Thank you for coming on. You articulated several things that I have been wanting to get out.
For instance, property rights. How can someone believe in Property Rights, and not support the Property Rights of Palestinians? If you are going to advocate for Liberal Ideas, you need to apply them across the board, not just for people you like.
Can we get some explanation on this..... it's happening!
Calling all Canadians - Trudeau has shut down your Parliament and is about to appoint ten Senators to the 105-seat senate chamber - for life, or until they are 75 years old.
He said he WAS GOING TO resign. He did not say he RESIGNED. It’s still to be determined whether he will ACTUALLY resign. Showing his dicktator predilections.
Alright, now I'll talk about my areas of agreement with you and Jake. I would agree with you guys that at least some of the people he criticized are hypocrites. I wouldn't consider all forms of Zionism to be identity politics, but I respect you and Jake's views. You are 100% right many of the big podcasters and Konstantin Kisin and his co-host on Triggernometry are totally ignorant and have no idea what their talking about when it comes to the Israel-Palestine Conflict. I'd also agree with you guys that having on anti-Zionist voices later on didn't really seem to give them pause or make them think this conflict could be more complex than they first thought, nor did they learn anything. I'm very sorry that Dr. Jordan Peterson blocked you on Twitter for daring to challenge his views on Israel! That was absolutely shameful and childish behavior on his part. I also am sorry to hear of the professional consequences of Jake's stance has had on his career and all the friends he lost as a result. Whatever our disagreements on Zionism and Israel, I would never cut Jake off for his views, nor we would he ever do that to me. You guys are right when you said that in some right-wing circles, they are staunchly supportive of Israel and never do any critical thinking. Eli Lake from the Free Press is a good example of this. The accusations of anti-Semitism that are thrown around for daring to criticize Israel is disgusting, unproductive and wrong! Accusing someone of being anti-Semitic is a serious charge that should not be thrown around so carelessly and flippantly as it is. Lastly, you are very right that Donald Trump made a huge mistake he needs to reconsider when he endorsed DeepSeek's cost-efficient AI developments. I too have my concerns about AI and feel as if it does more harm than good. My apologies for the three-part comment, this podcast just gave me a lot to think about.
An excellent interview with the great Jake Klein, Trish! I am well acquainted with Jake and have been a follower of the Black Sheep now for many years. I was not aware of your show and was not acquainted with you and your work until now. But I thought you did a good job letting Jake explain his views while also interjecting here and there with valuable commentary. This was a fascinating interview and I enjoyed Jake's article on this subject even if I disagreed with a good portion of it. Jake is a brilliant thinker and an upstanding human being who has never treated me any differently because I am a Christian and liberal Zionist. Though I do want to make clear that I am Pro-Israel AND Pro-Palestine and that I agree with some of Jake's criticisms of Israel and am not afraid to criticize the Israeli government and am definitely NOT a fan of Israel's current Messianic and Kahanist government! I also wanted to use this comment to express my disagreement with some of things you and Jake said and push back on those while also talking about where I agree with you. I want to preface this by saying I mean none of this any way to be disrespectful towards you or Jake and I respect your opinions completely. First off, I think Jake really stereotypes and makes broad generalizations about those in the Zionist/Pro-Israel community. To be sure there are people in the community who are rigid, never criticize Israel, are racist and Islamophobic, or just eternally distrust and don't believe peace is possible with the Palestinians. But I know many in the community personally who don't check off any in those boxes, who desperately want peace, care very much about the people of Gaza, and are definitely willing to criticize the Israeli government. I actually know a good number who live in Israel and have protested against Bibi and his government and his proposed judicial reforms. I know many who are against the occupation of the West Bank. I know many who abhor Jewish extremism. Not everybody in the Pro-Israel community is the way Jake describes. I think Jake also really mischaracterizes (not purposely) American Jews' stance towards Israel. There is actually a growing divide between