I don't know it for a fact but it seems plausible. In the US, ~400 people were arrested for "wrong speak". In the UK, it was ~3300. Who knows how many in what Canada has become. George Orwell was prescient as was Plato in his Cave allegory. WHY the West is going the way it is, is above my pay grade. My theory is that things are going to continue getting worse for the lumpenproletariat plebs and they, the ruling classes need to divide us and indoctrinate us more than than ever with ALL the tools available to THEM. Gaza is an example of what the ruling classes are prepared to do to the untermenchen who would dare to resist the oppression. Think it couldn't happen here? A lot of things have and are happening here that I never thought possible. NOW, of course, the ruling classes would prefer the velvet gloves of indoctrination, so much cheaper and more effective than the mailed fist of police and military and banking for that matter but they can, have and will use the state violence if they perceive you as a threat. The future belongs to China and the East and rightfully so but our ruling classes are so full of hubris, they can't accept a new multi polar world where they can't extract AND rule so it'll be more debt, more War, more indoctrination for the foreseeable future. China is doing what we used to do. Producing real wealth and improving the life of the people. You would think that we might try that again; you would be wrong!

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So very true......I'm scared.

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RE "Gaza is an example of what the ruling classes are prepared to do to the untermenchen who would dare to resist the oppression." What are you trying to say here? Are you saying the terrible slaughter, rape and general mayhem on October 7th did not happen? Was planned by Israel? I think many readers would like you to clarify your perspective on that particular situation. Thanks very much.

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Netanyahu was warned. He was well prepared. Israeli helicopters rained death down on the fleeing audience of the outdoor concert which was moved from the site of its originally planned venue. Why was it moved? Some of us read Haaretz.

The genocide in Palestine by the Jews is nothing new. My father was in Palestine in 1936 - 1939 with the BEF. He witnessed the atrocities even then perpetuated against the “Wogs” as the British called the Palestinians.

The British soldiers lined up the “Wogs” and forced them to run one by one through a gauntlet of rifle mounted bayonets.

The Jews in Palestine are interlopers. Most certainly they were rewarded Palestine — within specified limits — for Zionist/Jews support of GB during the Great War, i.e. WWI.

Jews constructed a giant sympathy card long before the turn of the 19th to the 20th Century. Jews wonder why they are reviled!

In 1948 Jews blew up the King David hotel. It was full of English soldiers and statesmen and a states woman whom the Jews turned on because the Zionist/Jews were not holding up their end of the bargain. Palestine was to be shared with the Palestinians. But no Zionist Jews want it all. The present Genocide is simply another episode in the ongoing project to appropriate Palestine in its entirety by the Jewish/Zionists.

One day soon Zionists will cross a red line. Decent people everywhere have tolerated Jews and their Zionist project for too long. It is not something I look forward to witnessing — being of Jewish heritage myself. I fear for my grandson. More and more people are realizing they have been subjected to an evil scam.

What do you expect the Goyim to do?…Stand back and permit Zionism to prevail?

By continuing to sideline various Goy whistleblowers Jews are picking at a scab. The Canadian Prime Minister is none too popular. Wait until his machinations are made public after he is forced out. Justin Trudeau is a hypocritical lying agent of the Jewish promulgators of the New World Order. Canadian are beginning to understand that he is conceding their sovereignty to the Jewish promulgated New World Order and the many international agencies Zionist/Jews have been erecting throughout the 20th Century.

Unfortunately for Zionism the Internet is the unexpected instrument, not of advancing Jewish control over the world but is in fact a perfect instrument revealing Jewish perfidy to the world.

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I need only to note,this item: "Israeli helicopters rained death down on the fleeing audience of the outdoor concert which was moved from the site of its originally planned venue. " to suggest that the rest of your rambling rant should be dismissed as well. Pray tell us your source for the death-raining helicopters. The only things in the sky that day were the Hamas sky divers doing their part in the slaughter of innocent concert-goers. I think you should apologize for your vicious antisemitism.

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First Google ‘Haaretz reported fleeing concert goers shot by IDF military helicopter. Other reports include Hamas did not know about the concert at “Kibbutz Ra’im” which is close to the Gaza Strip.”

