After listening to this podcast I was immediately taken back to June 2023 when my husband and I made a major move from small town Ontario to rural Nova Scotia. A stressful event even when the move goes well which ours did not. Having experienced a horrendous move in 2007 we opted to pick a well known large national mover. To make a very long story short …. Here goes. All of the many workers except two were immigrants including the driver, who somehow narrowly got away with not getting a ticket on the way to us that day. There were three student helper, two Canadians and one international student. I spoke with each of them at some point in the day. However I was struck by the response by the international student when I asked what he was studying and where he hoped to work once complete. He laughed loudly and said he would be driving a truck. Anyway I was floored that someone would make their way across the world to study in a foreign country and then want to be a truck driver. ( Not that there’s anything wrong with truckers. My Dad and brother both were truckers). As for how we were treated and the damage to our belongings I could write a novella. Just my two cents.
I wanted to comment on a few things including your upcoming podcast with Julius Ruechil.
I have lost so much trust in virtually every level of government and authority because of all the lies but I choose to view it as a gift because it opened my eyes.
And that leads me to your upcoming podcast…..I think Pierre P is actually playing a smart game by not mentioning anything COVID….stay with me on this one.
I saw my friends and coworkers vilified, pushed on to LWOP and some were fired over noncompliance with the federal mandates, and I chose to stand up and fight for them.
If PP mentions anything covid, no matter how justified, it is a trap. He will be made out to be a tin foil hat wearing nut case…..I know this from personal experience as I am surrounded by family and friends that are still quite asleep and if I mention anything covid it is met with only eye rolls and derisive laughs.
And finally, I live about 50km outside of Vancouver and have noticed a massive decline in driving ability.
I drove professionally for 29 years and the last 5 or so years have been insane.
I avoid vancouver like the plague….it is not what it used to be unfortunately and driving is a dance with death every time.
Wise words. I agree he might be being strategic but I wonder why those questions were never asked. Was there a pre-agreement? If so we should be told that. P should have a good response to tricky questions....and yes driving is a dance with death. How awful for us all. I used to love it and still do on small country roads with Abba blasting.
It wasn’t just members of parliament, it was every union, every city council, every city administration…..the list is endless.
I hold hope because I woke up, and started fighting back.
Cognitive dissonance is a tough nut to crack and many people will never wake up by choice….I understand that, if they do wake up they then have to acknowledge that they were played for fools and willingly if not eagerly may have permanently harmed themselves and worse their children.
I worked in a union for almost 30 years and never saw my union roll over so fast for the employer…and it was all unions. This is now leading to DFR being filed with the CIRB…..I am optimistic justice will eventually prevail.
Good on you. As a biologist having studied in this field, I was positively infuriated by the nonsense from Day 1. That was pretty lonely. But from the lay society, I at least expected a civil rights approach, rather than a hysteric sheeple reflex. It completely end my trust in Canadians.
We saw all rights destroyed and very few stood up against it. A great example is the vaccine mandates….OSHA rules were ignored not only by the employer but by the unions that were supposed to represent the workers, in fact my union implemented there own vaccine mandate on their employees even though they were not mandated to do so…..and this was done throughout the country in so many businesses.
No medical advice was sought other than parroting what Terry Tam or Bonnie Henry said…….and where are they now?
Roman Baber was an MP (now former )speaking out at the time. Sadly MSM gave him zero attention. Leslyn Lewis is still an active MP for the conservatives. She went out on the streets to talk to the truckers and protesters when they were in Ottawa. I discovered her during a YouTube stream posted by Andrew Lawton. It gives me some hope there were a few brave enough to speak.
I agree PP is also using this tactic in his interview with Jordan Peterson. Jordan asks him his cabinet picks. He mentions Leslyn Lewis who is anti-globalist. This is a very unusual comment for him. He knows the public that are following such things understand she is anti-globalist but again, if he says anything he walks into a trap they will hang him with. Better to be quiet til he has his majority and move fast.
Everything gets weaponized…….speech, physical looks, gender….etc, etc….this Trudeau government has been the most divisive government Canada has ever had…and every member of this liberal government is culpable, no matter how badly they want to distance themselves from JT they can’t, they literally sold their souls to him.
I had a conversation with the foreman of the Crew Building the infills down the street. He was very open in telling me, that he was not a Canadian, and not an immigrant, but rather a Sikh farmer from India. He was very open in telling me, that from his perspective, the immigration system is very broken. Especially the connection between students, and people coming to Canada. He thought we were crazy.
