Trish. A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) who remains anonymous writes excellent Substacks. Mr. Malone follows and recommends them.


Do you happen to know how many Covid injections Biden has taken?

AMD proposes the hypothesis that Joe’s cognitive decline accelerated from the jabs - one of the known side effects.

If Joe has an “off the official record” medical file, perhaps the type of his dementia/Alzheimer is known. If it is aggravated by the “industrial strength” version of spike protein made by the jab, I wonder if his physician will acknowledge the jab as a causative agent (jab side affect) and if there are any known drugs that can slow the spike-induced infections in his brain tissue or, better yet, reverse the damage (unlikely).

The irony would be legendary if Joe was declared a victim of his own Covid jab policies. Like you, I have no sympathy for the man. As they say “payback’s a bitch”. Suck it up Joe!!!

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The thing that I enjoyed the most was a series of photos of Biden supporters taken by an AP reporter during the debate. They all look dejected, most of them with their heads in their hands. Shadenfraude is a bastard, and so am I.

As for Biden, do I, or should I, feel sorry for him? No! He is a swamp creature. Do you feel sorry for the mosquito, the leech, the vampire, or other bloodsuckers when you swat, salt, or drag them out into the sun?Biden, his handlers, and their cronies in the media should all receive the same treatment: pulled from their hideouts and exposed to sunlight for all to see, and possibly to spectacularly burst into flame.

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Jul 2Liked by Trish Wood

Unfortunately, I don't think it will

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This is not my proudest moment but I admit I do want to see footage of the president farting.

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I just made that up....I think. But you know it's happening,.

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Jul 2Liked by Trish Wood

More proof Trish is worth way more than the subscription fee.

Sign up “people”.

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Thanks. This is my zone. I was an investigative medical journo during AIDS and then did some tough work getting innocent people out of jail by exposing the flaws in the forensic pathology

analysis. Very kind of you.

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Jul 2Liked by Trish Wood

You are very good Trish!

You should be very proud of your work!

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Update: Alex Berenson has a neurosurgeon diagnosing Parkinson's dementia which I originally thought due to his gait -- but the medical report from 4 months ago rules out Parkinson's. Very strange. I do think this doc might be correct but it makes the White House doctor's medical report even more strange.

"He undoubtedly has Parkinson’s disease, and is increasingly suffering from Parkinson’s dementia. The signs are unmistakable:

-his shuffling gait

-the absence of associated movements (facial expression, arm swinging). When he does swing his arms, it appears stilted - probably because his handlers have told him to swing his arms when he walks. It’s something we all do naturally, but it goes away in Parkinson’s disease

-gait instability

-soft voice

-ON and OFF periods - times when the medication seems to be working well, and when it isn’t (also explains how a good dose of Sinemet times right could get him more animated


"His physicians UNDOUBTEDLY know this, and it is unconscionable that we do not know this about his health record. I understand HIPAA issues, but this is worse than the Roosevelt secret - he couldn’t walk. At least he had his mind about him! Here we have someone with cognitive issues with his hand on the nuclear button."

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A quick search of the Johns Hopkins website shows there is no test for Parkinson’s and that it is usually diagnosed by a neurologist who assesses symptoms. I thought Parkinson’s when watching him shuffling off stage post debate because it reminded me of Ozzy Osbourne who has been diagnosed with this disease - including the gaping mouth, flicking eye movements, shuffling gait. Unfortunately, there can be a progressive cognitive impairment in some, not be any means all, folks with this ailment. As you said, the tremors are not always there so I wonder if the doctors simply dismissed it as a possibility. Also, Michael J Fox was able to temporarily tamp down symptoms, including some of his tremors, with medication, at least initially. The medicine allowed him to continue acting in the early days with his condition undetected. Who knows? They aren’t about to let us in on it, are they?

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Well we can rest assured that no matter who is president , If you are on stage, you are an actor. And neither contestant in the presidential game show the other night are writing or directing the script for the movie play they are in. I know what it makes us…. Extras, but the degree to which we know our roles and transgress them, can at least make us the little boy in the back row of the parade in the Emperors New Clothes. That said, the men behind the curtains are finding it hard and harder to hide. Let the unveiling begin. Let the apocalypse unfold.

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Thank goodness there are still some people with integrity. Much enjoyed your conversation with Scott Atlas. As for all the Biden crap, I've concluded we're all living in an absurdist play & I am going to have to start ignoring a lot more of the crap that's going on. It's too hard on the spirit.

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Stay strong and take breaks.....

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Update: White House photographer confirms the cover-up. Says staff have known for a while

that Biden is impaired.


