Trish this came across my feed again for some reason. I don't think we are that far apart in age, education or experience.

In my 20's l was so keen to get experience in the business, l volunteered Saturdays to whomever would take me. I helped several small production companies catalogue their film and video library, organized music libraries, l filed correspondence and even made tea and washed dishes when required. One such production company eventually won a huge commission from Channel 4 and offered me a real, paying job.

May l suggest that you try and find a young media or journalism student (apprentice?) willing to help you out in exchange for some training and on the job experience? I'm sure they'd appreciate a simple reference from "Trish Wood" to attach to their resume when they start job hunting.

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I'm surprised one of Canada's very worst people, David Frum, was not mentioned in this podcast. He's such a fukin pusher of cheap labour and globalisation, along with his "anal probes 3x weekly for the unvaxed" Griffiths & Stein.

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re: Marvin Gay. Love him. But I can't stand that horrible sound of vocals extracted from an actual musical recording. It's NOT "A Capella", it's a singer singing along to music, then the vocals are digitally extracted, leaving that residual digital sound in the background.

Also, re: autotune, it's been directly in the mic for a couple of decades. The human ear can now no longer distinguish the difference.

Marvin Gay was great, but there are actual A Capella versions of him from older times.

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Fantastic conversation.

Only missing a plan:

1. Set foreign-born citizen limit. I'd propose max 5% of population. Canada is +/- 25%

2. Set foreigner on any "status" limits, max 5% of population (Canada near 25%)

3. Properly set countries/reasons for refugee status availability

3. Moratorium on ALL entry into Canada other than refugees going through the proper paths.

4. Expel all foreign non citizens other than refugees, proper refugees.

5. End all foreign-worker programs other than individual sponsorship (sponsor must pay all social fees and take liability for any crimes by the sponsored person)

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What really frustrates me with ALL discussions about "migration vs population" is EVERYONE is focused on the "not enough kids" side.

It's a false narrative, looking at the wrong end of the equation.

The BIGGEST problem is the Medical Industrial Complex.

The normal biological longevity of species is reproductive age.

But the Medical Industrial Complex has 100% convinced Westerners that we're supposed to live to ages 80-90-100! That is INSANITY!

We need to look at two different civilisational stages:

1-Cities/civilisation The creation of cities removed humans from nature. So we died less in nature.

2-The Medical Industrial Complex acts at BOTH ends. It's a pro-life policy at the start and the end. (with religious people, the pro-life aspect constitutes a third push)

In Canada, with a life "expectancy" (longevity is biological and has not changed) of 82.6 (30 years past menopause, Health Canada has published that this means: 20 years of "retirement", of which 10 years are illness.

Before the Medical Industrial Complex, grand-parents were in their 50s, because the biological norm for human reproduction is to make offspring between ages 15-35.

Yes, we are a "grand-parenting is an evolved characteristic of Homo sapiens" but that 50s, not 80s!!!

Previous to civilisation, people spoke of elders. They were special, they were rare, and they carried the stories of the past, with only a few of them per settlement, geriatrics were a rarity.

Human reproduction used to be linked to biological fitness. Today reproduction is seen as a "right", which is 100% ridiculous.

Homo sapiens sapiens evolved away from apes and moved North and began to ape wolf culture, we evolved away from polygynous, and towards 1-alpha-male and 1-alpha-female, and the rest of the humans being labourers at various tasks.

It's only since the advent of civilisation that 99% of humans have been farmed by the 1% of humans. The elites ruling over cities needed expendable soldiers to send off to wars, and needed women to produce these endless supplies of expendable soldiers. THIS is what our civilisation has at its core.

A majority of humans living past menopause years is completely unnatural and the only reason we do it is for the profits of the Medical Industrial Complex.


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Another good piece about what’s really happening. I have newly acquired friends that recently returned from Istanbul to Toronto as new Canadians. One is a citizen (naturalized) the other legal partner with PR status. Both highly educated professionals but struggling to understand what happened to Canada. However, they did say that we are merely just waking up to the corruption and chaos that has been in places like Turkey for decades. Hopefully our consciousness will prevail!

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Like the last two elections. PPC. I don't trust Bernier but the Party is grass roots.