I found myself wondering, so how much of our housing shortage is from people like him, in Canada temporarily, needing housing. So, what happens when all these people go home?
I also found myself wondering why, we needed to bring in people from India to build houses in Canada? Don't we have qualified trades people here needing jobs? I really think Immigration Canada needs to have a multi-year moratorium across the board, so we can figure out what is going on.
It is always about profits. They replace workers with AI -- think self-checkout which I ALWAYS loudly refuse -- and they replace with cheap foreign workers. Canadian Tire, Tim's and many other iconic brands are building profits by hiring temporary foreign workers. The United Nations called our program servitude.
You should ask a farmer how many Canadians are willing to work for him/her for the wages he/she can afford to pay. Canada needs immigrants. It’s time you right wing second and third generation immigrants got over it.
I agree Tracy. Corporate welfare and exploitation seem to rule the C suite these days. True capitalism is only found in the small businesses that are currently being destroyed.
So should we lose our agriculture sector because most Canadians aren’t capable of working that hard for the money that agriculture pays? Canada was built on immigration and would die if mean-spirited right wingers get their way. It is hilarious that everyone who rants about immigration is the son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, etc. of immigrants. Give your heads a collective shake.
You're correct, it's not capitalism, it's corporate socialism vis a vis fascism. A merger of Corporate and State powers.
Elon Musk is an American hero, he saved this country. He and RFK Jr. When those balloons dropped at RFK Jr's initiation, I knew the election was in the bag.
But now, as Trish Wood mentioned, he's vanished. We can only assume he's been put into yet another corporate socialist position, same as Elon Musk. The two of them are effectively one and the same.
Good points, David. I do fear now that Elon perhaps has too much power. He seems to be injecting himself into foreign policy and diplomacy in crude, inflammatory and destructive ways. Chirping in Trump's ear and playing to the future president's darker impulses. E is thin-skinned, megalomaniacal and dishonest to the core. That he sits beside Trump, while controlling and censoring on a hugely important information platform is terrifying to me. And I have been mini-Maga, on behalf of workers, the middle class and ending American empire- building and war since 2016. Not seeing much of that on the agenda. Where is Bobby? Where is Nicole, whom is brilliant?
Nicole is busy with Californian concerns. It looks like she will run for governor in 2026. I sure hope so she is great. I have listened to any of her podcasts.
Having lived in the South SF Bay Area from 1976 till 2 years ago, minus about 2 years in Sioux Falls, SD and Olymptardistan, WA, I can give many examples of the effects of Illegals and H1-B's.
Silicon Valley was still labeled The Valley of Hearts Delight when we moved there in '76. There were still a considerable number of orchards Apple Computer was a little, non-descript building on Bandley Ave in Cupertino, about 3/4 of a mile from us on Columbus Ave.
Monta Vista high school was all White. Not even 20 Mexicans, and fewer than 10 each of Hawaiians, Samoans, Japanese and Chinese. More Japanese than Chinese, because they were highly skilled arborists.
The canneries (in season) and the machine shops in Sunnyvale were an ace-in-the-hole, for a got out of jail job, in the Eighties. Back then the standard was 90 days for an under the influence. Always the same. I knew a guy from Elmrock, Robert L., who had 13 UI's of PCP, and he got 90 days on every single one. He'd get out and be out 2 or 3 weeks or so, then he'd get another one and come back and have to start all over again. But then also I knew another guy, Robert H., who ultimately got up to his 44th drunk in public and the judge somehow gave him a year. Drunk in public (647 f) is an overnight stay, except on the weekend, where you have to stay till Monday for "arraignment". The maximum is 6 months is what the law says, but the judge gave him a year all of a sudden. 39 Soul Trains after good time/work time. Robert H was a good bricklayer and knew how to hustle work, so he always had a jug and would share without even thinking.
Then Ronald Reagan gave Amnesty and it's never been the same since. For over 2 years, there was a line of Illegals 2 wide that went way up 2nd Street into the federal courthouse building. Minimum 300 people per day, every workday, for 2, going on 3 years. That's just the San Jose courthouse.
Thousands of people took all the construction, assembly, wafer fab, machine operator and service jobs.