the American Jewish community and Israel. As to the 1946 King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun, I want to make absolutely clear as a Zionist, that I condemn the bombing of the King David Hotel and the Irgun in no uncertain terms! RIP to the ninety-one innocent people who perished in the attack be they Arab, British or Jewish! May their memory forever be a blessing! However, I do want to add some context about the bombing I don't think Jake was aware of. Jake is correct the attack was to destroy documents implicating the Jewish Agency in I wouldn't call them terrorist attacks but acts of armed resistance, against the British. The Hagenah did indeed approve of the operation at least at first but unknown to the Irgun, they had cancelled it by the time the operation was carried out. As to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, I wouldn't call it an apartheid. It is a more complex situation. The occupation has its flaws and I have my criticisms of aspects of to be sure, but it is necessary for Israel's security and is from what I've seen in my research handled in a humane fashion. West Bank Palestinians can work in Israel for four times the wages they can earn at home, can get free medical care from the IDF, can become Israelis citizens, can marry Israelis, are protected from harm in times of war, and have a degree of self-government. None of this is to say that injustices and abuses against Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis haven't happened, that the Israeli government's West Bank settlement policy isn't terrible or that I don't have sympathy for Palestinians living under the occupation. I hope someday the occupation will be liberalized and will be as non-intrusive to Palestinian life as possible and that one day it will end altogether. When that day comes, I will rejoice! Okay, that will be it for part 1 of my comment.
Yes, Jake's decency and civility are something for us to all shoot for. And you are showing the same qualities. Thanks for the thoughtful note..although obviously disagree with some of it. :)
Your comment offers some valuable and nuanced insights to the very long and complex Israel-Palestine story.
My one criticism is aimed at the presentation. It is difficult to read a long comment like yours on a screen. Please consider breaking your comment into paragraphs, lest it be ignored by the "tl;dr" crowd.
From observation it is obvious that Canadians are a passive people. Tragically Canadians regard passivity as a virtue. The entire present confabulation manifested in Ottawa is manufactured to disarm Canadians. The Liberals permitted media concentration. They could have prevented this. Media in Canada is primarily owned by U.S. corporations and in the case of the Globe & Mail owned by people whom are sometimes Canadians and most of the time Americans.
For example Canadian publisher Thompson Corp. owns Reuters — which they bought for U.S, $17.23 billion thus creating the world’s biggest financial news and data group.
Surely by now enquiring minds understand that Canadians are subjects of, and subject to the international oligarchy, whose aims are antithetical to Canadian life.
Media concentration is the most important means of corralling public opinion into a narrow range of false alternatives. Media is shaped to reflect the views and values the population espouses which have been carefully tended and shaped, and massaged for at least 85 years.
I could just as easily write defending the right and aggressing the left as write defending the left and aggressing the right while subtly bending opinion in a predetermined fashion few would’ve ever notice. Canadians are manipulated. And not be Canadians presumed leadership especially at the Federal level in Ottawa.
The Internationalists’ influence Canadian policies which are promulgated in appearance by the politicians we elect. These politicians are handmaidens! They are pre-selected for their roles. No matter which party the voting citizen imagines he is voting for the parties platforms are carefully constructed so as to deliver the same policies no matter how they appear.
The people dance to a tune ever so carefully pre-digested and engineered to fit the publics’ perceptions of their tastes; tastes shaped by the media and the punditry. These propagandists may have no idea they are equally manipulated AND if they do — they are not all fools — they dare not say! They do not own the platforms they stand on. Let’s face it the structure of society — everyone permanently indebted to the banks — and to paying taxes on their inflated incomes to the various levels of government is an artificial structure. Inflation is no doubt purposely engineered to do exactly what it does; which is to say, steal your money, by lifetime indenture.