Reports vary true, but the facts were widely reported, including from a Jewish woman who testified to the truth of the reports. You’ll find more than ample evidence of the ‘event’ when you scroll through various articles after you Google the dozens of headline reports you find when you search.”

Please refrain from calling me “anti semitic” when I object to the slaughter of Palestinians which has been intentionally promulgated since the early 20th Century. I have no grief with Jews qua Jews what I do have Grief with is Zionist/Jewish ongoing destruction of Palestinian settlements. Obviously the total elimination of Palestinians was the plan all along.

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Oh for sure!

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The red line has been crossed for decades, but men, specially "conservatives" are colour blind!

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You do not understand mass brainwashing! From the cradle to the grave, the masses have been subjected to a manufactured narrative. The people owning the means of inducing mass psychosis have been busy manipulating the entire body politic. Education may provide society with a modern workforce but along with a particular skill set they were inculcated with a false narrative. They were not given to understand the nature of deception, lies, obfuscation, stone walling, or the use of meme bombs and tropes seeded through the educational ‘system’ the ‘entertainment’ industry the ‘advertising’ business the ‘fear mongering’ business, nor did schools explain the nature of constraining speech, or how constitutions are pruned to conform to the ruling elites intentional destruction of the existing construct and replacing it with their nefarious work arounds. Media properties are either owned or controlled by a very small and tightly entwined oligarchy. In Canada the government underwrites the media. How can one expect anything like the facts to be reported. Media is larded with journalistas whom associated themselves with the thugs running the show. Reporters no longer exist. Would be reporters are co-opted by their need for a steady income and limited by their one-dimensional skill set. The political and bureaucratic class have conjured up a system which is unsustainable. They are takers, assuming they have a right to their disproportionally distorting incomes. They obstruct the working of the real economy. They are technocrats not humanists.

Finally these self styled progressives would bring the economy to a full stop. There are no metrics comparing Canada to almost all the G20 countries where Canada is not at or near the bottom. We are 40 million people without free trade among the provinces. Financing multiculturalism — aside from being divisive — is bankrupting the country. Canadians are naïve. They are brainwashed by a cadre of mediocre and sanctimonious virtue signalling nullities. Just try to get anything done. Half the people can barely add, subtract, multiply or divide. If they could they’d throw the bums out.

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I agreed with your comment, I was being funny.

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Good that your comment was misinterpreted. Well said @werpor !

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I usually listen to your podcasts on a walk through the local woods here in Maple Ridge BC, I like that you keep up to date on Canadian news that just doesn’t make it on to our state funded MSM……cheers!

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While I understand and appreciate your commitment to Canadian issues I want to explain why I very recently let my subscription lapse (after 2 years) and ask how else I can support you. I think I've raised both points before but not sure of any response.

1) Time is limited and I'm afraid the material focusing on Canada is not sufficiently relevant to me in the UK to justify the time, let alone the expense of an annual subscription. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

2) Having enjoyed this episode & looking forward to Simon Elmer I would like to reward you for the content I do consume. Why not open an account with "buy me a coffee"? Or, not including Paypal which I no longer use, is there another way to make ad-hoc payments to you?

Thanks as always for your excellent interviewing skills.

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Did you mean to write this to Trish, rather than Chris?

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There was a man named Starmer / to DEMOCRACY HE WAS THE HARMER.

Britain, once a democracy / now well on its way to a Fascist AUTOCRACY.

But what to do about this Starmer fellow? / Here's what: RAISE YOUR VOICES TO A BELLOW!

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In terms of Covid and what might be termed biological warfare and/or gain of function may l offer a British documentary from 1994/5?


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“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

Frank Zappa

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I enjoyed your podcast on Spotify on Friday with CJ. I usually look forward to hearing it again (word for word) on "Sub-Stack Sundays" as l call it.

I guess you've changed your format however, l wanted to comment on the UK riots and l'm only able to do that on sub-stack. Having lived in the UK from 1980 to 2007 and following the UK news since returning to Canada, l was hoping to put a little meat on your bones.

To be specific, l wanted to get your thoughts on Tommy Robinson. He recently did some talks in Canada but was "detained" in Calgary. If your listeners have never heaard of him, he did a 5 part documentary series entitled "The Rape of Britain" and was prevented from realeasing his doco called "Silenced". All are now available on Rumble or You Tube via Urban Scoop.

