Hey Trish! What a time to be on holiday. I am also up at the lake with only minimal info apart from Substack and X.

I think other questions to ask are who paid the shooter? Why didn’t the SS get Trump away faster? Why wasn’t there an SS sniper on that roof?

Hilary must be spitting venom.

I’ve never been a fan of Trump but given the lies and propaganda coming from the democrats, I don’t know how anyone could not vote for him now.

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Remarkable times.....that photo is incredible.

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Trump knows how to seize the moment.

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You should be a fan now, and if you’re not then step aside!

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Step aside? What are you talking about? I made an observation, I said nothing either supportive nor critical. 🙄

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It is not a surprise that an assassination attempt on Trump was made. This was the next logical thing that these radical lunatics would try after failing to put him in jail with their lawfair. My concern is now that they failed to kill him and his security detail will be tightened up after this, what is next? I see the writing on the wall as they have been setting the board for there next few moves.

1, Bird flu, to attempt to lock down and steel the election.

2, WW3, and millions of people killed.

I don't put either of these things past the cabal attempting to steal this world.

Eyes wide open,

Thank you Trish for being a calming and reasoned voice through all the noise.

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Your welcome.....somewhat easier to be calm out here by the lake :)

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You are welcome Trish.


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I think you're off the beam re your prediction of WW3. Everyone AND I MEAN EVERYONE knows that a nuclear exchange means the END OF LIFE on earth. These people -- high echelon or low -- are NOT stupid. Please stop scaring the children!

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I hope I am wrong.

I am just watching the provocation in Ukraine, makes me think these phsyco's want a nuclear exchange with Russia. They want an excuse to wipe Russia and all the BRICS nations off the map. There is no restraint being shown.

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That's silly. A nuclear attack in this decade would still focus on cities, like the Japan nuclear punishments. Life on Earth would continue.

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You don’t think they really care do you?

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I 100% fail to understand what you're saying.

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You obviously have NO IDEA of the scale of devastation that would occur. I read recently something to the effect that FIVE HOURS of nuclear exchange would set civilization back to beyond the stone age. The "Life on Earth" would resemble the ruins of ancient civilizations. Have you not heard of winds, global weather systems -- all carrying and distributing radioactive contamination?

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You're imagining maximal nuclear output on both sides. That's utterly silly and unrealistic.

If course we COULD destroy the entire ball of Earth, but this is unrelated to the type of warfare we're looking at. You're just fear-mongering.

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And how do you know what kind of warfare is being contemplated? You DON'T. You're young and very naive.

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"How do you know both sides would go after each side with maximal power".

See, you just don't.

You're just fear-mongering.

I'm against all thing nuclear, I wish all nuclear was outright banned.

But that's not happening g. Dear-mongering is never a useful attitude.

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Tracy with due respect -- Chernobyl would have wiped out Europe due to radiation blowing about if they hadn't got it under control. Radiation and fire don't stop at the city limits. https://www.sciencealert.com/video-explains-how-far-away-would-you-need-to-be-to-survive-a-nuclear-blast-2

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Chernobyl wasn't an attack tho. A meltdown is a different thing. These political fools aren't interested in mutual annihilation, they're interested in power. Power needs people.

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I was happy to see this video report from you today as I was hoping to hear your opinion on this historic event. One doesn't have to like Trump to hate that this happened to him or to understand why so many support him.

On another note, I understand that the man who lost his life at this event was a firefighter who shielded and protected his family members from harm. I pray for his family during this traumatic time.

I hope we'll learn the truth, but I'm cynical we won't.


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It may impossible to know what was going on inside the shooter's mind, as he's "conveniently" not with us anymore. If powerful Democrats were involved, we may never know because the "patsy" has been silenced. You are right, Trish, the assassination attempt against Trump has some eerie parallels to JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald, especially in Oswald's assassination to silence him.

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The more I hear about this ,the more it looks like this was planned by the usual suspects. The snipers taking this guy out only after he took it shots is extremely suspicious!

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Great cottage look, Trish! Great 15 minute update from you!

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Have you seen the clip of the rally attendee letting the press know what he thinks about them after the attempted assassination?

He points at everyone one of them and says: you are to blame! And you! ...you are to blame too!...

And so on down the line of reporters...he tells everyone of them they are complacent, it was very visceral, and also very moving for me personally.