The Naomi event was great!! She is an heroic figure - & yes, I agree, we need to be careful about that hero business. I like to say No. More. Pedestals. (People always fall off them eventually.) I like what Jake Klein said about not trying to win someone over on a contentious issue, but just to plant some seeds. Many issues are very complex (e.g. nuclear energy, to name one I know a bit about) & people so often speak about them as though they've really dug into them - when they haven't. And also that people have to come to realizations about big topics on their own. I agree with that too. We can "plant some seeds" with some info a person may not know, and & then s/he can go off & maybe do some digging on her/his own. Complicated world we live in!
Intelligent well spoken gentleman, not taken lightly. But "classical liberalism" is a spent force and we need to move beyond. I am exploring a very different divide, between tradition and modernism and when you are asked to place yourself on one side of the other of this type of divide, you start to see that the common values that hold dissidents together is because we oppose modernism and all the mischief it has caused.
I live near a large Mennonite community in Southern Ontario. I often quip that I think that the old order Mennonites might have drawn the line a bit too early (living without electricity in the home, for example) but their reluctance in adopting modern technology is not as backwards as most people think.
That said, I believe that there is a difference between "modernism" and "post-modernism". I think that it is the latter concept that has really thrown society into a tail-spin.
A lot of us are looking at communities like the Mennonites with great interest. I tend to think post-modernism is a stage rather than a beginning and that beginning is probably best traced to the first "ideological" revolution namely the French one and the ideas themselves that led to that bloodbath, the bolshevik one and the total states we now live under probably go back to the late medieval period. Interesting area to explore.
Liked the intro to this show, lots of "based" comments.
Been reading bits of the alberta pandemic report, apparently it's been out for months already. Not sure what that's about. Anyway criticism is on high today from government funded media, still maintaining a huge lie that there was a scientific consensus.
Take care folks and it's true life is better when you dress well.
I wish I could have attended your event with Naomi but alas my work schedule would not permit travel across the country. I hope there will be a recording released at some point in the future?
Make a billion dollars. Hire me to start a class action against apple for failure to conduct studies into the nefarious effects of these iphones on children and post appropriate warnings. This will happen some day, and the case is so overwhelming, can scarely imagine it hasn't happened yet.
Good on you, Trish, for holding this event. Naomi is a great, intelligent voice and her journey was remarkable.
I remain hopeful that when Canadians see the dramatic changes across our Southern border, they will begin to push back against our own inept leadership and demand change.
Naomi Wolf is a Rhodes Scholar; "Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire."
How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement: a Timeline
Thanks for the link. Explains a lot. This really demonstrates the anti-freedom globalist's efforts that have been circling for over a century. Armed with AI, Digital ID and Digital Currency, the final frontier may be just around the corner.
Addendum: Do you know the company Black Rock. Surely Trish you’ve heard that it is a powerful corporation? But what is holding company?
It is financial behemoth!
In essence it is nothing new. It is a device.
However there are aspects which distinguish it from say, Argus, an influential Canadian holding company prominent in the 1960s.
Conrad Black’s father was a major shareholder in Argus — which Black — after his father died used to persuade the widows of the other former major shareholders of Argus to relinquish to him.
Tom d’Aquino…a mover and shaker engineered the opening up of Canada to the international market place. He lobbied various government leaders to stop harming business interests.
Was that a good idea? It seems like it was, but this opening up has had consequences perhaps, unforeseen or maybe not but Canadian business owners have found themselves outmaneuvered
in the equity markets. How so?
Consider the small headline in Saturday’s Globe & Mail business section.
Under Telecommunications;
Uncertainty weighs on Rogers stock as it continues to negotiate $7-Billion deal with Blackstone.
Blackstone is an enormous holding company — almost beyond imagination. Rogers is a telecommunications company.
Roger has an enormous debt problem. And no access to the easy access to Federal Reserve influence the way Blackstone has. Blackstone and other huge holdings companies are aiming to secure their holdings in expansion plans in Ukraine. They are buying farm land in Ukraine, at fire sale prices.
The war in Ukraine is justified as a means of restraining Russian influence there. Why wouldn’t they?