Idle hands are the Devil's workshop, so at the county farm they built what is actually a little prison. Which immediately filled up so they built a new main jail next to the old main jail downtown. Over the years I stayed at all 4, but haven't used or drank since March 2005, which was my last time in M2, Thunderdorm fr fr.
Afterwards I worked in union construction and got up to $43 per hour in 2010. Which didn't hold up for long, because the Illegals will work for $25 I guess.
So I went to San Jose State real late and graduated with a BS in Packaging Sciences at 52 years old. Then, believe it or not I found a federal government job at the USDA.
H1-B'S are even more of a travesty At the Kaiser hospital I went to the Podiatrist because I was working on the assembly line at Tesla in 2019, on my feet for 12 hours, where I developed a slightly ingrown toenail.
Dr. Koshimune is American born, American educated and trained Podiatrist, who went hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to pay for school. She can't get a home loan.
While droves of 3rd World "MD's" come to work for many $10's of thousands less dollars. But they have 0 debt, so mortgages are available. Maybe even at a discount.
I could tell many, many H1-B'S stories, but Dr Koshimune is who I remember best. She's it in a nutshell.
Where I live, far from Southern Canada, they are taking all the windy hilly roads and straightening them and flattening them, leaving massive embankments where vehicles tumble down, vastly increasing travel speeds, it's disgusting.
It is indeed pushing us car drivers off the roads
And ain't that the point?
A few points to consider:
1. Canada's rural exodus is way more extreme than in the US. In the US, they have a proper spectrum between rural and urban.
2. The rural exodus is getting worse. +50% of Canadians live in our 12 biggest cities.
3. During covid, you needed a pass to be allowed to drive anywhere, you weren't allowed to stop, you had to go from point A to point B.
4. What I expect will eventually come to pass, is that we will be like in Logan's Run and Wall-E. We'll all live in cities. Those working in resource extraction will be allowed out the cities, the rest of us won't be allowed to free-travel, only approved routes will be possible. Today in remote Canada, it's already under way, but of course city folk don't realize that.
Anything beyond Smart-cities will become illegal, dangerous, dirty, disease infested. Nature is dangerous. STAY HOME, stay in the city.
Buy a country property now if you have any spare cash. I don't but manage to rent something good once in a while. I drove to my current spot on backroads from Toronto, not going anywhere near the QEW highway. It is a nightmare of trucks, blindspots, speeders and crashes. I add two hours to my journey but actually enjoy it now.
Motorcycles have it more difficult, because the straightaways are more prone to sandy dirt getting blown onto the roadway.
Near Sioux Falls, all the way through to Rapid City, and likely before and after but I've never been. Merely the area right around Sioux Falls though, about once a week on Hwy 80, where the speed limit is 80, there's a motorcycle fatality.
The sandy dirt, I suppose they get accustomed to it to where they lose mindfulness. Then one little slightly wrong move of the handlebars and they lose traction and slide out.
If it weren't so flat and straight, the sandy dirt wouldn't be blown onto the road to the same degree.
So what’s your point Tracy? I am an immigrant professional forester who has worked and lived in small communities in BC for the past 40+ years. I see lots of examples of rural poverty that sadden me, but there are no simple answers. Resource extraction industries do not and cannot guarantee long-term community stability. Neither can any other industry. BTW I live in the BC interior and love it.
After listening to this podcast I was immediately taken back to June 2023 when my husband and I made a major move from small town Ontario to rural Nova Scotia. A stressful event even when the move goes well which ours did not. Having experienced a horrendous move in 2007 we opted to pick a well known large national mover. To make a very long story short …. Here goes. All of the many workers except two were immigrants including the driver, who somehow narrowly got away with not getting a ticket on the way to us that day. There were three student helper, two Canadians and one international student. I spoke with each of them at some point in the day. However I was struck by the response by the international student when I asked what he was studying and where he hoped to work once complete. He laughed loudly and said he would be driving a truck. Anyway I was floored that someone would make their way across the world to study in a foreign country and then want to be a truck driver. ( Not that there’s anything wrong with truckers. My Dad and brother both were truckers). As for how we were treated and the damage to our belongings I could write a novella. Just my two cents.
hopefully a bit more settled by now...? be well.
I wanted to comment on a few things including your upcoming podcast with Julius Ruechil.
I have lost so much trust in virtually every level of government and authority because of all the lies but I choose to view it as a gift because it opened my eyes.
