Trish Wood is Critical
Trish Wood is Critical Podcast


Simon Elmer brings the data

This week’s show felt like it should have been recorded in an underground bunker with armed security at the door. I wasn’t wearing a French beret and smoking a Gauloises but perhaps that’s where my future lies.

My guest, Simon Elmer and I are both acutely aware that UK police are monitoring and arresting people who post social media comments that contravene Britain’s Online Harms Bill. Police are focused on immigration comments and some admittedly ugly stuff they deem inciting. Extradition from another country is not out of the question.

For the first time since starting the podcast — even through the darkest days of C-19 Imperialism, I was nervous. So was my learned guest who vocalized a disclaimer about his motives and the origin of the depressing data he’d uncovered and was about to unpack. My concern was less for me than for the West more generally and the full-on campaign by governments to censor and legally nullify dissent.

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Mass immigration negatively affects the working class through cheap labour, housing price nightmares and creating a feeling they are being left behind — so the lefty middle class mostly side with the regime. They’ve been told by their television sets that data, research and reality no longer matter. All that matters is being kind, an idea that fuels marches and empty slogans mouthed by middle aged laptoppers.

We saw this during the no-trans-programs in schools protest. The Freedom Convoy endured the wrath of the same group in Ottawa and on social media. These are the cynical, well-paid lefties who spell freedom with a dumb as the second syllable. Oh, how clever they are, even as our basic rights are stripped away. They will wrap themselves in empty virtue while corporatized Western regimes burn our lives to the ground.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered how we got here on immigration. I’ve pondered why Western leaders, except for a few, seem to be in lockstep even though their policy is hurting the people who vote them in. And since no one talks openly about this subject in a meaningful way — many people just don’t engage.

Simon address the globalist’s policy underpinnings by quoting from the actual document that has inspired World Economic Forum fanboys and girls to adopt an untenable position.

From the document called REPLACEMENT MIGRATION: Is it a Solution to Declining Populations? Find it here.

United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration. Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.

A listener who was angry about last week’s show on this subject assured me that I couldn’t call myself a journalist anymore because I hadn’t included in my critique an acknowledgement that social scientists mostly agree that this plan is the only way out of demographic suicide in the West.

My take on these studies is about the same as my take on masking/lockdown/vaccine “science” - also purported to be a consensus but actually just wrong and intolerant. There are fads amongst academics and the braintrust pays little attention to how its solutions might negatively impact the human beings involved. The interruption of social cohesion (their phrase) is mentioned but rarely explored in any depth but I think we can view the riots and information clampdowns as a direct cause and effect from the replacement scheme.

We are merely cattle - whose needs are to be ignored while our leaders cater to their latest special interest group fetish. If we fail to comply we will be silenced and criminally charged. During Covidian times, stopping the virus (which they failed to do) took precedence over saving lives. It is the same paradigm for the replacement social scientists and their boosters in government. Their solution can be the only one and it matters not how it might ruin the lives of citizens.

I can report that after many discussions with immigrants new to the country and some more settled that virtually all of them would like to see a slow down. As we said on the show — they too, are victims of this dimwitted and dangerous policy.

Access Simon’s writing and books here. He is one of the bravest and most talented people I’ve interviewed.

Stay critical.



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Trish Wood is Critical
Trish Wood is Critical Podcast
Critically thinking about why no one thinks critically anymore.