So Blackstone together with the enormous international banks and the U.S. military industrial complex is engineering a war in Ukraine where driving down the cost of assets there — particularly farmland — is the aim.
National sovereignty is under attack in Ukraine and elsewhere. Why is the government of Canada not blocking the Rogers deal with Blackstone?
Once Blackstone gets its hands on Rogers it will never let go! Exactly like Canadas newspapers — almost all controlled by U.S. holding companies.
Canada is a U.S satrapy. At first glance it is but the U.S. is a satrapy of Globalist corporations and their access to unlimited funds with which to control countries and their resources and their people.
There are hundreds of books exposing this coup as it pertains to the U.S. I’d suggest Canadians ought to read Peter Newmans 1998 book Titans…
In it you’ll discover that Canada’s elites — whom at one time ran Canada — succumbed to the lure of the International market. …How in fact Canadas politicians were persuaded by what he called “…the new Canadian establishment” wresting of power away from an old guard.
Did this bode well? No! 25 years on clearly Canadian companies have found themselves in the lions den. By internationalizing Canada’s assets, international corporations simply bought them out. In the case of Nortel I believe the corporation was intentionally sabotaged.
Canadians have been rendered ignorant about the International menace holding corporations like BlackRock are destroying the nation state in general and Canada in particular.
The struggle against international power ought to be examined more closely by independent Canadian journalists like you Ms Wood.
Read Newman’s book closely. Then reconsider what the present socioeconomic landscape looks like. Trudeau is a mere dupe. He aspires, he has acknowledged to a role in various Globalist organizational structures.
I do not imagine for a moment he was not lured into his role of dismantling Canadas federation by Globalist interests.
The present moment is a fragile one. The Premiers of Canada’s provinces are on the right path. They have the power of the constitution, because Canada is a Federation, to align themselves with Canadas interests against Canada’s Federal Government subversion of Canadians’ interests.
Canadians have been asleep for a Century and a half. Why should Canadians’ submit to the International money power elites.
The present emergency obligates the Premiers to band together and assert their powers in Canadas Federation.
Oddly the U.S. is a confederation. This necessitates a greater role in the U.S. for Federal power. A Federation is a different animal. The Premiers could issue a joint statement of solidarity to the public. The could speak if the present danger of Canada becoming a satrapy of the International subversion of Canadians economic interests — indeed its Sovereign interests.
Of course those International power elites have their tentacles deep into Canadian society. A joint statement by Canadas premiers would garner world wide news.
Would China allow this Behemoth to take over China? I don’t think so. Why should Canadians’ stand by and let their politicians succumb to Globalist intentions.
Last: Outside forces have done their best to divide Canadians’ within our Federation. A divided nation cannot stand.
Please look into Gregg Braden when you get a chance. He is speaking eloquently about this issue and many others related to human intelligence and the preservation of the human species. (He'd be a terrific guest for your show).
As far as mRNA is concerned - NO WAY NO HOW. Big problem!! Was stunned to see Trump promoting Stargate with the tech bros. Discouraging and disgusting.
loved hearing about your refuge up there in the wilds. I see that as very replenishing to body and spirit. I agree that we should definitely be wary of leaders and always view them critically. Heros are for fiction, not the real world. I personally think that capitalism is the problem: letting people and corporations accumulate money to the degree that they are then able to buy off governments and really all institutions.
Thank again for having me Trish!
I head a lot of nice things about you from listeners I met at the Naomi Wolf event.
That’s so nice to hear!
Thank you for coming on. You articulated several things that I have been wanting to get out.
For instance, property rights. How can someone believe in Property Rights, and not support the Property Rights of Palestinians? If you are going to advocate for Liberal Ideas, you need to apply them across the board, not just for people you like.
100%. I would say almost the entirety of my view is grounded in a consistent application of property rights.
Can we get some explanation on this..... it's happening!
