Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

Just a thought from the opening comment on older people and tech tricks. Every time a younger person delivers their 'insight' from growing up in a digital landscape they should be offered, or ask for themselves a corresponding pearl of wisdom from the older less digital days. Otherwise the younger generations become less human, and more digital. What did older people learn when they were 10 to 15 that today's youth did not? Quite a bit, and that needs to be cultivated and kept alive, otherwise we melt Matrix style into the 'net.

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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

Trish, I need to get this off while I am thinking of your intro to this post.

I support you and several other people on Substack. I choose based on what I see as their integrity and do not support people because of their ideological perspective. I support Aaron Mate', Chris Hedges, Tara Henley, Chris Cook (Gorilla Radio), & Public.

Public is the best value, as Michael Schellenberger has several other people who co-post with him, so there is always new material from different people. Aaron is poor value, as he posts in several different places, and to get it all requires multiple subscriptions. He does post his videos from Judging Freedom on his post which helps a little.

I do not have unlimited $$ to support writers on Substack. What I would like to see is a way in which could spread my money out to support more quality journalism. Perhaps, there could be a groups of writers that could go together such that I could subscribe to several at once, kind of like the old newspaper subscription that allowed me to get a range of views with one subscription. That would allow some new writers to come in (say Mocha Bezigan) and get exposure & mentoring under the banner of more experienced journalists such as yourself. It would also give me as a reader more value for my limited $$.

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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

I don’t think we can ever give Fauci and his gang of criminals the benefit of the doubt. No way! They did everything in their power to hide the truth. If it was truly something they felt bad about they wouldn’t have gone the direction of mandates and lockdowns. This was all for the massive profit they were going to harvest. These men are completely eugenicists. No f’ing way, don’t give them an inch.

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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

Thank you again Trish for producing a video and interviewing Dr. Kulldorf. In 2020 l foolishly trusted that our government had our best interests at heart and, like you, l am still struggling to come to terms with being lied to and beating myself up for allowing myself to be deceived. An apology is highly unlikely as it would be an admission of guilt and open the floodgates for legal action against Trudeau et al.. I take comfort in the knowledge that, although l was very late to the party, l finally learned the truth and that truth has set me free.

Speaking of freedom, l would encourage everyone to resist bill C-11, C-18 and especially bill C-63 and defend our freedom of speech (expression). It is fundamental to good journalism and IMO our very democracy. Finally, l couldn't care less for Elon Musk and the way he runs Twitter.

Nor am l interested in Ben Shapiro or the Daily Wire but, it's not surprising that Candace Owen (the only woman and the only person of colour) was fired for defending the citizens of Gaza. So much for free speech!

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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

Hey Trish, with all of your experience and knowledge, we need you training other journalists for the next generation. Please join TruthFreedomHealth and get involved. The education that Dr. Shiva Ayaadurai is teaching the world is systems theory. You can also join in to the weekly town-halls to learn more. It really is a great resource for people to take advantage of. Systems Science is the basis of all of life as all things are a system. You will quickly see how journalism is a system. However, systems theory can be used for good or evil. The elites also know systems theory and have weaponized it against humanity. All intelligent systems begin with a goal. Therefore, based on your goal, that determines if we end up with truth or deception. Please consider becoming involved in the ever growing movement that is sweeping the globe. Everyone can start here:


Let’s do this Canada!

The power is within each one of us to do our part. As Dr. Shiva often says, “Be the Light!”

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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

What a show!! Thank you kindly for such stellar reporting, Trish. I guess you know by now the Daily Wire fired Candace. That interview with the unhinged rabbi, (such as he is), was riveting, as she stayed calm and cool as he bloviated, blustered, and abused his way through the entire interview. His thinking processes were a case study in total delusion, obfuscation and mind tricks, crying crocodile tears one minute and shouting insanely the next. She showed him up for who he is, no doubt! Martin Kulldorff is a solid, kind, bright mind in the midst of ongoing madness. Thank you for having him. Keep it up. You are a lifeline to many.

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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

Hi Trish, I would love for you to interview Dr. Shiva Ayaadurai. The TruthFreedomHealth movement (global) that is swelling from the bottoms up needs to be brought to people’s attention. Thank you for your content and perspective and for standing for truth. Leaders are growing across Canada as well. Dr. Shiva has a vast amount of educational content and your views will align with his, naturally, because it’s the truth!


