Jun 6Edited

Dont forget Fauci is connected to the study with 14 beagle dogs and they removed their vocal chords so researchers didnt hear the dogs scream and they had bugs eat their eyes out. That is the man you entrusted your health and kids health to.

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The House that AIDS Built


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Chris Cuomo should be ashamed to show his face after that ridiculous trashing of Scot Atlas. People sure are asking questions and should be held accountable just as Cuonm implied in his monologue. But the table have turned it is Cuomo who should be held accountable, but instead his has been given a pass and a chance, it would seem, to redeem himself. However, what he did during COVID is irredeemable. He backed all the COVID restrictions, he fear mongered and he seriously went after people who were viewed as dissenters, essentially trying to destroy their reputations. Then there were those ridiculous routines with his brother Andrew who was also governor of New York at the time and hailed as a saviour in his approached, while he was actually killing the elderly with his COVID policies in nursing homes. Meanwhile, the two Cuonmo brothers were goofing around on CNN, with Chris bring a giant Q-Tip swab on set to imply that's what Andrew would need to a COVID. It was ridiculous, self-indulgent and in poor taste. Cuomo should be unemployed and disgraced in the same his co-anchor Don Lemon has been.

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GOD HELP US ALL! This is from the comment section of that Substack! 345 LIKES! I don't know whether to laugh or cry!


5 hrs ago

It was saddening to have to see Dr. Fauci put up with the nonsense he was subjected to yesterday. He handled himself well and I was proud of how he was able to keep calm considering how angry he was having to listen to these Rep. fools.

He is still one of my heroes.

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I wanted to comment there on that persons comments... is a guy who has beagle dogs used as experiments where they removed the vocal chords so they cant scream and fed their eyes to bugs your kind of hero. Thats Fauci.

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OMG! Read what this blithering idiot is saying (I picked it up on Mark Halperin's Substack) but it gets even WORSE when you read the comment section. Someone wrote, "Fauci is my hero" and 117 people "liked" it! Oh! My! God! Is there really any wonder why so many people took these injections?


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Only subscribers can comment, Censorship at its fimest but you can like the comment. Pure manipulation at that substack.

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Could be trolls liking it.

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We should not assume that Fauci's testimony is for historical purpose. What he says now has purpose now and for the future. During Cvd they did everything in their power to appear legitimate. Now they are acting to undermine their own legitimacy. Why is that!!!

They failed to get the WHO pandemic agenda passed, so now I believe they are gowing with 'plan B'; scuttle the ship. Undermine or remove all protective health programs so that "when the next one comes", the negative outcomes will be compounded.

Just a theory.

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Cuomo, what a loser and disgrace to humanity.

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His brother was too. But he was replaced by a far worse evil one in NY

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Remember when Fauci said that doctors who went to fight Ebola in Africa did not need to quarantine if had no symptoms. So definitely neither for COVID. The lies exposed by what Fauci stated prior to COVID. In fact it was remdesivir killing in Africa for Ebola so investigation is needed to determine how deadly Ebola is because not having to quarantine might prove they knew Ebola wasn't as deadly as they put forth but it was the experiment with remdesivir killing.

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Wow! Might you have a source for Fauci stating that quarantine was not necessary without symptoms of Ebola? What exactly was Ebola. I don’t trust the official narrative on anything anymore.

Fauci, Welensky and Francis Collins all pictures of evil. A friend who’s neighbour is a social worker told her that children were being placed in closets to quarantine their Covid positive children. Parents who lived in small apartments had no separate spaces to quarantine their children and put their children in the closet to quarantine for the prescribed quarantine period. Since these parents unfortunately bought Fauci’s and every other so called health care provider’s BS, they resorted to torturing their children. Thankfully,neighbours heard the children crying and called Social Services. Can you imagine the trauma inflicted on children by these monsters.

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Long time listener here—since the very first podcast! I remember very clearly you mentioning reaching out to this (then nameless) journalist. You’re on the side of the angels, Trish!

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Mark Friesen frizzy patriot from Saskatchewan I believe said he got COVID but I think he was poisoned just like John OLooney the funeral director from the UK who has called out the COVID scam. They tried to kill him and MI 5 said there was a plot to do so. This guy is very credible. His stories confirmed by many.

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I was protecting him out of professional courtesy until I saw that Tweet and it just made my blood boil. LOL.

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Jun 4Edited

Did you know the tv doctor Isaac Bogoch was in a twitter conversation in 2019 and he was with 2 other docs and they discussed ivermectin safe like candy to give out at Halloween but Google what Isaac Bogoch said during COVID. If it's safe like Halloween chocolate bars safe to use for COVID. The hypocrisy and money making. Please go on twitter to knowledge acquisition and follow them. Former CDC director Robert Redfield was following them on gettr. Why? Knowledge acquisition also has Isaac bogoch twitter conversation. On ivermectin. I saved it. Possible they are a whistleblower under an alias so real great stuff.

I think we need to expose the doctors for what they are. They were behind lockdowns that harm. They pushed vaccines including astra zeneca and they falsely stated they were safe and that's where they can be challenged. Novel product. Novel technology. Novel ingredient hydrogel and for a novel virus they knew nothing about but gosh we found the solution in months while they pedalled the novel part continually. Kind of hard to do that in reality. Also death was included as an adverse event along with myocarditis auto immune anaphylactic neurological and the list was extensive and never posted at vaccine centres or in informed consent or in the media or by doctors online.