Calling all Canadians - Trudeau has shut down your Parliament and is about to appoint ten Senators to the 105-seat senate chamber - for life, or until they are 75 years old.
bullying Canada untill his last days, it seems. gruesome.
As a resigned prime minister. How does that even work?
He said he WAS GOING TO resign. He did not say he RESIGNED. It’s still to be determined whether he will ACTUALLY resign. Showing his dicktator predilections.
Alright, now I'll talk about my areas of agreement with you and Jake. I would agree with you guys that at least some of the people he criticized are hypocrites. I wouldn't consider all forms of Zionism to be identity politics, but I respect you and Jake's views. You are 100% right many of the big podcasters and Konstantin Kisin and his co-host on Triggernometry are totally ignorant and have no idea what their talking about when it comes to the Israel-Palestine Conflict. I'd also agree with you guys that having on anti-Zionist voices later on didn't really seem to give them pause or make them think this conflict could be more complex than they first thought, nor did they learn anything. I'm very sorry that Dr. Jordan Peterson blocked you on Twitter for daring to challenge his views on Israel! That was absolutely shameful and childish behavior on his part. I also am sorry to hear of the professional consequences of Jake's stance has had on his career and all the friends he lost as a result. Whatever our disagreements on Zionism and Israel, I would never cut Jake off for his views, nor we would he ever do that to me. You guys are right when you said that in some right-wing circles, they are staunchly supportive of Israel and never do any critical thinking. Eli Lake from the Free Press is a good example of this. The accusations of anti-Semitism that are thrown around for daring to criticize Israel is disgusting, unproductive and wrong! Accusing someone of being anti-Semitic is a serious charge that should not be thrown around so carelessly and flippantly as it is. Lastly, you are very right that Donald Trump made a huge mistake he needs to reconsider when he endorsed DeepSeek's cost-efficient AI developments. I too have my concerns about AI and feel as if it does more harm than good. My apologies for the three-part comment, this podcast just gave me a lot to think about.
An excellent interview with the great Jake Klein, Trish! I am well acquainted with Jake and have been a follower of the Black Sheep now for many years. I was not aware of your show and was not acquainted with you and your work until now. But I thought you did a good job letting Jake explain his views while also interjecting here and there with valuable commentary. This was a fascinating interview and I enjoyed Jake's article on this subject even if I disagreed with a good portion of it. Jake is a brilliant thinker and an upstanding human being who has never treated me any differently because I am a Christian and liberal Zionist. Though I do want to make clear that I am Pro-Israel AND Pro-Palestine and that I agree with some of Jake's criticisms of Israel and am not afraid to criticize the Israeli government and am definitely NOT a fan of Israel's current Messianic and Kahanist government! I also wanted to use this comment to express my disagreement with some of things you and Jake said and push back on those while also talking about where I agree with you. I want to preface this by saying I mean none of this any way to be disrespectful towards you or Jake and I respect your opinions completely. First off, I think Jake really stereotypes and makes broad generalizations about those in the Zionist/Pro-Israel community. To be sure there are people in the community who are rigid, never criticize Israel, are racist and Islamophobic, or just eternally distrust and don't believe peace is possible with the Palestinians. But I know many in the community personally who don't check off any in those boxes, who desperately want peace, care very much about the people of Gaza, and are definitely willing to criticize the Israeli government. I actually know a good number who live in Israel and have protested against Bibi and his government and his proposed judicial reforms. I know many who are against the occupation of the West Bank. I know many who abhor Jewish extremism. Not everybody in the Pro-Israel community is the way Jake describes. I think Jake also really mischaracterizes (not purposely) American Jews' stance towards Israel. There is actually a growing divide between the American Jewish community and Israel. As to the 1946 King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun, I want to make absolutely clear as a Zionist, that I condemn the bombing of the King David Hotel and the Irgun in no uncertain terms! RIP to the ninety-one innocent people who perished in the attack be they Arab, British or Jewish! May their memory forever be a blessing! However, I do want to add some context about the bombing I don't think Jake was aware of. Jake is correct the attack was to destroy documents implicating the Jewish Agency in I wouldn't call them terrorist attacks but acts of armed resistance, against the British. The Hagenah did indeed approve of the operation at least at first but unknown to the Irgun, they had cancelled it by the time the operation was carried out. As to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, I wouldn't call it an apartheid. It is a more complex situation. The occupation has its flaws and I have my criticisms of aspects of to be sure, but it is necessary for Israel's security and is from what I've seen in my research handled in a humane fashion. West Bank Palestinians can work in Israel for four times the wages they can earn at home, can get free medical care from the IDF, can become Israelis citizens, can marry Israelis, are protected from harm in times of war, and have a degree of self-government. None of this is to say that injustices and abuses against Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis haven't happened, that the Israeli government's West Bank settlement policy isn't terrible or that I don't have sympathy for Palestinians living under the occupation. I hope someday the occupation will be liberalized and will be as non-intrusive to Palestinian life as possible and that one day it will end altogether. When that day comes, I will rejoice! Okay, that will be it for part 1 of my comment.