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It is posted above in the link.

I'm not totally up on Tommy and am researching.

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Thank Elon Musk and X for the fact that Robinson continues to have a voice. He is likely to become far more relevant as events in the UK unfold, unless the British judiciary are able to silence him.

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Tommy Robinson is a Zionist and useful idiot for the establishment.

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Rebel News manufactured the "victimhood" of "Patriot" Tommy Robinson. Full story here:



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I've never heard of these three individuals. I first heard about Rebel News during the Freedom Convoy. Then Ezra Levant, then David Menzies, etc.. l thought they were legit but, when l learned that Tommy Robinson worked for Ezra, alarm bells started to ring.

I now see Ezra Levant as the money grubbing villain, pro-Israel opportunist who will manipulate any situation or anybody (including Tommy) and throw them under the bus for his own financial gain. His recent videos saying what good, personal friends he is with Tommy make me want to puke.

Tommy may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but, he has a good heart and has done remarkable work To see him stitched up by Rebel News and main-stream media is discusting.

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Here is one of the individuals:


I appreciate his opposition to the Covid mandates, but his antics are counter-productive.

Rebel News is only useful for certain topics.

P.S. The article on Diagolon is hilarious. What a joke Wikipedia has become.

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Yes, unfortunately he's been sucked in by Israel.

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I will reformat so the podcast of the week appears in the coloured bar at the top.

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I always enjoy your publications later on. I'm always a bit of confused where to comment (is it only Substack?), and where to watch videos, if when there are videos? I know you say it's hard/long to put on your lady face for video, but you have an amazing natural beauty and aren't required to put on anything 😘

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Regarding your comment on "upgrading" to video format, Trish.

If you do so reluctantly because of perceived "consumer demand" BUT can afford to continue in podcast form as is your wish (via substack subscriptions) then please consider doing so 'cos I love the audio form & almost always play Rumble "videos" as audio feeds with my phone in that dormant state which preserves battery.

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and I don't disagree with you, Trish should do what SHE wants... most of the time, I as you frequently do video feeds with a black screen.

But on occasion, with certain guests, it's nice to have video.

Really I would just like more ease in knowing which are video products, and where is easier to chat... like in big bold lead print, rather than underlined words in the article.

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Perhaps EDL supporters and men with tattoos of swastikas can be referred to as the classical far right.

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Absolutely right. Thank you. These are not people I could ever sympathize with in any way. They are trying to make Farage take the fall for this, by the way, which is terrible.

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The EDL was disbanded 10 years ago Bob.

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Maybe they didn't get the memo.

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Business men, mostly conservatives, are completely addicted to cheap labour provided by governments (both sides)

Foreign workers are corporate welfare

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True. But it's also true that it would be chaos in many western countries without large numbers of these immigrants. Everything would cost more, contruction and agriculture wouldn't happen, retail would face serious labour shortages, and so many in essential services like healthcare and childcare are immigrants, temporary or permanent. Not to mention that our postsecondary institutions are very dependent on the increased tuition foreign students pay. We got a bit of a taste of what lower immigration levels were like during COVID. Restaurants in my area were shutting down due to lack of labour, or they were open for very short hours. Employers and almost everyone was clamouring for higher numbers then. Immigration levels should and will be lowered as unemployment rises in the Canadian population, but this adjustment takes a bit of time. Longer term, though, we have to accept that we have a structural problem. Our population is aging. Until someone comes up with a solution, complaining about immigration is pointless in my opinion.

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I will, respectively, disagree with you on almost every point you make. I do agree that our Canadian population is aging and will add that birth rates have been in decline for several decades BUT do you not see that this is part of the global corporate agenda? The Covid hoax was implemented to begin the unraveling of the economy, that is what began the escalating costs in construction. Restaurants were deemed non-essential AND people were paid more to stay home than go to work remember? Thus began staffing shortages! Bring in mass immigration, foreign temp workers, taxpayer funded cheap labour for corporate greed! Create more chaos in the economy. Now, Healthcare, it was in self destruct mode long before Covid came along, again part of the agenda, reason to bring in more immigration, fast tracking and lowering the usual strict qualifications, you see where this is going? Ok, this is getting long - Education, so much to unpack here. If higher education is so important why charge 3x the tuition to foreign students? Are these upper echelons of academia not financially viable without foreign students? No, they are certainly not - but the plan must go on, allow unlimited, unfettered foreign student visas!

