I made the Trump having "nine lives" comment before the latest assassination attempt. Yikes.

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What comes to mind is when Maria Ressa who won the Nobel Peace Prize 2021 warned the world is going authoritarian - when you want to rip the heart out of democracy - and it's turning out she is correct . What I did find of interest in the debate aside from the bias points , was Trump in a rather controlled state and the other part, that in my opinion should be so telling ,was the desire to move on , turn the page and be joyful /be hopeful: that screams to me - what are you NOT wanting to talk about ? Very telling information from an AI source as to what has been going on in Ohio for quite some time, that of course, was not fact checked . There is Brazil and how are our countries destinies are going to be similar with like minded people in positions of power ? Then there is CJ Hopkins Trial - again... with the plan to destroy him . I'm always amazed with how little people are unaware of what is going on , nor do they have any appetite to find out . So pleased to see you are doing a documentary on the convoy, Trish , since I think they were trying to tell us all how we are imploding as a country but like goldfish , people don't want to think about that and want to "turn the page " which will be the next catch phrase parroted by many, in my opinion.

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“ I'm always amazed with how little people are unaware of what is going on , nor do they have any appetite to find out “


I’m sitting here just SMH. It really is shocking how woefully out of touch so many people are.

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Most Eric have no idea what substack even is because they rely on all things mainstream . Every day I commit small acts of sedition just mentioning the latest info that is purposely hidden by design so people stay in their comatose worlds of rose coloured glasses - certainly is easier than reading the difficult truths on many situations. Are you aware of Sam Cooper's The Bureau - substack ? He a valuable independent journalist who is looking into just how much the Beijing Government has taken over our country politically - re who actually gets elected . I'd say it looks like stolen votes and kind of wonder now , if Trump wasn't so far off saying his were stolen. Ours were as well , at least influenced , and wonder if that's the same thing but we are too polite to say it here because it looks like you are some smear word that covers all the meanings of somehow not being safe for "democracy".

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I've often wonder if Kamala is even an attorney. She's had a remarkably effortless ascension through California politics because the state is completely blue and mostly affluent and clueless. So, I've given up on whether or not she can be vetted. She's bullet proof, just like the governor, and in the most cynical way.

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Not sure what side of the US/Canada border, you are on, but I've heard Harris described as a female version of Justin Trudeau.

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Same policies exactly

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I'm laughing as much as possible these days. On you tube, there's a parody of "Light My Fire"by the Doors called "Kamala's a Big Fat Liar". Strongly recommended. LOL!!

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Sooooo many lies!

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The choice between Trump and Harris is a pathetic choice. The choice between the Republicans and Democrats is even worse. As a long time Libertarian, I have lobbied to change the name to “LESS GOVERNMENT for AMERICA” so that every ballot offers that choice along side the red-blue options. There are many misinformed voters who are clueless about Libertarianism, big there would be no confusion about a LESS GOVERNMENT mandate.

Consider this. The root causes of so many problems in America today are found in taxation, public debt, excessive government authority, and a class of politician and public official that persistently games the system to reap advantages to themselves and their crony associated. If you strip down the size, cost and scope of authority of all levels of government to a level the balances the legitimate rights of citizens with the appropriate duties of governments to protect and depend those rights, most of those root causes would evaporate.

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I listened to this yesterday. I was 100% disappointed and un-believing of this Affler dude. He only "cared" when shit affected HIS kids?? He's the enemy. The Jewish diaspora is into authoritarianism, and the Medical Industrial Complex.

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Hi Tracy....Any failings here are mine as an interviewer. He is a decent bloke. We disagree on foreign policy but don't most people make decisions about how policy affects them personally? Just a thought.

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Trish, as much as I love to hear your opinion and with all due respect, I also like to hear the opinion of the people you are interviewing.

ps - and now I know, we are the same age! :)

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I did talk too much in that interview......I was mortified when I head it back. Not on top of my game these days.....

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I'm not really sure how to state what I'm feeling but here goes. As a conservative Christian woman, I feel I've been maligned for years. In movies, TV shows and in the media, people with my views are portrayed as stupid, mean, uncaring, ignorant, racist and extreme. For years, I've felt hesitant to express my views (I live in a blue state). And now, when I see people who were from the left, express views that don't agree with the party line and have the same labels put on them that have been put on me for years, I struggle to empathize. Where were they when I or people like me were called those names? It only matters when it happens to them.