Yes, Jake's decency and civility are something for us to all shoot for. And you are showing the same qualities. Thanks for the thoughtful note..although obviously disagree with some of it. :)
Your comment offers some valuable and nuanced insights to the very long and complex Israel-Palestine story.
My one criticism is aimed at the presentation. It is difficult to read a long comment like yours on a screen. Please consider breaking your comment into paragraphs, lest it be ignored by the "tl;dr" crowd.
From observation it is obvious that Canadians are a passive people. Tragically Canadians regard passivity as a virtue. The entire present confabulation manifested in Ottawa is manufactured to disarm Canadians. The Liberals permitted media concentration. They could have prevented this. Media in Canada is primarily owned by U.S. corporations and in the case of the Globe & Mail owned by people whom are sometimes Canadians and most of the time Americans.
For example Canadian publisher Thompson Corp. owns Reuters — which they bought for U.S, $17.23 billion thus creating the world’s biggest financial news and data group.
Surely by now enquiring minds understand that Canadians are subjects of, and subject to the international oligarchy, whose aims are antithetical to Canadian life.
Media concentration is the most important means of corralling public opinion into a narrow range of false alternatives. Media is shaped to reflect the views and values the population espouses which have been carefully tended and shaped, and massaged for at least 85 years.
I could just as easily write defending the right and aggressing the left as write defending the left and aggressing the right while subtly bending opinion in a predetermined fashion few would’ve ever notice. Canadians are manipulated. And not be Canadians presumed leadership especially at the Federal level in Ottawa.
The Internationalists’ influence Canadian policies which are promulgated in appearance by the politicians we elect. These politicians are handmaidens! They are pre-selected for their roles. No matter which party the voting citizen imagines he is voting for the parties platforms are carefully constructed so as to deliver the same policies no matter how they appear.
The people dance to a tune ever so carefully pre-digested and engineered to fit the publics’ perceptions of their tastes; tastes shaped by the media and the punditry. These propagandists may have no idea they are equally manipulated AND if they do — they are not all fools — they dare not say! They do not own the platforms they stand on. Let’s face it the structure of society — everyone permanently indebted to the banks — and to paying taxes on their inflated incomes to the various levels of government is an artificial structure. Inflation is no doubt purposely engineered to do exactly what it does; which is to say, steal your money, by lifetime indenture.
Well said.
The Naomi event was great!! She is an heroic figure - & yes, I agree, we need to be careful about that hero business. I like to say No. More. Pedestals. (People always fall off them eventually.) I like what Jake Klein said about not trying to win someone over on a contentious issue, but just to plant some seeds. Many issues are very complex (e.g. nuclear energy, to name one I know a bit about) & people so often speak about them as though they've really dug into them - when they haven't. And also that people have to come to realizations about big topics on their own. I agree with that too. We can "plant some seeds" with some info a person may not know, and & then s/he can go off & maybe do some digging on her/his own. Complicated world we live in!