Of course, (as far as the viewer could hear anyway) not a word of rebuttal from the press box...

I believe they have shut their moral compasses off in order to receive a pay cheque.


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I would love to see it. Send it if you can. info@trishwoodpodcast.com

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Link please?


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I don't know if you need to be on Telegram in order to watch it, but here is the link from Laura Aboli's channel where I watched it.

Not very techy, so forgive me if this doesn't work.

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Thanks. I have an account. Will check it out.

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Hadn't seen it. Thanks, it worked when I clicked.

He sounds exactly like I felt yesterday after no sleep, and being triggered by a current event.

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About 20 years ago, I lived in Japan for a few years. I worked at a small Tokyo-based company that was started by a former US Marine, who had been stationed in Japan since the 1950s or 1960s. The company president was purportedly Lee Harvey Oswald's commanding officer when they were both stationed in Atsugi. (You should dig into what was going on there.) During a bonenkai (year end) party, when the company president was well liquored up, he blurted out that when he knew Oswald, Oswald was not a good shooter. As long as I still have my mind, I'll never forget that moment. You never know who you will meet in life.

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Wow.... you never can tell.

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"Let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes, wait, wait, wait, fight! fight' fight!"

Spur of the moment classic! So much more awake than Biden!

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Trump is definitely male. Maybe that's why so many Dems hate him.

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Thank you, Trish. I appreciate that you took time out of your holiday to comment on the happenings with the Trump assassination attempt. I appreciate your calm, rational take. By the way, Have you ever noticed Trudeau's security detail? How many women does he have on team? In all the videos I've seen, it's wall-to-wall tough guys.

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It is odd that they seemed to be mostly women. No one can say Trump is a woman-hater if he agreed to this security detail. I'd want the biggest, toughest Navy SEALS I could get.

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As an atheist, communist, feminist, anti-gender wooo, pro-Palestine Canadian whose never voted for the Lib-Con-NDP uni-party, I was shocked, tho not surprised.

But when I saw the fist pump video, I felt galvanized. I've had that look on my face on occasion!

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atheist, communist, feminist, anti-gender woo woo, Pro Palestinians are the best!

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The outrage over this crosses all lines as it should.

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I personally wish we would stop identifying people with labels. We are all just people who seek freedom and happiness. It doesn't matter our gender or who devoted for or who we have sex with. Ithink all these labels create more divisions not unity.

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I don't have a gender identity, I have a sex, and sex is a biological category. Male pattern violence and the last 10,000 years of history prove fairly definitively that women and girls need our own protected spaces, and that means that we need to accurately label people as either male or female. Those particular labels are necessary to protect women from male exploitation and male pattern violence.

There are some situations in which it indeed does not matter whether your SEX is male or female, but there are others where it matters a great deal. Try conceiving a child with someone of your own biological sex and see how that works out for you.

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You require a label and a corresponding group in order to claim victimhood. The more the better.

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It's a sign of insecurity and lack of confidence. I wish them well on their journey to discover who they really are inside without needing to prove anything to anyone.

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I read a speculation that Democrats will plan to eliminate Biden the same way and blame the assassination on Trump followers. It is a frightening thought that never would have occurred to me. I hope the Secret Service does a better job of keeping both candidates safe.

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And Robert Kennedy Jr. is still not protected by the Secret Service.

Might be the fortunate son. (He has a private security detail.)

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I think he's safer with his own, unfortunately a huge drain on campaign finances.

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DJT requested Secret Service protection for his opponent.

RFK Jr. received it today.

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Thank you for letting me know. I still think he would be wise to keep someone he trusts completely.

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Let this not be true

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It is obvious that the SS was involved because they allowed the gunman access to the roof. They are not that incompetent. So we have to ask was this a warning to Trump or possibly a true attempt on his life.

Biden’s telling supporters that they need to put Trump in a Bullseye, sounds like a coded order to take him out.

I think by now we should understand that the entire government is controlled by the deep state and that includes the media. Trump is risking his life. And his family by running.

Remember Brian Kemp, governor of Georgia? During the 2020 presidential election, his daughter’s fiancé’s car blew up on the freeway. A warning to Kemp to not recount the votes or investigate the fraud.

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I would believe anything at this point.

