Thanks for this interview. I was one of the 14 milllion but your input underlines how shocking it is.

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Tickets are done. Thanks to all who posted for Lincoln. And congrats to the winners. Also thanks to Shaun Newman who got me the tickets to give away. Great chap!

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I wish more young people could see the hypocrisy of their elected officials. I think it would definitely get more young people interested in politics and voting.

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I dunno but I didn’t shoot no deputy!!!

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Hey Trish, is there going to be a video of the interview with Dr. Kan? Thanks

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Just posted now on this site.

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How dare this plebian do something so egregious! To attempt to ask a relevant question of one of his overlords? The nerve of it! Does he not know that Ms. Freeland has more important Canadians to pretend to care about?

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Thanks to Lincoln for that stark insight into the tactics of a complicit RCMP. The officer in question looked more like a bullying thug with a badge. I am frankly surprised that no one in that security detail had the wherewithal to grasp the optics of the situation. Perhaps because the rules of engagement relative to Rebel News were set well in advance.

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Great interview. So neat to see you discussing these topics with somebody from the younger generation -- somebody who is putting his own neck on the line.

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I could listen to you for hours, Trish. I love your well reasoned and compassionate take on, well, seemingly everything. I also really appreciate you drawing attention to the camera operator. Having worked in TV with dozens of shooters, I have so much respect for what Lincoln did. It's so great that you took the time to shine a spotlight on him and all those intrepid truthtellers behind the scenes.

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I was trying to remember where I saw your name, but then it came to me.

Hope that you don't mind me saying so, but thanks for your work with the NCI.

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Thank you,, Martin.

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He is so adorable. Lovely kid.

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Bravo to Lincoln! love how he caught Freeland's smirk... says it all. We need more young people like him.

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"We live in an accountability-free zone." Exactly! Important podcast. Thanks

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Thank heavens for the cameramen! They remember to keep things rolling when things get tense!

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Being some what older I often talk about the change in the RCMP approach to the public. There as a time when the RCMP were actually part of the community yes i know shocking statement but true enough but in the later part of 1979 it started top change to the US verses Them approach and by later 1980 it was full on. The approach of the RCMP became more about quotas and revenue enforcement. They were not very good at solving crime and if you cant solve it just pick someone and fabricate the evidence if all else fails.

I am not saying that all are bad but the vast majority are. Before moving to the farm we lived in a village and it was costing $27000 a year for the RCMP to support our community the only time we actually saw them in the village was then a local bike club would hold their yearly fund raiser beer garden and live band.

The local hotel got broke into the owner resided on the second level and was chasing the thieves down the highway while one his phone the RCMP demanded he stop his pursuit or be charged with interference. The RCMP never did apprehend the thieves way easier to bully the tax payer.

The RCMP is not far to corrupt to stay viable. Some provinces are looking at their own provincial police such a Alberta and Saskatchewan. Ontario already has provincial police but witnessing the action of the OPP they are equally as corrupt and the RCMP.

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Love Lincoln. He’s an amazing team member of Rebel.

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Christia Freeland is showing the world how tyrannical the Government of Canada has become and how freedom of the press, that was once of great importance to maintain any democracy, is no longer tolerated in this country. Having her RCMP Security Team arrest David Menzies for daring to ask the pertinent questions has proven to Canadian's and the world, just how far this country has fallen. All captured on video, in real time, by Lincoln. Twas a story told due to his great ability to "follow" the story. Excellent work.

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I think he is a good actor - too good. Even though I know what he is up to here, he still manages to pull up incredible anxiety in me. I can barely watch it.

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