And that leads me to your upcoming podcast…..I think Pierre P is actually playing a smart game by not mentioning anything COVID….stay with me on this one.
I saw my friends and coworkers vilified, pushed on to LWOP and some were fired over noncompliance with the federal mandates, and I chose to stand up and fight for them.
If PP mentions anything covid, no matter how justified, it is a trap. He will be made out to be a tin foil hat wearing nut case…..I know this from personal experience as I am surrounded by family and friends that are still quite asleep and if I mention anything covid it is met with only eye rolls and derisive laughs.
And finally, I live about 50km outside of Vancouver and have noticed a massive decline in driving ability.
I drove professionally for 29 years and the last 5 or so years have been insane.
I avoid vancouver like the plague….it is not what it used to be unfortunately and driving is a dance with death every time.
Wise words. I agree he might be being strategic but I wonder why those questions were never asked. Was there a pre-agreement? If so we should be told that. P should have a good response to tricky questions....and yes driving is a dance with death. How awful for us all. I used to love it and still do on small country roads with Abba blasting.
That's very optimistic. No one from the federal Conservatives even complained during most of Covid hysteria. I'm not optimistic.
It wasn’t just members of parliament, it was every union, every city council, every city administration…..the list is endless.
I hold hope because I woke up, and started fighting back.
Cognitive dissonance is a tough nut to crack and many people will never wake up by choice….I understand that, if they do wake up they then have to acknowledge that they were played for fools and willingly if not eagerly may have permanently harmed themselves and worse their children.
I worked in a union for almost 30 years and never saw my union roll over so fast for the employer…and it was all unions. This is now leading to DFR being filed with the CIRB…..I am optimistic justice will eventually prevail.
Good on you. As a biologist having studied in this field, I was positively infuriated by the nonsense from Day 1. That was pretty lonely. But from the lay society, I at least expected a civil rights approach, rather than a hysteric sheeple reflex. It completely end my trust in Canadians.
We saw all rights destroyed and very few stood up against it. A great example is the vaccine mandates….OSHA rules were ignored not only by the employer but by the unions that were supposed to represent the workers, in fact my union implemented there own vaccine mandate on their employees even though they were not mandated to do so…..and this was done throughout the country in so many businesses.
No medical advice was sought other than parroting what Terry Tam or Bonnie Henry said…….and where are they now?
So did you lose your trust in the entire human race as almost all nations followed the same path as the Canadian one.
Roman Baber was an MP (now former )speaking out at the time. Sadly MSM gave him zero attention. Leslyn Lewis is still an active MP for the conservatives. She went out on the streets to talk to the truckers and protesters when they were in Ottawa. I discovered her during a YouTube stream posted by Andrew Lawton. It gives me some hope there were a few brave enough to speak.
Only time will tell.
There are a couple of senators in Australia pushing for a covid enquiry but it just gets whitewashed……we need a bit of hope🤷🏽♂️🤔
And any official "covid inquiry" like in Britain, is pre-loaded with MORE lockdowns, not less.
I agree PP is also using this tactic in his interview with Jordan Peterson. Jordan asks him his cabinet picks. He mentions Leslyn Lewis who is anti-globalist. This is a very unusual comment for him. He knows the public that are following such things understand she is anti-globalist but again, if he says anything he walks into a trap they will hang him with. Better to be quiet til he has his majority and move fast.
The idea that a politician has to hide his opinions that would form future policy highlights how broken is our democracy. Very upsetting.
Everything gets weaponized…….speech, physical looks, gender….etc, etc….this Trudeau government has been the most divisive government Canada has ever had…and every member of this liberal government is culpable, no matter how badly they want to distance themselves from JT they can’t, they literally sold their souls to him.
So true, Chris.
I had a conversation with the foreman of the Crew Building the infills down the street. He was very open in telling me, that he was not a Canadian, and not an immigrant, but rather a Sikh farmer from India. He was very open in telling me, that from his perspective, the immigration system is very broken. Especially the connection between students, and people coming to Canada. He thought we were crazy.
I found myself wondering, so how much of our housing shortage is from people like him, in Canada temporarily, needing housing. So, what happens when all these people go home?
I also found myself wondering why, we needed to bring in people from India to build houses in Canada? Don't we have qualified trades people here needing jobs? I really think Immigration Canada needs to have a multi-year moratorium across the board, so we can figure out what is going on.