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I have to admit that as a lifelong leftie-turned Covid dissident and as an immigrant myself, I have a soft spot for new immigrants and refugees so it was a bit difficult for me to listen to this podcast. However, I thought Simon did a reasonably good job of objectively sharing the data and numbers from the UK and Trish you did a good job of asking him the important questions around immigration discourse. One thing I was not sold on was his explanation of WHY it is bad to have so many non-European immigrants coming to UK (or Canada). He suggested that immigration correlates with crime (but correlation does not equal causation) and that host nation crime levels are up due to immigration. I think the best argument for lowering immigration numbers is actually the social cohesion issue and it avoids Simon’s uncomfortable and unsupported suggestions that immigrants cause crime. In reality, newcomers need time and resources to adapt and integrate into their host nation. Mass immigration overwhelms the systems and processes that support newcomer settlement and cause a failure of integration and resulting ethnic silos. I wish Simon spoke more about this and less on the crime issue.

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The UK and many western countries are in a recession-not spoken about-and there is a lack of housing,medical services,services in general.Mass immigration is an irresponsible and dangerous policy.It is known that it is a weaponizing of immigration-cheap foreign labour. Flooding countries, cities,towns,municipalities with an overwhelming number of migrants is destabilzing.Giving them prioritized housing,medical attention and the Dole-on taxpayers dime is causing Big problems.What don't you get about this?

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Nice comment and many important thoughts here to analyze. . It is a very touchy subject on immigration but common sense has to rule the day not just human emotions. You don't continue to use a clogged sink. You have to fix the clog first. Same for countries. You can't just keep bringing immigrants in while ignoring the social problems of housing employment and infrastructure. With respect to crime unfortunately the draw of lucrative money because immigrants are subjected to low wages brings about getting involved in easy money like drugs guns and money laundering and tax evasion. In Brampton Ontario they are lamenting at their communities becoming laden with crime. You can't ignore this very fact. Why do you think CRA scammers make money on their scams.

Use your common sense and it exposes the issues clearly.

You need to fix the issues and make the lives of those already here comfortable. You need to stop the crime by holding the criminals accountable because Canada is soft on crime. Money laundering is a massive problem and so is foreign interference which involves immigrants and it is allowed to run free with no penalty. That soft on crime causes hardships to all Canadians and it erodes our social security net that was for Canadians of which Canadians have worked for years to invest in. If you watch your investment erode due to investment fraud you would be upset. Well same here on the immigration issue.

When we have people with integrity who make decisions then we get proper solutions that actually work. When politicians are benefiting from money laundering foreign interference into government and other shady dealings it hurts the citizens.

So yes we can have compassion and empathy but there has to be a line drawn to unclog the sink so to speak. So until newcomers have integrated into their host nation and have comfortable living conditions and a good job not three jobs to survive and can speak English properly then we can't bring in any more. Canadians who have invested their whole lives have to be taken care of first and foremost and as one article has just revealed they are telling parents they don't have school buses for their children but are using those buses for migrants

Sorry that's lame and that is what causes real.problems. This has to be stopped. Children's safety is at risk and if children have been bussed for the last 40 years in that area then it has to continue and these migrants can't be allowed to come. We can't continue to have taxis bring people to Roxham Lane in Quebec and allow them from the USA to Canada because they are not legit refugees. They are already in a first world nation known as the USA and can't be allowed to walk in freely. This is wrong. They are the USA problem. End of discussion when looking through an honest microscope. Sorry this is called reality and being unrealistic causes problems. You can't have union workers being sidelined while foreign workers work. This has been done for many years causing hardship to those who have done blood sweat and tears for Canada and they deserve respect and a comfortable life. That is what is called looking through an honest microscope to provide meaningful solutions. It might be an uncomfortable discussion but it's necessary. Much of the homelessness problems are created because of mass immigration and also from mortgage fraud and money laundering . They don't want to discuss this though. We can't lower wages by bringing in more people either. That won't solve anything. It onlys makes the rich richer.

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A great but very frightening show. Frightening because of what is happening in Britain, to we all see as ordinary people being pushed to their limits by unchecked immigration and its negative impacts on virtually all aspects of their lives. And frightening because we are not far behind this in Canada -- with the unchecked immigration policies of the Trudeau regime, and its authoritarian streak, particularly in the area of censorship and information control and in particular the on-line harms bill. The British labour government's response to the unrest it immigration policies have created is very similar to the Trudeau government's treatment of the Freedom Convoy with the its brutal use of the Emergencies Act and the Canada's very much liberal controlled justice system following in lock-step to punish them for daring to challenge his government. Perhaps they are just taking a page from his playbook, as he is from theirs with his repugnant on-line harms act. I did come across this rather uplifting article from substacker Elizabeth Nickson.... titled When the Saxon's Begin to Fight. She rhymes of the long history of the challenges faced by the people's of Britain isolated on a much invaded island. But she also includes Canada as a country with a fighting instincts noting the heroics of our soldiers in both world wars... often known as shock troops due to their unrelenting advances to engage and fight the enemy. And she includes our truckers in that same vein. An uplifting piece for those who feel all is being lost..https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

Covid protocols have caused an uptick in crime. Anyone knew this from day one that has common sense.

