Yet again Trish you have articulated so well what I am feeling and thinking. Flashbacks to people banging on pots and pans, pictures of people just after getting their C19 shot with #ThanksPhizer, the frenzied camaraderie which was so dangerous. I am especially disappointed in all elected officials (except Danielle Smith). Sadly, people will "do their part" for a while but then slowly forget and move on with their life. I don't think Canadians have it in them to rise up and see what is really going on and demand answers. I was at your event with Naomi. It was really depressing how even those of us who are awake have no idea how to tackle this. I am sure we have all called our MPs only to be blocked by whomever answers the phone. I do feel defeated and at a loss. Sometimes I wish I wasn't awake because "ignorance is bliss".

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We'll get through it somehow. We need to stick together.

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I was there also, and like Trish, felt completely lost when Naomi asked the audience, “what mechanisms do you guys have to fight back?” (Not an actual quote).

After almost 5 years of “fighting back” in my small way, I am stumped how to make a bigger impact. I don’t think elections are the route. Politicians are very fickle or downright oppressive, like Trudeau and Ardern. I feel like the truckers have voice to so many of us who couldn’t see a way out of the miserable life we’d been living.

So, Grassroots, Baby! That’s what effects change quickly!

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I have rented a church basement and am organizing monthly pot luck dinners for “ a group of friends”. Started at about 30 - last month 65. People are so hungry to be together.

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I love this. Keep going.

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Yes I too miss the days of being in a bit of a bubble as grieving all the lies which seem to be exposed on a daily basis is exhausting. I too find it depressing that we the citizens have no power to break through the party line responses from our elected officials when we question them. A bigger question is who is really running the politicians? I agree with Julius that our parliamentary system is rigged against the citizens having any power to change bad governance.

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I feel like we're effed!

The senate stacked, media bought, people cheering to pay more for food.

Nietzsche wrote about "The Last Man," a time where heroes are destroyed, a sick obedient herd dominates the population. They are metaverse bound perhaps and lack a "Will," are unheroic.

An interesting concept that I have trouble un-seeing in the real.

Anyway, cheers!

Love the midweek episode.

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You knocked this one out of the park Trish!! I mean across two ball fields and into the lake. I have been losing any hope of Canada remaining a country, as they attempt to divide and conquer once again. The propaganda and the puppets come out in droves. “.Team Canada” and the flag waving was beyond my capacity to hold back from bitterly laughing out loud. I too have lost faith in my fellow Canadian’s, even people I know, as they are so easily manipulated. Try as I may there is no way I can convince them that they are being played. They are all in on this “Team Canada” cheer and are out there waving those Canadian flags. Those flags that are now tarnished after the Emergency Act was put on the real patriots of this country by their own Government as these same Canadian’s cheered it on. Just as easily they jumped in on the demonization and othering of the unvaccinated. Now the Government and the majority of politician’s have the absolute hypocrisy to get the propaganda machine out to Jimmy up some “Team Canada” flag waving . Meanwhile demonizing the only intelligent one among them who has proven to be far more of a “Team Canada” player than any of them could possibly pretend to be. Danielle Smith has proven to be right about everything, even their horrendous Covid response. This is why they must demonize her vehemently, as she runs circles around them, making them look like the real fools they truly are. She has proven that the majority of politicians in Ottawa are merely useless feeders, the same with the puppets who continue to climb on board the “Team Canada” train wreck. Thanks for this podcast as it lets me know there is still other intelligent life out there.

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I couldn't agree more Marylou!!

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I am not sure if I believe Trudeau will actually follow through or if he is stalling for Carney.

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Haven't had a chance to listen to your podcasts yet, but you are so on the money, I couldn't have nailed it on the head any better than you. And again Canadians fall for it hook line and sinker. What ever happened to clear heads? Trump is a master at rattling people, that is his stock in trade. And what did Canadians do, blamed Trump instead of Trudeau, who is the true author of most of our woes. Wonderful! And 'polite' Canadians, what do we do... boo the American national anthem at a hockey game of all places. Really? Are they all that stupid that they can't see the forest for the trees. Like you, I am not all in for Trump, but this isTDS that Trudeau absolutely depended on he got. Critical thinking gone again.

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Absolutely RIGHT! Talk to Sam, he's got enough intel to prove we're under communist rule, at least in BC!

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Not just BC…

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Another unsettling conversation. Had it occurred 5 years ago, I would have described it as yet another preposterous conspiracy rant. After Covid I can longer discount the degree of coercion and manipulation emanating from the PMO. Trish makes a cogent point about the tariffs becoming the lever for more "greater good" policies. The potential for Liberal electoral success with a bait and switch to Mark Carnage terrifies me.

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"We build our institutions to solve the problems of our era". And then those institutions become corrupt and cause another set of problems.

Checks and balances are absolutely required. Evolutionary Theory would tell us that when ever you create an ecological notch there it will be filled. So we had a problem in the 1930's with people not being able to afford health care, so we created Medicare. 90 years later, we have the Health Care Deep State that is completely immersed in Big Pharma and a whole massive corrupt Bureaucracy that supports Medicare, and our Health Care system is quickly going down the toilet.

Do I want to go the American System no, but we absolutely have to reform our system.

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"We don't have any boundaries that define what the various levels of government are supposed to do."

Exactly, boundaries are borders. We have skin on our bodies to keep us inside, and everything else outside. One of the things I have observed is that governments are taking on issues that are none of their business. So city hall is worried about conversion therapy and ensuring that the library is where "Drag Queen Story Hour" happens. I thought City Hall was supposed to worry about roads, sewers, and street lights. The same is true for every other level of government getting involved in things that are not their concern. Even worse, when they do this, they end up making fools of themselves.

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And activists bureaucrats.

Do your job and do whatever the government (whether left, right, center or a coalition) tells you what to do.

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How many times can they say the sky is falling before people wake. We need a election now not three four months out.

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For daily quick recaps have a look at Moose on the Loose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__XKFtSm_CU

CBC is dead in the water until they get back to the 'old days' that I, like you, remember well.

I have been MSM Radio Silent ( and TV ) for many years now.

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Hi Trish - You might want to add Jeff Childers https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/ to your daily reading list.

He is a terrific lawyer, smart, cheeky and has the ability to see what the average person misses.

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Why no diplomacy? The answer may be that MPs and our PM and other elected officials in provinces are not actually representatives or leaders. The real power is elsewhere. The real "laws" are secret. What is a Trudeau or a Joli or a Ford? Actors is probably closest to the truth or operatives for the real sources of power. Consider also the "non-debate" debates in Parliament, which is consistent with this being for show alone.

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Thank you for this excellent analysis Trish. You are right on the money. Unbelievable how easily the masses happily comply with the latest propaganda.

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Love listening to you and Julius. I’m feeling as impotent as I did during the worst of Covid lockdowns. Our government should not be prorogued. Carney should not be advising anyone about anything to do with the US. HE HAS NO AUTHORITY!!! And yet Canadian journalists and sheeple are lapping it all up. Sickening. My prediction and I hope I’m wrong, Carney is installed, declares and emergency and prevents/postpones government from returning to sit indefinitely. And we can do NOTHING. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

This whole thing stinks of having been set up since #TrudeauTheTyrant “resigned”. I absolutely hate out politicians.

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This is COVID 2.0 period. Just another way to scare folks with imaginary crisis.

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