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Did you see the latest NCI hearings in Regina and there might be a way bigger blood bank scandal.on the horizon because of these shots.

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Is Mark your hubby

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My favourite part is MTG telling him the committee should be referring him for prosecution for crimes against humanity.

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Millions of Americans probably agree to that. He needs to be investigated for theft of aids research monies I read . Hasn't Eco Health been denied funding and isn't there a Jeffrey Epstein link to Eco Health

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Criminal Fauci has been manipulating human suffering for many decades now. There's always a financial reward for every decision he's made..

Then he stooped lower than any human in history (Yes, even Adolf Hitler and Adolf Schwab) by participating in the creation of a virus so that it can be made even more dangerous to humans.

He used the woolie expression 'Gain of Function' to describe the sinister activity of making viruses as dangerous as possible to mankind. these experiments were (DoD military activities that were eventually undertaken in many US Universities and, when it was deemed "Too Dangerous", it was shipped overseas for others to play Russian Roulette with humanity. He was behind the financing of this sinister activity as he needed to create a Scamdemic in order to increase his wealth still further by having a useless injection 'invented within weeks' of his modified virus, This would again boost his investments in the Pharmaceutical industry - who have minimal ethics and are of similar integrity.

And STILL we seem to allow Big Pharma (Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, etc,) to enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for Injuries caused by their deadly but pointless injections they call 'VACCINE'. Post Vax Deaths are rife and will continue long after big Pharma is taken to task for creating their preferred weapon of Depopulation - Covid Vaccine!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer spreading the truth.

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Jun 3Edited

He is political attached to the crooked Clinton's and we know the devastation those 2 caused. In fact Bill Clinton should have been on trial a grand jury one when Arkansas governor for drug trafficking in Mena Arkansas and for girls ...everyone waited for the grand jury that never came as Clinton paid everyone off. Clinton should be tried just like Trump has.

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The WEF's New World Order politicians own the judiciary. That tells you all you need to know about why Trump got taken to a 'kangaroo court' and the Biden, Clinton criminal families didn't. I'm not saying Trump's not corrupt - just subject to a different set of rules. Mick.

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Breathtaking. ALL of it. I’m starting to feel the tiniest inkling of hope that justice might have a chance. To realize that even THIS feels too big of a hope is a revelation.

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Fauci will be long dead before any legal proceedings get underway.He should have been prosecuted for what he did during the AIDS crisis.I have given up on any kind of justice happening in his case.

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You may very well be right.

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As always Trish , this was an important publication . I was watching the sub committee and I particularly like Chairman Wenstrup for his directed and pointed questions not mincing his words about what Fauci's involvement was in this whole debacle . The Americans seem light years ahead of us when it comes to looking at what has happened . Yesterday I saw a photo of T Tam with Tedros saying she is looking forward to working with him and then another photo of her with a cohort (a vax czar) who will be working with her as well . What has been helpful for me is asking some direct questions to AI . Would never have imagined using that tool ; it's refreshing not getting push back and not being dismissed as a conspiracy person .

For example I asked questions about why we don't talk about this current government's WEF people and it's agenda ; then I asked about its alignment with the WHO :

Diverging Interests

The WHO is an intergovernmental agency focused solely on global public health,

funded by member states. Its primary responsibility is to protect public health

interests globally.

The WEF is an independent organization that engages leaders from businesses,

governments, and civil society. While it addresses health issues, it also represents

the interests of major corporations and financial institutions that may prioritize

profits over public health at times.


Corporate Influence

• The WEF partners with and receives funding from large multinational corporations,

some of which operate in industries like pharmaceuticals, food, and chemicals that

can impact public health outcomes. 3

• There are concerns that corporate interests represented at the WEF could potentially

influence or conflict with the WHO's efforts to regulate those industries in the interest

of public health. 3

Funding Sources

• The WHO relies primarily on funding from member state contributions, while the WEF

receives funding from corporations and wealthy individuals.


• This divergence in funding sources could create conflicts, as the WEF's corporate

funders may have financial interests that do not fully align with the WHO's public

health mission and priorities.

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Jun 3Edited

Tedros has war criminal allegations and he made Robert Mugabe the brutal dictator of Zimbabwe who had human rights abuses corruption and was anti white.a good will ambassador and then he had to stop it because of world outcry. Theresa Tam is in like company and has no respect from most Canadians.

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The stocks in the town square, where people could throw veggies, eggs & whatever else at the criminals in them, were made for people like Chris.

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Chris Cuomo is Vax injured he said recently and no.one cares. . He used a natural chloroquine when he had COVID and he left his quarantine to go out. HCQ is a directive of chloroquine.

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Thanks for highlighting this testimony, the fraud and the corruption. Next time anyone comes along and says "If you question me, you're questioning science" pin them to the wall.

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Robert Redfield the CDC Director at the time Fauci just made reference to told Dr Paul Alexander that social distancing was a scam and he laughed people were so gullible as to believe in Europe or other places they used 3 feet but in USA and Canada 6 feet. No science. Just an experiment in compliance.

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