COVID was such a ravaging virus but we bring in record immigration during a pandemic and migrants waltz in at our borders. What a joke. This hypocrisy outed the real truth of this pandemic of horrors.

We all saw the brutality of the Emergency Act against Canadians of all nationalities for the very simple fact of trying to protect our Charter of Rights and Freedoms which includes the human right of body autonomy.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms came as a spin off from the UN Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights which came from the Nuremberg Code to deal with the atrocities of Nazi Germany so that it would never be repeated again but sadly this government decided to destroy that Charter and constitutional.rights of Canadians with unlawful vaccine mandates which brought about the peaceful protests to make the world aware of this abuse against Canadians including loss of employment for refusal of this experimental shot which is a fundamental.human right of all humans and the Emergency act with freezing of bank accounts was a direct violation of human rights whereby Canadians were denied being able to buy food or pay for shelter. Same for firing from employment. These are your true crimes against humanity by a government soft on crime while they enjoy being supported by the criminals and prospering from it. They look the other way at foreign interference and crimes committed by these foreign interferers while attacking the fundamental.human rights of Canadians as seen during COVID horrors. Trudeau settled with a child terrorist Omar Khadir for 10 .5 million dollars and stated that when the government steps on the human rights of citizens they pay but had no problem stealing the human rights of 6 million Canadians who remained unvaccinated. No excuses when looking through a microscope of honesty and decency and respect. Trudeau told you the government is responsible for human rights abuse so where are all the lawyers? Easy lawsuit.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

Is it true Britain is emptying their jails of violent criminals and replacing them with people who speak out against a narrative of evil? Truly sinister and needs addressing at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. Lawlessness running rampant.

In the Assassination attempt of Trump and murder of an innocent Trump supporter we are watching lawlessness rear it's ugly head It appears Thomas Crooks was not the lone gunman. He had encryption service from 3 countries to go along with 3 offshore accounts and common sense asks how come CNN stated law enforcement told them Thomas Crooks had explosives in his car yet the car was never impounded in police yards and the keys to his vehicle would have been in his shorts pocket that's how law enforcement located the car.. Why did it take over a month to locate the parked car just down from the fairgrounds. This tells you funny business is at play and law enforcement are not being truthful.

Anyone read George Webb's twitter. He only allows paid subscribers to comment so can someone ask him to pose this very simple question regarding the car keys The law enforcement speaking to CNN said Crooks drove to the rally area and parked and the law enforcement stated Thomas Crooks car had explosives in it. Thus they used his car key. But they didn't tow it. Will they continue to insult the world's intelligence?

Thomas Crooks was 6 ft 4 inches and Maxwell Yearick was 5 ft 9 inches and the police on the roof said the shooter was 5 foot 6 inches give or take a few inches. Thomas Crooks was seen walking at 4:26 pm but police texts said he was sitting at a picnic table at 4:26 pm. Who is telling the truth?

The offshore accounts and encrypted software to Belgium New Zealand and Germany is suspicious showing Crooks was hired by someone and it was a plot to kill Trump. They failed but killed an innocent bystander. They can't deny Crooks was at a shooting range where Dept. Of Homeland Security trains so it's time to start focusing on law enforcement and others being part of the plot. How do you think such massive corruption continues and human rights abuses. Because those who pretend to be Good are not. There is ties of organized crime from Italy to Belgium including in the political circles. Of course it's in America and Canada and everywhere in the world.

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Trish, where can we access the statistics Simon refers to? Thanks!

