If you believe that you something that you are not, then, by definition, you have a mental illness. It may be a mild neurosis to a full blown psychosis. If you see large segments of society start believing things they never used to believe, you can be sure that it's being implemented by the ruling classes through mass formation. Think, the lead up to wars or the trans narrative or the COVID 19 84 narrative. IF you recognize the fraud but are afraid to speak out, you have been neutered and domesticated by the indoctrination industrial complexes. If you attack those with the courage to speak out and fight back you should recognize that you have been so indoctrinated that you are your own enemy. It seems that we haven't moved far past the middle ages where speaking truth and reality which was not countenanced by the church could spoil your whole day as we say in Aviation. ALL you need to know, you can learn from George Carlin and get some Good laughs as long as you recognize that he's talking about you and your society. Everyone needs to recognize that ALL Homo Sapiens are susceptible to mind control and question EVERYTHING you were ever taught as if it was a part of agenda to control you... because IT WAS AND STILL IS!
Like many others, it was Dr Jordan Peterson that woke me up in late 2016 with his discussion of bill C-16 and its potential impacts on free speech. Until then, I was a "live and let live" type, with no specific political ideology.
When this issue arose out of (what seemed to me) left field, it aroused many conflicting issues that I did not have the words to express. I said to my wife that if we can be forced to believe that a man can become a woman, then we can be forced to believe anything.
Your guest was correct when they said that there are many people who live with illnesses and injuries that impose serious burdens on them every day. Our overloaded health care system already struggles to deal with the medical needs of people that suffer from acute and devastating issues, as well as milder but chronic issues that everyday people are challenged by. Why do our health care professionals and institutions insist on enlarging the scope of that burden with this trans nonsense?
It is like treating a "software" issue with a drastic change in "hardware". In Canada, this lunacy is further entrenched into law by the oddly named "Anti-Conversion" legislation.
It's much worse than the trans agenda. They can convince you to hate people who you don't know and send you halfway around the world to kill them for reasons you don't understand at great risk to your own life and it's All done by people who profit from IT. They, the ruling classes have done it since forever. "Who can convince you to believe an absurdity, can convince you to commit an atrocity" Voltaire! Think about how many absurdities you believe!
I have to comment extensively on this interview. I have been following transgender issues extensively for the last number of years. In fact it was among one of the first substack articles I wrote and I have written many since.
In my research on the subject, I too have come across many stories of detransitioners suffering mentally and physically. I recently watched a piece on Megyn Kelly's podcast where a young girl who had Borderline Personality Disorder had gone through a partial transition from female to male. She had had a double mastectomy and had been on cross hormone therapy, so she had developed body hair on her face and chest. At some point she quit transitioning and came off the testosterone. Shortly after that she became pregnant with her partner. Her pregnancy was fraught with problems due to the atrophy in her reproductive organs from taking the male hormone. She did successfully give birth. Of course, she could not breastfeed her child, but that didn’t stop the remaining tissue in her chest from trying to produce breast milk which was extremely painful and disfiguring for her. It was a bloody nightmare.
Dr. Marcy Bower was mentioned in your podcast. Bower was featured in Matt Walsh’s movie What is a Woman. In that interview, he was bragging about just how many gender transition surgeries he had done. I think he also mentioned the youngest he had ever performed one on. It was pretty disturbing.
You mentioned that Canada was still pretty indoctrinated in this trans ideology and you are right because our idiot PM Trudeau is all in for it. When Danielle Smith first announced her measures to curb trans medical procedures and trans ideology in schools and girls sports in Alberta a couple of his ministers including his Health Minister and the now disgraced Randy Boisennault, who is gay, accused her of destroying the lives of trans children and being trans phobic, all the usual garbage. When New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, made it law in his province for schools to notify parents if their minor kids were changing pronouns or genders at school, he was pilloried by the opposition parties and of course the media. CBC’s Rosemary Baron did an interview with him that was so biased and disgusting I had to do a substack article just on that.
