May 9Liked by Trish Wood

Woke up to some good news. At last some sanity within the system- maybe? Seeing Tamara and Chris together brought back the memories of how uplifting and hopeful the Truckers’ convoy meant to so many Canadians. Two average Canadians now allowed to talk to each other in the same room. Unbelievable the government did this to them.

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They were so happy yesterday.

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People. I think for the first time, maybe second, I just blocked someone who isn't debating in good faith but rather is looking to fight and demean people. Frankly I don't have the bandwidth for that right now. I don't mind the occasional dust up on here as long as it is polite and reasonably friendly but I won't have this site taken over by people whose goal is to take cheap shots. He has his own page on which he has not written a word so he has lots of space to take advantage of Substack's free speech policy. Just letting you all know.

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

Such a great way to start my day by watching your interview with Tamara Lich and Chris Barber. At last the alarmist conditions that these two not be able to speak to each other over the past 27 months, without a lawyer present, are over.

Good to point out in your conversation that AstraZeneca is now off the shelves across Europe, and that they have admitted in a UK court that their C-19 jab does cause blood clots. So people were playing Russian roulette with that vaccine too (as is apparent to many).

I'm having another moment where I hear Joni Mitchell singing "Oh Canada" in my ear, from her song A Case Of You:

"On the back of a cartoon coaster

In the blue TV screen light

I drew a map of Canada

Oh Canada"

When Mitchell sings "Oh Canada" in that line, it seems to be with a sense of the nation having lost its way. (I do note Joni Mitchell and I aren't on the same page regarding the pandemic measures etc.) And with the non-stop propaganda coming from our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and mainstream media, living in Canada is like a Biblical Tower of Babel. People across our society don't know how to talk to each other. Specifically, there are the people I can talk to about what is going on. And there are the people I have chit-chat with, and avoid all manner of important topics because they can't handle my "worldview."

I guess there is always hope, as Tamara mentioned in the interview. I need to get some more of that hope. So, I'll take this interview as a sign of hope, and the sunshine outside my window.

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Love JM and that song......

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Bret Weinstein had a great simile using Russian roulette in the context of the C-19 injections:

"Russian roulette is harmless 5 out of 6 times, but it is far from safe."

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

We're sick, very sick. Anyone who still believes in the integrity of the legal industrial complexes is beyond hope. The medical industrial complexes, again, beyond hope. Media, Engineering consent disguising as democracy. The financial or military industrial complexes. There's not much good about getting old "well it does beat the alternative" but if you can keep your memory and not let them gaslight you, you know that society was better, nay, a lot better than now. Yes, we have god like technology and racism and sexism are better but relationships basically suck and family life has succomed to the omnipresent distraction industrial complexes. The phone is a poor substitute for a friend and the fear of strangers and the destruction of childhood have left people less happy than when I was younger, perhaps ever. For the poor and the working class life is one ongoing emergency after another. If "they" percieve you as a threat like the Convoy people, the velvet gloves are off exposing the mailed fist of state violence. Anyway, this was a good news piece so congrats, I'll stop my rant and go for a coffee on this lovely day in the Big smoke where I'm spending the week. Can't believe how good public transit is in Toronto or how busy the streets and highways are...

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

The nonsense that they have endured and are still enduring, for what? Spreading hope, love, and community. Totally a political facade led by Trudeau, Freeland and the rest of the liberals who felt so threatened by such a peaceful loving movement. And yet, we look around today at the protests across our country that started shortly after Oct 7 and not barely a peep.

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Love these two—three!❤️

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

Loved this; the sun is shining in Medicine Hat this morning and 2 people who should have their heads on coins in our future, are finally free to hang out together here. What a world we're living in in Canada these days. Thank you Trish for your support for these 2 and all of us Fringe-y people.

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

I always wonder when I watch this, don't these people (the prosecutors) realize when they use these tools that the same thing might happen to them. They must believe that they will be in power forever.

History shows that using the "Law" as a weapon always comes back to haunt you eventually. Just look at what happened after the French Revolution and Stalinist Russia, where the weapons were turned on the very people who supported using them to get rid of those they did not like.

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

It's more important to them that they win - at any cost. Sociopathic!

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What are they charged with? For the life of me I can see what they did that was against the law. Now 2 years and 3 months later why is this trial not over already?

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

It's called "Lawfare"! Surely you don't believe that there's a justice system in Canada, surely. Our society is based on stories "a blind faith in what we were indoctrinated in"; when the ruling classes percieve you as a threat, they will crush you. Two decent working people and millions spent on their "mischief". Likely, the time and money spent on this is unprecedented in the history of the country.

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I agree this is lawfare.

I am wondering when someone around this case is going to talk about the legal issues and how they plan to fight them. A 'people's' win on this will be very valuable -both for the left wing movements and the right wing movements - that if they could extract their heads from their asses - would see they're fight is the same.

I hold out more hope that the right can do that than the left - but I also fear many right voices' progressive utterances are just to fool downtrodden working people into supporting a populist fascist spouting FDR-esque ideas.

Best, :)


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Liberals padding the justice system with crazy liberal judges who will do their bidding.

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

Well that definitely lifted my spirits! ❤️ There is always hope. 🙏

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood


Convoy 2024 Ottawa

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

HONK HONK (from Europe)

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

Until the gov't crumbles we will not hear the truth. Start writing more books ❤️

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Awesome! Cant wait to watch.

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

🥹 I really needed this today, so good to see them together smiling. Thank you Trish 💜

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May 9Liked by Trish Wood

The government "narrative" is crumbling.


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Yes, I knew about this clip. His position is that the protests are dangerous because they will stop the ability of American to wage war at the drop of a hat. When legacy media and all the powerful people are speaking from the same songbook -- it is time to worry.

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The Palestinian protestors aren't being arrested because there is no health emergency regulations and there is no Emergencies Act - because the Federal Court ruled it was illegal.

Try unity.

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