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No, unlike COVID, there is absolutely zero evidence that this is part of any agenda, although it is handily used to divide and conquer people wherever possible. We have a structural problem in Canada, and most of the western world. People aren't having enough children to replace our population. Without young taxpayers, you can kiss your free healthcare, OAS, and other benefits goodbye. Your roads will be unmaintained, and your garbage uncollected. Due to labour shortages, you will be unable to find a taxi or Uber, or hire someone to change your dad's bedpan, let alone have a surgery performed. No government wants to preside over a disaster of this magnitude, so they keep admitting more immigrants, but this becomes a vicious cycle, because the immigrants (nearly half of whom are temporary, with no right to stay here long-term), also require housing (though those on the lower end of the wage scale put up with living in extremely cramped conditions no born Canadian would accept) and healthcare when they (much less frequently than the older Canadians) fall ill. Strains make it unattractive for Canadians to have kids and the cycle worsens. On the flip side, low rates of immigration create a slowing economy and insolvent government which in turn deter people from having children. Have a look at what has happened to Greece after 3 decades of an aging population, low fertility, and low immigration. It's a disaster, and it's "baked in" now. Not enough Greek women to bring the birthrate up.

No agenda. Just a bind no one knows how to get out of.

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So curious, how is having the current taxpayers pay for the newcomers to re-settle in Canada helping? After 5 years, 50% of refugees/immigrants are still on some form of government assistance! It is not some bind that can't be fixed. Here in lies the bigger problem, people rely on government to solve all their issues, using their own money, as in taxes. But I digress, who needs thousands of Uber drivers? How does this contribute? As I've said, public healthcare has been and always will be an abject failure, was designed to be. But come hell or high water people must have it, don't bother looking to countries that have better systems. Canada is "governed" by global corporations and believe it or not, there is an Agenda.

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Did you invent that statistic? It seems like inventing evidence-free claims is the order of the day on Trish Wood's Substack page of "critical thinkers".

What do you mean by "refugees/immigrants"? Refugees are a small proportion of immigrants to Canada, and government-sponsored refugees are even fewer. I find no statistics indicating that immigrants in general collect more social assistance than other Canadians. I would wager it's the opposite. In my experience, most who are "down and out" are born Canadians, which is sad, but refutes whatever you are claiming.

I do find these statistics, however:

As of 2021, immigrants represented 38% of those working in the transportation and warehousing sector, 34% of those working in professional, scientific and technical services, 20% of those working in construction, 36% of those working in food services and accommodations, and 25% of healthcare workers. This is a major proportion of the essential labour force, which we cannot do without.

Who needs Uber drivers? Sorry, but this is such a silly question. Those who need to get around (for work, retail, entertainment - all critical to the economy) need Uber drivers. It's a demand-driven sector. There are only as many of them as the market supports. This is Economics 101.

Of course, I do not believe in anything for which I find no evidence, because unlike many on this page, I am actually a critical thinker. So you can keep claiming that there is an agenda, but only evidence will convince me; all I see evidence for is a demographic and structural problem, which I have clearly outlined.

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Correction: 2/3 of immigrants are temporary and have no right to remain here long-term

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Trish, the immigrant thing is this:

- 1/4 of "Canadians" are not born here, that's the worst in the world except for petrol states using tons of foreign labour

- another quarter or Canadian residents are foreigners too (schools, workers, etc)

The second we can kick out, and should. The former is more challenging. I would:

-end dual citizenships,

-regulate sending money abroad, if you have so much money you can send it abroad, it should be taxed,

-stop the pipeline from resident to citizenship,

-place a moratorium on immigration.

Without dual citizenships, most foreigners who are really just country shoppers, without the dual citizenships, they wouldn't stay here.

No country should have more than 5% of citizenry AND residents being born abroad.

Stop the foreign national phenom.

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Also end birthright citizenship.