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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

Joe Rogan may not be as great as you believe! Stay open minded!

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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

When trying to figure out who is who and who is controlled by who, don’t forget to look at who is unwaveringly supporting Zionism!

Zionism=Nazism=Brahmanism=Racism in the form of Imperialism.

I am not anti-Semitic in saying this!

I am pro humanity and anti-evil!

I’ve done enough research to know Zionism has nothing to do with the Jewish people. It’s an ideology and it’s the force controlling our current world. End the Zionist Occupation in the US and Israel and you will solve the problem we are in. For all humanity because let’s face it, we are seeing all humanity being attacked.

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Mar 23Liked by Trish Wood

Also, Dr. Shiva Ayaadurai and the Truth Freedom Health Movement, a movement by the people, for the people will be historical. So don’t wait, investigate this man and the movement thoroughly. You won’t be disappointed. We need you Trish. I think it will also lift you out of any mental struggles you may be dealing with. 🙏🏻

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It's a TOTAL PLEASURE to support your excellent journalism, Trish!

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I get it about video, if only for promotion. Continue to link to and promote your audio only stuff. Also don't be afraid of long format. They told Joe Rogan and many others the same things. Great conversations in long format can't be faked but build an audience that will tolerate imperfection in favor of truth and the oft overused and abused "authenticity"

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As usual a brilliant pod cast/video! It’s been a real eye opener to me about how all these people I aligned with during the Covid years have come out as pro Israel, anti Gaza! I’m looking at you Dave Rubin, Douglas Murray, Megyn Kelly, and I wonder if it was a means to keep us all divided along other lines. I’ve been a fan of Candace Owens for a while now and watch her most nights especially her penultimate video with Rabbi Barclay. He had the gall to expect an apology from her when she was the one who was owed an apology! I was amazed how she kept her cool and did not back down. Rabbi Barclay’s definition of anti-semitism was so slippery and malleable that any valid criticism of the country of Israel is now considered anti-Semitic? I thought it was hostility, prejudice or discrimination against Jews. I’m glad Owens called him on it. The sad thing is that the Daily Wire has betrayed its principles of allowing all people to share their truth unless it’s the good ole ‘inconvenient truth’. They’ve lost all credibility I’m afraid. Candace will bounce back bigger than ever I predict.

Trish you mentioned how you are having a difficult time accepting the fact that you, we, were right about Covid all along and you, we, are waiting for the apology, the mea culpa! I listen to Bret Weinstein lament about the same thing in an interview he gave a few weeks back. Friends who disowned him are now talking to him as if nothing had happened. He realized they will probably never apologize, but most of them shared that they no longer will get more of the jabs because they still got Covid so what’s the use. Even though they don’t recognize it, they now are on his side. They now agree with him and his stance on the jabs. If given a chance all he wants to say to these people is, if this should ever happen again perhaps choose to not vilify those you disagree with but perhaps choose to give them the benefit of the doubt. This idea started to give me some peace around the lack of apologies. This is still playing itself out and I choose to believe that a time will come when there will be an accounting for the wrongs, all the evil that was perpetrated against us, and in the words of Candace Owens, “and that’s all I’m going to say about that”. Keep up the great work! I’m now going to watch the Al Jazeera video on October 7th.

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A wonderful Podcast Trish! Martin Kulldorff has paid the heavy price for truth and integrity. I say an apology is not enough. Each person that played a devastating role in this plandemic should be charged and not let off the hook.

As for our wonderful truckers, Honk Honk - for freedom, for truth, for unity. And for all the doctors, nurses, scientists, good journalists, who paid the price - I personally thank you and we can only hope the day of reckoning will come for what 'they' did to us.

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Thank you for sharing the excellant Al Jazeera documentary, October 7th. At 41.25 was that Elon Musk being taken on a guided tour by Bibi? Trish, please don't worry about being shadow-banned by that fool.

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Al Jazeera gets the order of events wrong - Biden went to a podium to echo the 40 babies story - then MSM picked it up and ran with it. Biden's role was to confirm the young woman's reporting.

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