It is always about profits. They replace workers with AI -- think self-checkout which I ALWAYS loudly refuse -- and they replace with cheap foreign workers. Canadian Tire, Tim's and many other iconic brands are building profits by hiring temporary foreign workers. The United Nations called our program servitude.
Long term this strategy is extracting wealth from our country. Temporary foreign workers don't spend their money here, the send it back home.
You should ask a farmer how many Canadians are willing to work for him/her for the wages he/she can afford to pay. Canada needs immigrants. It’s time you right wing second and third generation immigrants got over it.
Teenagers will work for low wages because they have a low skill level.
Secondly, my family fought in WWI, wearing Canadian uniforms, so fuck you, cunt.
Self-proclaimed capitalists are weird, they shout "meritocracy" and "Supply & Demand"
but they CHEAT, cheap labour from abroad pushers are ANTI-capitalists, CHEATERS
EVERY corporation which can't exist without cheap labour
I agree Tracy. Corporate welfare and exploitation seem to rule the C suite these days. True capitalism is only found in the small businesses that are currently being destroyed.
So should we lose our agriculture sector because most Canadians aren’t capable of working that hard for the money that agriculture pays? Canada was built on immigration and would die if mean-spirited right wingers get their way. It is hilarious that everyone who rants about immigration is the son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, etc. of immigrants. Give your heads a collective shake.
You're correct, it's not capitalism, it's corporate socialism vis a vis fascism. A merger of Corporate and State powers.
Elon Musk is an American hero, he saved this country. He and RFK Jr. When those balloons dropped at RFK Jr's initiation, I knew the election was in the bag.
But now, as Trish Wood mentioned, he's vanished. We can only assume he's been put into yet another corporate socialist position, same as Elon Musk. The two of them are effectively one and the same.
Good points, David. I do fear now that Elon perhaps has too much power. He seems to be injecting himself into foreign policy and diplomacy in crude, inflammatory and destructive ways. Chirping in Trump's ear and playing to the future president's darker impulses. E is thin-skinned, megalomaniacal and dishonest to the core. That he sits beside Trump, while controlling and censoring on a hugely important information platform is terrifying to me. And I have been mini-Maga, on behalf of workers, the middle class and ending American empire- building and war since 2016. Not seeing much of that on the agenda. Where is Bobby? Where is Nicole, whom is brilliant?
You sound rational here, Trish, for a while and then you tell us you were mini-Maga. Why??? It’s all coming home to roost now. No surprise at all.
Nicole is busy with Californian concerns. It looks like she will run for governor in 2026. I sure hope so she is great. I have listened to any of her podcasts.
It's was supposed to say I have listened to many of her podcasts. It's called We the People
We need a complete moratorium on ALL migration.
We need to end dual citizenships.
25% of Canadian citizens are foreigners
Another 25% of people in this country are foreigners on various visas
That's HALF the people here being foreigners.
Migration *rates* are 100% irrelevant.
3% is critical cultural mass.
We need to reduce foreigner numbers to under 10%
END DUAL CITIZENSHIPS (tons of people will not give up their foreign passport)
Having lived in the South SF Bay Area from 1976 till 2 years ago, minus about 2 years in Sioux Falls, SD and Olymptardistan, WA, I can give many examples of the effects of Illegals and H1-B's.
Silicon Valley was still labeled The Valley of Hearts Delight when we moved there in '76. There were still a considerable number of orchards Apple Computer was a little, non-descript building on Bandley Ave in Cupertino, about 3/4 of a mile from us on Columbus Ave.
Monta Vista high school was all White. Not even 20 Mexicans, and fewer than 10 each of Hawaiians, Samoans, Japanese and Chinese. More Japanese than Chinese, because they were highly skilled arborists.
The canneries (in season) and the machine shops in Sunnyvale were an ace-in-the-hole, for a got out of jail job, in the Eighties. Back then the standard was 90 days for an under the influence. Always the same. I knew a guy from Elmrock, Robert L., who had 13 UI's of PCP, and he got 90 days on every single one. He'd get out and be out 2 or 3 weeks or so, then he'd get another one and come back and have to start all over again. But then also I knew another guy, Robert H., who ultimately got up to his 44th drunk in public and the judge somehow gave him a year. Drunk in public (647 f) is an overnight stay, except on the weekend, where you have to stay till Monday for "arraignment". The maximum is 6 months is what the law says, but the judge gave him a year all of a sudden. 39 Soul Trains after good time/work time. Robert H was a good bricklayer and knew how to hustle work, so he always had a jug and would share without even thinking.
