn’t have any specific expectations about what Rabbi Shapiro would say, but was still surprised, somehow.

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May 20Liked by Trish Wood

Seems like what I’d expect:


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May 20Liked by Trish Wood

I listened to your podcast with the Rabbi on Spotify on Friday evening and was so frustrted. l decided to listen again the next day because l felt like l'd missed a big chunk of information.

I just read the bio you posted (which looks impressive) but l'll have to try and listen again. As an American Jew, l don't think he came close to addressing the pink elephants in the room.

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Also -- please do suggest another take on this.

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

The Rabbi made it clear that he was in no way connected to the state of Israel therefore the crisis had nothing to do with him. He said at one point he could tell us a lot about Netanyahu but, didn't.

He also made it clear that he was an American citizen born and bred so, if that is his position, l would have liked for him to perhaps voice his opinion on the US governments involvement in the Middle East and unwavering support for Israel. A brief discussion about AIPAC (the Jewish lobby) would have been informative also.

There's an old clip of Joe Biden when he was a Senator saying "if Israel didn't exist, we'd have to invent it." Perhaps Uncle Joe was already losing his marbles but, I still don't know why he would say such a thing. Maybe the Rabbi knows the answer?

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Good points all..there was so much to cover.

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Also, John Mearsheimer, Professor at Chicago Uni. He does a substack also.

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Oh, and thank you for reminding my about Chris Hedges. I've learned a lot listening to him. Have you seen this?


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Please then say more about that...I would love to hear.

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

I was really triggered when he was barely out of the gate and he asked you if you Trish was an Anti-Semite, you replied yes, then the Rabbi said "Yes, l knew it".

The definition of an Anti-Semite is someone who hates all Jews and anything Jewish. I don't think you are a hater of Jews, far from it. It may have been a way to start explaining the difference between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism but, it was a cheap shot IMO.

TBH l'm becoming quite frustrated with any and all criticisms of Isreal being labelled Anti-Semitic. If there is indeed a rise in Anti-Semitism, it might be that the definition has been expanded to include everything under the sun.

The fear and danger Jewish people seem to be feeling since Oct 7 l believe is being (dare I say) manufactured by Pro-Israeli supporters and American News outlets who don't want to get fired from their jobs.

The Israeli propaganda network is very powerful and they have no reservations about picking up the phone and getting someone shadow-banned, cancelled and potentially unalived.

Al Jazeera, for example, has been banned from Greater Israel, the USA are shutting down TicToc and around 140 journalists have been killed since Oct 7 so, good luck finding any boots on the ground.

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He was responding to me saying I was accused of being anti semite when I criticize Israel. He was just agreeing that that is what they said not that he agreed.

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My apologies, my hearing is not what it used to be and l struggle with a strong accent. I really noticed how much l relied on lip-reading when everyone was wearing face diapers LOL

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Thank you for the interview and posting this.

I recommend The Last American Vagabond, Ryan Cristian, for some of the best deep diving and objective reporting on the ongoing Palestine Genocide horror.

Here is his most recent


We need to get to the "Influencers" on this subject who support the Insane Criminal Zionist Israeli government(s) and hold them accountable.

“In a place where there are no humans, one must strive to be human.” Hillel, the Elder

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May 20Liked by Trish Wood

I became curious about the Middle East about 35 years ago and began reading books by Israeli and Palestinian writers and historians.

Now there are so many online sources and podcasts available, that we in the west can no longer feign ignorance. My current favourites are The Thinking Muslim. Middle East Eye and, of course, Al Jazeera for news.

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Al Jazeera is quite good. Channel four too. I try to find places that have boots on the ground journos in Gaza. American mainstream news is hopeless. Haaretz out of Israel can be good and Chris Hedges does fantastic interviews.

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You are correct. I have interviewed him before. He is on the list and thank you. Yes, one must strive... a struggle since March of 2020.....

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May 20Liked by Trish Wood

Hey, Trish, how's the foot?

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Doing much better thanks. Out of the boot in the house. But still wearing outside. Some pain. Walking is tricky but hopeful.

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May 20Liked by Trish Wood

I ditched the boot, and walking cautiously. I still have a healing scar, but it's getting better. I see the doc tomorrow.

It is nice to be on two legs again after six weeks. I can help around the house. My wife definitely appreciates it.

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The dissiness when standing up as been brutal. I'm so glad you are better. I also am very wary when out walking with the boot. I see danger everywhere.

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Did you find you a dizzy when began walking?

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May 21Liked by Trish Wood

Briefly unstable, but that was more due to confidence, and not knowing how much weight the foot could bear.

My biggest problem is swelling...it may take 2 more months before it goes down...and the incision site is still healing, and when the ankle moves the scar re-opens a little and is sore. Again, more time.

One foot has a dad sneaker, the other a heelless sandal.

Compared to a month ago, I'm an Olympic athlete...

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So happy for you. No surgery so my life might be easier.

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