I think one thing that the covid years has taught me is that right or left, there are many issues where we can find common ground. I think that is why I like listening to Trish. I like hearing from people with different views who are respectful of those who disagree with them.

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I don't see any failing of yours here. When it comes to nonsense like the covid cold, it must be a matter of principle. People must resist from Day zero, as you, and I did. Everyone who changed their mind are not driven by principles thinking but by selfishness. Too many people still argue, "we closed too hard, but had it been worse it was appropriate"

No, it's NEVER appropriate to lockdown society. And all these weasels coming around three years late are of zero value.

Until we change the fundamental all narrative away from germophobia and zoophobia, we are doomed to repeat this atrocity.

We must kick authoritarianism in the butt, and no Jewish person is going to help in this regard. Their life stance is fundamentally authoritarian.

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I think his attitude reflects most people, that they don't even notice until it starts to affect them personally. This is why many of the managerial classes cling to their beliefs: They never have to experience the consequences of them.

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Sep 18
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Did you accept being forced to take a vaccine, Israel was basically a Guinea pig for Pfizer, and they loved it.

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Although it seems like old news now, I want to share my thoughts on the debate. As Kamala gave her first response, my immediate thought was that she had been fed the questions. She was uncharacteristically clear and polished. And then fear set in. For the viewer who was undecided and not critically thinking, I realized they had achieved their goal of making her sound like a voice of thoughtful reason - someone you might trust to run the country over the orange man. It reminded me of the Touring Test - a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Kamala 2.0 had been successfully upgraded. They even de-bugged the cackle. And I wonder how long they practiced that smug, amused look she wore whenever Trump spoke. What a performance. If I was that undecided voter who was more about form than function, I think I might have been swayed her way. I'm sure she won a few undecided votes that night, but bless the American people who saw right through the veneer.

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So now with the second assassination attempt, the regime media in the US are saying he brought this on by his own 'violent' rhetoric. Seriously! The ability to gaslight has become the highest form of art among the Democrats and up here in Canada the Liberals and the NDP. Anything and everything they do, they accuse their opponents of doing, every so blithely and effortlessly -- that it actually makes my skin crawl sometimes. With that aside, an interesting show on switching sides in politics. While some, it would seem, are able to do, others, are so tied to their party stripes nothing can seem to make them make a change. Take the results of the by-election in Winnipeg in Transcona-Elmwood. True it was a long time strong hold of the NDP, but with the NDP propping the staggeringly unpopular Liberals, one would think that maybe voters there might have thought it was time to send a message to Singh, but alas the message they sent was that he can keep doing what he is doing. This does confound me, because throughout my adult life I can honestly say I have voted for all three major parties in Canada in federal and provincial elections. However, as pointed out in your podcast, the left wing parties -- these days have become so crazy and dangerously ideologically driven, they have driven me away from ever considering them in terms of voting for a very long time.

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As a previous lefty, I really appreciated this interview. I struggle daily as my whole world is super woke (lesbian living in Vancouver- say no more!). I can’t even say “maybe we should be curious about why people support trump” without being ostracized socially. Thanks again Trish. You’ve been a key part of my life for four years - really helped! It was great see you in the x space re coutts trial btw.

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Sep 16Edited

How lovely, in today's show we have a NY Genocider instructing us all re. right and wrong. Last week, it was some worshipper at the church of Milton "Worst Person of the 20th-century" Friedman and his Chicago School of "Free Market" Vampires. And before that some libertard embracing the wonderful humanitarian Herbert Hoover while letting us know that all the evil in the world stems from the pre-WWI Progressive Era. . . (And how amazing that all libertards go on-and-on whining about BIG GUBMENT yet never utter a peep concerning private corporate totalitarian power. Gee, I wonder why that is. . .)



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There was Jason Lavigne who covered in depth was at every day of trial

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Dear Trish, I just listened to your interview with Nico Perrino on my podcast app on my iphone, dated August 30, Protecting Free Speech is hard. But when I can't find it on your Substack? It was really excellent.

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Trish, Kelly Anne Wolfe might be an interesting guest on your next show.


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