Yet, Radio Canada, the Quebec arm of the CBC, actually did a documentary called Transexpress which provides a pretty horrific overview of some of the gender affirming care cases that have occurred in that province which is really the wild west when it comes to gender transition procedures. The film included the story of a young woman who began transitioning at around 18, and went so far as to have a double mastectomy – paid for by the state. She is now detransitioning and working to save money to have breast reconstructive surgery, which the state won’t pay for!
I do not know what it is going to take to turn this around so the world becomes sane in this regard. Michael Schellenberger did an incredible job of exposing WPATH for what it was, nothing more than a bunch of activist practitioners who knew full well that all of the procedures and treatments they were advocating for were experimental and damaging. They were also fully aware the most of the patients – even adults – in many cases were unable to give informed consent either because of their age or the mental issues they were plagued with. But, of course, the MSM didn’t want to talk to Schellenberger or even cover the story of what he uncovered in exposing the WPATH files he had obtained.
Then there was the independent review done by Dr. Hillary Cass, an esteemed pediatric doctor, who essentially concluded there is no clear evidence that ‘gender affirming care’ helps gender dysphoric or otherwise confused children and adolescents and thus advised such treatments be halted in the UK. She went so far as to state that even something such as allowing for cross-dressing or simply the changing of pronouns in children and tweens can set them onto a dangerous path of seeking gender affirming treatments thereafter. It should be noted that Dr. Cass now requires body guards since the release of her report. She made it clear that the risks far outweigh the benefits when it comes to the use of puberty blockers, cross-hormone therapy and surgeries on children and youths.
Yet, as we speak the US Supreme Court is hearing a case where the Federal government, that being the Biden Administration is taking the State of Tennessee to court of the law it had enacted banning all forms of ‘gender affirming care’ in the state, full stop. After having watched just a bit of the reporting on the case as the arguments are being made, and comments from the judges, it is already clear that the decision on this case is going to be made along ideological lines. In other words the Liberal judges – such as Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who couldn’t define what a woman was during her confirmation hearings – will side with the federal government to strike down the law, while the Conservative judges will rule for Tennessee. Fortunately Conservative judges currently hold the majority of seats in SCOTUS. One of the Liberal judges in their comments as the case was being argued in essence compared puberty blockers to aspirins. So you get my drift, the division is along ideological lines and nothing more.
The, and UK and the Nordic countries have put the brakes on gender affirming care nonsense, as have the Dutch and the French where a report similar to the Cass Report was released making essentially the same recommendations about putting a stop to the practice. Yet, we in North America continue down the path save for provinces like Alberta and a number of states besides Tennessee where they have legislated a stop to it. When will we wake up here?
Another great interview Trish ! Here in BC the cult is completely embedded in all institutions including elementary schools. There was a glimmer of hope at the last election but we fell just short of getting rid of this insanity. My neighbour has a couple of kids in elementary school who were informed recently that the terms ,"Boys" and "Girls" should not be used and pushing pronouns etc. Moving to Alberta has crossed my mind.
A very informative poignant interview Nothing like hearing it from first hand experience or someone in very close contact with the victims.Like in many other instances much of this mess is created by an appalling lack of mental health support and services.Getting to the root cause of the problem is not as profitable financially.In her book "Lost in Transnation" dr Miriam Grossman a child psychiatrist states that true trans people are extremely rare and that most teenagers who think they are trans do very well with proper mental health treatment.Many of her patients who were suicidal before their surgery were even more suicidal after their operations.If you think that this ideology and it's fallout has no impact on you just consider the expense to the health care system and the backlog in the operating rooms.