Lucky to have Jake on and loved my evening with Naomi.
Intelligent well spoken gentleman, not taken lightly. But "classical liberalism" is a spent force and we need to move beyond. I am exploring a very different divide, between tradition and modernism and when you are asked to place yourself on one side of the other of this type of divide, you start to see that the common values that hold dissidents together is because we oppose modernism and all the mischief it has caused.
I live near a large Mennonite community in Southern Ontario. I often quip that I think that the old order Mennonites might have drawn the line a bit too early (living without electricity in the home, for example) but their reluctance in adopting modern technology is not as backwards as most people think.
That said, I believe that there is a difference between "modernism" and "post-modernism". I think that it is the latter concept that has really thrown society into a tail-spin.
A lot of us are looking at communities like the Mennonites with great interest. I tend to think post-modernism is a stage rather than a beginning and that beginning is probably best traced to the first "ideological" revolution namely the French one and the ideas themselves that led to that bloodbath, the bolshevik one and the total states we now live under probably go back to the late medieval period. Interesting area to explore.
Liked the intro to this show, lots of "based" comments.
Been reading bits of the alberta pandemic report, apparently it's been out for months already. Not sure what that's about. Anyway criticism is on high today from government funded media, still maintaining a huge lie that there was a scientific consensus.
Take care folks and it's true life is better when you dress well.
I wish I could have attended your event with Naomi but alas my work schedule would not permit travel across the country. I hope there will be a recording released at some point in the future?
Yes there will be clips etc. We will meet one day.:)
Make a billion dollars. Hire me to start a class action against apple for failure to conduct studies into the nefarious effects of these iphones on children and post appropriate warnings. This will happen some day, and the case is so overwhelming, can scarely imagine it hasn't happened yet.
Yes it will...
Good on you, Trish, for holding this event. Naomi is a great, intelligent voice and her journey was remarkable.
I remain hopeful that when Canadians see the dramatic changes across our Southern border, they will begin to push back against our own inept leadership and demand change.
To clarify....I didn't produce it. I just said yes to hosting. But thanks. I agree she is pretty cool.
Naomi Wolf is a Rhodes Scholar; "Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire."
How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement: a Timeline
Driven by some of the wealthiest people of all time, a totalitarian one-world government by an elite, administered by the corporate-owned United Nations with the help of corporate owned NGOs, appears to be unstoppable. -
Thanks for the link. Explains a lot. This really demonstrates the anti-freedom globalist's efforts that have been circling for over a century. Armed with AI, Digital ID and Digital Currency, the final frontier may be just around the corner.
It also explains why Sir Kier Starmer sent 100 of his lackeys to support the Harris/Walz campaign.
Addendum: Do you know the company Black Rock. Surely Trish you’ve heard that it is a powerful corporation? But what is holding company?
It is financial behemoth!
In essence it is nothing new. It is a device.
However there are aspects which distinguish it from say, Argus, an influential Canadian holding company prominent in the 1960s.
Conrad Black’s father was a major shareholder in Argus — which Black — after his father died used to persuade the widows of the other former major shareholders of Argus to relinquish to him.
Tom d’Aquino…a mover and shaker engineered the opening up of Canada to the international market place. He lobbied various government leaders to stop harming business interests.
Was that a good idea? It seems like it was, but this opening up has had consequences perhaps, unforeseen or maybe not but Canadian business owners have found themselves outmaneuvered
in the equity markets. How so?
Consider the small headline in Saturday’s Globe & Mail business section.
Under Telecommunications;
Uncertainty weighs on Rogers stock as it continues to negotiate $7-Billion deal with Blackstone.
Blackstone is an enormous holding company — almost beyond imagination. Rogers is a telecommunications company.