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I fully agree with you that Biden's mental state was laid bare for all to see during that debate, even for the most loyal followers, who must have realized the truth. I noted in your monologue in your podcast, Trish you expressed some concern that a man in Biden's condition might have access to the 'red button'' so to speak. I don't think so, given that Biden has been a puppet from the get go, you can be sure that his every waking hour is managed by his puppeteers. I also believe the major puppeteer in Obama and this has all been orchestrated since Trump won the election in 2016. Obama once even made the comment at some point in his tenure that being president from behind the scenes would be better than actually sitting in the office. Or something along those lines. I also believe that Obama's quick rise to prominence and president was no accident. He was virtually unheard and then suddenly you heard nothing but Obama. This was all carefully orchestrated by the deep state, of which he has become part of and very powerful member. Obama is a dangerous, dangerous man.

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Agreed....it was a rhetorical lament to highlight his role in foreign policy decisions.

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I think hearing the Robert Hur tapes is essential at this point.

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I was working on the angle and ran out of time. You are tottaly correct. Perhaps an honourable leaker....

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Honourable?!? In Washington? 😂😂.

There’s maybe 2 and that’s Rand Paul and Thomas Massie lol.

Hopefully there’s more of a push by Republicans after the debate but I’m not holding my breath.

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Jun 30Liked by Trish Wood

I think people forget that the ones controlling the play do not treat the actors kindly. To the contrary. Yes, they get what we call the "spoils" in life of wealth, but they are literally threatened within an inch of their lives, along with their family, to tow the line or pay the price. And it works. Just look at the world leaders who didn't accept the shakedown. Geert Wilders is just the latest example of somebody who has been threatened to tow the line, hence his quick departure from election promises.

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A lawyer in another thread posted this......very scary. I think she is a Brit.

Helen Dale

Putting Biden’s debate disaster in terms of legal capacity is useful.

If a bloke came into my office back when I worked in wills and estates behaving like Biden did during that debate—while giving instructions—I’d not be able to draft the will and have him execute it without setting fire to my practicing certificate.

This is why solicitors (attorneys to you Muricans) make use of capacity tests.

The US President lacks capacity. He can’t make a will or a contract. Think about the implications of that.

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Jun 30Liked by Trish Wood

I am not certain of the Legal Power of Biden's Physician but I do know in Canada A Physician after careful complete assessment can prevent a person from driving a car/truck etc and the patient must take specific tests to get their licence returned. I doubt that "power" only applies to driving.

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Interesting. I was wondering about that. I was thinking of a drunk person being allowed behind the wheel but also the responsibility that person in court for their own actions. Not testing Biden in February for cognitive issues feels a bit like malpractice - given what we were seeing then.

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Hard to for me to judge with any degree of certainty but from what I see, but his wife and his Doctor do not seem to have the best interest of The President by their actions.

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Trish -- thanks for a fine critique!

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Somewhere else someone noted that Obama didn't say who was who in his tweet. And then weirdly I've just thought of Bobby Kennedy, whose parallel debate was so popular and whose Israel stance has kept his foot in the establishment door. Obamas words about the someone who's fought for ordinary folk could almost also refer to him... It's a slight stretch of the imagination, but would the Democrats welcome him back into the fold after this, as part of admittedly a very confusing plan? There's so much coming out about Pfizer etc now. And despite all the spin, what really is the truth about the Kennedy family?

Anyway, I'm pretty sure my theory doesn't hold much water - but in this day and age I'm prepared for literally anything to happen!

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What a great theory. Sadly this suggests that the D party is still a functioning, moral entity and

I don't think that's true. Nothing would surprise me anymore, though.

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It wouldn't suggest that if Kennedy had been all part of the plan (or at least a plan B, or plan C...) all along and if his Zionist views are the most important thing about him from the globocap perspective But it would imply an even more confusing amount of deception and plot twisting, and a huge gamble - like, would all those Democrats still religiously believing in the jabs then have to vote for Trump?! What a laugh this all is!

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Jun 30Liked by Trish Wood

If you get a chance, have a listen to a long form interview Dr. Phil did with RFK within the last few weeks (program called “Merit” on YouTube) with RFK who was asked the usual question about being a “spoiler” (splitting the vote presumably to Biden’s detriment). Kennedy explained that polls are showing that in a 2 way race with Biden right now he would beat him by a landslide and in a 2 way race with Trump he would beat him but with with a much smaller margin. He said that he has extended an invitation directly to Biden that the two of them run a significant poll early fall asking voters to choose which of Biden or Kennedy they feel could defeat Trump and then each of them would agree that the “loser” (my words) of the poll would step out of the race. That would eliminate the accusations of being a spoiler. When Kennedy was asked if he thought Biden might take him up on the offer, he laughed and said “no”. He was also asked whether, if the Dems came to him a to ask him to be their candidate, would he consider doing it and he indicated he would seriously consider that. If the Dems were smart they would look at one of these options, imo.

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