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Thank you Trish for having the courage to speak

your mind about this critically important

narrative! We need honest journalists like

yourself to shine the light of truth on

current events, as they unfold. Clearly we

can no longer trust anything legacy media in

the West, has to say about anything! Legacy

media for decades has been co-opted by the

power elites to promote their self-serving

agendas, at the expense of the citizens.

I listened to a resident in a Pennsylvania who

listened to Trump’s speech from his property

nearby the venue, which also happened to

be next to the building of the roof where the

shooter was located. This resident watched

the shooter climb onto the roof with his rifle

strapped to his body. The resident tried in

vain to alert police and Secret Service who

we’re on the ground, as to the location of the

shooter, and his pleas were ignored. Others

in the crowd nearer the stage saw the shooter

on the roof, attempted to get the attention

of police and Secret Service to alert them to

the shooter on the roof, their pleas were also

ignored! One has to wonder how so many

lapses in Trump’s Security Detail could have

occurred in this manner. One need not be a

Conspiracy Theorist, to know something is

very wrong here, about how all this unfolded!

I am an American in my 60’s, and don’t ever

remember the extreme polarization and

divisiveness that now exists here. It is most

unsettling to see the direction things are

going in the U.S., and to know this is all

being manipulated from the shadows to

fulfill an agenda having nothing to do with

the good of the country or its people! This

is very troubling indeed!

Thank you for bringing our attention to this

nightmare that is continuing to unfold. The

dirty tricks and underhanded machinations

of those who control the power in this

country, has no upper limit as to what they

would be willing to pull, to retain their

control over all of us. We need voices of

reason like yours, to keep us focused on the

things that really matter, and ignore the

well choreographed dog and pony show

that is rolled out, to distract us from what is

really important! You are doing an excellent

job keeping us all well informed about current

events, please keep up the good work. In these

chalk times, it is the courageous voices of

independent investigative journalists like

yourself, that keep us all focused on what

is really important! Thank you for all your

tireless efforts , in our behalf, they are

greatly appreciated by us all!!!

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Most kind of you....I can't help myself....It's in the DNA now.

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Thank god it’s ingrained in your DNA!

I like many others in my country , are

fed up with this orchestrated circus

that’s rolled out, every time an

event of this tragic magnitude

occurs. We are being lied to per

usual. Had Donald Trump not

turned his head at the last minute,

rather than grazing his ear, it would

have been a head shot and god

forbid, a fatality. Such an outcome

I am convinced would have resulted

in chaos and a potentially bloody

civil war in this country. Not at all

certain, the U.S. would recover from

anything like that.

When you get back from your break

away, consider having Larry C.

Johnson on your podcast as a guest.

He was a CIA Analyst for many

years, and is also a licensed and

certified firearms instructor.

He can share some valuable

insights about this nightmare,

which both you and your audience

will find of interest.

You can see some of his posts

about this Assassination attempt

on his website: www.sonar21.com.

He is very knowledgeable, non-

alarmist and I think already has a

good handle on what this is all

about, not at all as legacy media is

portraying it to the public, not

even close!!! It’s quite despicable

that we are lied to so blatantly!!!

Thank you Trish, for always seeking

the truth. We all owe you a debt of

gratitude , for your tireless efforts

in our behalf. Without

extraordinary independent

investigative journalists like you,

WE THE PEOPLE, would be kept

completely in the dark!

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Hello Trish, a good podcast: cogent and coherent. Thanks. However, some people are going to be confused when your talking is converted to print. Why? Because, when you're saying "inciteful" the print version is saying "insightful". Maybe you can fix that. Anyway, I'm just trying to be helpful! :) :)

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I noticed that....:)

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Hi Trish; have fun at the cottage. Love the hat 😍. The ruling classes have always ruled through an indoctrination industrial complexes and the division of the lumpenproletariat plebs. There a fine line where the agitprop becomes so fantastical it loses it mind control. There's another fine line on the division of the population where violence up to and including civil wars happen. IMHO, the ruling classes have pushed the division way too far. If the shooter had been successful; what could have happened in a country, steeped in media driven hate and awash in private firearms I fear to contemplate. History, including recent history has too many examples. Civilization is said to be a kilometer square and a millimeter deep and like them pushing us towards nuclear war; pushing us towards civil violence is a bad game plan. Eat, drink and be merry at the cottage, you know the rest!

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