Then Ronald Reagan gave Amnesty and it's never been the same since. For over 2 years, there was a line of Illegals 2 wide that went way up 2nd Street into the federal courthouse building. Minimum 300 people per day, every workday, for 2, going on 3 years. That's just the San Jose courthouse.
Thousands of people took all the construction, assembly, wafer fab, machine operator and service jobs.
Idle hands are the Devil's workshop, so at the county farm they built what is actually a little prison. Which immediately filled up so they built a new main jail next to the old main jail downtown. Over the years I stayed at all 4, but haven't used or drank since March 2005, which was my last time in M2, Thunderdorm fr fr.
Afterwards I worked in union construction and got up to $43 per hour in 2010. Which didn't hold up for long, because the Illegals will work for $25 I guess.
So I went to San Jose State real late and graduated with a BS in Packaging Sciences at 52 years old. Then, believe it or not I found a federal government job at the USDA.
H1-B'S are even more of a travesty At the Kaiser hospital I went to the Podiatrist because I was working on the assembly line at Tesla in 2019, on my feet for 12 hours, where I developed a slightly ingrown toenail.
Dr. Koshimune is American born, American educated and trained Podiatrist, who went hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to pay for school. She can't get a home loan.
While droves of 3rd World "MD's" come to work for many $10's of thousands less dollars. But they have 0 debt, so mortgages are available. Maybe even at a discount.
I could tell many, many H1-B'S stories, but Dr Koshimune is who I remember best. She's it in a nutshell.
What a story. Yes, I have heard that Tesla can be a sweatshop. And now Trump says he supports the H1-B. What the hell?
Where I live, far from Southern Canada, they are taking all the windy hilly roads and straightening them and flattening them, leaving massive embankments where vehicles tumble down, vastly increasing travel speeds, it's disgusting.
It is indeed pushing us car drivers off the roads
And ain't that the point?
A few points to consider:
1. Canada's rural exodus is way more extreme than in the US. In the US, they have a proper spectrum between rural and urban.
2. The rural exodus is getting worse. +50% of Canadians live in our 12 biggest cities.
3. During covid, you needed a pass to be allowed to drive anywhere, you weren't allowed to stop, you had to go from point A to point B.
4. What I expect will eventually come to pass, is that we will be like in Logan's Run and Wall-E. We'll all live in cities. Those working in resource extraction will be allowed out the cities, the rest of us won't be allowed to free-travel, only approved routes will be possible. Today in remote Canada, it's already under way, but of course city folk don't realize that.
Anything beyond Smart-cities will become illegal, dangerous, dirty, disease infested. Nature is dangerous. STAY HOME, stay in the city.
This is our future.
Buy a country property now if you have any spare cash. I don't but manage to rent something good once in a while. I drove to my current spot on backroads from Toronto, not going anywhere near the QEW highway. It is a nightmare of trucks, blindspots, speeders and crashes. I add two hours to my journey but actually enjoy it now.
Were you allowed to go there during Covid lockdowns?
It doesn’t have to be. Get on your town or city council and get to work
This is ALL levels of government, in all places in Canada. It's the everything trend.
Straighter, flatter, faster
Safetyists claim this makes things safer, but it's 100% for faster trucking.
Motorcycles have it more difficult, because the straightaways are more prone to sandy dirt getting blown onto the roadway.
Near Sioux Falls, all the way through to Rapid City, and likely before and after but I've never been. Merely the area right around Sioux Falls though, about once a week on Hwy 80, where the speed limit is 80, there's a motorcycle fatality.
The sandy dirt, I suppose they get accustomed to it to where they lose mindfulness. Then one little slightly wrong move of the handlebars and they lose traction and slide out.
If it weren't so flat and straight, the sandy dirt wouldn't be blown onto the road to the same degree.
And harder roads induce more cautious driving. Big lines of sight lull drivers.
So what’s your point Tracy? I am an immigrant professional forester who has worked and lived in small communities in BC for the past 40+ years. I see lots of examples of rural poverty that sadden me, but there are no simple answers. Resource extraction industries do not and cannot guarantee long-term community stability. Neither can any other industry. BTW I live in the BC interior and love it.