I loved your interview with Sierra, “Exulansic”- she was so very articulate. Though I found the explanations horrific, they SHOULD be felt as horrific because there is no other way to describe the horrors being done. Disfigurement, non-functioning, surgically fashioned body parts, constant infections, revisions, chronic pains, psychological fallout- all of these things are horrific. No one should be allowed to have these so called “gender-affirming” surgeries until they are say, 25, at the very least, age 21. Like Sierra said, we should allow them time to grow up and out of any delusions, abuse, disregulated emotions, and adjustment to any autism features they may have before they are cut upon. Then if they still think they are really trans by age 25, go ahead with the procedures of choice. Fully informed. Fully adult. That should drop drastically the numbers of these barbaric operations occurring- but I guess that’s not desired by the transgender surgical specialists who are making BIG bank off of these kids’ tortuous lives. Thank you, Sierra and Trish.
I agree. That’s why I would prefer age 25, but since the age of maturity legally is generally considered 21, I would settle for that. But it is not ideal.
I enjoyed the way your guest conducted the interview in a disassociated manner. The gender affirming and transgender ideology is complete insanity, IMHO. Of course it has been installed in society under a mass psychosis formation along with the DEI agenda. From a more pragmatic view, that these gender surgeries are being paid from the public purse irks me to no end! It is absurd to believe that it is required due to being life threatening. It is utterly inhumane! Now there goes my blood pressure lol - anyways, thank you Trish, excellent work!
Your interview with Sierra has inspired me. As of today I'm coming out as trans-paraplegic. From now on I will be living as someone who doesn't have use of my legs... most of the time. I still have to walk up a flight of stairs to get into my apartment, and I can't drive without using the clutch on my car. But don't worry! I'll make sure I keep my wheelchair in the trunk so I can use it when I get where I'm going. I can't wait to use my identity to my advantage to get the best parking spots.
Because I've always been paraplegic. I was born that way, but until now I haven't had the courage to identify with my true, differently-abled self.
Does anyone know of a good doctor that will provide me with cripple-affirming surgery? You know, sever my spinal cord so my legs stop working. It's totally reversible if I change my mind... er, I mean, if my identity evolves later... right?
Thou shalt not have any other gods before me. The stories of the "Adam & Eve" and the "Tower of Babel" as well as "Prometheus" are all stories about what happens when men think they are gods.
In this time, we are inundated with people who think they are gods. They feel they can manipulate world and somehow create a better place (Think Gain of Function, transhumanism). They think that if they say something often enough, it will be true. (Weapons of mass destruction, safe & effective). They think that they can start wars, and cause endless destruction around the world and not ever suffer any consequences. Unfortunately, so far they are right.
My fear is what happens to the rest of us when this all comes crashing down.
In the BC Human Rights Tribunal case of former Chilliwack School Trustee, Barry Neufeld, the provincial Minister of Education told Neufeld's lawyer James Kitchen that it is "a fact that there are 72 genders," which is why it is being taught in the public school system in British Columbia.
Thank you for your sobering discussion on all the horrors of this topic. Too many people that I formerly thought of as thoughtful, critical thinkers, have joined in on the mass hysteria and label as transphobic any who question hormone blockers or puberty blockers for children and youth.
Re: Insurance company denials happens lots in Canada too eg. paying for disability insurance for decades and then denial when someone becomes disabled - especially SunLife Insurance
Not just for disability insurance are customers denied. In the floods of 2013 we were denied insurance thou we lost our home and had to rebuild. In talking to a rep of Aviva, our insurance company, he said they made an agreement with the government to cover an agreed upon number, and did so. It appeared random their selection. For those of us fighting we were told you would be denied 2 times. Some who didn’t give up faith went on and received compensation on their third attempt. The others didn’t.
It was a completely sickening situation to be involved with. I’m not referring to the flood and loss as that was easy compared to the abuses from insurance companies and the government.
The teacher, Warren Smith, who had that gentle conversation with his student about J K Rowling, was fired by his school. So much for critical thinking at that school!
