This is a bit off topic but still has to do with trust or lack of trust.May I ask why we need Mark Carney to come and straighten out Canada's budget that won't balance itself and our failing economy when we are already blessed with a competent finance/deputy prime minister.? Or could it be that the finance minister isn't so knowledgeable after all.?

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Tucker touches on an extremely important point at 1:01:00, about trust.

'The countries with the highest levels of trust (Sweden, NZ, Canada, etc) were the ones that were most taken advantage by the Deep State.'

Well, the thing about high trust societies is that when trust is abused, those who do the abusing ultimately face severe social, and often violent, consequences...in stages. First there's righteous anger and protest (ie. Trucker Convoy in Canada). Then comes the violent retribution.

Tucker wonders where we're going? Well, expect to see violence erupt against "authority" and those who create social discord (ie. Muslim immigrants, mostly) in the high trust countries Probably, it will happen first in Sweden or Denmark within 12 months.

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And just as much retribution against those that fight back. The remaining 2 Coutts men were found guilty and have to serve 2 more years! And now #TudeauTheTyrant has acquired Mark “CarbonCredit” Carney to advice him on the economy! THEY DON’T CARE WHAT WE THINK!!

Ugh I can’t believe this is Canada.

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Trish, about your vertigo, ask your doctor if it is bppv. If it is, there is a simple exercise you can do to get rid of it ( and your doctor or a physiotherapist should be able to show you how). I suffered for a year with a dizzy head before I found the solution, and it worked like a charm for me!

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What is BPPV? Pray tell. Grateful for your help.

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I had Vertigo for years (off and on) and doctors kept telling me nothing could be done. Then l was referrered to a new physio at Panther Sports in Calgary.

She put black out goggles on me that were wired up to a TV screen. I had to keep my eyes open while she swung me up, down and side to side and she could diagnose the ear problem by the directiion/movement of my eye response.

It was bizarre but, apparently as we age our inner/middle ear canels form tiny crystals that mess with our balance. She identified my problem then treated me with head and upper body movements to dislodge the crystals. Three one hour treatments and it was like a miracle. I'll try and send you her details.

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From the NY Post: '“Even in New York City, virtually every public high school had a shooting club up until 1969,” gun-rights advocate and academic John Lott Jr. wrote in his 2003 book, “The Bias Against Guns.”'


Fifty years ago students brought guns to school on a regular basis and there were no school shootings. What happened?

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SSRIs happened

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Love love love Jeffrey Tucker and read everything he writes.Thanks for having him on.As an aside Trish you are allowed to vent about your health issues. We don't mind you being as human as the rest of us.From personal experience I agree that vertigo is a very unpleasant condition.

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Here in Ontario, because of crazy privacy laws, a child's file is not always shared between the numerous social service agencies. When a child eventually ages out of care, their file is not transferred to the adult agency for work and housing.

It's nuts, but this probably deserves a deep dive investigation Trish.

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Seeing as you brought up the subject of election cheating, have you watched the "documentary" 1000 Mules? Garbage IMO.

I recently watched a doco about the 2008 financial crash callled Inside Job which TBH blew my mind. 5 out of 5.

There's a doco called The Lobby and The Lobby US. Both really good when it comes to election interference by Israel.

There's also a doco about the 7/10 attack and the numerous rapes called Silent Screams(?). A POS as the so-called facts have all been debunked but, it is still chalking up the views..

When did the fine and noble art of documentary film making become so bastardized? When did truth and evidence stop being essential elements of the story?

I am however looking forward to your doco about Tamara & Chris because you are what l call a trusted source. x

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Thank you for these doco recommendations and cautions against.

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I really loved this, which I hate to say, because I'm a hard core leftist on 9/10 fronts. My chief complaint with conservative criticism re: "working class" and "government", is I'm so fukin tired of hearing people complain of "governments". There are no "governments". There are only corporate decisions because the corporations 100% control "government" policy.

Presidents are nothing.

Elections are nothing.