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I finally had a chance to read the Post. Born in Canada and having been an immigrant (legal) to the Bahamas and the US I might have a different perspective than most native born Canadians. In my early 20s not knowing a single black person I went to the Bahamas. Despite Canada being a much more racist country at the time 1966, liberal me wasn't looking for problems and I didn't find them. There were a lot of illegal Haitian refugees and they were consigned to lowest labor and living conditions. Hired by the day and subject to instant deportation for any reason. Going back to the Haiti of Doc Duvalier was not a good option for them and so they were exploited as was the norm. I liked the Bahamians, grew up a lot and had no problems as a minority in the country. Of course, I could leave and go home anytime. I was fortunate to win my US immigration Visa in the lottery. Of course I still had to qualify and jump through ALL the hoops a legal immigrant has to. My industry, heavy construction was decimated by "Free trade" so while I was there in the 90s I met a lot of Canadians, "wetbacking" because, you have to put bread on the table so I have an appreciation for what illegal immigrants have to go through and the stresses it causes. Like in the Bahamas I enjoyed the Americans and was happy there but again, I had a choice. Came back to Canada after 9/11 caused a crash in my industry and rebuilt a nuke I'd built almost 30 years prior. Had I known I'd live this long I would have stayed and worked another five summers and would likely be living in Ann Arbor MI but I'm happy in Canada also. Immigration is like anything else, some is good but too much is not which is where I see us in Canada. Canada has absorbed a lot of immigrants for a lot of years and it's been a good thing on the whole IMHO but lately it has overwhelmed the ability of the country to absorb them and maintain the quality of life we had. From the ability to buy a home to access quality medical care to the traffic, everything is negative and getting worse whereas, when I grew up, everything was good and getting better. The neoliberal globalist rentier extraction class are in charge and I don't see positive changes for the majority in the foreseeable future and even the politicians are starting to say out loud that WE have to accept a lower lifestyle. Of course, it doesn't apply to them or our officer class and certainly not the ruling classes. Good luck to the mass of working Canadians, we're going to need it.

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In the UK, there is a massive increase in violent crimes committed by children 10+ years, and they are having to accommodate them in the adult prison system (closing prison wings). Blade crime is a real problem. The covid lockdowns and closure of schools have an impact, I'm sure.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

The very important thing that needs to be considered is the type of people that are being imported in to a country. Why do they never import Christian Asylum seekers there are Christians being attacked and their churches burned down in Northern Iraq and they are having to flee for their lives leaving everything dear to them behind - why is UK not taking them into our country when they would be a more compatible with the indigenous people of UK. That is why I do not believe this has anything to do with infertility and considering the establishment's media were very conveniently attacking people in UK starting from around the 80's for having children and being unemployed to shame them into not having children and sponging off the state after deporting our industry and employment to Asian countries thus causing mass unemployment they clearly did not want us to have children; people did not suddenly become work shy. They became workless sounds like it was all a plan to me.

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Did you know there was an email letter whereby Neil Ferguson who brought you the doomsday modelling that locked down Britain and the world for a coronavirus called COVID and the letter included the Met Police of London and politicians and health Minister in it to read stated that they would threaten immigrants with taking their children if they refused to get vaccinated with the COVID vaccine. They really love their immigrants don't they who they knew many would refuse this COVID shot due to past experience. In fact Canada knew from the start 77 % of Canadian indigenous and people of color would not want this covid shot but mandated it anyways. Fake love and respect of course for immigrants. The truths out this fake love and compassion.

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In Canada 238 suspected terrorists were denied entry to the USA at the land border therefore Canada is allowing terrorists into the country and harbouring terrorists. They had a nerve to attack healthy Canadians who refused an experimental shot that had many adverse events including death and refused the unvaccinated to travel on planes and trains for nearly 7 months .Absolute lawlessness mixed with pure evil. Any good honest person knows the truth and those who truly love their neighbour are not afraid to display that love in action in many different ways and it's evil people who attack good people.

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I knew Christian refugees in Germany, both from Syria and Iran (the latter were most definitely there because of religious persecution). Ukrainians are also usually Christian. I think we need to be really careful about what the press is telling us on all sides.

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Instead of bringing people from their own country how about people help to clean up the countries responsible for persecuting people. How about real teeth to go after the human rights abusers.

Unfortunately in amongst those persecuted are those who are bad apples. Abuse is rampant in refugees fleeing who are not that. Of course refugee camps are needed to house and protect the displaced but the bad apples especially those who rape the woman need to be held accountable. War is the root cause of refugees so how about pushing real peace. Not fake agendas. All the money used for a vaccine that did nothing and where many of the vaccines were thrown in the garbage would have been used to help the poor.

Do refugees hold up their COVID 19 vaccine papers and say I am protected but have to dash bullets and rape and be on the run to safety. Where many do not have enough food to eat daily or clean drinking water. How silly can humans be. It's not rocket science.

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Timely, important discussion. "We are merely cattle" a bumper sticker for our times. Thanks for your bravery all around.

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Trish, never be afraid to be a standard bearer of truth. You are an inspiration, never diminish!

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