If you believe that you something that you are not, then, by definition, you have a mental illness. It may be a mild neurosis to a full blown psychosis. If you see large segments of society start believing things they never used to believe, you can be sure that it's being implemented by the ruling classes through mass formation. Think, the lead up to wars or the trans narrative or the COVID 19 84 narrative. IF you recognize the fraud but are afraid to speak out, you have been neutered and domesticated by the indoctrination industrial complexes. If you attack those with the courage to speak out and fight back you should recognize that you have been so indoctrinated that you are your own enemy. It seems that we haven't moved far past the middle ages where speaking truth and reality which was not countenanced by the church could spoil your whole day as we say in Aviation. ALL you need to know, you can learn from George Carlin and get some Good laughs as long as you recognize that he's talking about you and your society. Everyone needs to recognize that ALL Homo Sapiens are susceptible to mind control and question EVERYTHING you were ever taught as if it was a part of agenda to control you... because IT WAS AND STILL IS!
Like many others, it was Dr Jordan Peterson that woke me up in late 2016 with his discussion of bill C-16 and its potential impacts on free speech. Until then, I was a "live and let live" type, with no specific political ideology.
When this issue arose out of (what seemed to me) left field, it aroused many conflicting issues that I did not have the words to express. I said to my wife that if we can be forced to believe that a man can become a woman, then we can be forced to believe anything.
Your guest was correct when they said that there are many people who live with illnesses and injuries that impose serious burdens on them every day. Our overloaded health care system already struggles to deal with the medical needs of people that suffer from acute and devastating issues, as well as milder but chronic issues that everyday people are challenged by. Why do our health care professionals and institutions insist on enlarging the scope of that burden with this trans nonsense?
It is like treating a "software" issue with a drastic change in "hardware". In Canada, this lunacy is further entrenched into law by the oddly named "Anti-Conversion" legislation.
It's much worse than the trans agenda. They can convince you to hate people who you don't know and send you halfway around the world to kill them for reasons you don't understand at great risk to your own life and it's All done by people who profit from IT. They, the ruling classes have done it since forever. "Who can convince you to believe an absurdity, can convince you to commit an atrocity" Voltaire! Think about how many absurdities you believe!
Correct, once one sees the deception, one can't unsee it.
Bill c-16 was the gateway for me.
JP was purchased. He now carries water for Zionism.
I have to comment extensively on this interview. I have been following transgender issues extensively for the last number of years. In fact it was among one of the first substack articles I wrote and I have written many since.
In my research on the subject, I too have come across many stories of detransitioners suffering mentally and physically. I recently watched a piece on Megyn Kelly's podcast where a young girl who had Borderline Personality Disorder had gone through a partial transition from female to male. She had had a double mastectomy and had been on cross hormone therapy, so she had developed body hair on her face and chest. At some point she quit transitioning and came off the testosterone. Shortly after that she became pregnant with her partner. Her pregnancy was fraught with problems due to the atrophy in her reproductive organs from taking the male hormone. She did successfully give birth. Of course, she could not breastfeed her child, but that didn’t stop the remaining tissue in her chest from trying to produce breast milk which was extremely painful and disfiguring for her. It was a bloody nightmare.
Dr. Marcy Bower was mentioned in your podcast. Bower was featured in Matt Walsh’s movie What is a Woman. In that interview, he was bragging about just how many gender transition surgeries he had done. I think he also mentioned the youngest he had ever performed one on. It was pretty disturbing.
You mentioned that Canada was still pretty indoctrinated in this trans ideology and you are right because our idiot PM Trudeau is all in for it. When Danielle Smith first announced her measures to curb trans medical procedures and trans ideology in schools and girls sports in Alberta a couple of his ministers including his Health Minister and the now disgraced Randy Boisennault, who is gay, accused her of destroying the lives of trans children and being trans phobic, all the usual garbage. When New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, made it law in his province for schools to notify parents if their minor kids were changing pronouns or genders at school, he was pilloried by the opposition parties and of course the media. CBC’s Rosemary Baron did an interview with him that was so biased and disgusting I had to do a substack article just on that.