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I see our country fall into decline and I see the unnecessary flow of mass immigration to which has collapsed our Health Care, Housing, and Infrastructure in Canada. I see the two tier judicial and policing that has become obvious and blatant. I also see the purposeful aid of the majority of paid media pushing the Government narrative with the help of tax payer funded story tellers in the Prime Minister's office. I also see this incidious ideology upsurped into all of our Institutions and large Corporations to who all bow to the narrative. Its dangerous for all of humanity and is being done for nefarrious reasons. I agree this is capitalism, but it is Stake holder Capitalism. It is what the deviant Davos elites found through the Chinese Communist Party. They have taken everything straight from the CCP's Manual of Totaltarianism where the Government has control over all those Corporations and Financial Institutions, through board members or CEO's, they also profit from illegal drug and gangs that are around the world destributing mass amounts of fentynal and other horrifying drugs causing financial loss and devastation. It is an attempt tobleed the population and the countries finances dry in a war without weapons. They also make vast profits through the sale of illegal drugs and the use of illegal casinos to which they launder the money into real estate or other infrastructure in foreign countries. This is what the Governments and members from the Davo's elite want to push forward into our countries. To destabalize once bordered countries they have allowed mass immigration of any and all to destroy the countries fabric, cohession, and create a wedge, to which they can work against those who do not follow the prefered plan. So I believe it is a purposeful and pointed attack against the original people of the country to create tension, to which they can then gain more power in order to control the peons. Just like Trudeaus story telling to create an Emergency with the Freedom Convoy. It is these emergencies that allow them to control everything and upsurp more power. From their Canadian Anti Hate Network funded by Trudeau that targets only Christian's and white people to the burning of our Churches and the attacks on the Jewish people. This is their targeting in all Western Nations and it has been occuring around the world.




You do not see this in the Corporate Media often as they are hiding this from the public. There is a genocide of Christian's happening around the world and its coming to Western Nations as well. Church burnings to attacks on those predomanently white vocations of religion. I am not hyperboling this, these are facts that are not often brought forward. We know we are the targeted group to be annihalated even by our own governments. There is a reason to their madness as with no moral thought it becomes a immoral, anything goes, world with no limits on the decline of society. We see it every where and all around. It will not end well for any of Christian or Jewish faith, as we are the enemy of the elite class and the world.

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Thank you for your work!

The bad news from Europe stimulates many thoughts for me. I'll spew some out to take the pressure off.

I want to know who the "traitors" are and were in the recent report of foreign-influenced mps and senators. They should be jailed and their "proceeds of/accessories to crime" seized. Any bills, policy or laws they participated in need to be un-picked. We pay these jokers SO much to avoid them being compromised and they just can't keep their fingers out of the pot. Also and potentially partially related: my beloved father was an adult immigrant from a country with historically (and current) corrupt and mafia-esque government... if there was a recognizable group of his countrymen in seats of power or law enforcement, I WOULD be worried for Canadian people, values and sovereignty. I love and respect my father, and his culture, but in my experience... the bonds of "my home country" and "my countrymen" are NOT superficial.

"Canadian" businesses should be able so stand on their feet. They should be able to prove that they are of value to their community through commerce, not subsidy. Canadians should be working and feeling proud to do so, even if the job is not glamorous, stability through wages and benefits is key. Social nets should be available but not alluring. Covid mandates and their footing in reality need to be dissected and laid bare, then put on repeat by the sheep in CBC until "disgraced" nurses and doctors are satisfied, vindicated, compensated and reinstated (people MIGHT allow their children to dream of going into Healthcare jobs again- 'were there mandates?' is the first question I ask when they come to me with future career plans.) If our population doesn't need 6 gas stations, 4 Tim Hortons, and 2 A&Ws in walking distance, so be it. Our infrastructure is not thriving, yet our schools (in the affordable catchments) are spilling over, hospitals and health care on red (or behaving as if they are" "If you want service, go to Emergency."), and "family doctor" is a joke we openly laugh about when filling in forms.

WHY is English a far second language in the streets and stores and services of my city since 2 years ago?? Who is paying for all these Canada Goose anoraks? Who will be holding the bag for all these shiny new cars bought on credit/subsidy... or if NOT on credit... WHY are all these rich people fleeing their country... or are we just a jewel of resources to be colonized once more? What is happening on the TransCan between BC and AB... why all the truck wrecks of a sudden? Whose trucking company...oh wait... they just renamed it... huh? Again? The paint was barely dry!