Roger has an enormous debt problem. And no access to the easy access to Federal Reserve influence the way Blackstone has. Blackstone and other huge holdings companies are aiming to secure their holdings in expansion plans in Ukraine. They are buying farm land in Ukraine, at fire sale prices.
The war in Ukraine is justified as a means of restraining Russian influence there. Why wouldn’t they?
So Blackstone together with the enormous international banks and the U.S. military industrial complex is engineering a war in Ukraine where driving down the cost of assets there — particularly farmland — is the aim.
National sovereignty is under attack in Ukraine and elsewhere. Why is the government of Canada not blocking the Rogers deal with Blackstone?
Once Blackstone gets its hands on Rogers it will never let go! Exactly like Canadas newspapers — almost all controlled by U.S. holding companies.
Canada is a U.S satrapy. At first glance it is but the U.S. is a satrapy of Globalist corporations and their access to unlimited funds with which to control countries and their resources and their people.
There are hundreds of books exposing this coup as it pertains to the U.S. I’d suggest Canadians ought to read Peter Newmans 1998 book Titans…
In it you’ll discover that Canada’s elites — whom at one time ran Canada — succumbed to the lure of the International market. …How in fact Canadas politicians were persuaded by what he called “…the new Canadian establishment” wresting of power away from an old guard.
Did this bode well? No! 25 years on clearly Canadian companies have found themselves in the lions den. By internationalizing Canada’s assets, international corporations simply bought them out. In the case of Nortel I believe the corporation was intentionally sabotaged.
Canadians have been rendered ignorant about the International menace holding corporations like BlackRock are destroying the nation state in general and Canada in particular.
The struggle against international power ought to be examined more closely by independent Canadian journalists like you Ms Wood.
Read Newman’s book closely. Then reconsider what the present socioeconomic landscape looks like. Trudeau is a mere dupe. He aspires, he has acknowledged to a role in various Globalist organizational structures.
I do not imagine for a moment he was not lured into his role of dismantling Canadas federation by Globalist interests.
The present moment is a fragile one. The Premiers of Canada’s provinces are on the right path. They have the power of the constitution, because Canada is a Federation, to align themselves with Canadas interests against Canada’s Federal Government subversion of Canadians’ interests.
Canadians have been asleep for a Century and a half. Why should Canadians’ submit to the International money power elites.
The present emergency obligates the Premiers to band together and assert their powers in Canadas Federation.
Oddly the U.S. is a confederation. This necessitates a greater role in the U.S. for Federal power. A Federation is a different animal. The Premiers could issue a joint statement of solidarity to the public. The could speak if the present danger of Canada becoming a satrapy of the International subversion of Canadians economic interests — indeed its Sovereign interests.
Of course those International power elites have their tentacles deep into Canadian society. A joint statement by Canadas premiers would garner world wide news.
Would China allow this Behemoth to take over China? I don’t think so. Why should Canadians’ stand by and let their politicians succumb to Globalist intentions.
Last: Outside forces have done their best to divide Canadians’ within our Federation. A divided nation cannot stand.
Glad you're all over the AI thing, Trish.
Please look into Gregg Braden when you get a chance. He is speaking eloquently about this issue and many others related to human intelligence and the preservation of the human species. (He'd be a terrific guest for your show).
As far as mRNA is concerned - NO WAY NO HOW. Big problem!! Was stunned to see Trump promoting Stargate with the tech bros. Discouraging and disgusting.
American Thinker from Telegram posted emails from Hunter Biden's laptop which show Hunter Biden was involved with the biolabs in Ukraine.
So Tulsi Gabbard was right about that.
loved hearing about your refuge up there in the wilds. I see that as very replenishing to body and spirit. I agree that we should definitely be wary of leaders and always view them critically. Heros are for fiction, not the real world. I personally think that capitalism is the problem: letting people and corporations accumulate money to the degree that they are then able to buy off governments and really all institutions.