Yet, Radio Canada, the Quebec arm of the CBC, actually did a documentary called Transexpress which provides a pretty horrific overview of some of the gender affirming care cases that have occurred in that province which is really the wild west when it comes to gender transition procedures. The film included the story of a young woman who began transitioning at around 18, and went so far as to have a double mastectomy – paid for by the state. She is now detransitioning and working to save money to have breast reconstructive surgery, which the state won’t pay for!
I do not know what it is going to take to turn this around so the world becomes sane in this regard. Michael Schellenberger did an incredible job of exposing WPATH for what it was, nothing more than a bunch of activist practitioners who knew full well that all of the procedures and treatments they were advocating for were experimental and damaging. They were also fully aware the most of the patients – even adults – in many cases were unable to give informed consent either because of their age or the mental issues they were plagued with. But, of course, the MSM didn’t want to talk to Schellenberger or even cover the story of what he uncovered in exposing the WPATH files he had obtained.
Then there was the independent review done by Dr. Hillary Cass, an esteemed pediatric doctor, who essentially concluded there is no clear evidence that ‘gender affirming care’ helps gender dysphoric or otherwise confused children and adolescents and thus advised such treatments be halted in the UK. She went so far as to state that even something such as allowing for cross-dressing or simply the changing of pronouns in children and tweens can set them onto a dangerous path of seeking gender affirming treatments thereafter. It should be noted that Dr. Cass now requires body guards since the release of her report. She made it clear that the risks far outweigh the benefits when it comes to the use of puberty blockers, cross-hormone therapy and surgeries on children and youths.
Yet, as we speak the US Supreme Court is hearing a case where the Federal government, that being the Biden Administration is taking the State of Tennessee to court of the law it had enacted banning all forms of ‘gender affirming care’ in the state, full stop. After having watched just a bit of the reporting on the case as the arguments are being made, and comments from the judges, it is already clear that the decision on this case is going to be made along ideological lines. In other words the Liberal judges – such as Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who couldn’t define what a woman was during her confirmation hearings – will side with the federal government to strike down the law, while the Conservative judges will rule for Tennessee. Fortunately Conservative judges currently hold the majority of seats in SCOTUS. One of the Liberal judges in their comments as the case was being argued in essence compared puberty blockers to aspirins. So you get my drift, the division is along ideological lines and nothing more.
The, and UK and the Nordic countries have put the brakes on gender affirming care nonsense, as have the Dutch and the French where a report similar to the Cass Report was released making essentially the same recommendations about putting a stop to the practice. Yet, we in North America continue down the path save for provinces like Alberta and a number of states besides Tennessee where they have legislated a stop to it. When will we wake up here?
Wow Roxanne....thanks for this.
Another great interview Trish ! Here in BC the cult is completely embedded in all institutions including elementary schools. There was a glimmer of hope at the last election but we fell just short of getting rid of this insanity. My neighbour has a couple of kids in elementary school who were informed recently that the terms ,"Boys" and "Girls" should not be used and pushing pronouns etc. Moving to Alberta has crossed my mind.
A very informative poignant interview Nothing like hearing it from first hand experience or someone in very close contact with the victims.Like in many other instances much of this mess is created by an appalling lack of mental health support and services.Getting to the root cause of the problem is not as profitable financially.In her book "Lost in Transnation" dr Miriam Grossman a child psychiatrist states that true trans people are extremely rare and that most teenagers who think they are trans do very well with proper mental health treatment.Many of her patients who were suicidal before their surgery were even more suicidal after their operations.If you think that this ideology and it's fallout has no impact on you just consider the expense to the health care system and the backlog in the operating rooms.
I loved your interview with Sierra, “Exulansic”- she was so very articulate. Though I found the explanations horrific, they SHOULD be felt as horrific because there is no other way to describe the horrors being done. Disfigurement, non-functioning, surgically fashioned body parts, constant infections, revisions, chronic pains, psychological fallout- all of these things are horrific. No one should be allowed to have these so called “gender-affirming” surgeries until they are say, 25, at the very least, age 21. Like Sierra said, we should allow them time to grow up and out of any delusions, abuse, disregulated emotions, and adjustment to any autism features they may have before they are cut upon. Then if they still think they are really trans by age 25, go ahead with the procedures of choice. Fully informed. Fully adult. That should drop drastically the numbers of these barbaric operations occurring- but I guess that’s not desired by the transgender surgical specialists who are making BIG bank off of these kids’ tortuous lives. Thank you, Sierra and Trish.