Also, next time there's a discussion on the "we need migrant workers cuz Canadian women don't breed enough", I'd love to hear a discussion of the other end of the spectrum. Why the fuk are people under the delusion that humans are supposed to en-masse live into our 70s, 80s, 90s, 100s. Why the fuk do we allow our healthcare system, that was invented to serve INJURIES, to now be completely focused on chronic care? We know of course, because the Medical Industrial Complex make all the healthcare policy, even in public ACCESS countries like Canada. But beyond that, why are Canadians so obsessed with this approach to public healthcare, that we're "caring" (extending the pharma life of the >70s)

It's been the only allowable narrative in healthcare for decades and needs to stop.

The PUBLIC part of healthcare should be focused on age 5-55, that's the natural biological fitness lifespan. Forcing the <5 to live makes a weak population, they should really have died, that's natural selection. Forcing the >55 to live is a 100% stupidity, why on Earth should people expect this nonsense.

More years of medicated life is NOT "progress" (as the idiots Haidt, Pinker, Harris, love to say)

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I don't know if Jeffrey Tucker was just talking about what people who admired the Chinese totalitarian system like our beloved Prime Minister were saying, or if it was something he believed too, but it is certainly incorrect now to think of China as a country that would someday overtake the US as the number one world economy. It did so a decade ago in 2014, when Joe Biden was the US VP, and not the US President. Today it has a larger economy than the US and Mexico combined. The fact that in this so-called information age this very basic fact is not generally known really shows how Gresham's Law works in the field of ideas, with trashy ideas driving out good ones. The ranking of world economies are best measured using GDP on a purchasing power basis not nominal GDP exchange-rate-adjusted to US dollars. That the rankings based on nominal GDP still have so much traction serves the vanity, not only of Americans, but of higher-income countries in general, whose economies seem much larger when nominal GDP is the yardstick, not GDP on a PPP basis. We are the 10th largest economy in the world this year according to IMF estimates based on nominal GDP, and Russia is in 11th place. When one instead looks at GDP on a PPP basis for 2024, the IMF puts us in 16th place, and Russia in sixth place. (The World Bank estimates for GDP on a PPP basis put Russia in fifth place and Canada in 15th place in 2024. These are still projected estimates, and the rankings could change when they are finalized, but Russia having a MUCH larger economy than we do will still be the story.)

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Not disputing your figures nor your conclusion, but here is my (somewhat flippant) reaction to the Russia! Russia! Russia! bad guy narrative that we are constantly hearing.

Russia's (nominal) GDP is slightly smaller than Canada's. Yet, somehow, according to the narrative since 2016, Russia has the means to subvert politics in Canada, the USA, Germany, UK, etc? Does Russia have lush, tropical, "honeypot" islands that nobody knows of, where they can secretly entice and induce western media and other influencers? Or does Purchasing Power Parity mean that the ruble goes further when it comes to sabotaging "first world" politics?

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You said you are being flippant, Martin. Of course, the extent of Russian involvement in Western political campaigns, especially in America, has been grossly exaggerated, and it seems to be happening all over again in this year’s presidential race. I’m not sure the ruble would go further in terms of subverting first world politics. However, Richard Connolly gives a good summary of why GDP on a PPP basis is better for international rankings of countries than nominal GDP estimates that are exchange-rate adjusted: “. . . [A]lthough market exchange rates are appropriate for measuring the value of internationally traded goods, non-traded goods and services tend to be cheaper in lower income countries, especially large, populous countries such as Russia. For example, the price of an Uber ride of the same distance is significantly higher in London than in Moscow. The same is true of the relative price of a haircut. This is because wages tend to be lower in relatively poorer countries, and services such as Uber and hairdressers are relatively labor intensive. Any analysis that fails to take these differences into account will underestimate the purchasing power of consumers in lower income countries.” If you haven’t already seen it, the whole paper by Connolly is well worth reading: “Russian Military Expenditure in Comparative Perspective: A Purchasing Power Parity Estimate.” Unfortunately, it was written in 2011, so the very good example it gives of the comparative price of the price of a Big Mac in Washington and in Moscow is now out of date, since McDonald’s moved out of the Russian Federation after the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

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I am almost embarrassed to mention this, but I used to subscribe to the Economist magazine in the 90s and early 2000s. I vividly recall that they published a global macro-economic data table that included PPP (aka "The Big Mac Index") in each weekly issue. If I recall correctly, when Tucker Carlson went to Moscow earlier this year to interview President Putin, he did manage to find a re-branded McDonald's in order to do his own cost comparison to the equivalent meal in the US.