Gah! Too much for an uncaffeinated brain. Back to chores. Again, thank you so much for your work.

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Brilliant podcast and commentary Trish! Hard to believe you would have to explain to anyone why being against genocide in Gaza doesn't make you a racist!! Sounds like the same methods used in Coutts are being used against CJ in Germany. Absolutely no basis for an appeal in either case! These maniacs are so out of control!

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I listen to CJ’s thesis of “global capitalism”as the root of our contemporary evils with some bemusement. If one were to examine the roots of political conflict, it’s always been the conflict of visions, I.e. the constrained versus the unconstrained visions. That capitalism, which at its core is little more than the physics of economy, is demonized in his way waters down the most serious and depth of the taproot. The unconstrained view abandons the truth of human motivation and limitations. The constrained view is assaulted as passe’ and a relic of prior superstition.

I may be prone to oversimplifying, but when one examines the nexus of communist (little c, including socialism), it is the power brokers, I.e. apex predators at the top that have funded and fostered the architects of communism and herded the masses in the thrall of the useful idiots.

Are the apex predators capitalists? Maybe. But, maybe they’ll use just about any economic theory to retain power at the cost of humanity.

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"No discussion of immigration levels is allowed. Ever. And anyone who dares to question is silenced with screams of racism and being far right."

This statement is categorically false. Anyone calming this is either misleading people or paying no attention to public discourse in the west (especially Britain) over the past several years.The British media has been absolutely alight day after day with discussion of the invasion migrants are subjecting the country to for years upon years. Mainstream politicians including Boris Johnson, Priti Patel, Rishi Sunak, and Suella Braverman have referred to this as a "crisis", an "invasion", have based entire election platforms on this issue, and spent years selling the public a plan to send migrants to Rwanda, to do mass deportations, and to detain migrants in detention centres. Only someone completely ignorant of British politics could be unaware of this.

Moreover, anti-immigration commentators are constantly featured in mainstream UK news outlets and programs. An example is Douglas Murray appearing on the BBC frequently, where he only recently stated that the local population would sort immigrants out and "it will be brutal."

A little research will reveal illegally entering migrants are very small in numbers in the UK - 0.18% of the population. There are increasing numbers of legal immigrants.

Botom Line #1: The UK, like the rest of the west, is in demographic decline. The economy and essential services sectors are heavily dependent on foreign sources of labour at the low and high ends of the skills spectrum - again similar to other western countries. Politicians in the UK have been disingenuous with the population by whipping up panic and anger towards undocumented migrants (again, tiny in number), while at the same time increasing the number of legal immigrants.

The indigenous British working class in some towns, who are generally less willing to work long hours at low pay or relocate to cities, have indeed been left behind. And the culture of Britain and most European countries is being transformed by immigrants, which is sad. The loss of any culture is sad. However, I see no solution. You cannot have economic growth, access to essential services, an aging population and low immigration rates all at once. Just not possible as far as I can see, though I would love to see a rational argument to the contrary.

Bottom Line #2: The incident which set off these riots had nothing to do with immigration. The perp was not an immigrant. Racists turned it into an immigration-related issue through deliberate disinformation. Today, there has been another stabbing in Leicester Square in London. White perp, Muslim immigrant hero. No riots. No one even talking about it. In the same week, 2 young girls were stabbed in Alberta. White perp, no one talks about it.

Bottom Line #3: These rioters attempted to burn people alive in several hotels. They also injured over 400 police officers, burned and looted the hard earned businesses of minorities, as well as community infrastructure used by indigenous British people, such as libraries and community centres. This is terrorism. The mental gymnastics required to condemn BLM (rightly so, I might add), while commiserating with these thugs is frankly something to behold.

We can all thank these terrorists for handing the government on a silver platter the justification they have been seeking for mass censorship and surveillance. Well done, thugs.

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Finally finished the ep. One of the best. I particularly agreed with CJ's truth telling after 1:30:50

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I think Aristotle’s definition of what constitutes a Tyranny may be of interest to your readers.


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