21 is still too young. It all comes together just before 25, where you finally shed the trauma of the teen years and say, “I finally know who I am.”
I agree. That’s why I would prefer age 25, but since the age of maturity legally is generally considered 21, I would settle for that. But it is not ideal.
thank you so much for this presentation, Trish.
I enjoyed the way your guest conducted the interview in a disassociated manner. The gender affirming and transgender ideology is complete insanity, IMHO. Of course it has been installed in society under a mass psychosis formation along with the DEI agenda. From a more pragmatic view, that these gender surgeries are being paid from the public purse irks me to no end! It is absurd to believe that it is required due to being life threatening. It is utterly inhumane! Now there goes my blood pressure lol - anyways, thank you Trish, excellent work!
Your interview with Sierra has inspired me. As of today I'm coming out as trans-paraplegic. From now on I will be living as someone who doesn't have use of my legs... most of the time. I still have to walk up a flight of stairs to get into my apartment, and I can't drive without using the clutch on my car. But don't worry! I'll make sure I keep my wheelchair in the trunk so I can use it when I get where I'm going. I can't wait to use my identity to my advantage to get the best parking spots.
Because I've always been paraplegic. I was born that way, but until now I haven't had the courage to identify with my true, differently-abled self.
Does anyone know of a good doctor that will provide me with cripple-affirming surgery? You know, sever my spinal cord so my legs stop working. It's totally reversible if I change my mind... er, I mean, if my identity evolves later... right?
Please, please don’t call it a mistake.
Thou shalt not have any other gods before me. The stories of the "Adam & Eve" and the "Tower of Babel" as well as "Prometheus" are all stories about what happens when men think they are gods.
In this time, we are inundated with people who think they are gods. They feel they can manipulate world and somehow create a better place (Think Gain of Function, transhumanism). They think that if they say something often enough, it will be true. (Weapons of mass destruction, safe & effective). They think that they can start wars, and cause endless destruction around the world and not ever suffer any consequences. Unfortunately, so far they are right.
My fear is what happens to the rest of us when this all comes crashing down.
In the BC Human Rights Tribunal case of former Chilliwack School Trustee, Barry Neufeld, the provincial Minister of Education told Neufeld's lawyer James Kitchen that it is "a fact that there are 72 genders," which is why it is being taught in the public school system in British Columbia.
Thank you for your sobering discussion on all the horrors of this topic. Too many people that I formerly thought of as thoughtful, critical thinkers, have joined in on the mass hysteria and label as transphobic any who question hormone blockers or puberty blockers for children and youth.
We are living in an age of madness.
Listen to people who’ve had it done and they ALL REGRET IT!!!
Exilansic is an exemplary example of truth over tribe. Thank you for the hard work and hard topics.
Re: Insurance company denials happens lots in Canada too eg. paying for disability insurance for decades and then denial when someone becomes disabled - especially SunLife Insurance
Not just for disability insurance are customers denied. In the floods of 2013 we were denied insurance thou we lost our home and had to rebuild. In talking to a rep of Aviva, our insurance company, he said they made an agreement with the government to cover an agreed upon number, and did so. It appeared random their selection. For those of us fighting we were told you would be denied 2 times. Some who didn’t give up faith went on and received compensation on their third attempt. The others didn’t.
It was a completely sickening situation to be involved with. I’m not referring to the flood and loss as that was easy compared to the abuses from insurance companies and the government.
The teacher, Warren Smith, who had that gentle conversation with his student about J K Rowling, was fired by his school. So much for critical thinking at that school!
So much for critical thinking everywhere.........except on sites like this one.
Wow. What a crazy upside down world.