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Me too....love it then. Ugh.

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Thank you for your reply, Martin. No need to be embarrassed at subscribing to The Economist, although I wouldn’t subscribe to it myself. If you find the time to read Richard Connolly’s document, he actually mentions The Economist’s very clever Big Mac index: “To explain PPP, the Economist magazine’s widely known ‘Big Mac’ index is often used to illustrate how costs vary across the world, even for purchasing near-identical products. The relative cost of a hamburger illustrates the problem. If a Big Mac is sold for 120 RUB in Moscow and 5 USD in Washington, DC, this would suggest a PPP exchange rate of 24 RUB to 1 USD. After all, identical products are being sold in both Moscow and Washington. In practice, the market exchange rate often differs considerably from the rate suggested by a PPP calculation. In September 2019, the RUB-to-USD exchange rate was around 65 RUB to 1 USD. The reason for this variation is usually to do with the differences in costs of inputs required to make the Big Mac: in Russia, input costs (e.g., labor, land, equipment) are lower compared with those in the US, meaning that the ruble can on average buy more goods and services in Russia than might be expected if using the prevailing market exchange rate.” I have never seen a McDonald’s anywhere else in the world to match the McDonald’s I visited in Moscow more than two decades ago. I ate in one near the site of the 1980 Moscow summer Olympics with photos on the walls of great Soviet and Russian Olympians. In another restaurant that was a converted fire station, there were pictures of Moscow fire trucks across the decades. It probably wasn’t super expensive to do, but I have never seen a McDonald’s in another country that did something like that.

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I agree with some of what you say here. Not all. But I like your fire and potty mouth. I don't have the courage to be as outspoken as you, and I sometimes wish I did.

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That was a terrific podcast, Trish. I’m surprised about a few things Tucker said, as I’ve been following Dr. Jensen since summer 2020, and he was the one who gave me the proof that something was amiss…. Funny how I thought that all of us in this so-called “movement” were all watching the same things…. ditto the Steve Bannon issue. I saw him on some show where he said he’s proud to serve time in jail for his principles. Became a fan that day. It's nice to know that there are many many others out there that I probably haven't heard of and will be eager to get to know...

Anyhow, good one and can’t wait until Friday!

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I heard Bannon say that in an interview with Tucker Carlson. But that is the ONLY time I've heard about or from Bannon on the matter

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Great pod. Love hearing you and Jeffrey in meaningful conversation.

I'm sorry to hear of your vertigo. I hope it passes quickly.

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Horrified to learn that the father of the Georgia school shooter gave the kid a gun after it was known he was expressing a desire to shoot up a school. It reminded me of the book People of the Lie by Scott Peck, an examination of evil, which tells the story of a 16 year old boy who commited suicide using the rifle his father gave him for his birthday - the same rifle his older brother had used to kill himself a couple of year before. Pure evil.

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Meanwhile, you support the Zionists God given right to defend themselves, falsely claim a land that was never theirs and ethnically cleanse any Arabs or Christians that get in their way.

Canada has stopped sending arms to the US. The UK has reduced weapons to Israel by a meagre 8%. Japan is refusing Israeli tourists. Millions of citizens are proesting around the world -:not pro-Hamas, not-pro-Hezbollah and not pro-Houthis. And the list goes on as real human people are waking up to Israels terrorism and brutal genocide of Palestinians and Americas perpetual war machine.

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Sadly, you are so devoid of the facts.

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